[PostmansCorner] The Postman's Corner!



There are only two people who can tell you the
truth about yourself -
an enemy who has lost his temper
and a friend who loves you dearly."

"Focus on your future instead of on what you missed."
It's important to look back on
past successes but it's even more
important to use your vision to look ahead.
When we spend too much time
looking back at past events,
we get caught up in the
"woulda, shoulda, coulda" mental talk.
Learn from your past, then let it go.
Focus your imagination on
your future. When you send these
 good thoughts out in front of you,
they prepare and smooth the way.
Use your imagination to reel
in all the possibilities that lie ahead.
Picture your ultimate success
 and then get to work creating it.
When you take the giant step and
dare to believe, your dreams will come true.

We do hope you enjoy today's issue!
Martin aka the postman


a gay viet nam vet...

you are beautiful

had to be sure

going to the dogs

quick one

a great dentist

don't be afraid

don't worry

husbund revenge


Meet The Harmonica Man

Robin Williams On American Idol Gives Back 2008

if we drove on chairs

follow your heart

policemen having fun

texting while driving


friendship buoqette

Empire state building

great photography

a bear's den

winter got you down?

A group of 40-year old girls discuss where they
should meet for dinner. Finally, they agree to meet
at the Ocean View Restaurant because the waiters are
cute and buff. Ten years later, at 50 years of age,
the group once again discusses where they should meet
for dinner. Finally, they agree to meet at the Ocean
View Restaurant because the food is very good and the
wine selection is excellent. Ten years later, at 60
years of age, the girls once again discuss where they
should meet for dinner. Finally, they agree to meet at
the Ocean View Restaurant because they can eat there
in peace and quiet, and the restaurant has a beautiful
view of the ocean. Ten years later, at 70 years of
age, the group once again discusses where they should
meet for dinner. Finally, they agree to meet at the
Ocean View Restaurant because the restaurant is wheelchair
accessible and they even have an elevator.
Ten years later, at 80 years of age, the girls once again
discuss where they should meet for dinner.
Finally, they agree to meet at the Ocean View Restaurant
because they've never been there before.    

Sally (a blonde) was seen going into the woods with a
small package and a large birdcage. She was gone several
days but finally she returned. Her friend, Liz, never
saw Sally looking so sad. Liz, "Heard you went off in the
woods for a couple of days. Glad you got back okay...
but you look so sad. Why??"
Sally, "Cause I just can't get a man."
Liz, "Well, you sure won't find one in the middle of the woods."
Sally, "Don't be so silly. I know that. But I went in
the woods cause I needed something there that would get
me a man. But I couldn't find it."
Liz, "I don't understand what you're talking about."
Sally, "Well, I went there to catch a couple of owls.
I took some dead mice and a bird cage."
Liz, "So, how's that going help you get a man?"
Sally, "Well, I heard the best way to get a man is
to have a good pair of hoo-ters."

An old widow and widower named Mary and Steve get
married. They are up there in age, and the romance,
engagement and marriage was quick. They hoped they had
enough strength to live through their wedding day and
night. After the marriage ceremony, they retire to a
nearby hotel.
Both are very nervous. Cautiously they begin to undress
in front of each other. In the process, Mary, the old
woman, removes her false teeth and puts them in a glass.
Mary then removes her prosthetic leg and leans it
against the wall.She looks up at her new groom and smiles
nervously, and Steve is intently watching... Mary continues.
She removes her bra which contains false inserts; she
removes a glass eye and gingerly places it in a special
box on the nightstand. Again she shyly smiles at her aged
spouse, and Steve continues to stare in an interested manner.
As Mary takes off her wig, she realizes that Steve is not
making much progress in getting undressed.
He's stopped undressing and is just staring at her.
She asks him, "What are you waiting for?"
Steve quickly replies, "You know what I want.
Take it off and throw it over here!"

A wife went in to see a therapist and said,
"I've got a big problem, doctor."
"Every time we're in bed and my husband climaxes,
he lets out this ear-splitting yell."
"My dear," the doctor said, "that's completely natural.
I don't see what the problem is."
"The problem is," she complained, "it wakes me up!"

Eddie wanted desperately to have sex with this really cute,
really hot girl in his office...but she was dating someone else.
One day Eddie got so frustrated that he went to her and said,
'I'll give you $100 if you let me have sex with you...
'The girl looked at him, and then said, 'NO!'
Eddie said, 'I'll be real fast. I'll throw the money on the floor,
you bend down and I'll finish by the time you've picked it up.'
She thought for a moment and said that she would consult
with her boyfriend... so she called him and explained the situation.
Her boyfriend says, 'Ask him for $200, and pick up the money
really fast. He won't even be able to get his pants down.'
She agreed and accepts the proposal.
Over half an hour goes by and the boyfriend is still waiting
for his girlfriend's call.. Finally, after 45 minutes the
boyfriend calls her on her cell phone and asks what happened...?
Still breathing hard, she managed to reply,
'The bastard had all quarters!'
Management lesson:
Always consider a business proposition in its entirety before
agreeing to it and getting screwed.

A career military officer relates this story about a
general staff meeting he attended many years ago. A young
captain was present, his very first such meeting.
The general threw out a tactical problem seeking answers.
The colonel, sitting on the general's right, leaned into
the problem and answered it in detail. During this process,
the young captain, at the foot of the gathering, kept
shaking his head.After the colonel had finished the general
looked around and asked if anyone had anything to add.
Somewhat brashly the captain spoke up, "I disagree completely
with the colonel, sir.""Don't you think it might be wise to
defer to the judgment of the colonel, captain?"
Right back the captain said,
"That is not the way you made general, sir."
The general looked at the captain for about ten seconds
and finally said, "No, you are right, captain.
But that sure as hell is how I made major."


Candid Camera Africa

Clean Your Glasses

Dimitri The Stud

SydesJokes Video Clips

Make 7 Up Yours

Making Of T-Mobile Dance

Male Cheerleader

Have a nice day!
Martin aka the postman












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