[PostmansCorner] The Postman's Corner


It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it.
Douglas MacArthur

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It was one of those especially good and lazy days yesterday. Me and the
war department took our few pennies and decided to find a movie at the cheapseat theatre. I refuse to pay the going matinea rate in this town of
6 or 7 bucks ...so we go to one theatre that is $3.50 all seats all shows.
And you can get a pop and popcorn with free refills for only $3.50. That's a
pretty good deal around here. Anyways, I wanted to see "Defiance"
and she wanted to see "Australia". Of course, "Australia" won out and
I'm thinkin, oh great, another chick flick. But it was pretty good actually.
One of the better movies I've seen recently. It was sortof a little romance,
action, western, and everything else all rolled in to one. Had Nichole
Kidman and Hugh Jackman in it and it was a 2 and a half hour movie,
so you definitely got your money's worth out of it. I didn't even fall
asleep one time. Saw the whole thing. Got home and since we hadn't
really made lunch yet, we opted to do the dinner thing right away.
We got out some fries and popped em in the oven and then we made
up some sliders that were absolutely awesome. Yep it was a good day.
Doesn't take a whole lot to please an olde pharte like me. :) But
seriously guys, take your sweetie to see "Australia". She will like it
and so will you.
I was chuckling the other day over a newsreport that said the national unemployment average had passed 7%. Michigan passed that point a
couple years ago. Right now we in this state are at 10% and fast
approaching 11%, the highest rate of unemployment in years. If you
are asking me to believe that Obama's stimulus package is going to
"fix things" (oh I'm sorry, the correct word is "Change" things), I'm sorry
I just can't seem to swallow that one. After appointing Granholm as one
of his major economic advisors, I wonder how much change he
represents. Gov. Granholm has been governor of Michigan for the last 8
years. If you ask me, she certainly has not done much of anything
to make things better in this state, and this is who Obama chooses as an
advisor for the nation? The Bush administration was the first time
anybody ever gave my money back. And while I was grateful for the
stimulus check, I fail to see that the stimulus package of the Bush era
did much more than ultimately raise my taxes. Which is ultimately
the result that Obama's 825 billion dollar stimulus will. Now lets see,
he is saying, "OK folks we are going to borrow a whole bunch of
money for you, andwe are going to give you a little bit of it back,"
but what he is not saying is, "Don't forget you have to pay it ALL back."

Are you happy to see Bush leave?
Is Obama the beginning of something great?
Tell us. Then complete the program requirements for a FREE $500 gift card.

Martin aka the postman


A golfer hits a wicked slice off the tee that ricochets through the trees
and into the next fairway narrowly missing another golfer. When the first golfer
gets to his ball his unintended victim who angrily tells him of the near miss
greets him. "I'm sorry, I didn't have time to yell fore," says the first golfer.
"That's funny" replies the second, "you had plenty of time to yell 'SHIT!'"
During his monthly visit to the corner barbershop,
this fellow asked his barber for any suggestions on
how to treat his increasing baldness. After a brief
pause, the barber leaned over and confided that the
best thing he'd come across was female juices.
 "But you're balder than I am," protested the customer.
 "True," admitted the barber, "but you've gotta admit
I've got one hell of a moustache!"
Humpty Dumpty sat on the bed,
Little Bo Peep was giving him head,
As soon as he came she started to weep,
She knew by the taste he'd been fucking her sheep.
A woman goes into a sporting goods store to buy a rifle.  "It's for
my husband," she tells the clerk.
"Did he tell you what gauge to get?" asked the clerk.
"Are you kidding?" she says. "He doesn't even know that I'm going
to shoot him!"
FUN PAGES from Lorraine
ss Thanks Jimmy
PAPA Thorn
Alien encounters

have a nice day
from: Martin aka the postman

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