[buffalos-adult-chips] Chips For Mon

Adult Adult

Welcome to Buffalosjokes and Thank You for joining us. My
name is Buffalo and I have the watch.

One of the less fonder memories of boot camp was the gas chamber.
It was one of those events that the hazing was as bad as the event
At first there was talk that it might be postponed as it was August in
Chicago and they had rules against certain training on hot days but in
the end it turned out to be in the 80's.

Morning was spent learning how to clean and assemble the filters on
the Mark V gas mask and applying the anti-fog to the mask. We were
warned to pay attention with no talking or else the number of tear
pellets they used would be increased as punnishment. Everybody
thought they were joking and anyhow they used this stuff on hippies
so how bad could it be?

As usual we were laughing about it till it was time to go into the
gas house . I remember the first thought that crosses your mind as the
gas starts to come in is that the masks don't work or you had put
them on wrong because you were getting a little of the smell of the
gas in your mask. The second thought was that hey this stuff isn't
all that bad and the whole deal was mostly hype. You followed the
group around the building several times and you were told to remove
your mask and keep moving shouting Ho Ho Ho while you held your mask
over your head.

You quickly realized that tear gas was nasty stuff and the mask had
been working just fine. Your eyes burned, your lungs felt like they
were on fire, and even your skin burned. Sweat improves the effect
and in the heat we got the full effect. You had been warned
beforehand that when they opened the door if anyone broke and ran
when they opened the door that we would be spending extra time
in there but that thought was the farthest from everyone's mind
when the door came open and everyone broke ranks and headed
for the door. It was slammed shut in our faces and we went back to
walking around in a circle feeling sorry for ourselves and the poor
hippies and hating the Navy. After a couple of laps though it wasn't
all that bad and we were in control when they opened the door
and we walked calmly out. Once out if you didn't rub your eyes
you were back to normal in about five minutes and you stopped
coughing and your skin stopped burning.

We ran into companies that were headed over for their training
later in the day and told them that it was all just hype, everything
they said was just to scare you, and we could have spent an hour
in there.

To those that noted a problem with some of the movies the past
few days, Nancy fixed the problem and we are running the problem
ones again today.

Enjoy the chips.... buffalo


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Short Chips

An enterprising, but bashful sailor finds himself on shore leave in
Korea for his first time. While the rest of the guys are out having a
jolly good time in the red light district of Pusan, our hero just
get up the nerve to ask the local girls how much it costs for a good
time. He sits at his table for a moment watching the girls, and
a get laid plan. One of the local girls approaches him and asks "Wat
you name?" He replies "Rick Venus" She says "Lick Penus?" He
says "Sure
how much?"


A very tired husband came home from the office after a long grueling
to find his wife in her sexiest nightgown waiting for him at the door
with a couple of glasses of wine in hand. She took his briefcase from
him and led him over to the couch where she proceeded to help make him
"more comfortable." "How should we do it tonight, honey?" she cooed in
his ear, "Shall we do 69?" "I don't think so dear. I'm pretty tired.
about 68?" he said. "Huh, 68? What's 68?" she asked, a little puzzled.
"You do me, and I'll owe you one."


A guy's bee farm is hit by a cyclone, sweetening everything in the
county. He goes to a bank for a loan to start anew. The banker loans
him the money. A month later, he's back in the bank, asking for
another loan. "But we just loaned you money to restock," says the
banker. "Yeah, but I had a little bad luck," says the farmer. "I
spent the money on new hives and a choice queen bee from Iowa. The
turned out to be a common whore and took up with a horsefly. Now all
honey tastes like shit and I had to burn the hives."


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Stop Applauding

Things happen...

Unknown wanker

Well trained


Random Chips

Tampax is launching a new ad campaign: "We're Not #1! But We're Way
Up There!

Two hookers were on a street corner. They started discussing
business, and one of the hookers said, "Gonna be a good night, I
smell cock in the air." The other hooker looked at her and
said, "No,
I just burped."

Love is complicated machinery. But sometimes all you need is a good
screw to fix it.

The young hooker reports for her first day at the brothel. The madam
says to her, "Do you have any questions?" The hooker replies, " Yes,
I was wondering how long penises should be sucked?" The madam says,
"The same as the short ones."

What do you see when the Pillsbury Dough Boy bends over?

It has been determined the most used sexual position for married
couples is the doggie position. The husband sits up and begs. The
wife rolls over and plays dead.

How can you tell when a mechanic just had sex?
One of his fingers is clean.

A couple were applying for a marriage license. "Your name?" "Ole
Olson." "And yours?" "Lena Olson." "Any connection?" The bride
blushed. "Only vunce. He yumped me."


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Watermelon Chips

A newlywed couple wake up on the first morning of the their
honeymoon in the Caribbean and decide to take a stroll down
the beach.
On their way they pass a shanty house, and sitting on the
front porch is an overweight woman, stark naked, legs akimbo,
eating a slice of watermelon.
The husband sees this and liking the idea of his new wife
exhibiting her body in public asks her whether she would do
the same. The wife looks at him in disgust and refuses.
The second morning they pass the shanty house again and, sure
enough, the overweight woman is sitting on the porch stark
naked, legs akimbo, eating another slice of watermelon.
Not being put off be his new wife's refusal, the husband inquires of
his wife, "Why don't you go over and ask that woman what it feels
like to sit there naked, letting the air waft over your pussy?"
The wife again refuses.
This continues each morning for two weeks until it is the last day of
the honeymoon. Each morning they would pass by the woman, each
morning the husband would try to persuade his new wife to copy her
and each morning the wife would refuse.
However, it being the last morning the husband gives it one more try
inquires of his wife, "Why don't you go over and ask that woman what
feels like to sit there naked, letting the air waft over your pussy?"
The wife finally gives in, opens the gate of the shanty house and
walks up
to the overweight woman on the front porch. "What does it feel like
to sit
there naked, letting the air waft over your pussy?" she asks
"I don't rightly know, replies the woman, "but it sure keeps the
flies off
of my


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Broken Chips

A woman named Jill stood up at her church's Testimony Meeting one
Sunday morning, took the microphone from one of the church ushers,
and bared her soul to the enrapt congregation:

"I want to tell you about the awful accident that my husband, Jim,
has suffered this past month. He was riding his bike, lost control,
ran off the highway and hit a tree. He was rushed to the hospital,
and could have died, but thank the Lord, all he suffered was a broken

The congregation gasped in horror. The men in the congregation were
obviously uneasy and writhed in their seats. "Jim has been in
terrible pain all month since the accident. He has trouble
breathing. He has trouble swallowing his food. He can hardly lift
anything, he's in so much pain and he has missed work because of it.
He can't lift our children up to hold them and give them the personal
love that they need, worst of all, we can no longer cuddle and have
intimate relations. He is in constant pain, a pain so terrible that
our love life has all but slipped away into oblivion. I would like
to ask you all in the congregation to pray for Jim, and pray for us,
that his broken scrotum will soon heal and be as good as new."

A dull murmur erupted within the congregation as the full impact of
this terrible accident sunk in, and the men in the congregation were
visibly shaken up with the thought that, "there but for the grace of
God go I."

Then, as the murmuring settled down, a lone figure stood up in the
midst of the congregation, worked his way up to the pulpit, obviously
in pain, adjusted the microphone to his liking, then leaned over and
said to the congregation:

"My name is Jim, and I have only one word for my wife, Jill. That
word is:



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Kotex Chips

Subject: Dear Kotex

I recently noticed that the peel-off strip of my panty-liner had a
bunch of
"Kotex Tips for Life" on it. Annoying advice such as:

* Staying active during your period can relieve cramps.
* Avoiding caffeine may help reduce cramps and headaches.
* Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day to keep you hydrated and feeling
* Try Kotex blah blah blah other products...

Obviously the individual behind this was someone who has never
possessed a
functioning set of ovaries. Go ahead and tell a menstruating woman
drinking 6-8 glasses of water will help keep her feeling fresh. Like
we need
more fluid inside our bloated bodies from hell... but go ahead... I
triple-dog-friggin-dare-ya... See what happens and report back. I'll

While you're at it, dump out the coffee at work and re move the
from the vending machine. I garan-friggin-tee that the first
responders will
be females who just ovulated.

Staying active will relieve headaches & cramps...well guess what, the
activities that interest me are eating..sleeping..bitching.. or
crying for
no apparent reason... and oh... does ripping someone's head off count
as a
friggin' activity?????

Look, females don't need or want tips for living on their feminine
products. Younger girls are already hearing "helpful" crap like that
elderly relatives. Veteran females have concocted their own recipes
survival, many containing alcohol & barbituates.

Printing out crappy advice while sneaking in ads for the brand that
already purchased is just plain annoying, not to mention rude, and is
to send a consumers running to the Always brand.

It's not a fun time, but DO NOT try to cheer us up by adding smiley
faces or
bunnies or flowery cutesy crap to your products or packaging. Put the
in a plain brown wrapper so we can throw it in our carts discreetly
and have
it blend in among the wine and beer.

There is nothing more annoying than having a blinding pink package
announcing your uterine state to everyone in the store. Why don't ya
add an in-store microphone to the damn package to announce that...
another female in the store is on the rag!!!!!

So take your tips for living and your cute bunnies & smiley faces and
them right up your ass.

P.S. How about adding a free sample of Pamprin & maybe a shot of
Bourbon to
your packages instead!!!


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Doctor Chips

The medics rush Mr. Steinberg to the hospital in the middle of the
night, apparently with a massive heart attack. The doctors work on
him all night and morning and finally discharge him to ICU, where
therapy continues. In a couple of days Mr. Steinberg's physician
comes into his room and says, "Sol, I'm happy to tell you that you
are completely well. You have the heart function that you did when
you were a fifteen-year-old lad. We're going to send you home
tomorrow. You don't have to worry about your heart; do any physical
exercise that you like." Mr. Steinberg goes home and that evening is
talking with his wife. "Doris, you'll never believe it: I'm
completely well. I have no worries with my heart. Tonight, Darling,
you and I are going to make love like you've never had before, wild,
passionate sex....you'll love it!" Doris thinks for a minute and
says, "I don't know, Sol. I've heard about active sex and heart
conditions. I don't want it to be on my head if you croak while we
are making love. Maybe, just maybe, if your doctor wrote a note to me
saying that everything was OK... maybe I would have such sex with
you...." Mr. Steinberg was dejected, but the next day he was in his
doctor's office; his doctor tells him, "Sure, sure, Sol, no problem,
I'll write the note. Let's see, here's my prescription pad: 'Mr. Sol
Steinberg, a patient of mine, has the heart function of a fifteen-
year-old lad and can have mad, passionate, adventurous sex any time
that he so desires, signed, Dr. Aaron Katz". Now, I'll just address
this.......By the way, Sol, what's your wife's first name?" "Uh,
Doctor, could you just make that, 'To Whom It May Concern?"


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Movie Chips

Candid Camera Africa

Clean Your Glasses

Dimitri The Stud

DNA Test


Ernest Borgnines Tip For A Long Life

Finish Jackie

Flirting Garbage men

Football Season

Lucky 2

Lucky 3

Lucky 4

Magic 1320


Heaven Chips

Hugh Hefner and Heather Locklear die and go to heaven. They are
by St. Peter who says to Hugh, "You have corrupted the lives of many
and boys alike with your pornography. You have only one chance to get
into the kingdom of God, you must walk down that tunnel without even
unclean thought. If you do, a trap door will open up under you and you
will fall into hell where you will cry and gnash your teeth." Hugh
decides that this will be easy for the tunnel is only 100 feet long.
he begins down the tunnel with St. Peter following behind. About half
way down the tunnel St. Peter leans over towards Hugh and
yells "Tits!!"
and a trap door opens and Hugh falls down into Hell. St. Peter then
to Heather Locklear and says, "You have corrupted the lives of many
and boys alike with your sexy looks. You have only one chance to get
into the kingdom of God, you must walk down that tunnel without even
unclean thought. If you do, a trap door will open up under you and you
will fall into hell where you will cry and gnash your teeth." They
there long trek down the tunnel. About half way down St. Peter leans
over towards Heather and a trap door opens and St. Peter falls down


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Toon Chips

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no honey

job responsibility



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Limerick Chips

The chamber maid blushed a bright red
It must have been something I said
I quipped, "You look hot
And I like you a lot
So please do not turn down my bed"
(Gary Hallock)

"I have never been screwed," the maid said,
"But I do enjoy giving men head."
First she went down on me,
Then I screwed her with glee.
I got two things in one: maidenhead.

I was horny, said, "Let's go to town!"
Then said, "Lie on your back." She did frown.
She replied, "Me on top,
And I'll screw 'til we drop.
It's a thing I won't take lying down."

The maid was quite hot; I adored 'er.
Her bod I explored while I scored 'er.
I remember the night
That was filled with delight.
For me, it was just maid to order.

I enjoyed many times getting laid,
And I'm glad that the housekeeper stayed.
'Bout that night I reflect,
And as you might suspect,
I admit that I did have it maid.

All night long 'gainst my body she pressed
Without stopping. I got little rest.
When I left the next day,
"Come again!" she did say.
The maid service I got was the best.
(Kirk Miller)


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Parting Chips

Jim Morrison is in one corner of a hotel with the rest of his band.
In another corner are John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison
and Ringo Starr - and all are naked! A beautiful woman walks in,
drops to her knees in front of Jim Morrison and begins to play the
pink oboe. She swallows nicely then starts on his guitarist, then
drummer, and then the keyboard player. When she is finished, she
licks her lips and wanders over to John Lennon and begins to do the
same to him. At that moment, there's a huge crash and Robert De Nero
smashes through a wall in a Mini-Cooper. He jumps out, grabs her by
the scruff of the neck and shouts, "You bloody fool, you're only
supposed to blow the Doors off!"


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Bonus Chip

Two middle-aged couples go on a camping trip. The men stay in one
tent and the women stay in the other.
At about two in the morning one man wakes up and says, "Oh my
The other guy wakes up and asks, "What's wrong?"
The man says, "I gotta go find my wife, I just woke up with the
biggest erection I've ever had!!!"
"Want me to come with you?" asks the other guy.
"Why would you do that?"
"Because you're holding my dick."




Katie's Komfort Kolumn - Written By BJ Cassady

Katie's Komfort Kolumn
Vol 1505

Congress Explained

Rudy: Tell us about the third part of the government Sandi.

Sandi: It is very complicated. Each state elects people to go
to vote on laws. The states usually elect the oldest and dumbest
people in their states, the ones that are drunks usually work the

Katie: Why do they do that?

Sandi: I have no clue, but they have 80 and 90 year old people up
making laws for people 20 years old.

Rudy: Sounds dumb to me.

Katie: So if these laws pass what States benefit?

Sandi: Usually the states of Confusion and Poverty benefit the most,
rest of the states get chaos.

Rudy: Seems like the people would elect common folk to represent
People like the average dog owner.

Sandi: Not anymore. Most of the ones elected have to learn to talk
an hour without saying anything.

Katie: Give me an example.

Sandi: Ask me a question.

Rudy: Do you love your Daddy?

Sandi: Do I love my Daddy? A fair question. Before I answer that.
would like to address the state of our economy first. I note that our
unemployment has risen by one percent and car sales are off 30
Inflation is rising while home sales are down. I say that is a
crisis in the
making. Next question.

Rudy: You never answered my question.

Sandi: That is how politicians are...they speak without saying

Katie: They should be like us... we are judged by what we do.

Sandi: Well said sister.

The Herd in Guthrie


Adult Adult Adult

Remember 9/11/01

Regarding any problems unsubscribing this mailing list

In accordance with the 2004 Can-Spam act you can contact me at:

William Brabant
711 Pine Street Apt.1
Sault Ste Marie Michigan 49783

To Subscribe send a blank email to Buffalos-adult-jokes-subscribe@egroups.com

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Compilation and narrative copyright 2002 by william Brabant
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