[buffalos-adult-chips] Chips For Sat

Adult Adult

Welcome to Buffalosjokes and Thank You for joining us. My
name is Buffalo and I have the watch.

From the Archives

Spring is here, the grass is growing, the animals are back in the
pasture and thoughts turn to the redneck sport of Cow Tipping

Cow tipping: the udder truth

Arthur Black For the Parksville Qualicum Beach News(Black Press) -

There have been some classic urban legends in my time - the choking
Doberman, the cement-filled Cadillac, the exploding toilet, the
char- broiled scuba diver found in the ashes of a forest fire - but
none have been quite as hardy or long- lived as the cow tipping
urban legend.

More of a rural legend, actually, but as robust a yarn as any city
slicker ever dreamed up. Urban - and rural - legends all share three

Number one: they stretch the bounds of credulity completely out of
shape. Number two: they are spectacularly funny and/or horrific.
Number three: the teller of the legend always vouches for its
veracity - but second hand. It happened to their cousin, or their
landlord or the best friend of their good buddy down at the plant.

Oh, and one other thing they share: urban/rural legends are
invariably bogus. Never happened, anywhere, anytime. This, despite
the eagerness of believers to swear on a stack of People magazines
that the stories are absolutely, 100 per cent, swear-to-God true.

So it has always been with cow tipping.

I first got wind of the alleged practice while having a beer with a
couple of alumni from the Ontario Agricultural College in Guelph,
Ontario many years ago. They assured me that certain college
colleagues of theirs (not themselves, you notice) occasionally got
tanked up at a tavern, then drove out in the country looking for a
little action.

When they spied a herd of unsuspecting Holsteins they would get out
of the car, crawl over the fence, tip toe up to the nearest sleeping
bovine, gather on one side of her, deftly flip the beast over and
run triumphantly back to the car.

There are a number of unlikely aspects to this story. For one thing,
Messrs Molson and Labatt could not supply enough beer to invest
tackling a cow on its side with any significant entertainment value.

Secondly, it would be darn hard to even locate a herd of cows deep
in the country in the middle of the night.Unless you used
flashlights, in which case you could expect a reception featuring
barking farm dogs, stampeding cattle and irate farmers toting
12-gauges loaded with rock salt.

And then there are the cows.

Contrary to popular belief, cows do not sleep standing up.They doze
but they don't sleep.

Also contrary to popular belief, cows are not always docile, placid
followers of Gandhi.I used to work in the Ontario Public Stockyards
and I still have scars on my legs where various Holsteins and
Herefords registered their displeasure with swift and vicious kicks.
And oh, yeah - cows are also ... heavy.

A decent-sized Holstein can easily tip the scales over the one-ton
mark.Imagine yourself and a couple of drunken buddies going up to a
full-size Buick and flipping it on its side.

Got that?

Now imagine it as a cowhide-covered, cranky full-size Buick with
four sharp hooves and a pair of horns. The pointy kind, not the
honky kind.

But don't take my word for it. Check out the work of Margo Lillie,
doctor of zoology at the University of British Columbia. She and
student Tracy Boechler actually produced a laboratory recreation of
a hypothetical cow tip.

They concluded that theoretically a cow 1.45 metres high, if pushed
at an angle of 23.4 degrees relative to ground level would require
2,910 Newtons of force in order to be displaced from the vertical to
the horizontal.

Translated into English, it would take five trained athletes in peak
physical condition to tip a cow under ideal conditions - i.e. having
said cow consume a bushel of Quaaludes washed down by a couple of
two-fours to render Bossie sufficiently catatonic not to realize or
react to what was happening to her.

"I have personally heard of people trying but failing," notes
Boechler, "because they are either using too few people or being too

"Most of these 'athletes'," adds Boechler unnecessarily, "are

So. Reality check time.

Cow tipping: fact or fiction?

Could a gaggle of giggling tanked-up frat boys flip a cow on its

Sure, it's possible.


When pigs fly.

More on this subject tomorrow.

Enjoy the chips... buffalo


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Sex Chips


You should have SEX on days that begin with T:

Every Thucking day!

Sex is:
like Nokia (connecting people)
like Nike (Just do it)
like Pepsi (ask for more)
like Coca Cola (Enjoy)
like me (too good to be true)

Send this message to 5 friends or you will have 5
years of bad sex!

Top 10 Places to have sex:
1. In your bed
2. In your parents bed
3. In his car
4. On a washing machine, while running
5. In a hot tub
6. On a beach, down in the sand
7. On a comfy couch with the TV on
8. On a waterbed
9. A plane bathroom
10. **In the rain**

Top 10 Places NOT to have sex:
1. In the movies
2. In a car... WHILE YOU'RE DRIVING!
3. In front of all of your friends
4. In a phonebooth
5. In your best friend's bed
6. At Grandma's house
7. At school
8. In your dirty basement
9. In the street

Top three things to say before having sex:
1. I love you (but only if you mean it)
2. Rock my world
3. Let's get ready to RUMBLE...

Top three things NOT to say before having sex:
1. Is this gonna hurt?
2. Sure....I've done this thousands of times...
3. Are you sure it's on there?

Top 3 things to say after sex:
1. Are you sure this was you're first time?
2. Gotta cigarette?
3. Wanna do it again?

Top 3 things NOT to say after sex:
1. That was IT??
2. I think I hear my mom calling me ---- see ya
3. OOPS, the condom broke! My bad!> >


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outwardly intelligent


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Short Chips

Bob has to go on a business trip and books himself a flight on TWA.
boards the plane, finds his seat and gets ready for take-off. A few
minutes after the plane is in the air, the flight attendants start
down the aisle to serve drinks. A very attractive stewardess says to
Bob, "Sir would you like some TWA alcoholic beverage, TWA coffee, or

Bob smiles and winks at the stewardess and says, "Actually, I would
for you to give me some TWA tea."

Things Your Lady Friend Will Never Tell You

I'll swallow it all... I love the taste of cum.
Are you sure you've had enough to drink?
I'm bored. Let's shave my pussy!
Shouldn't you be down the bar with your friends?
That fart was great! Do another one!
I've decided to stop wearing clothes in the house.
You're so sexy with a hangover.


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Rhyming Chips


I thought you might be able to use these.




1. My darling, my lover, my beautiful wife:
Marrying you has screwed up my life.

2. I see your face when I am dreaming.
That's why I always wake up screaming.

3. Kind, intelligent, loving and hot;
This describes everything you are not.

4. Love may be beautiful, love may be bliss,
But I only slept with you 'cause I was pissed.

5. I thought that I could love no other
-- that is until I met your brother.

6. Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you.
But the roses are wilting, the violets are dead, the sugar bowl's
empty and so is your head.

7. I want to feel your sweet embrace;
But don't take that paper bag off your face.

8. I love your smile, your face, and your eyes
Damn, I'm good at telling lies!

9. My love, you take my breath away.
What have you stepped in to smell this way?

10. My feelings for you no words can tell,
Except for maybe 'Go to hell.'

11. What inspired this amorous rhyme?
Two parts vodka, one part lime.

James E. Fish
Albuquerque, N.M.


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Drug Chips

Drug use, the legal drugs...

Prescription drugs should be kept far out of
reach of children, even if they cry, "Please,
please, may I have my medicine?"

Some people say you should not exceed the
recommended dosage on the bottle. But,
come on, it's medicine-it's good for you.

Stay away from that Lipitor shit. It's like
hosting a Filipino drag-queen knife fight in
your skull.

If you take medication daily, a useful
accessory is a seven-day pill case, which
helps you keep track of your intake and
serves as a depressing symbol of your

If the pharmacist says your prescription
will take 45 minutes to an hour to fill, say
"Oh, no," and fall over dead.

Never mix prescription painkillers with alcohol,
unless you like to party really, really hard.

Most people don't realize how much pharmacists
enjoy haggling over the price of medications.

To reduce the risk of mix-ups at the pharmacy,
bring a bat with a nail in it.

Most pills should not be taken on an empty
stomach. Sprinkle a handful onto a salad.

If your pharmacist doesn't offer to have one
with you right there in the store, the shit's
probably no good.

If you are ever in doubt about the safety of a
particular medication, consult a qualified physician.
He will be happy to pooh-pooh your concerns.



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Repair Chips

A husband is at home watching a football game when his wife
"Honey, could you fix the light in the hallway? It's been flickering
weeks now."

He looks at her and says angrily, "Fix the light? Now? Does it look
I have a G.E. logo printed on my forehead? I don't think so."

"Well then, could you
fix the fridge door? It won't close right." To which he replied,
the fridge door? Does it look like I have Westinghouse written on
forehead? I don't think so."

"Fine," she says, "Then could you at least fix the steps to the
door? They're about to break."

"I'm not a damn carpenter and I don't want to fix the steps," he
"Does it look like I have Ace Hardware written on my forehead? I
think so. I've had enough of you. I'm going to the bar!"

So he goes to the bar and drinks for a couple hours. He starts to
guilty about how he treated his wife, and decides to go home and
out. As he walks into the house, he notices the steps are already
As he enters the house, he sees the hall light is working. As he
goes to
get a beer, he notices the fridge door is fixed. "Honey, how'd this
get fixed?"

She said, "Well, when you left, I sat outside and cried. Just then a
nice young man asked me what was wrong, and I told him. He offered
to do
all the repairs, and all I had to do was either screw him or bake
him a

He said, "So, what kind of cake did you bake him?"

She replied, "Hellooooo... Do you see Betty Crocker written on my


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View Web Version



Personals Chips


SWM: Roommate needed for six-bedroom north side condo.
$800/ month plus 1/2 utilities. Must enjoy garlic,
taxidermy & clock repair.

SWF: Seeks any M, age 16-52,
for immediate marriage.
Willing to beg. Call 24/hours,
7/days 1-800-I'm-4you.

SWM: 39, enjoys assault rifles,
heavy drinking, and testosterone.
Seeks like-minded SF, W only,
to listen to political conspiracy theories
and help stock secluded mountain shelter.
Don't bother to write, I already know where you live.

SWF: 25, enjoys poetry recitals, interpretive dance,
herb tea, New Age music, Silversmithing,
Communing with Gaian nature spirits,
and Jello sculpting.
Seeks aloof, analytic whimp.

SWM: 59, wide range of interests including:
Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica,
Power Rangers, and Sea Quest.
ISO compatible F

SM: Seeking an adventurous SF Interested
in underwater bondage with or w/o scuba gear.
And albino livestock breeding.
No weirdos please.

SBM: Vegetarian Truck-driving Republican juggler
Wishes to meet woman of similar interests.
Must be ambidextrous.

DWF: Crazy ppl Need Love Too.
If you enjoy destroying good furniture,
Police lineups and locking your friends in closets,
we already have three things in common!
Let's get together.

DWM: Compulsive Liar seeks beautiful woman
to share my million dollar Riviera chateau.
Visa Gold Card a must.
Private plane a plus.


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anything from steaks to vegetables to cookies. It's dishwasher safe
making cleanup a breeze. Now you can grill every meal to perfection.

Now with easy payment plans - order today.

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LynnLynn's Links

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Subscribers and Friends

Melva/I'll Fly Away





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Movie Clips


Crash Auto Route


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Rocket Man

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She's Got You

Skeleton Dance

Stay Fit


Senate Chips

Sen. Arlen Specter switched political parties this week,
[R] to [D], when he realized he wouldn't be able to beat
his extremely conservative opponent in the next primary.

"Since my election in 1980 as part of the Reagan Big
Tent," Sen. Specter claims, "the Republican Party has
moved far to the right. Last year, more than 200,000
Republicans in Pennsylvania changed their registration
to become Democrats. I now find my political philosophy
more in line with Democrats than Republicans."

We take you now to several Republican standard-bearers
to get their reactions:

Olympia Snowe [R-ME], moderate U.S. Senator:
"We're fucked."

Lincoln Chafee [R-RI], former moderate U.S. Senator:
"Good luck, fuckers."

Ed Rogers, Republican Strategist:
"What the fuck?"

Newt Gingrich [R-GA], former U.S. Senator:
"It's really a good thing we're fucked."

Bill Kristol, Conservative Media Pundit:
"This is great fucking news.... for Republicans!"

Michael Steele, RNC Chairman:
"Fuckitty fuck fuck."

Rush Limbaugh, De Facto Republican Leader:
"Well, fuck him and the horse he rode in on!"

Pat Toomey [R-PA], former opponent in PA [R] primary:
"Fuck. Just fuck."

Larry Craig [R-ID], former U.S. Senator:
"Fuck? Hey, meet me in the airport men's room!"


Forearm Forklift Lifting Straps - Carry furnishing easier.

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Toon Chips


Sprung A Leak

New Diet

Attitude Is Everything In Life

Attitude Problem

Aussi Love Poem


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STD Chips

Overheard at the STD Clinic Yesterday

"I have reason to believe my penis was exposed to LSD.
When I ejaculate I have flashbacks."

"My hair is falling out and the sun hurts my crotch."

"I went to a party, had a few beers, woke up in a
closet later on and my face stunk and my dick hurt."

"My last period looked like meat."

"My balls feel soft and mushy."

"I be messin' with these nasty women from Minnesota
and they don't tell you they got something unless they mad at you."

"How am I supposed to do lap dances smelling like a
dead fish?"

"I got the dripper."

"I have food chunks in my urine."

"Had sex with my daughter's fiancé and then douched
with Lysol--feelin' a little raw down there."

"Scabs on my butt and I'm losing my mind."

"I'm releasing semen when I take a crap."

"I was poked in the rectum with the infected finger of
a 70-year-old homosexual man."

"I live at the VA and my roommate has his girlfriend
from Minneapolis over. They throw ticks at me that bite
my neck and when I pop the sores, they smell like vagina juice."

"Can't you put the swab in further?"

"I had sex with my baby's momma, sex with my other
baby's momma and my other new baby's momma has disease."

"Last time I had sex I passed something that looked
like Cream of Wheat before it's cooked."

"My cervix hurts when I jiggle."

"The seam in my circumcision split open."

"I be messin' with my ex-wife and my girlfriend and I
don't trust either of them."

"My whole body smells like a menstruating woman,
especially my armpits."

"From the looks of my penis, I believe they are
sucking the adrenaline out of me."

"I think they hypnotized me and put implants and
poltergeists in my brain and had sex with me."

"I think my boyfriend knows what's going on. He's been
calling me a 'chlamydiahoris.'"

"My pee smells like ham.


Windshield Wonder is the easy reach microfiber window cleaner that
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View Web Version



Parting Chips

A man goes to a surgeon and convinces him that he wants to have the
experience of having a baby.

"Impossible," says the surgeon.

"But I need that experience," insists the man.

Eventually the surgeon agrees, and tells the man to come back next
for the operation.

Next day he is put out and operated on. When he comes around he asks
surgeon if the operation was successful.

"Yes, perfect."

"When will I have the experience of having a baby?" asks the man.

"Just as soon as you have drunk this pint of olive oil," says the

"How's that going to give me the experience?"

"Because I have sewn up your ass.


Yoshi Blade - Razor Sharp Ceramic Knife

Introducing the razor-sharp, feather-light ceramic slicing knife.
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Bonus Chip

Lying down on the psychiatrist's couch, the young man

said to the doctor, "I wanted to see you because I think I am gay."

"Oh?" said the doctor. "And what makes you think that?"

"Well, my grandfather was gay, and so was my father."

"That doesn't mean you're gay," said the psychiatrist.

"We don't believe that homosexuality is hereditary."

"Maybe not, but my two brothers are also gay."

"Really?" said the doctor, intrigued. "That's right. And

so are my two uncles and my cousin Morris."

"That IS uncanny," said the psychiatrist, his interest

greatly piqued. "Tell me, isn't there anyone in your family

who has sex with women?"

"Yes, sir," the young man said. "My sister..."


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The Titan Peeler is the world's best peeler. Made of long lasting,
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Katie's Komfort Kolumn - Written By BJ Cassady

Katie's Komfort Kolumn
Vol 1588

Katie and the Games

Katie comes into the house while the 'games' are going on.

BJ: Are you playing the games Katie?

Katie: Heavens no. I am selling insurance to the contestants. So
I have made a mint. Also, I am busy providing medical aid...at a
fee of course.

BJ: Of course.

Katie: Excuse me father, I must run to my dog house and get some
water the crowd outside is demanding some and sales are hot.

BJ: Sales?

Katie: Well yes, I give out free popcorn, overly salted of course
makes the crowd thirsty. Then I sell them water at 1.50 a bottle.
Then they get hungry and I sell them pizza slices at 2.50 a slice.
It is
quite a racket.

BJ: Need me to help..

Katie: I can only pay you minimum wage. You must pay me for the

BJ: Uniform?

Katie: Yes, KSR industries. (Katie, Sandi, Rudy)

BJ: I think I will sit this one out.

Katie: Okay father, more money for me.

BJ: My little greedy dog.

The herd in Guthrie


Adult Adult Adult

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Compilation and narrative copyright 2002 by william Brabant
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