[PostmansCorner] The Postman's Corner


Sex is like a petrol station.
Sometimes you get full service,
sometimes you have to ask for service
and sometimes you have to be happy with self-service... 

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Memories we treasure
We want them all to stay
Whatever roads we travel
They seem to always say
Many years a journey
Upon these roads we crossed
Spirits of the old times
Forever in our thoughts
Seems like it was yesterday
That precious times went by
Though now we can envision
The years that seemed to fly
Hear the laughter echo
With times within the past
Journey with a purpose
Always they will last 
Treasures live forever
In life they always say
Close your eyes remember
These times won't fade away.

It was announced today that the local climate in the UK should no longer
be referred to as 'English weather.'
In order to avoid offending a sizable portion of the population, it will
now be referred to as 'Muslim weather.'
In other words - 'partly Sunni but mostly Shi'ite.'

One thing before we get into the jokes, I want to make sure you know about
My friend, Papa Thorn. This old geezer has been around the net longer than
I have, and he publishes a FREE joke rag called Able to laff. If you like 
THE POSTMAN'S CORNER I'm gonna suggest you get on over and sign up
for his page too:)

Are you Able2Laugh?
If so...go here for all your Naughty humor needs.
For a full Adult Humor Magazine with
Jokes, toons, NEW humor, News, games, vids, fun links...and more!
Just a quick mail to here...will get you laughing soon!

You may note that I will also be carrying a few of his links from his
website every day in the guest editors section at the bottom, along with
Lorraine and Buffalo Bill. hope you like them!

We do hope you enjoy today's issue!
Martin aka the postman

The Comics

hospital food


A kitty and a rooster held a race. They reached a stream.
The cat said to the rooster, "I'm not jumping that --
you KNOW cats hate getting wet!"
The rooster replied, "Don't be a chicken --
just back up and take a flying leap!"
The cat tried, and landed in the middle  of the stream.
The rooster smiled contentedly. "What's so bloody  funny?"
asked the cat. The rooster answered,
"Well, NOTHING pleases a cock more'n seeing a wet pussy!!"
A guy says to the bartender, "A glass of your finest Less,
please.""Less? Never heard of it."
"C'mon, sure you have."
"No, really, we don't stock it. What is it? Some kind of
foreign beer?"
"I'm not sure. It was my doctor who mentioned it. He said I
should drink Less."
This young couple had only been married for one night when the
blonde bride went to the doctor to say, "This is my second day of
marriage, and there is something that bothers me."
Doctor: "What is it?"
Blonde Bride: "Well, during sex I feel his dick touch my kidneys."
Doctor: "Just send in your groom, and I will cut a couple of inches
off and hopefully it will not reach your kidneys."
Blonde Bride: "No, I want you to remove my kidneys instead."

The Truth Behind Men's Phrases
"Haven't I seen you before?"
"Nice ass."
"I'm a Romantic."
"I'm poor."
"I need you."
"My hand is tired."
"I am different from all the other guys."
"I am not circumcised. "
"I want a commitment."
"I'm sick of masturbation. "
"You're the only girl I've ever cared about."
"You are the only girl who hasn't rejected me."
"I really want to get to know you better."
"So I can tell my friends about it."
"It's just orange juice, try it."
"Three more shots, and she'll have her legs around my head."
"I don't know if I like her."
"She won't sleep with me."
How long you been working here?Every since the boss threatened to
fire me.    1st little boy: Are you coming out to play?
2nd little boy: No. I've got to help dad with my homework.   
An example of non-sense.An elephant hanging over a
cliff with his/her tail
wrapped around a daisy.
(Don't ask me why he/she was a doing there to begin with.)   
I hear that fish is a brain-food.It is! I eat it all the time.And that
folks is another theory disproved.
When It's Okay To Fart In Public:
In your boss' office as you are turning to leave.  Tip- Make sure
it's a silent one.
In a bathroom.
In a cashier's line - it might help to speed up things.
In an empty elevator before you get off.
Next to an occupied changing room - it may quickly become
In someone else's unoccupied cubicle at work.
While parachuting.
While scuba diving.
Buffalo Bill
Ruined Eyesight

Fun Pages from Lorraine
Old Joke Keeps Getting Funnier
Dirty Harry
Have a nice day
Martin aka the postman


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