[PostmansCorner] The Postman's Corner


"We Americans were damn tired of being thought of
as dumb, by the rest of the world.  So we went to
the polls in November and removed all doubt."

Now you can own a piece of history! Celebrate the victorious election of our
44th President of the United States, America's first African American Commander,
with the commemorative plate from the American Historic Societyª. The Historic
Victory Plateª is a priceless work of art featuring the triumphant President-Elect
surrounded by the American flag and spectacular fireworks celebration. This first
collectors issue plate celebrates with the inscription "Change Has Come" scripted
in 22K Gold text. The back displays the seal of the American Historic Society
and documents the historic electoral and popular vote totals on Election Day.

Loud 'N Clear, the compact personal sound amplifier, allows you
to listen to low-volume sounds clearly and comfortably.
The Loud 'N Clear listening device is cleverly designed
to look like an expensive cell phone ear piece.
Worried that your baby diapers and baby supplies are running a bit low?
Now you can stop worrying! Stock up on baby diapers, baby supplies and accessories with your FREE $1000 Visa(R) Gift Card!

Congratulations! You have been selected to receive a FREE pair of the hottest
Jessica Simpson designer Shoes to hit the streets

Some of you might remember that I had ear surgery a few weeks ago?
well I went in yesterday to have my hearing test and it had made a big
difference for me. I somehow had gotten a punctured eardrum. The
doc performed a little bit of surgery magic and sealed it up. Now that its
had a chance to heal, the test shows that my hearing has made dramatic
improvments. It may not be perfect, but it certainly much
better than it was.

We do hope you enjoy today's issue!
Martin aka the postman






the japanese baby
idiot stunt



the dedicated rooster
top recipes of 2008

My Dad said to my Mother, "You should go bra-less."
She says, "Do you think my breasts are still perky enough?"
He says, "No, but maybe it'd pull the wrinkles out of
your face."
Eric is sitting at the bar staring morosely into his beer.  Tom walks in,
sits down and asks him what the problem is. "Well" said Eric. "I ran afowl on
one of those awkward questions women ask.  Now I'm in deep trouble at home."
"What kind of question?" asked Tom. "My wife asked me if I would still love her
when she gets old fat and wrinkly." "That's easy" said Tom.  "You just say 'Of
course I will.'" "Yeah" said Eric.  "That's what I did; except I said: 
'Of course I do'."
Two coal miners (Ernie & Rich) were down in the mine working. The noon
whistle blew for lunch and Ernie pulled out a thermos of hot coffee.
Rich looks at it and says, "Say, Ernie, vat you got dere?"
Ernie says, "Dis is a 2 quart termos bottle."
Rich says, "Ya, I have to get me one."
That night Rich goes home, but forgets what it is called. So the next
day they are down in the mine working again and the noon whistle blows for
lunch and Ernie pulls out his thermos of hot coffee. Rich looks at it and says,
"Say, Ernie, vat you got dere?"
Ernie says, "Dis is a 2 quart termos bottle."
Rich says, "Ya, I have to get me one."
That night Rich goes home, but forgets what it is called again. Well Rich
really wants one of these things. So he decides the next day when he asks
he's going to write it down so he remembers what it is.
The next day they are down in the mine working again and the noon whistle
blows for lunch and Ernie pulls out his thermos of hot coffee. Rich looks
at it and says, "Say, Ernie, vat you got dere?"
Well, by this time Ernie's getting pretty upset. Every day Rich asks what
it is and never remembers so he decides to just make up stuff since Rich
isn't going to remember anyway.
So Ernie says, "Dis is a contraceptive."
Rich says, "Ya, I have to get me one." And he writes it down. That night
Rich is in the neighborhood drug store and the pharmacist sees him walking
around and says to him, "Can I help you?"
Rich says, "Ya, I'd like a contraceptive."
And the pharmacist says, "Sure, what size?"
Rich says, "Give me da 2 quart size, I'll be working in da hole all day!"
Three men were hiking through a forest when they came  upon a large
raging, Violent river. Needing to get to the other side, the first
man prayed: 'God, please give me the strength to cross the river.'
Poof! .. God gave him big arms and strong  legs and he was able to
swim across in about 2 hours, having almost  drowned twice.
After witnessing that, the second man prayed:  'God, please give me
strength and the tools to cross the river' 
Poof! .. God gave him a rowboat and strong arms and strong  legs and
he was able to row across in about an hour after almost capsizing once.
Seeing what happened to the first two men,  the third man prayed:
'God, please give me the strength, the tools  and the intelligence to
cross the river'
Poof! .. He was  turned into a woman. She checked the map, hiked one
hundred yards up stream and walked across the bridge.
'If at first you don't succeed, do it the way your wife  told you!'
Little Johnny's neighbors had a baby. Unfortunately, the baby was born
without ears. When the mother and new baby came home from the hospital,
Johnny's family was invited over to see the baby.
Before they left their house, Little Johnny's dad had a talk with him
and explained that the baby had no ears. His dad also told him that if he
so much as mentioned anything about the baby's missing ears or even said
the word 'ears', that he would get the spanking of his life when they came
back home. Little Johnny told  his dad he understood completely.
When Johnny looked in the crib he said, 'What a beautiful baby.' The
mother said, 'Why, thank you, Little Johnny.' Johnny said, 'He has
beautiful little feet and beautiful little hands, cute little nose and
really beautiful eyes. Can he see?' Yes', the mother re plied, 'we are
so thankful; the Doctor said he will have   20/20 vision.' 'That's great,'
said Little Johnny, 'cuz he'd be shit-outta-luck if he needed  glasses
A woman goes to the doctor for her yearly physical.
The nurse starts with certain basic items.
'How much do you weigh?' she asks.
'115,' she says.
The nurse puts her on the scale.
It turns out her weight is 140 (I wish).
The nurse asks, 'Your height?'
'5 foot 8,' she says.
The nurse checks and sees that she only measures 5' 5'.
She then takes her blood pressure
And tells the woman it is very high.
'Of course it's high!' she screams,
'When I came in here I was tall and slender!
Now I'm short and fat!'
Two guys strike up a converation at the local tavern... One guy
says to the other, "Last week I took the first step towards getting
divorced." "Did you see a lawyer yet?" asks the second guy. "No,"
replies the first, "I got married."
PAPA Thorn
Saucy Mona...wait for it...           
Never loses his keys                
Have a nice day
Martin aka the postman

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