[buffalos-adult-chips] Chips For sat


Adult Adult

Welcome to Buffalosjokes and Thank You for joining us. My
name is Buffalo and I have the watch.

Halloween night at the buffalo's house. Time 1840. Temperature
41 degrees with an icy cold in the air. It is not fall outside, it
is pre-winter.
So far I have had three trick or treaters, all babes in arms and
so heavily in winter gear you can't tell what they are dressed as.
nephew stopped by earlier dressed in a zombie get up which is
to be popular this year. All that is necessary is worn out clothes
and a little
make-up, which you usually have laying around, especially since no
can afford to buy new in this economy.

I really expected more trick or treaters because the downtown party
held last night. They are still all headed to the high density areas
where you
get like one piece of candy and I am passing it out in handfuls
with most of the people around me to avoid the weight penalty for
leftovers. Now I am looking at either helping to consume a large
of candy or letting Eva ruin her teeth.

We had a Halloween Party at TOPS the other night. It was a bring a
salad night and these are some of the best you ever tasted because
don't normally stock all the toppings that a group can come up with.

Enjoy the chips and beware of goblins.



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Bad Chips

12 Signs He'll Be Bad In Bed

1. He still sleeps in a single bed.
2. He has bad breath.
3. He owns "Star Wars" bedding.
4. When he kisses you, the only part of his body that moves is his
tongue. 5. He has fuzzy dice or a mini disco ball hanging from the
rearview mirror in his car. 6. He can't maintain eye contact with
you. 7. He never misses a day of working out. 8. You've been out
with him four times and he hasn't made a move yet. 9. He eats with
his fingers. 10. He constantly brags about his sexual prowess. 11.
He checks out his reflection in store windows. 12. Three words: puka
shell necklace.



Toon Chips For Those Who Can't Wait

school for the blind

congress at work


Dot Drilling

Down Long

Download Porn


News Chips

The following letter from the family's solicitor is addressed to a
member of the British aristocracy who has been spending much of the
summer in his residence in the south of France leaving his wife in
the United Kingdom to look after the ancestral home.

Dear Sir Royston,
I hope you are having a good time on your holiday. I say this with
sincerity because I am afraid that I have some bad news for you,
although there is good news too. First the bad news. I am sorry to
tell you that your favorite dog, Honey, is dead. The vet says that
she died instantly and could have felt no pain. She was kicked in
the head by your horse, Sherbert, though I'm sure that no blame can
be attached to Sherbert, frightened as he was by the fire in the

I'm afraid that Sherbert was in the barn along with your other
horses when it burnt to the ground. The fire brigade had been called
within a short time of the barn catching fire and would normally
have been able to put the fire out. Had it had not been for the fact
that the tender crashed into your Bentley in the lane. Your wife had
taken it out for a spin with your brother. As it was, both the
tender and your Bently were written off. No blame can be attached to
your wife for the accident I'm sure.

The Bentley was stationary at the time and your wife was in the back
seat of the car. She managed to escape death only due to the fact
that your brother was lying on top of her at the time of the
collision. The doctors say that given time she will regain her sight
but that she will never walk again. She has also lost her memory and
cannot even remember you. Your brother, unfortunately, was killed.

I should explain how the barn came to be on fire in the first place.
You see a spark from the house blew over and set the roof alight.
The fire started in the main hall of the house where, as you know,
your Mattisse and your Picasso once hung. I say 'once' because they
are not there now. Fortunately neither of these paintings were
damaged in the conflagration as they were stolen beforehand by the
burglar who started the fire.

Although all of this may seem to you very serious it is not in fact
the bad news that I wrote of. Your wife and brother had been
visiting your Insurance agent in prison where he is serving a three
year sentence for fraud. I'm afraid that none of your insurance
policies are valid.

As I said, there is some good news. The heat from the fire warmed
your greenhouse and brought your flowers on.


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Rash Chips

A father of 17 kids goes to the doctor with a rash on his belly."All
right" says the Doc, "drop 'em and let's have a look." Having been
confronted with the evidence the Doc exclaims. "Yes. you've got a
bad rash there, but my word what brown balls you've got. They're
truly remarkable!" The patient is a bit embarrassed and says. "Look
Doc. what about the rash?" "Oh that's easy."said the Doc. :Here's
some cream to rub on. By the way those brown balls are amazing,may I
ask,,,,,,," "No said the patient. "You can't. Now, is that all Doc?"
Well," said the Doctor," You could stop the rash from coming back
with a bit better hygiene. Tell your wife you need clean underpants
every day. And those really are the brownest balls I've ever seen!"
The guy goes home and tells his wife that the Doctor says he needs
clean underpants every day, "What?" she yells. :Clean underpants
every day, and me with 17 kids to chase after! Seventeen kids to
wash, feed, clothe,get to school, tidy after, and you want clean
underpants every day? You must be joking. I haven't even had time to
wipe my ass!" "Ah he said. "And that's another thing I wanted to
talk to you about..."


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Short Chips

A woman goes to her doctor, complaining that her husband is 300%
impotent. The doctor says, "I'm not sure I understand what you
mean." She says, "Well, the first 100% you can imagine. In addition,
he burned his tongue and broke his finger!"

Jack had a blind date with Jill for the prom and, as the evening
progressed, he found himself more and more attracted to her. After
some really passionate embracing, he said, "Tell me, do you object
to making love?" "That is something I have never done before," Jill
replied. "Never made love? You mean you are a virgin?" Jack was
amazed. "No, silly!" she giggled. "I've never objected!"

A man whose wife had just given birth to their first child was
visiting the hospital nursery to see his new son. As the proud
father was admiring his handsome baby through the glass partition,
he could not help but notice that the baby in the next bassinet
seemed frail and sickly-looking by comparison. Just then a nurse
went walking by and the man stopped her for a moment. "What's the
matter with that little fellow?" he asked. "He seems awfully puny
and underweight." "He's one of those artificial insemination
babies," explained the nurse, and he's been coming along rather
slowly, I'm afraid." "Well, that sort of confirms a theory of mine,"
said the man. "What's that?" asked the nurse. Replied the man with a
smile., ... "Spare the rod and spoil the child,"


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Parking Chips

15 things that SEX and PARKING SPACES share in common~

1. You should never have to wait to find one
2. You should be able to slide right into one
3. Spaces in the front are always the best
4. When no front spaces are available, spaces in the rear will
always suffice 5. It sucks when someone else is double-parked 6.
Your space should still be open and waiting when you get back 7.
It's a tragedy when you have a 'full-size' car but there are only
compact' spaces 8. A full-size car is good to find 9. People are
willing to wait in line for the good spaces 10. Spaces with short
time limits are annoying and never satisfying 11. We're all looking
for the free space with the "unlimited" time limit 12. A house isn't
a home without a parking space 13. Some people are uncomfortable
with a space in the rear 14. Why is it best-looking cars are always
the ones who only like parking in the rear? 15. The better your
parking techniques are the more parking spaces you can get into


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Agent Chips

The agent for a beautiful actress discovered one day she had been
selling her body at a hundred dollars a night. The agent, who had
long lusted for her, hadn't dreamed that she had been so easily
obtainable. He approached her, told her how much she turned him on,
and how much he wanted to make it with her. She agreed to spend the
night with him, but said he would have to pay her the same hundred
dollars that the other customers did. He scratched his head,
considered it, and then asked, "Don't I even get my agent's ten
percent as a deduction?" "No siree," she said. "If you want it,
you're going to have to pay full price for it, just like the other
Johns." The agent didn't like that at all, but he agreed. That
night, she came to his apartment after her performance at a local
night club. The agent did her at midnight, after turning out all the
lights. At 1 A.M., she was awakened again. Again she was vigorously
done. In a little while, she was awakened again, and again she was
made love to again. The actress was impressed with her lover's
vitality. "My goodness," she whispered in the dark, "you are so
virile. I never realized how lucky I was to have you for my agent."
"I'm not your agent, lady," a strange voice answered. "He's at the
darn door selling tickets."


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Melva/How Beautiful

John w/ A 1950s Halloween

Carol w/ Praying Together



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Flirting Garbage men

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Random Chips

A girl was telling her date about her old boyfriend, and while doing
so was stroking her beer bottle up and down many times. Finally her
date has had enough and says, " You're always thinking about him.
Why don't you think about me once in a while?" "OK!" she says and
starts stroking the top two inches of her bottle.

A woman went to her doctor for advice. She told him that her husband
had developed a penchant for anal sex, and she was not sure that it
was such a good idea. The doctor asked, "Do you enjoy it?" She said
that she did. He asked, "Does it hurt you?" She said that it didn't.
The doctor then told her, "Well, then, there's no reason that you
shouldn't practice anal sex, if that's what you like, so long as you
take care not to get pregnant." The woman was mystified. She asked
"You can get pregnant from anal sex?" The doctor replied, "Of
course. Where do you think attorneys come from?"

"Do you know the differance between a corn beef sandwich and a blow
job?" "No!" " Good, why don't you come over for lunch tomorrow?"


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Toon Chips

bite my ass

bite the stick



bj 2

bj point


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Limerick Chips

An insatiable woman named Dee
said, "There are never enough men for me!"
"So instead of just one
I'll finally have fun,
and triple my pleasure with three!"

A girl of uncertain nativity
Had an ass of extreme sensitivity
While she sat on the lap
Of a German or Jap,
She could sense Fifth Column activity

A handsome young woman named Hannah,
Did wild, wet things with a banana.
Her legs spread wide
The banana inside
And her audience shouting "Hosanna!"
Yer Hillbilly friend in TN...
PROUD father of an American Soldier


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Parting Chips

Three tampons, a super, a large and a regular, are walking down the
street. Which one says hi first?

None! They are all stuck-up bitches.


A lady fixed her husband a special meal for his birthday. After
dinner she fixed him a pitcher of martinis then poured him a drink.
Then she left to pick up his favorite dessert from the local bakery.
When she returned from her errand she found her husband, drink in
hand, prancing about the living room wearing her bra, panties and
high heels. "What the hell is going on!" she exclaimed.

Her husband got a quizzical look on his face and said "What? You
asked what I wanted for my birthday and I told you. I wanted to eat,
drink and........be Mary."


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Bonus Chip

A father was explaining the facts of life to his teenage son. After
covering the basic biology, he moved on to the finer points of

Dad: One thing to keep in mind, son, is that different women say
different things during the sex act, even if you are doing the same

Son: What do you mean, Dad?
F: Well, for example, their words will vary according to their
occupation. For example, a prostitute will tend to say, "Are you
done yet?" On the other hand, a nymphomaniac will ask, "Are you done

S: What do other women say?
F: Well, a school teacher will say, "We are going to do this over
and over again until you get it right!" A nurse will say, "This
won't hurt one bit."

S: I thought they said, "Pull down your pants and bend over."
F: That's male nurses. But let's move on, a bank teller will say,
"Substantial penalty for early withdrawal." A stewardess will say,
"Place this over your mouth and nose and breathe normally."

S: And what does mother say?
F: She says, "Beige... beige... I think we should paint the ceiling



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Katie's Komfort Kolumn - Written By BJ Cassady

Katie's Komfort Kolumn
Vol 1712

The End (cont)

Mr Jackson: They landed across the globe just ten days ago. There
were thousands of spaceships and unknown millions of aliens. Our
armies fought valiently but were no match. Soon they were
destroyed. The cities fell fast. We dropped nukes on them and
killed a few, but not many. There is no communication, only chaos,
it is every man for themselves. The last government message was to
hide and pray for divine intervention.

Diana: My God, is this really happening?

Mr Jackson: I am afraid so. I saw a group of them at the base of
this mountain. I am heading to the top... I know I am delaying the
I will die of exposure or starvation or by them.

BJ: Diana, get your 357 magnum, get the dogs, we will head for the
cave we saw at the top of the mountain. I will pack some food and
water and we can carry blankets and such with us.

Diana: The dogs?

BJ: They have packs we can put on their back and help carry as much
as we can. We must hurry.

Soon the group heads for the cave and perhaps the last stand of

To be continued


Adult Adult Adult

Remember 9/11/01

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[PostmansCorner] The Postman's Corner!




If a man harbors any sort of fear,
it makes him landlord to a ghost.
Lloyd Douglas


The weather man says it will be mostly dry, but very
cold and chilly for the little ones tonight as they
go for candy tonight. I like to buy several different
bags of candy. The war department said, "Honey, why are
you buying five bags this year? Last year we only passed
out 2." (Hehehe...leaves 3 for me)

A little history on the origin of the holiday
may be of interest for some...
The celebration has some elements of a festival of the dead.
The ancient Celts believed that the border between this world
and the Otherworld became thin on Samhain, allowing spirits
(both harmless and harmful) to pass through. The family's
ancestors were honoured and invited home whilst harmful
spirits were warded off. It is believed that the need to
ward off harmful spirits led to the wearing of costumes and masks.
Their purpose was to disguise oneself as a harmful spirit and
thus avoid harm. In Scotland the spirits were impersonated by
young men dressed in white with masked, veiled or blackened
faces.Samhain was also a time to take stock of food
supplies and slaughter livestock for winter stores.
Bonfires played a large part in the festivities. All
other fires were doused and each home lit their hearth
from the bonfire. The bones of slaughtered livestock were
cast into its flames. Sometimes two bonfires would be
built side-by-side, and people and their livestock
would walk between them as a cleansing ritual.

Daylight savings time ends tonight!

We do hope you enjoy today's issue
Martin aka the postman



the wicked witch

anger management

while out trick or treating...

this is gonna slow us down

decorating punkins

last years trick or treat

I'll settle for a trick

scare the little fuckers

scared stiff

halloween treats


Here's your Halloween card

Halloween costume

Halloween pranks

halloween dogs

Halloween theme song

Spooky Halloween

Halloween scaries

You know you are too old to Trick or Treat when:
10. You get winded from knocking on the door.
9. You have to have another kid chew the candy for you.
8. You ask for high fiber candy only.
7. When someone drops a candy bar in your bag,
you lose your balance and fall over.
6. People say: "Great Boris Karloff Mask,"
And you're not wearing a mask.
5. When the door opens you yell, "Trick or..."
And can't remember the rest.
4. By the end of the night, you have a bag
full of restraining orders.
3. You have to carefully choose a costume that
won't dislodge your hairpiece.
2. You're the only Power Ranger in the
neighborhood with a walker.
And the number one reason Seniors should not go Trick Or Treating...
1. You keep having to go home to pee.
No matter, have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN anyway.

One Halloween this woman opens her door to find
the most adorable little girl, with golden
blond curly hair and the biggest blue eyes.
She was dressed as an Angel, and was just
delightful. The woman said, "what are you
supposed to say sweetheart?"The little girl
looks up at the woman and says "Twick or Tweat!"
The woman thinks this is just adorable, and
she calls her husband to come to the door. The
woman say to the child, "Go ahead honey say it
just one more time." Once again the little
Angel looks up and says, "Twick or Tweat!"
The husband agrees with his wife, this little
Angel is just the cutest thing. The woman picks
an apple from the Treat Bowl, shines it up with
her apron, and drops it into the little girl's Treat Bag.
The little Angel looks in her bag then looks up
at the woman and says, "Thanks a lot lady, you
just broke my fucking cookies!" A couple was
invited to a swanky masked Halloween Party.
She got a terrible headache and told her husband
to go to the party alone. He, being a devoted
husband, protested, but she argued and said she was
going to take some aspirin and go to bed and there
was no need of his good time being spoiled by not
going. So he took his costume and away he went.
The wife, after sleeping soundly for one hour,
awakened without pain, and as it was still early,
she decided to go to the party. In as much as her
husband did not know what her costume was, she
thought she would have some fun by watching her
husband to see how he acted when she was not with him.
She joined the party and soon spotted her husband
cavorting around on the dance floor, dancing with
every nice chick he could and copping a little feel
here and a little kiss there. His wife up to him
and being a rather seductive babe herself, he left
his partner high and dry and devoted his time to
the new stuff that had just arrived. She let him go
as far as he wished; naturally, since he was her
husband. Finally he whispered a little proposition
in her ear and she agreed, so off they went to one
of the cars and had a little bang. Just before
unmasking at midnight, she slipped away and went home
and put the costume away and got into bed, wondering
what kind of explanation he would make for his behavior.
She was sitting up reading when he came in and asked
what kind of a time he had had. He said, "Oh the same
old thing. You know I never have a good time when
you're not there." Then she asked, "Did you dance much?"
He replied, "I'll tell you, I never even danced one dance.
When I got there, I met Pete, Bill Brown and some other
guys, so we went into the den and played poker all
evening. But I'll tell you... The guy I loaned my
costume to sure had a real good time!"

After forty years of marriage, Frankenstein and the
Bride of Frankenstein came to a stand still in
their love life. Each night Frankenstein would come
home from work, eat his dinner, and sit in front of
the television set until he fell asleep. Dissatisfied
with this arrangement, the Bride decided to see a therapist.
"He's never in the mood," complained the Bride.
"Try a romantic candlelight dinner," suggested the therapist.
The next day, the Bride returned to the therapist with
a frown on her face. "He's still not in the mood,"
she complained. "This time," the therapist recommended,
"Try something more seductive. Put on some sexy lingerie
and lure him into the bedroom." But the Bride returned to
the therapist the following day complaining that her
monster of a husband was still not in the mood. As a
final piece of advice, the therapist said, "You should
try to recreate the moment that first sparked your romance."
The next day the Bride returned with a huge grin on her
face. "Thank you so much," she said to the therapist.
"Last night, I forced Frankenstein to come outside in
the middle of the lightening storm. And right there,
in our backyard, he made love to me like it was our
very first time.""Making love in a lightening storm put
him in the mood?" asked the therapist.After forty years
of marriage, Frankenstein and the Bride of Frankenstein
came to a stand still in their love life. Each night
Frankenstein would come home from work, eat his dinner,
and sit in front of the television set until he fell
asleep. Dissatisfied with this arrangement, the Bride
decided to see a therapist."He's never in the mood,"
complained the Bride."Try a romantic candlelight dinner,"
suggested the therapist.The next day, the Bride returned
to the therapist with a frown on her face. "He's still
not in the mood," she complained."This time," the therapist
recommended, "Try something more seductive. Put on some
sexy lingerie and lure him into the bedroom."
But the Bride returned to the therapist the following
day complaining that her monster of a husband was still
not in the mood. As a final piece of advice, the therapist
said, "You should try to recreate the moment that first
sparked your romance."The next day the Bride returned
with a huge grin on her face. "Thank you so much," she
said to the therapist. "Last night, I forced Frankenstein
to come outside in the middle of the lightening storm. And
right there, in our backyard, he made love to me like it
was our very first time.""Making love in a lightening
storm put him in the mood?" asked the therapist.
"Well," said the Bride of Frankenstein,
"I tied a kite to his penis."

A man arrived at a walk-in medical clinic, promptly
at opening time, only to find two other men outside,
waiting.The door was still locked.He knew one of the
men and they started talking. About five minutes later
the receptionist came running across the parking lot,
apologizing for being late.The man turned to his
friend and asked, "Are you first in line to see the doctor?"
"Yes," the other replied.
"Well, I guess I'm third then," he said.
"No," the second man said, "you're second."
"Second? What about you?"
"I'm the doctor."

beer goggles

before sex

bitchin head


Crazy Motorcycle Stunt In Iran

Creedence Clearwater Revival

Have a nice day
Martin aka the postman



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Funzines - Video Fun A October 31, 2009 Boo

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Funzines - Clean Cartoons for C October 31, 2009 Boo


I have some very sad news.  Our little puppy died.
We knew from the vet that her lungs were not right.
But we thought we would have more time with her.
Seems her lungs did not develop correctly in the womb.
She was fine all day on Tuesday, but was having
problems breathing about 2 am.  As we were getting ready
to take her to the emergency vet hospital, she just stopped
breathing.  It all happened in less than an hour.  I swear
we are still in shock.  We will always love and miss her.
Did you know that you can reach me by just hitting
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Some stuff:
I occasionally get very big videos and such.
So many people joined........I will be keeping the list of people on yahoogroups,
but sending out of my own email server......join here:
Thank you, Your Editor

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[buffalos-adult-chips] Chips For Fri


Adult Adult

Welcome to Buffalosjokes and Thank You for joining us. My
name is Buffalo and I have the watch.

Buffy's computer came back from Lenovo today with another new
keyboard and some other repairs. Pretty hard to beat 4 day round
trip service on any computer. You have to pay a bit extra in the
but they do treat you great for three years. That leaves one more
computer to fix.

The EPA reached an agreement to keep the ships on the Great Lakes
that are burning heavy fuel oil. The change may upset those who are
behind improving air quality but Great Lakes shipping is the most
fuel efficient method of shipping bulk cargo like grain and iron
The fleet of trucks that would replace it will cause much more
than they would be stopping. Converting those that can be used with
a lighter fuel oil would cost an additional 200 million a year, a
that would be passed onto their customers and eventually onto us.
The last bad reason for the plan was that it would hurt the auto and

steel industries more than any other and close down businesses. I
am just glad to see those ships that bring so many fond memories
saved. My dad retired from the Locks in the eighties and we daily
heard stories of the ships passing through and whose crews were
the most friendly. There were a few Salties my dad liked but for
most part the ocean going ships from different countries were more
difficult to handle because of the language differences and the
higher decks made it harder to transfer people to the dock to help
with line handling.

Enjoy the chips... buffalo


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Random Chips

Wanna know why I refer to my ex wife as Federal Express? Because
she goes to a guy's house, it's absolutely, positively guaranteed
she'll be there overnight.

Every Amish woman's private fantasy is two Mennonite.

The biology teacher at the all-girl academy was handing back a test
male anatomy on which the girls did poorly. "I don't understand why

you girls can't understand the male sex organ. You've had it pounded

into you all semester.

My ex came into the bedroom one night holding a jalapeno pepper in
hand. I asked him why he would bring pepper to our bedroom? He told
that we needed to spice up our love life!

Why was Bill Clinton so upset during the primary season?
If he had known 10 years ago how good Hillary would be at
blowing the
presidency, he wouldn't have needed Monica.

How many men does it take to screw in a light bulb?
One...men will screw anything.


Toon Chips For Those Who Can't Wait

I can't spell

beer belt

I don't mind


Internet Chips

What Is The Internet ? - A FAQ For Beginners

Q. What's a FAQ ?
A. This text is.. it means "Frequently Asked Questions"

Q. Oh, so it's not a dirty word then ?
A. No, - it just sounds a bit like one.

Q. So, What, exactly, is the Internet?
A. The Internet is a worldwide network of university, government,
business, and private computer systems.

Q. Who runs it?
A. A 12-year-old named Kevin.

Q. How can I get on the Internet?
A. The easiest way is to sign up with one of the
popular commercial "on-line" services, such as AOL,
CompuServe, Netscape Online, BT Internet, etc, etc,
which will give you their program disks for free. Or,
if you just leave your house unlocked, they'll sneak
in some night and install their programs on your
computer when you're sleeping. They are really
desperate for your business with them.

Q. What are the benefits of these services?
A.The major benefit is that they all have simple, "user-friendly"
interfaces that enable you -- even if you have no previous computer
experience -- to provide the on-line services with the information
they need to automatically put monthly charges on your credit card
bill forever.

Q. What if I die?
A. They don't care.

Q. Can't I cancel my account?
A. Of course! You can cancel your account at anytime.

Q. How?
A. Nobody has ever been able to find out. Some of us
have been trying for years to cancel our on-line
service accounts, but no matter what we do, the
charges keep appearing on our bills. We're thinking of
entering the Federal Witness Protection Program.

Q. What if I have children?
A. You'll want an anaesthetic, because it really hurts.

Q. No, I mean What if my children also use my Internet
A. You should just sign your house and major internal
organs over to the on-line service right now.

Q. Aside from running up charges, what else can I do
once I'm connected to an on-line service?
A. Millions of things! An incredible array of things!
No end to the number of things you can do!

Q. Like what?
A. You can ... ummmm ... OK! I have one! You can chat.

Q. Chat?
A. Chat.

Q. I can already chat. I chat with my friends.
A. Yes, but on the Internet, which connects millions of
people all over the entire globe, you can chat with
total strangers, many of whom are boring and stupid!

Q. Sounds great! How does it work?
A. Well, first you decide which type of area you wish to
chat in. Some areas are just for general chatting, and
some are for specific interest groups, such as Teens,
Poets, Cat Lovers, Religious People, Gays, Gay Teens Who
Read Religious Poetry to Cats, and of course Guys Having Pointless
Arguments About Sports. At any given moment, an area can contain
anywhere from two to dozens of people, who use clever fake names
such as "ByteMe2" so nobody will l know their real identities.

Q. What are their real identities?
A. They represent an incredible range of people, people
of all ages, in all kinds of fascinating fields from
scientists to singers, from writers to wranglers, from
actors to athletes -- you could be talking to almost
anybody on the Internet!

Q. Really?
A. No. You re almost always talking to losers and hormone-crazed
13-year-old boys. But they pretend to be writers, wranglers,
scientists, singers, etc.

Q. What do people talk about in chat areas?
A.Most chat-area discussions revolve around the
fascinating topic of who is entering and leaving the
chat area. A secondary, but equally fascinating topic
is where everybody lives. Also, for a change of pace,
every now and then the discussion is interrupted by a hormone-crazed
13-year-old boy wishing to talk dirty to women -- or to other
13-year-old boys. To give you an idea of how scintillating the
repartee can be, here's a re-creation of a typical chat area
dialogue (Do not read this scintillating repartee while operating
heavy machinery.)

LilBrisket: Hi everybody
Wazootyman: Hi LilBrisket
Toadster: Hi Bris
Lungftook: Hi B
LilBrisket: What's going on?
Toadster: Not much
Lungftook: Pretty quiet


Wazootyman: Anybody here from Texas?
LilBrisket: No
Toadster: Nope
Lungftook: Sorry


UvulaBob: Hi everybody
Toadster: Hi UvulaBob
Lungftook: Hi Uvula
LilBrisket: Hi UB
Wazootyman: Hi U
UvulaBob: What's happening?
LilBrisket: Kinda slow
Toadster: Same old same old
Lungflook: Pretty quiet
Jason56243837: LilBrisket, take off your panties
LilBrisket: OK, but I'm a man


Wazootyman: UvulaBob, are you from Texas?
UvulaBob: No.


Lungftook: Well, gotta run.
Toadster: 'bye, Lungflook
LilBrisket: Take 'er easy, Lungster
Wazootyman: See ya around, Lung
UvulaBob: So long, L


PolypMaster: Hi everybody
LilBrisket: Hey, PolypMaster
Toadster: Yo, Polyp
UvulaBob: Hi, P
PolypMaster: What's going on?
LilBrisket: Not much
Toadster: Pretty quiet
UvulaBob: Kinda slow ...

And so it goes in the chat areas, hour after riveting
hour, where the ideas flow fast and furious, and at
any moment you could learn some fascinating nugget of global-network
information, such as whether or not PolypMaster comes from Texas.

Q. I've heard that people sometimes use Internet chat
areas to have "cybersex." What exactly is that?
A. This is when two people send explicitly steamy
messages to each other, back and forth, back and
forth, faster and faster, hotter and hotter, faster
and faster and hotter and harder and harder until
OHHHH GODDDDDDDD they suddenly find that they have a
bad case of sticky keyboard, if you get my drift.

Q. That's disgusting!
A. Yes.

Q. Could you give an example?
A. Certainly
( Continued below)


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Internet Chips

Born2Bone: I want you NOW
HunniBunni: I want YOU now
Born2Bone: I want to take off your clothes
HunniBunni: Yes! YES!
Born2Bone: I'm taking off your clothes
HunniBunni: OH YESSSS


HunniBunni: Is something wrong?
Born2Bone: I can't unhook your brassiere
HunniBunni: I'll do it
Born2Bone: Thanks. Oh my god! I'm touching your,
umm, your...
HunniBunni:Copious bosoms?
Born2Bone: Yes! Your copious bosoms! I'm touching
HunniBunni: YES!
Born2Bone: Both of them!
HunniBunni: YESSS!!
Born2Bone: I'm taking off your panties!
HunniBunni: You already did.
Born2Bone: Oh, OK. You're naked! I'm touching your
entire nakedness!
HunniBunni: YESSSSSS!!!
Wazootyman: Anybody here from Texas?
Born2Bone: No
HunniBunni: No
Born2Bone: I am becoming turgid in my manfulness!

Wazootyman: Hey, thanks

HunniBunni: Not you
HunniBunni: Your love knockwurst?
HunniBunni: Promise you won't laugh?
Born2Bone: Yes
HunniBunni: My passion persimmon
Born2Bone: Ha ha!
HunniBunni: You promised!
Born2Bone: Sorry. OK, here goes I AM THRUSTING MY
HunniBunni: YES! YES! YES!
Born2Bone: IT FEELS LIKE, LIKE ...
HunniBunni: Like what?
HunniBunni: What did you say?
Born2Bone: Whoops
HunniBunni: It feels like when you break a tie vote
in the Senate?
Born2Bone: Umm, listen, what I meant was ...
HunniBunni: This is you, isn't it, Al? ISN'T IT??
Born2Bone: Tipper?
HunniBunni: Whoops

Q. Aside from chatting, what else can I do on the
A. You can join one of the thousands of forums wherein
people, by posting messages, discuss political topics
of the day.

Q. Like what?
A. Barry Manilow.

Q. There's a forum for Barry Manilow?
A. There's a forum for everything.

Q. What happens on these forums?
A. Well, on the Barry Manilow forum, for example,
fans post messages about how much they love Barry
Manilow, and other fans respond by posting messages
about how much they love Barry Manilow, too. And
then sometimes the forum is invaded by people
posting messages about how much they hate Barry
Manilow, which in turn leads to angry counter
messages and vicious name-calling that can go on
for months.

Q. Just like junior high school!
A. But even more pointless.

Q. Are there forums about sex?
A. Zillions of them.

Q. What do people talk about on those?
A. Barry Manilow.

Q. No, really.
A. OK, they talk about sex, but it is not all
titillating. Often you'll find highly scientific
discussions that expand the frontiers of human

Q. It is a beautiful thing, the Internet.
A. Indeed it is.


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Bull Chips

This couple goes to an agricultural show way out in the countryside
a fine Sunday afternoon, & are watching the auctioning off of bulls.

The guy selling the bulls announces the first bull to be auctioned
off: "A fine specimen, this bull reproduced 60 times last year."

The wife nudges her husband in the ribs, & comments,
"See! That was more than 5 times a month!"

The second bull is to be sold: "Another fine specimen,
this wonder reproduced 120 times last year."

Again the wife bugs her husband, "Hey, that's some
10 times a month. What do YOU say to that?!"

Her husband is getting really annoyed with this

The third bull is up for sale: "And this extraordinary
specimen reproduced 365 times last year!"

The wife slaps her husband on the arm and yells,
"That's once a day, every day of the year! How about

The husband was pretty irritated by now, & yells back,
"Sure, once a day!....... But ask the auctioneer if
they were all with the same cow!!!"


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Little Johnny Chips

A young woman, (a new teacher) was giving an assignment to her Grade
6 class one day. It was a large assignment so she started writing
high up on the chalkboard. Suddenly there was a giggle from one of
the male students. She quickly turned and asked, "What's so funny

"Well teacher, I just saw one of your garters."

"Get out of my classroom," she yells, "I don't want to see you for
three days."

The teacher turns back to the chalkboard. Realizing she had
forgotten to title the assignment; she reaches to the very top of
the chalkboard. Suddenly there is an even louder giggle from another
male student. She quickly turns and asks,"What's so funny Billy?"

"Well teacher, I just saw both of your garters."

Again she yells, "Get out of my classroom!" This time the punishment
is more severe, "I don't want to see you for three weeks."

Embarrassed and frustrated, she drops the eraser when she turns
around again. So she bends over to pick it up. This time there is an
all out laugh from another male student. She quickly turns to see
Little Johnny leaving the classroom.

"Where do you think you are going?" she asks.

"Well teacher, from what I just saw, my school days are over!"


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Pissing Chips

This guy is sitting at the end of the bar looking gloomy. His friend
arrives and sits down beside him. "Why so glum, chum?" he asks his
sad friend.

"Oh, its my wife, she beats me at everything we compete at. Jogging,
bowling, tennis, cards...just everything."

The friend orders a beer and pauses to think. "I know," he exclaims,
"Challenge her to a pissing contest."

"A pissing contest?"

"Surely you can out distance her on that...do it on the front lawn
so you can see the difference."

"Ok, I'll do it."

So he goes home and says to his wife, "I challenge you to distance
pissing contest. We'll meet on the front lawn after dark."

So they each prepare themselves drinking lots of beverage
prior to the contest. After dark they meet and the husband suggests
the wife go first. So she drops her drawers and lets out with a
modest shower.

Hubby steps up, drops his drawers, and grabs his

His wife says,..... "Ah, no, dear. No hands allowed."


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Random Chips

One morning while making breakfast, a man walked up to his wife,
pinched her on the butt and said, "If you firmed up, we could get
of your control top panty hose." While this was on the edge of
intolerable, she kept silent. The next morning the man woke his wife

with a pinch on each of her breasts and said, "You know, if you
these up, we could get rid of your bra." This was beyond a silent
response, so she rolled over and grabbed him by his penis. With a
death grip in place, she said, "You know, if you firmed this up, we

could get rid of the gardener, the postman, the vibrator and your

A three-year-old boy was examining his testicles while taking a
"Mum", he asked, "are these my brains?" "Not yet," she replied .

A young girl was having a heart-to-heart talk with her mother on her

first visit home since starting university. "Mum, I have to tell
the girl confessed. "I lost my virginity last weekend." "I'm not
surprised," said her mother. "It was bound to happen sooner or
I just hope it was a romantic and pleasurable experience." "Well,
and no," the pretty student remarked. "The first eight guys felt
great, but after them my pussy got really sore."

Men like love at first sight. It saves them a lot of time.

Stan Kegel


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Toon Chips



beer goggles

before sex

bitchin head

bite my ass


Turbo Snake is the fastest and easiest way to unclog any drain in
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Limerick Chips

There was an old lady named Mabel
Who said, 'I don't think that I'm able;
But I'm willing to try
So where should I lie -
On the bed, on the floor or the table?'

There was an old Irish mick
whose cum was exceedingly thick
He could squeeze it out
And spray it about
But it stuck to the end of his dick.

There was an old maid from Luck,
Who took it into her head to fuck.
She was about to resign
'Till she hung out a sign:
"Come in, I've decided to suck."
<Snagged by>


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Parting Chips

A man with a fetish for very large women walks into
a brothel. When asked what he wants, he says 'I want
a really large woman - as big as possible.' He is
shown this enormous woman, but he shakes his head -
'nope, not fat enough. Get someone bigger than that.'
He is shown another, even more enormous woman.
'Nope, still not big enough. I tell you what - give
me the biggest woman you have!'. He is shown the
biggest woman who works in the brothel. She is
unbelievably big - 'That's more like it!'
He is taken off to a room by the woman, and presently
is on top of her going about satisfying his sexual
desires. After a few minutes of heaving and groaning,
he suddenly stops and says to the woman -

'Sorry. Do you mind if I turn the light off?' to
which the woman replies

'It's me, isn't it? I'm so big that you find me
unattractive.' to which the man replies -

'No, not at all! I think you're a very attractive
woman. It's just that the light bulb's burning my ass!'


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Bonus Chip

Ever noticed how deleting one word after the other in a sentence can
lead to a nice story?

Here's an example:

Oh John please don't touch me at all...!
Oh John please don't touch me at...!
Oh John please don't touch...!
Oh John please don't...!
Oh John please...!
Oh John..!


Sure Clip

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edges or for quick touch ups. No more flying clips, no more bending
to clean up, no more squinting or struggling to see what you are
cutting. Order now and we'll give you a second one just pay separate

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Katie's Komfort Kolumn - Written By BJ Cassady

Katie's Komfort Kolumn
Vol 1711

Halloween Tales

Sandi: Daddy, tell us one of your Scary Halloween tales...

BJ: Okay, here is one... It is called 'The End'.

Katie: Turn off the lights first.


The End

BJ and Diana were staying in their cabin high in the Rockies
with their dogs. The TV had been turned off as was the radio. The
cell phones were powered off. This was a time for creativity and
time. Two weeks a year they turned to nature and sought out peace
and quiet so BJ could concentrate on his writings and Diana could
sew and practice singing. The dogs would play in the woods and

The two weeks flew by and the chill in the air bespoke of
approaching and it was time to leave.

BJ: Sadly, it is time to turn on the dreadful TV to check the

Diana: Yes, I do not miss the TV, but we need to know what is going
on with the weather.


BJ: Odd, perhaps the satellite dish is messed up.

Diana: I will get the radio.


BJ: Nevermind, I can phone the neighbors back home and find out the

Dead tone...

Diana: Look our neighbor, Mr Jackson who has the cabin up the ridge
is running towards us. He looks scared to death.

BJ opens the door.

Mr Jackson: They are coming! Run for your lives, it may be too

BJ: Here here Mr Jackson, what are you talking about?

Mr Jackson: Haven't you been watching TV before they took it out?

Diana: We have not watched TV for two weeks.

Mr Jackson: My God man, we have been invaded! They control most of
the world and are hunting and killing us.

to be continued


Adult Adult Adult

Remember 9/11/01

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Compilation and narrative copyright 2002 by william Brabant
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