[PostmansCorner] The Postman's Corner


Ignorant men don't know what good they hold
in their hands until they've flung it away

the ideal Valentines day gift!
Choose from our 7 verses or write your own and we'll custom
personalize your sentiments. Inscribed on stylish, speckled parchment
paper accented with heart graphics, then delicately rolled and tied
with a red ribbon. Corked securely in the bottle, your message is
ready to set sail! Can be shipped to you or directly to your sweetheart,
inside a lovely white mailing tube.This popular, personalized gift will be
remembered and treasured through the years!

Just scoop, press and cook your way to the burger sensation that's
sweeping the nation! Enjoy delicious burgers without the time and mess
from other methods. Meal time, snack time, every time is the right time
for sliders! And as a limited time offer, you'll receive a Quick
Prep Slicer at no charge.
Get your FREE iRobot(R) Roomba(R) 560 Vacuum today
The new iRobot(R) Roomba(R) 560 Vacuum is stylish & smart but best of all -
you'll never have to vacuum again! An automatic sensor enables the iRobot(R)
Roomba(R) to guide itself around your home! It adjusts itself from carpet to
hard floors and picks up dirt, dust, pet hair and concentrated messes!
Don't wait - Get this new cleaning sensation, a $350 value - FREE today!

FourPointMoms: Earn An Income At Home
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After being displayed in the US and sent back to Italy,
Italy is returning the statue
"David" by Michaelangelo to the US. 

Been a few changes to David since he was in the US


David's proud sponsors were:

We do hope you enjoy today's issue!
Martin aka the postman


At school one day the teacher heard cat noises coming
from the class, and she discovered little Jimmy with a
cat up his jumper.
She said, "Why have you got your cat at school?"
Little Jimmy started crying. "I woke up this morning to
hear the postman tell Mummy 'I'm gonna eat your pussy
At the cinema a man noticed a young woman sitting all by
herself. He was excited to see she had both hands under
her skirt and was playing herself furiously. He moved
to the next seat to her and offered his help.
She welcomed his help, and so the man started playing her
like crazy. When he tired and withdrew his hand, he was surprised to
see her go back to work on herself with both hands.
Wasn't I good enough?" he asked sheepishly.
"Great," she said, "but these crabs are still itching!"
As it gets older, the differential starts slopping, and
the U-joints get worn, causing the drive shaft to go bad.
The transmission won't go into high gear and sometimes
has difficulty getting out of low.
Overdrive is out of the question!
The cylinders get worn and lose compression, making it
hard to climb the slightest incline. When it is climbing
the tappets clatter and ping to the point where one
wonders if the old bus will make it to the top.
The carburetor gets fouled with pollutants and other
matter, making it hard to get started in the morning.
His gas fumes can kill ya!
It is hard to keep the radiator filled because of the
leaking hose. His frame has a big bow in the middle
too. The thermostat goes out, making it difficult to
reach operating temperature. The headlights grow dim,
and the battery needs constant recharging.
His shifter is stuck in the down position which is the
'low position' and ya can't get anywhere that way.
But if the body looks good, we can keep it washed and
polished, giving the impression it can compete with
newer models and make one more trip down the primrose
lane before the head gasket blows.
A wife was berating her husband.
He motioned for her to quiet down saying, 
"Don't unleash the beast in me."
 The wife snickered and replied,
"Unlike a lot of women, 'dear',  I'm not the
least bit afraid of a mouse."
A young woman went to an evening class to improve her
sexual capabilities. When she gets there, she sees an
apple, an orange and a pear hanging on strings from the
ceiling, and a piece of chalk and a black-board. "What
is all this for?" she asked.
The instructor tells her to stand between the hanging
fruit, and she does. "Now," said the instructor, "swing
your hips  to the left and touch the apple, now swing
your hips to the  right and touch the pear, then swing
your hips forward and  touch the orange."  The young
woman starts to rotate her hips, and soon gets a good
rhythm going.  "This is great," she said enthusiastically
"but what is the chalk for?"
"When you've got the hang of the fruit," said the
instructor, "I want  you to stick the chalk up your ass
and  write  `Mississippi' on the black-board twenty times."
Q: What's the difference between a lawyer and an onion?
A: You cry when you cut up an onion.
Q: What's the difference between a lawyer and a liar?
A: The pronunciation.
PAPA Thorn
Hidden kisses
Hot Dog Stand  (naughty alert)

Have a nice day
Martin aka the postman

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