[PostmansCorner] The Postman's Corner!






The bank is something more than men, I tell you.
It's the monster. Men made it,
but they can't control it.
John Steinbeck
The Grapes of Wrath


Thanks to all who wrote in about the story
on dad's old radio. I suspect I could go to radio shack and find
something on the order of replacement tubes.
Or maybe just hide a transistor radio inside it
and no one would ever know the difference.
But I would never again find a radio station that
plays revelie at 430am. And the truth is, its
not the mechanics that matters. its the memories.


The really favorite radio my pappy owned tho,
was the one that was mounted on the tractor.
He had a 4020 John Deer (wide front end) and it was the first
tractor that pappy ever had with a cab. 
And it was also the first time he
ever bought a "brand new" tractor, too. I still remember
the little smile on his face when it was delivered at
the dealer. Pappy was not a man with
real visible emotion. I expect he was so
proud of himself he was busting out the buttons
on his coverals when it came off the
trailer at the dealer. They offered to haul it
out to the farm, as we were several miles out into
the country and that was a bit of a drive. But he
declined and we and  climbed into the cab and
began the long drive out to the "place". At the
time, I couldn't understand why he would want to
waste time like that. But pappy, he set that dial to
W.H.O 1300 am and said only one thing, "The dial
never moves from there." It was THE country music
station of the day. He turned on the air conditioner,
and I'm sure he had a smile from ear to ear.
To this day, I still
remember the dj as he announced the next song
"WHO radio, country music, Coast to coast,
border to border and then some."
Followed by the sounds of Conway, Johhny Cash,
and Tina Turner. These days they are talk radio now,
but back then WHO Am 1300 was the king of country in
the middle of corn country. The radio in that cab
blared loud enough to be heard for a couple miles
in each direction on the journey home that day. And
every farmer along the way stopped working long enough to watch
to see who owned the new wheels. And you know
what? When I was a kid, I never liked country
music, but some how, pappy taught me to appreciate it.
We do hope you enjoy today's issue!
Martin aka the postman




fag burger

home coming queen

shit hit the fan

first date


captain goes down with the ship

tye're perfect

false alarm

been away?



Clean Your Balls with Axe - LOL (HIGH QUALITY!)

Moses - Ten Commandments - Mel Brooks

budweiser lizards

caught in between

encourage someone you hate

automatic pilot

Thor, the norse god of thunder, decided that he needed some female
company. He soon met a beautiful woman and they snuck away for
some lovemaking.
After many hours, he felt it was time to tell the woman that he
was more than just a mortal man.
He decided to tell her his name.
"You're Thor?" she replied. "I'm tho thor I can barely sit down."

The Russian couples sex life was terrible, so they went out
and bought a black market copy of a sex manual. A week later,
the man said to the women, "Honey, I want to eat your pussy
like it says in the book, but it smells so bad. Why don't you
go out and buy some of that feminine deodorant spray?"
She agreed. An hour later, she returned, all excited. "You
should see the flavors they have," she told her husband.
"Strawberry, cherry, banana ...."
"What did you get?" he interrupted.
"Tuna," she replied.

A man woke up the one morning feeling horny, and asked his wife
for a fuck, but she said she wasn't in the mood.
So he got up, got dressed, and went downstairs and cooked breakfast
for them both. He ate his, and then took hers up to the
bedroom so she could have breakfast in bed.
He was still feeling horny, and so, after she'd finished her
breakfast, he asked again for a fuck.
She said she was still not in the mood.
So he decided to go out to the newsagent and buy that day's
newspaper. When he got back he found her still in bed, but
naked with her arms and legs tied up to the bedpost.
So, thinking that she'd changed her mind, and fancied
some bondage fun, he got undressed again, and proceeded to
climb into bed for some action. She asked him what did he
think he was doing, and he told her that as
she was tied up, he thought she'd changed her mind.
She said "You stupid bastard! - While you were out two guys broke in
the house!"
He replied, "Oh no, did they get anything?'
"Did they get anything, hell yes, asshole, they got something. Why
do you think I am naked with a pussy full of cum?"

This one little boy in about 4th or 5th grade was trying out for a
school play. He earned a part and went home to tell his father.
His father was really proud of him. So his father asks what part did you
get?He replies I got the part of a man who has been married for 25 years.
His father congratulated him. And then he said "Thats good son, maybe
next time you'll get a talking role!"

The Pope was working on a crossword puzzle.  He thought and
thought about one clue, finally gave up and asked the
Cardinal next to him, "What's a four letter word, ending in
U - N - T that means 'woman'?" The Cardinal was working on
his own puzzle and didn't even bother to look up. 
"Aunt, your Holiness."
The Pope didn't speak for a second.  "Oh."  He paused.
"Do you have an eraser?"

There was this guy who went to the dentist to get a tooth pulled.
First off the dentist said, "I'll give you a shot to numb your jaw."
But the guy said, "No, please don't do that, I'm afraid of needles."
The dentist said, "OK, I'll get out the gas to put you to sleep."
However the guy said, "Nope, I'm allergic to the gas."
So the dentist said, "Just a minute, I'll go look for
something else." After awhile he came back with a couple of pills.
The guy asked, "What kind of pills are those?"
The dentist said, "Viagra."
The guy said, "WHAT! Why these?"
The dentist said, "They won't help the pain, but they'll
give you something to hang on to while I pull your tooth.


Ernest Borgnines Tip For A Long Life

Finish Jackie

Flirting Garbage men


Margrave Manor 2: Lost Ship

Duck Hunting Game

Must Wash Hands

Full of Hot Air

Have a nice day
From Martin aka the postman!



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