[buffalos-adult-chips] Chips For 7-18-10


Adult Adult

Welcome to Buffalosjokes and Thank You for joining us. My
name is Buffalo and I have the watch.

Two O'clock this afternoon, watching the Tigers lose the 4th
game in a row and working on the newsletters and the power
went out. It took a minute to find my old phone that doesn't
need any power and I called the electric company. After
being asked a bunch of stupid questions and checking my
account to make sure they hadn't disconnected me for not
paying my bill, they finally got around to talking about the
loss of power. Even though I hadn't heard any transformers
exploding I knew the trouble wasn't in my house but I received
multiple warnings that if the problem was on my side of the
meter I was going to be charged for repairs. An hour later
the power finally came back on and wherever the problem was
it was no where near me. I hope that she got 2000 calls after
mine and none of them were as courteous as I was. We just
got sold out to a smaller utility and obviously the person didn't
even have the training to call the power house and see if they
were having problems anywhere on the grid.

At least I got another hour of sleep which is about normal for
a fried squirrel in the substation scenario and is out of my
range for hearing the bang.

Enjoy the chips.... buffalo


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Defining Chips

Increase Your Vocabulary (Adult)

Anus: A Latin term for yearly.

Artificial Insemination: Correspondence course to become a priest,

Asphalt: Describes rectal problems.

Blow Job: Clown hired to make balloon animals at a child's birthday

C-Section: The area the average students sit in a classroom.

Climax: The farthest you can climb up a mountain before stopping to

Clitoris: A type of flower.

Coitus: A musical instrument.

Condom: A large apartment complex.

Diaphragm: A drawing in geometry.

Dildo: A variety of sweet pickle.

Douche: The French word for "twelve".

Erection: When Japanese people vote.

Fertilization: Spreading nutrients over a planted area.

Fetus: A character on Gunsmoke.

G-string: Part of a fiddle.

Genitals: People of non-Jewish origin.

Hymen: Males over 6 feet tall.

KOTEX: A radio station in Austin.

Lesbian: A person from the Middle East north of Israel.

Masturbator: Fisherman's assistant who readies the hooks for

Menstrual cycle: One with three wheels.

Orgasm: The making of animals by folding a piece of paper.

Prostate: Lying on your back.

Pubic Hair: A wild rabbit.

Rhythm Method: A way to teach dancing

Sadistic: Someone who is always unhappy.

Semen: A term for sailors.

Sex: What comes after five

Sodomy: A special land of fast growing grass.

Spread Eagle: An extinct bird.

Testicles: Found on an Octopus arms.

Umbilical Cord: Part of a parachute.

Vagina: A medical term used to describe heart pain.

Virgin: A resident from the state of Virginia


Toon Chips For Those Who Can't Wait

no no no


haven't noticed


Fly Chips

A man walks into a bar and sees a beautiful woman
sitting at the end of it. She is so beautiful he
cannot take his mind off her, so he calls the
bartender over and says, "Take that woman a drink
on me."

The bartender says, "It won't work."

"What do you mean, it won't work?"

"That woman," says the barkeep, "is a
hard-hearted bitch. You won't get nowhere with
her - nobody does!"

"Okay," says the guy. "How about this: you got any Spanish fly?"

"Spanish fly? No," says the bartender, "I've got Jewish Fly."

"So, what the hell is Jewish fly?"

"I don't know; I've never used it. You want to give it a try?"

"Yes," says the guy, and the next chance he gets,
on his way to the men's room, he reaches behind
her back and drops the stuff in the woman's drink.

Nothing happens for a long time, but then all of
a sudden he feels her body close against his, and
her voice is whispering hotly in his ear, and
she's saying "I can't stand it anymore! You
excite me so much...take me shopping!"


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Elected Chips

The Elected Official Infidelity Quiz In the interest of providing
the public with a service it has needed for some time? especially
these past few days? we proudly present the first failproof quiz to

Look closely at his or her (come on? who are we kidding?? his)
behavior, and mark "X" next to any of the following items that

Or even "XXX."

Has he left for a foreign country carrying only a Speedo and a
bottle of Jack Daniel's?

Did he sponsor or co-sponsor legislation titled "No love child left

When he closed the door to his office, were there giggles audible
from the inside? Were these followed by "wait, let me tell those
darn senators I'm in a budget meeting" and then more giggles and the
popping of a cork?

The last time he denied to the press that he was having an affair,
did he keep one hand hidden behind his back?

When questioned by reporters as to why he was leaving a Marriott at
3 in the morning on his wife's birthday, did he mumble, "You guys
ever hear of an Arbor Day planning session that finished on time?"

When asked to disclose his whereabouts after three or four days, did
his wife reply, "Why the heck are you asking me?"

When asked to disclose his whereabouts after three or four days, did
his chief of staff reply, "He's on the Appalachian Trail"?

Has he ever been spotted in a Victoria's Secret near the airport on
his way to a conference with the president of Gabon?

On the campaign trail, did he swear to be "a man you can thrust" and
then turn beet red?

Or did he swear that he represents "chains you can believe in" or
promise "four more rears"?

Does he ever come to the office wearing the name tag from
yesterday's donor reception?

Does he ever come to the office with lipstick on his flag pin?

Does he seem strangely enthusiastic about the waterborne intestinal
parasites convention he's about to attend with his new intern?

Has he ever claimed he is so pro-family he has two?

Has he spent the past four days in Argentina or a Motel 6?

When shaking hands with attractive constituents, does he wink and
say, "I have a pole I'd like you to take"?

When kissing babies, does he ask, "Is this one mine?"

Does the mother often reply with a slap?

SCORING (so to speak): If you checked off any of these items, your
elected official is a lot like a lot of other elected officials
since the beginning of time. And more, I'm sure, to come. (By
Lenore Skenazy)


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Promotion Chips

Jane, Larry and Doug went into business for themselves.

Says Jay, "I put up sixty-five percent of the capital, so I'm the
president and chairman of the board."

"I put up thirty percent of the money," said Larry, "so I'm
myself vice president, secretary, and treasurer."

"Well, I put up five percent," pointed out Doug. "What's that make

Jane said, "I'm appointing you vice president of sex and music."

"That sounds mighty fine," said Doug, "but what does it mean?"

"It means what when I want your fucking advice, I'll whistle."


Tiger Direct Exclusive Offers

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tomorrow or navigate to the item. Most of my gear came
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Osama Chips

Subject(In the White House Situation Room...)

And so, in the horrific aftermath of the barbaric World Trade Center
bombing, begins the greatest, most extensive manhunt in the history
of the planet...

PRESIDENT: (resolute, drumming fingers) I don't care what it takes.
We've got to find this guy.

POWELL: Relax, Mr. President. We've got our best and brightest
working on it. There's nowhere he can hide.

And so, deep in a cave somewhere in Afghanistan...)

FIRST TERRORIST: (hand on bin Laden's knee) Relax, Osama. You have
covered your tracks expertly. There is no way the infidels will
find you.

BIN LADEN: (slapping the hand away) Yes, it is true. It is true...
(Cell phone begins ringing)

FIRST TERRORIST: (surprised) What in the name of... (he answers it)
Hello..? (hears a click, then voices, someone gets on the line)
What...? Who....? (astonished, hands phone to Bin Laden) It is for
you, Great One.

BIN LADEN: (confused) Hello...?

VOICE ON PHONE: Osama, how are you today, sir?

BIN LADEN: (angrily) Who in the name of the Evil One is this?

VOICE ON PHONE: (smoothly) Sir, I represent Sandusky Home
Improvement, Inc. Mr. Bin Laden, wouldn't you agree that your
bunker would look better and last longer in clean, durable, carefree
aluminum siding?

BIN LADEN: Aaaarrgghh! Go away!! (He slams the phone down) (Cell
phone rings again)

FIRST TERRORIST: (fearful) Do not answer it, Great One.

BIN LADEN: (grabs the phone angrily) Hello?!!

VOICE ON PHONE: Mr. Bin Laden?

BIN LADEN: (furious) Who in the name of Satan is this?

VOICE ON PHONE: Good evening, Sir. This is Bambi for Quest,
formerly US West. We're contacting our best customers to tell them
about our new, economical package of communications services,
including call forwarding, call waiting, caller ID, telemarketing

BIN LADEN: (He slams phone on the ground.) Spawn of a thousand demon
camels! (A second terrorist walks in, shuffling through a pile of

SECOND TERRORIST: (amazed) Look, Great One. Hundreds of VISA card
solicitations, many with extensive credit lines and low, low
introductory rates!

BIN LADEN: (astonished) Who on earth has delivered these?

SECOND TERRORIST: A man in blue shorts and a white shirt...
driving a small red, white and blue truck.

FIRST TERRORIST: (horrified) Ayeeeeeeee!

BIN LADEN: The U.S. Postal Service?? We must HIDE!!!!!!! (They

(Meanwhile, back in the White House Situation Room...)

PRESIDENT: How's our "budget friendly" phase of "Enduring Freedom"

POWELL: Everything's proceeding according to plan. The harpies have
his number and are in the process of harrying him to death.

BUSH: What shall we sign him up for next?

POWELL: We've just sent $10.00 donations in to the Sierra Club and
Habitat for Humanity. Next we're going to sic Publisher's Clearing
House on him, and then sign him up for a subscription to Watchtower.

PRESIDENT: (slapping his thigh) Good! Good! Before long, he'll be
begging for mercy....now, where did I put the "add your friends"
number for Miss Cleo's Psychic Line?


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LynnLynn's Links

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Melva/Tears of Innocence

Prayer http://www.reflectionsofsouthbreeze.com/Pages/prayer1.htm

John w/ A Sunday kind Of Love

Love Is



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Okay, everyone is telling me that I'm an insane millionaire who must
have gone absolutely crazy for doing this today and tomorrow,
especially on Thankgiving of all days, but I don't care anymore
because I think it's just the right thing to do.

Okay, let me catch my breathe while I type this because you're not
going to believe this...First off, thank you so much for taking a
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Movie Links

Ernest Borgnines Tip For A Long Life

Finish Jackie

Flirting Garbage men

Football Season


Mouse Wont Work

Movie TV Bed

M Rip It Up

The Flies In Florida Are Tough

Dunk Shot


Bra Chips

From the folks who make the Invisible Fence for cats and dogs, now
comes the Invisible Fence Bra for your teenage daughter!

Using advanced electromagnetic technology; the Invisible Fence Bra
creates a safety zone around Daddy's Little Angel.

If a horny young bastard has decided to skip the Church social and
head right to the Devil's Playground, your daughter will be safe and
secure with this bra. Attempting to remove it without keying in the
secret combination results in a "slight correction" to the horny
young bastard.

Voltage levels are set in ten ascending doses including: "Don't Go
There, Boyfriend", "Freddy'll Lose His Fingers", "Rushin' Hands,
Electrocuted Fingers", "Char Your Fingers To The Bone", and, the
ultimate level, "Any Last Words Before We Throw The Switch?"


Toon Chips

bite my ass

bite the stick



bj 2

bj point


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Poetry Chips

A disgusting young man named McGill,
Made his neighbors exceedingly ill,
Because of his habits,
Involving white rabbits,
And a bird with a flexible bill

I love Miss Wade

Who teaches third grade

At P.S. 541.

I'd gladly trade

My frog for Miss Wade

'Cause Miss Wade looks like much more fun.

Miss Wade doesn't hop,

Miss Wade doesn't croak,

And flies you won't see her catch,

But I'd rather swap

My frog for a poke

Into Miss Wade's lascivious snatch.


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Parting Chips

As the CEO of this organization, I have resigned myself to the fact
that Barrack Obama is our President and that our taxes and
government fees will increase in a BIG way. To compensate for these
increases, our prices would have to increase by about 10%.
But since we cannot increase our prices right now due to the dismal
state of the economy, we will have to lay off sixty of our employees
instead. This has really been bothering me, since I believe we are
family here and I didn't know how to choose who would have to go.

So, this is what I did. I walked through our parking lots and found
sixty 'Obama' bumper stickers on our employees' cars and have
decided these folks will be the ones to let go. I can't think of a
more fair way to approach this problem. They voted for change, I
gave it to them.

I will see the rest of you at the annual company picnic.


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Katie's Komfort Kolumn - Written By BJ Cassady

Katie's Komfort Kolumn
Vol 1842

Miss Tami

Tami to herself: I hate to admit it but I am going to miss those
rowdy neighbors. I already miss the doggies. Oh well, I will get
some sleep and do not have to worry about tricks being played on me.

Rob bursts into the house

Rob: Great news! Our company has just transfered us.

Tami: Oh where to? Did they approve that transfer to New York,
Chicago, San Francisco or Denver?

Rob: No, better than that. We can slow our lives down. We are
going to Caldwell, Kansas. We can be neighbors to the Cassadys


Rob: Where are those smelling salts?

The herd


Adult Adult Adult

Remember 9/11/01

Regarding any problems unsubscribing this mailing list

In accordance with the 2004 Can-Spam act you can contact me at:

William Brabant
711 Pine Street Apt.1
Sault Ste Marie Michigan 49783

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Compilation and narrative copyright 2002 by william Brabant

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