[buffalos-adult-chips] Chips For Thurs


Adult Adult

Welcome to Buffalosjokes and Thank You for joining us. My
name is Buffalo and I have the watch.

ARE YOU NORMAL? -by B. Kanner
Facts about us Americans. Did you know that........

-only 30% of us can flare our nostrils
-21% of us don't make our bed daily. 5% of us never do.
-Men do 29% of laundry each week. Only 7% of women trust
husbands to do it correctly.
-40% of women have hurled footwear at a man
-85% of men don't use the slit in their underwear
-67.5% of men were tightie whities (briefs)
-the average bra size today is 36C whereas 10 years ago it
was a 34B
-85% of women wear the wrong bra size
-3 out of 4 of us store our dollar bills in rigid order with
singles leading up to higher denominations
-13% of us admit to occassionally doing our offspring's
-91% of us lie regularly
-27% admit to cheating on a test or quiz
-29% admit they've intentionally stolen something from a store
-50% admit they regularly sneak food into movie theaters to
the high prices of snack foods
-90% believe in divine retribution
-10% believe in the 10 Commandments
-82% believe in an afterlife
-45% believe in ghosts
-13% (mostly men) have spent a night in jail
-29% of us are virgins when we marry
-58.4% have called into work sick when we weren't
-10% of us switch tags in the store to pay less for an item
-Over 50% believe in spanking---but only a child over 2 years
-35% give to charity at least once a month
-How far would you go for $10 million?
-25% would abandon their friends, family, and church
-7% would murder
-69% eat the cake before the frosting
-When nobody else is around, 47% drink straight from the
-85% of us will eat Spam this year
-70% of us drink orange juice daily
-Snickers is the most popular candy
-22% of us skip lunch daily
-9% of us skip breakfast daily
-66% of us eat cereal regularly
-22% of all restaurant meals include french fries
-14% of us eat the watermelon seeds
-only 13% brush our teeth from side to side
-45% use mouthwash every day
-22% leave the glob of toothpaste in the sink
-the typical shower is 101 degrees F
-Nearly 1/3 of U.S. women color their hair
-9% of women and 8% of men have had cosmetic surgery
-53% of women will not leave the house without makeup on
-58% of women paint their nails regularly
-62% of us pop our zits
-33% of women lie about their weight
-10% of us claim to have seen a ghost
-57% have had deja vu
-49% believe in ESP
-4 out of 5 of us have suffered from hemorrhoids
-the average girl starts her period at age 12
-44% have broken a bone
-only 30% of us know our cholesterol level
-14% have attended a self-help meeting
-15% regularly go to a shrink
-78% would rather die quickly than live in a retirement home
-46.5% of men say they ALWAYS put the seat down after they've
used the toilet, yet women claim to ALWAYS find
it up
-30% of us refuse to sit on a public toilet seat
-54.2% of us always wash our hands after using the toilet
-23.5% admit they don't always flush
-45.2% pee in the shower
-44.9% pee in the ocean
-28.1% pee in the pool
-55.2% will let someone else come in the bathroom while
using the toilet.
-39% of us peek in our host's bathroom cabinet. 17% have been
caught by the host.
-81.3% would tell an acquaintance to zip his pants
-29% of us ignore RSVP
-71.6% of us eavesdrop
-22% are functionally illiterate
-less than 10% are trilingual
-37% claim to know how to use all the features on their VCR
-53% prefer ATM machines over tellers
-56% of women do the bills in a marriage
-2 out of 3 of us wouldn't give up our spouse even for a night
for a million bucks
-20% of us have played in a band at one time in our life
-40% of us have had music lessons
-44% reuse tinfoil
-57% save pretty gift paper to reuse
-66% of women and 59% of men have used a mix to cook and taken
credit for doing it from scratch
-53% read their horoscopes regularly
-16% of us have forgotten our own wedding anniversary (mostly
-59% of us say we're average-looking
-blacks are more than twice as likely to call themselves
-90% of us depend on alarm clocks to wake us
-53% of us would take advice from Anne Landers
-28% of us have skinny-dipped. 14% with the opposite sex.
-51% of adults dress up for a Halloween festivity
-on average, we send 38 Christmas cards every year
-20% of women consider their parents to be their best friends
-2 out of 5 have married their first love
-the biggest cause of matrimonial fighting is money
-only 4% asked the parents' approval for their bride's hand
-1 in 5 men proposed on his knees
-6% propose over the phone
-71% can drive a stick-shift car
-45% of us consistantly follow the speed limit
-2/3 of us speed up at a yellow light
-1/3 of us don't wear seat belts
-12% of men never use their car blinkers
-44% of men tailgate to speed up the person in front of them
-25% of us drive after we've been drinking
-4 out of 5 sing in the car

buffalo says Are you more normal or less normal than you thought you


Enjoy the chips... buffalo


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Limerick Chips

There was a young man named Fritz
Who planted an acre of tits
They came in the fall
Rosy nipples and all
And he leisurely nibbled them to bits

There was a young man named Perkin
Who was furtively jerkin his gerkin
His wife turned to say
In utter dismay
Why Perkin, you're shirkin your furkin

There was a young man from Baroda
Who wouldn't pay a whore what he owed her
Midst thunderous applause
She pulled down her drawers
And pissed in his whisky and soda


Toon Chips For Those Who Can't Wait

Do Something

Doctors Trouble

Dodge Trucks Exposed

ram it down our throat---

I learned to play golf

give a man a fish


Job Chips

Job Applicant
"I'm looking for a job as a consultant."

"I'm sorry, we already have enough consultants."

"That's ok, with my experience, I can be an advisor."

"More than we can use already."

Applicant (as he is getting desperate),
"I'm not proud, I can do paperwork, I'll be a clerk. If you have too
many, I'll start as a janitor."

"It just doesn't seem that we have any openings for a person with
your qualifications."

Applicant (as he stands up and angrily yells),
"To work for you I'd have to be a low life, belly crawling, double
dealing jerk!"

"Well, you didn't say you were an attorney, have a seat. We may just
have an opening."


The Original Dreamie

Now enjoy the comfort of your own bed wherever you go. Dreamie is a
top sheet, bottom sheet and pillow all in one. You'll have silky
soft, comfortable and clean sheets wherever you lounge. Use it for
house guests, sleepovers, traveling and more. Now available in three
great colors - natural ivory, rich espresso and ruby red.

Order now and we'll give you a second one at no charge.

View Website



Pun Chips

What did the doctor say to the witch in the hospital?
With any luck you'll soon be well enough to get up for a

Dracula got into his casket one July. As he reclined he
remarked, "There is nothing like a cool bier on a hot day."

A vampire joined the police force so he could learn the correct way
to get a stakeout.

What did the vampire say to the English teacher
See you next period.

Why did the impotent guy date the witch?
Because she always scared him stiff!

When is a pixie not a pixie?
When he's got his head up a fairy's skirt, then he's a

Why don't witches wear panties?
To get a better grip on the broom.

What do hillbillies do on Halloween?
Pump Kin

An older man wearing a stovepipe hat, a waistcoat and a phony beard
sat down at a bar and ordered a drink. As the bartender set it down,
he asked, "Going to a party?" "Yeah," the man answered, "I'm
to come dressed as my love life." "But you look like Abe Lincoln."
protested the barkeeper. "That's right. My last four scores were
seven years ago."


Smoke Assist

Smoke Assist is the exciting alternative to cigarettes. You may now
satisfy your oral fixation with our water vapor device Smoke
Assistâ„¢ Featuring realistic tobacco flavor, look and feel. No more
smoke smell on your clothes, in your home or work.

Get the Smoke Assist E-Cigarette at no charge with the purchase of
20 cartridges and S&H

View Website



Little Johnny Chips

Little Johnny and Little Mary were walking home from school one day.
As they walked along, they saw two dogs knotted up along side the
road, doing it, well, doggy style. "What are they doing, Johnny?"
Mary asked. Well, Little Johnny, being a man of the world for all
12 years, knew what they were doing but was embarrassed to say it,
he said, "Well, he's scaring her." Little Mary said, "Oh." They
walked a little farther, and Little Mary said, "Scare me, Little
Johnny." Well, Little Johnny thought, "What the Hell." So he took
into the bushes and "scared" her. After they were finished, they
started walking home again. Pretty soon, they walked past a stallion
mounting a mare in the field. "What are they doing, Little Johnny
she asked. "Well, he's scaring her." So Little Mary said, "Scare me
again, Johnny." Well, Little Johnny took her into the bushes
and "scared" her again. After they were finished, they started
walking home again. Pretty soon, you guessed it, they saw a bull and
a heifer in the field, going at it. "What are they doing, Little
Johnny?" she innocently (?) asked again. "Well, he's scaring her"
Little Johnny said once again. After a few more minutes of walking,
Little Mary said, "Scare me again, Little Johnny." Now Little
being a little tired by now, had just about had enough, so he yelled
out, "Boo, damn it, boo!"


Sure Clip

Sure Clip is the world's most advanced nail clipper. The wide,
rubberized non-slip comfort grip gives you complete control. The
professional quality steel blades give a clean, precise cut every
time. With an extra wide opening, Sure Clip even cuts thick, hard
nails. There's even a built in diamond-edge steel file, to smooth
edges or for quick touch ups. No more flying clips, no more bending
to clean up, no more squinting or struggling to see what you are
cutting. Order now and we'll give you a second one just pay separate

View Website



Halloween Chips


10. She's a goblin!
9. I'd like to get a little something
in the sack tonight.
8. Just get on your hands and
knees and bob your head.
7. She's got a couple of nice
pumpkins on her porch.
6. If you just lick it,
it will last longer.
5. Let me see your big sack.
4. Can I eat your zagnuts?
3. Have your mom check it
before you put it in your mouth.
2. You scared me stiff!

And the dirtiest sounding but
not-dirty Halloween saying is...

1.He's got candy spread out
on the living room floor!


The Kangaroo Keeper

Instantly organize any bag with the Kangaroo Keeper. Coming in
different sizes and colors, coordinate it with any style. Be able
to access up to 70 items in seconds with various compartments. Never
call your bag a bottomless pit again. Get organized with the
Kangaroo Keeper. Purchase one Kangaroo Keeper and receive another
for just the cost of shipping and handling

View Website



Short Chips

Nature has many laws that hold fast and true.

For example, a baby ape will always grow-up to be an ape; likewise,
baby baboon will become an adult baboon.

A baby pig will mature into a full-grown pig.

A baby jackass will always become a jackass.

Yet oddly enough, women say a young man may grow-up to be any one of

The nurse at the Pathology Clinic was getting a bit beyond it. She
was approaching retirement and was continually getting things mixed

One day, a young man came to the laboratory for a blood test. After
few minutes, the pathologist looked in on the nurse and his patient.
There she was, rapidly stroking the very happy young man's firm

"Good God, NO!" shouted the pathologist. "Stop it at once! I said,
'prick his finger'."

Did you hear about the woman that filed for divorce after she had
twelve kids? The reason she put in the divorce papers was for


The Turbo Snake

Simply glide Turbo Snake down the drain, twirl, then pull out Turbo
SnakeT specially designed head grabs & locks onto hair clogs to
remove and free the drain instantly! What's best, its flexible
design easily maneuvers down the drain to seek out clogs without
having to remove the drain stopper. For bathroom sinks, showers &
tubs. Each set includes the Large Turbo Snake for Showers and Tubs,
Small Turbo Snake for Sinks, and Peel and Stick Storage Hook. Now
only $10.00 plus S&H or double the offer for an extra P&H.

View Website



LynnLynn's Links

Are you still SINGLE? Last week we sent you an email to notify you
about our new dating network that is -FREE- to join, and not only do
we have thousands of single women and men located right in your
city, but we have the EXACT SINGLE women and men that you would want
to meet and date this week!





Home Paternity Test

Homemade Water Slide

Homer Koehn

Honey I'm Home

Horse Race

Good Job

Go White Guy

Great Escapes

Greatest Movie Line Ever

Guide Dog


Random Chips

"My ex thought he was so good he called himself 'Hammer.'" "Why? I
don't understand." "He liked to talk about how often he nailed me."

An old couple were sitting in their rocking chairs on the verandah
the old guy leaned over and said to the woman "Fuck you". She rocked

back and forth for a bit then leaned to him and said "Fuck you too".

They rocked on in silence and some 10 minutes later she leaned over

and said "I don't think much of this oral sex, do you?"

The typical male's idea of foreplay is a half hour of begging.

The difference between a counterfeit dollar and an anorexic
is that a fake dollar is a phony buck.

A woman strode angrily into the large drug-store/general-store,
slapped a package on the counter, and loudly expressed her
dissatisfaction. The clerk asked, "What's the problem? Wouldn't your

cat eat them?" The woman's eyes got very large, and she whispered,
you mean to tell me that 'Pussy Treats' are meant for 'cats'?"

You know you spent the evening in a gay bar when you wake up with a

queer taste in your mouth.

Stan Kegel


The Air Cutter

Use the home styling system that pays for itself. The Air Cutter
gives you a professional hair cut with no hassle or mess. The
fool-proof system allows you to cut any type of hair without
embarrassing mistakes. Just select different attachments and use the
style guide to create any type of look.
Use the Air Cutter at no charge for 30 days, just pay shipping and

View Website



Toon Chips

Aliens Come In Piece

A Little Bush

All Juice

All Yours


Alls Well

Safely Talk and Drive at the Same Time

Jupiter Jack let's you talk without using your hands. It transmits
quality sound through the speakers in your car. Just plug Jupiter
Jack in your phone, preset your radio to 99.3 FM and you're ready to
start talking.

Order now and you'll get two Jupiter Jacks for the price of one.

View Website



Toad Chips

So, there's this yellow toad wandering around in the forest kinda
pissed off because he doesn't want to be yellow. Life would be
easier if he were brown like the other toads.. He'd sure be less
visible to predators for one thing.
Anyway... this yellow toad bumps into a fairy godmother.. He begs
her: "Fairy godmother, please make me brown like the other toads. I
am tired of being so visible to predators and such." The fairy
godmother whips out her magic wand and says "Abracapokus! You're
The toad looks down and sees that he is brown except for his
package, which is still yellow. He says to the fairy godmother:
"Wait a minute! My pecker's still yellow!"
To this the fairy godmother replies: "I don't do johnsons. You will
have to go see The Wizard of Oz for that."
The toad thanks her and hops off on his way. There is also a purple
bear wandering about the very same woods. As luck would have it, he
encounters the very same fairy godmother. He implores her: "Fairy
godmother, please make me brown like the other bears. None of the
lady bears want to be seen with me on account of the hunters can
spot me from a mile off."
She, being a nice fairy godmother, takes out her magic wand and
says: "Pokuscadabra! You're brown!"
The bear looks down and sees that he is, in fact, brown with the
exception of the ole twig and berries,they remain purple. He says:
"My wang is still purple!"
She says: "I don't do units, you will have to go see The Wizard of
Oz for that."
To this the bear replies: "Well that's just dandy, but how the hell
do I find The Wizard of Oz?"
The fairy godmother answers: "That's easy... just follow the yellow
dick Toad!"




No more bad hair days, ever! Get amazingly gorgeous, flawless hair
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Limited time offer - Try the InStyler for 30 days for just $14.99!



Parting Chips

Owing to the advance in medical technology, surgical technique, and
the fact that silicone breast implants have been determined to be
perfectly safe, a California cosmetic surgery practice is opening a
new office where breast augmentation surgery is done on an
outpatient basis in about thirty minutes.

They are going to call the practice "Jiffy Boob."




Don't cut it, clip it! Get Ken PavesT clip-in bangs today!

Plus Try New Color Drops, FREE!

At last. You can change your hairstyle as quickly as you change
your mind. Get bangs without the commitment with Ken Paves T clip in
bangs today!



Bonus Chip

The sweet young thing was telling the Baptist Preacher that she had
been sleeping in another bedroom since she had caught her
husband sleeping with the neighbor.
"It's your duty to forgive him, my child," intoned the preacher,
as he patted her hand. She fell into his arms gently sobbing.
"But," he added, as his grip tightened,
"How'd ya like to get even with the S.O.B. first?"

Jill: The guy I have been dating is talking about getting

Mary: Wow! Well, if he does ask you, do not delay!
Say, "Yes!" right away!

Jill: What is the hurry?

Mary: Men have very short memories when it comes to
that subject. Sometimes they forget before you can
even get your clothes back on.



Keep Warm Air In & Winter Air Out

Twin Draft Guards? minimizes energy loss from doors and
windows saving you money on your energy bills.

Twin Draft Guards? work just as well on the interior doors of your
as they do outdoors, blocking drafts and keeping allergens, such as
pollen and even insects from traveling freely around your home. Twin
Guards are also helpful in blocking harmful fumes from the garage
and the
damp chill from the basement.

Additional Ordering Details:



Katie's Komfort Kolumn - Written By BJ Cassady


Adult Adult Adult

Remember 9/11/01

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Compilation and narrative copyright 2002 by william Brabant
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