[buffalos-adult-chips] Buffalo's Scuttlebut Sept.11 2002 a remembrance

Around the scuttlebutt with the Buffalo
( A modern scuttlebutt is a water cooler and on old ships as sailors
stood around the water cask rumors, sea stories and useful info was
spread )


The events of September 11 brought a surprising epiphany to my
heart... I moved, you may remember, from the streets of Brooklyn, NY
to rural Southern Maryland when I was eleven. It was during the days
of WW II, and our neighborhood was fast going downhill. I have
always praised God and blessed my mother for engineering this move
for us, because it changed my life forever.

I had never liked being a city mouse, and because I began to revel
in my newly found country surroundings, I developed an antipathy for
anything that smacked of New York City, and this even extended to my

The events of 9/11, plus a trip I took to New York a couple of years
ago have shown me the error of my lifelong attitudes. New Yorkers
are great; I was treated in a most friendly manner during my visit
there, and since the atrocities of the various attacks on that awful
day, I have developed all over again, a pride in my Yankee - my NEW
YORK - heritage. The response of the people, their courage and their
love for each other, has been a beacon that will never be
extinguished by any criminal act.

Thanks, neighbors, for showing the rest of us how it should be done.



Top quality work from The Avalon Project at Yale Law School, with
their "September 11, 2001 : Attack on America" section. You'll find
a view of the mechanisms of the U.S. government, as they dealt with
September 11, 2001 and its aftereffects. There are U.S. Presidential
and Congressional documents, and key laws passed and proclamations
issued immediately after the attacks; but be sure to browse down
further on the page - there's a treasure trove of documents!
- The Avalon Project at Yale Law School -



A wonderful creation of NPR and Lost & Found Sounds, started with a
single phone line that was set up for anyone to record their
thoughts and memories, and to record audio contributions. What they
got was "tapes of weddings atop the World Trade Center, recordings
of the buildings' elevators and revolving doors, home videos made by
a lawyer in his 42nd floor office, sounds of the Hudson river front,
recordings of late night Spanish radio drifting through the halls as
Latino workers clean the offices, an interview with the piano player
at Windows on the World, video email greetings that tourists sent
from the kiosks on the 110th floor, voicemail messages from people
who worked in the World Trade Center."

- The Sonic Memorial Project -



The morning of 9/11/2001 will be etched in my mind forever. I live
and work on Long Island. When we heard the first plane hit, I
assumed it was mechanical error. When the second plane hit it became
something horrific. When we were told that the buildings were down,
it was ........... surreal. As more people came into the doctors
office where I work it was as if I was in somebodys dream. I have
met some survivors, some people who worked at the site gathering
body parts. I watched the building smolder for days, weeks. I passed
a few tremendous NYPD/NYFD funerals, and for months they went on. In
the firehouse around my corner thousands of people came by carloads,
busloads to honor our local lost firefighter. My 20 year old watched
the towers come down from a bridge near his workplace. My 16 year
old said he would never look at a plane the same again, my feelings
also. My heart goes out to all the people lost.

Baldwin, LI, NY


Hi Buffalo & the gang,
Wayne & Leader Dog Sequoia here. The events on 11 September, 2001,
like the events on 7 December, 1941 are ones (to paraphrase
FDR) that
will live in infamy. Yes, we as a nation were hurt, but that does
NOT give our nation (the last of the great Superpowers) the right to
act the bully and throw our weight around. We as a nation must also
guard against giving up the constitutional freedoms and rights our
forefather (and mothers) fought so long and hard for. If we lose our
freedoms and liberties then the terrorists have completed their
mission of destroying the foundation of what our nation means. I am
extremely distressed by the prospect of formation of the Department
of Homeland Defense (DHS) that President George W. Bush is
attempting to push through Congress. the DHS kind of reminds me of a
little organization whose full title is The Committee for State
Security A.K.A. the KGB. To paraphrase a very wise founding father
(Thomas Jefferson or Benjamin Franklin) "He who would give up
essential liberties for temporary security deserves neither." We
already have a Department of Defense. Another point to ponder: At
the Nuremburg War Crime Trials held after WWII German officers and
official were charged with "Waging a war of aggression), this charge
could be leveled at our beloved nation if we invade Iraq without
provocation, and I don't meant something cooked up like the "Gulf of
Tonkin" incident. To quote the United States Marine Corps "SEMPER

Respectfully and Sincerely Yours,

Wayne M. Scace




Hey Buffalo! I don't usually put my 2 cents in, but I thought this
would be a good time. I'd like to say I enjoy your sight
tremendously and look forward to it every day. Great mix of real
life, humor and information!!! Great job!. I FWD some of your chips
every day. (one comment tho - can we get over the puncuation thing?
We're here to have fun, not in school any

My memories of 9/11? A lot of people I tell this too, either can't
believe, or don't believe. What I have to say is true, and it's been
a very rough year for me and my family. I've been wanting to tell my
story somewhere, as I listen to everyones tragedies. I picked here.
Here goes... When the planes hit on 9/11, my then fiance called me
at home and told me to watch TV. I watched in horror as they
replayed the 1st hit then the 2nd. I listened to the stories of the
pentagon too. I cried. I called my Mom, who was crying and said at
84 she couldn't live thru another war, esp another Holy War. I
called my sister, who's husband was gravely ill, she cried. My
mother did volunteer work for the WWII, etc., she passed away on
Sept 22. My brother in law, war vet , passed away on Sept 26. My
ex-father in law, who I was still close to and had a lot of respect
for, also war vet, passed away Dec 8. All claiming they could not go
thru the pain again. I have 4 kids, they lost their only grandma and
grandpa within 21/2 months. (This being grandparents day is esp
hard) My family and I struggled thru the holidays last year, which
Christmas Eve was always the most important to our Mom, we made it
thru somehow. Then my fiance, best friend, high school sweetie, been
back together for almost 5 yrs, etc. decided he wasn't happy, and
couldn't deal w all this and left us high and dry Feb 1. I now have
lots of dreams that will never happen, lots of kid problems, and a
house in foreclosure.

I know we all have had tragedies and grief to deal with, in our own
ways. On my pessimistic side, I think I've had all I can deal with
for now. On my optimistic side, I've been blessed with my first
grandson, very healthy and both Mom and baby doing great. They both
live with me for now, and I was there for the birth of my Grandson.
I hope this is a sign of new beginnings and good news! Anyone out
there who believes all this, once again, true, I don't ask for pity,
just a prayer along w everyone else for 9/11. Help me and my family
find our ways to a new life with all of our changes and losses.

I'd appreciate any and all inspirations....koko81356

Thanks buffalo - hope you print this. Look forward to your emails


What has 11 September 2001 meant to me? Interesting question. It's
my generations' Pearl Harbor. Will we respond as well as the
"Greatest Generation" did? I hope with all my heart that we can. My
mother is a member of that "Greatest Generation". She is now 83
years young. She lived the Great Depression as the daughter of a
dust bowl farmer. She fought WWII as a nurse on the home front. In
the fall of 1961, she and my father paid good money to adopt me
(don't ask me why, I think they got gipped....lol). They did
everything they could to give me the American Dream. Unfortunately,
my dad passed away in January 1968 (not a good year for any of us).
My mom did everything in her power to see that I grew up right. And
I fought her most of the way. She won! I served in the United States
Air Force and Have been a Deputy Sheriff for Lubbock County Texas
for over 17 years. I have a beautiful 17 year old daughter who plans
to be a whale doctor. I hope to make her as proud of me as I am of
her and her Grandmother. 11 September 2001 this nation was once
again drawn into war. I vow to do whatever it takes to ensure that
this nation is once more victorious......as always

Jay Helton


I remember I was at work, and there was a tide of 'chatter'
spreading from the hallway of the break room. I heard someone say
something about an airplane and the World Trade Center. Another
co-worker had been on the phone to our New York office (six blocks
away) and that person evidently seen it and was making utterances of
disbelief. Other co-workers had dashed to the breakroom to turn the
TV on and had seen the smoke and such billowing out. We all wondered
what poor smuck of a pilot had managed to hit the WTC with a plane
and what had caused the loss of control.

Then there was more commotion/confusion, and the word came back that
ANOTHER plane had hit the second tower!! I muttered words that
cannot be printed in your 'clean' chips and logged out of the phone
queue and dashed to the breakroom in time to see the replay. That
was when it became obvious that
a) this was not an accident and b) these were not small planes, they
were freakin' jumbo jets!! And the Pentagon was hit! And the Air
Force was scrambling after another plane which eventually crashed in
Pennsylvania and all planes were being grounded IMMEDIATELY. After
two replays I went back to the phone queue to let others go see the
replay. Everyone who had a radio tuned it to the clearest station we
could get in the office building and we had the news softly coming
through in multi-stereo. Our ships were being ordered out of the New
York ports with barely enough time to grab the hatch covers and
cargo still on the docks and on the ship and we hoped they would get
out safely. Phone calls were answered with 'Thank you for calling
***, may I help....Hi! Have you heard??' Many had heard, many had

When the first tower fell I heard it live on radio, a horrible
sound. I was on the phone when the second went down, as was my
customer, and we were both horrified/astounded. The WTC crumbling.
Inconceivable. Our New York office was being evacuated at that time,
and we wondered and worried for their safety. When buildings like
the WTC fall, six blocks is suddenly next door. Calls from New York
were routed to my office, and there were very few from the New York
City area, and only a smattering of calls from the surrounding
states which comprise our NYC sales area. Even our calls had dropped
off enormously, the only ones make cargo arrangements were for
urgent things, not items required three months down the line.

And the entire time we had the radios going, almost daring
management to tell us to turn them off. But we'd find them in the
break room with us, watching the live coverage, and the radios on in
their offices. We began receiving email from our colleagues in
Europe, expressing their horror at what had happened. When a former
employee who had taken a job with the Post and Courier arrived with
a handful of special edition copies of the paper we were around him
like sharks to bait, shelling out quarters for any bit of news we
could get our hands on. We work right at the Wando Terminal, one of
the busiest ports in the South Atlantic. Another way to look at it,
1/4 mile from a prime target.

As the afternoon wore on and the air system shut down we normal folk
likewise shut down, becoming numbed to the barrage of bad news.

And I'll shut down here, Buffalo, for the next day was 9/12, and the
time to cope and clean up the mess began. Not just the mess at the
WTC, that horror will stay for years to come, but the mess those
terrorists had made of our transportation industries. Not only air
flights cancelled, but vessels not permitted into NY ports,
heightened security at the other ports, reopening Long Beach Ports
(which had been shut down as soon as it became apparent it was a
terrorist attack, as it is the largest port and an easy target), and
getting the trucks moving. It was all we could do for the victims,
mourn their loss and make it look like the terrorists hadn't
terrorized us at all.

But they have, Buffalo. They have. I just try not to show it. If I
show it, they win.



No dis-respect intended to those that lost their lives
in the 9/11 tragedy, but the best way to honor their
memory isn't with a bunch of sappy, syrup covered
litigy, but to live our lives as Americans. To not
allow those who would bring terror to our country to
change our way of thinking. Our President is slowly
attacking the personal liberty that so many have
fought and died to protect. And we as Americans are
allowing him to do so because we want to feel safe. I
for one agree with the words of Thomas Jefferson when
he said "I would rather suffer the inconvenience of
too much liberty, than suffer the consequences of too
little". I would rather die fighting as a free man,
than to live in chains as a slave. And that goes for
living in fear, sorrounding myself with a prison of my
own making as well. Freedom at any cost !!!!



Hi Buffalo,

Wow- Sep 11. I remember turning on the morning news while I was
getting ready for work. Everyone was talking about the plane that
had "accidentally" crashed into the first WTC tower. I sat down to
catch-up with everything that was going on. Having walked by these
wonderful buildings when working in New York I was thinking, "Wow,
that had to be a big plane, look at the number of floors and the
width of the crash." Then the news anchor began speculating that it
might not be an accident but a terrorist attack. A few minutes later
the second plane comes into the picture, and I'm thinking-"Wow,
another plane just went into the second tower" The news anchor
begins, "I think we're seeing a re-play of the accident here..."
when it hit him, "No this is a second plane, another going into the
other tower. Horrifide, by the explosion, he said, 'I definitely
think this is a terrorist attack". Then minutes later the report of
the plane going into the Pentagon. I was angry, I couldn't help but
to think, "why did any of the passengers try to stop them?" My wife
and I discussed the issue at length, as reports were coming in on
the fourth plane. My wife was arguing, "they couldn't have known on
the first two planes, and perhaps the third as it had never been
done before."

I sat and watched until I had to leave for work. I was terribly late
as it was. In the car they were talking about how the first tower
had just come crashing down. I was crushed! When I got to work
everyone was in the break room watching as the second tower came
down. Managers were wondering about the status of some telephone
switches MCI had in the area that we support, they were on battery
backup and we were scrambling to make sure generators were kicking
in and there would be fuel available. Our customers mobile phone
networks were overloaded as well, which was causing minor software
problems which had to be addressed. It was a long- dark day for

We are definitely some of the luckiest people in the world. I've
lived in several countries and while there are great things about
every place I lived, America has a magic all it's own. It's not
perfect, but it is still the greatest nation on earth, and I don't
say that to put down other countries, just to qualify how I feel
about America. I hope September 11th makes all your American readers
remember how blessed we are to live here, and all your non-American
readers to remember all the blessings they have as well!

God Bless you and all your readers.
Scott Rogge


I thought this was very interesting.

The world's fifth and sixth tallest buildings were crushed into 1.8
million tons of smoking concrete and steel, a tomb for nearly 3,000
people. Now the job was recovery, and with each truckload the true
toll became clearer

Posted Sunday, September 1, 2002; 3:38 p.m. EST

6 years, 8 months
Time it took to build the World Trade Center, from 1966 to 1973

1 hour, 42 minutes
Time it took to destroy the towers, from the first impact to the
second collapse

180 m.p.h.
Speed at which a Boeing 707 could hit the towers but still not
destroy them, under the official engineering plan

470 m.p.h., 590 m.p.h.
Estimated flight speeds of the two Boeing 767 jets that hit the

Magnitude of the earthquake-like tremor caused by the impact of
American Airlines Flight 11 hitting the north tower

Estimated temperature of the fires ignited by the jet fuel

Temperature at which steel loses half its strength; it melts at
about 2500ºF

Magnitude of the tremor caused by the collapse of the north tower,
measured from 21 miles away

Police officers killed; 37 Port Authority, 23 N.Y.P.D.

New York City fire fighters killed; 60 were off duty

Cantor Fitzgerald employees killed

Bystanders killed by falling debris

Body parts recovered from the site; 4,598 have been identified

Ounces of gold recovered from the Bank of Nova Scotia vault (current
$118.5 million)

Auguste Rodin sculptures recovered from the rubble

Rings, among the 65,000 personal items recovered from ground zero.
Other items include 437 watches, 77 necklaces, 119 earrings and 80

Autographed baseballs found

People who escaped the south tower from above the floors where the
plane hit

People who escaped the north tower from above the floors where the
plane hit

Survivors found in the rubble: 12 fire fighters, three police
officers, three civilians. All were found by Sept. 12

Bomb threats phoned in to police in New York City on Sept. 11

Looting arrests in New York City on Sept. 11; by Oct. 11, 54 more
had been made

$4 billion to $6 billion
Expected total payout of government compensation to victims'

Government estimate of the value-before subtracting insurance,
pensions or other benefits-of a child, making $50,000 a year at the
time of his death

$1.36 million
Average payment to first 25 families who applied

American flags sold by Wal-Mart on Sept. 11, 2001

American flags sold by Wal-Mart on Sept. 11, 2000

New York City public-school students who reported that six months
later, they still frequently thought about the Sept. 11 attacks

3.6 million
Estimated number of tourists who will have visited ground zero by
the end of this year

Sources: FEMA, N.Y.P.D., F.D.N.Y., Port Authority of New York and
New Jersey, McKinsey & Co., Office of the Chief Medical Examiner,
Justice Department, FBI, New York Times, USA Today, Atlantic Monthly


What happened to us was terrible, but so was and is the other
terrorist acts taking place all over the globe. In my opinion every
mother of every child needs to teach them to love all humans not
just the ones who look like them, or talk like them, or worship like
them. Life is a priceless gift and no one has the right to take it

Dj Likesure


First things first: By now we all should know that America is the
great evil the root of everything wrong in the world. If it's a
wrong then it had to come from America. No matter how hard we try to
set something right we're destined to be the bad guys. We should
have learned long ago, but we keep trying. Not because we're stupid,
but because that's the way we're made. We're the good guys the ones
that always try to turn it around. My wife calls me the boyscout,
others called me the king of screw-ups. I had a good role model.
Okay I only helped one or two little old ladied cross the street.
(Not a lie) I never ran from trouble or hard work. America is the
same way. I'm proud as hell to say that I come from this country.
She is far from being a wreck, she was down on one knee for a moment
or two there. But she is very strong. I hear and read about a few
people talking their puke about America. Funny thing if they hate
HER why the hell haven't they left? I could always give them
directions to go straight to hell. I love this country. I may be
disabled and no army worth a damn would have me I'd fight to protect
HER. But I'm pissed and I'm sick of people here putting HER down.
Just five minutes. I may get my ass kicked, but at least I'd get in
a few good shots. If my opinion counts for anything. Which I know it
don't. But I'm on a roll here. Let's just take care of our own for a
while. To hell with these other countries. Our people need the help.
Be Big Brother to the American people, revoke visas and just start
telling these
people: "Sorry No Vacancy. Letting them in is how many feel 9-11 got
under way. I don't know. It certainly has some merit. Well Buffalo,
I certainly said my piece. Just hope I didn't cross the line too




I love you stories being an old salt myself and now
working for the enemy (ARMY).

9-11 affect here as well as overseas. My kids didn't
want to attend school and had nightmares. They were
scared that the Hijackers had survived and would try
to land a plane in their playground at school during
recess. We have now convinced them that none survived
and that all is safe.

The school on hearing the problems some were having
coming to terms with what they saw constantly on our
TV's without respite, have introduced a subject about
disasters to explain this and other sights our kids
witness every day.

I don't think the world is ever going to be the same for
any of us but thankfully life is returning to some sense of

The premier of the state where i live has suggested that all drivers
turn on there lights at 8:47am on Sept 11 to honour the dead. This
has since taken off and will now happen at local time in all states
in my country.



Hi Buffalo, I Love your stories... I have 26 Years with the Air
Force . I believe most of this 9-11 stuff is crap.. Sleazy people
are making money off headlines.. Military people get killed and its
no big deal. Now this and everyone goes nuts. We are still Fighting
a sort of war in the Gulf. IE aircraft flying missions , getting
shot at with missiles, and then blowing up the bad guys.. and all
for what ..... So American Big Money Oil Interests can keep making
more money.... We are not setting anyone free with our efforts, we
are putting Tax Payer Dollars into Big Money Hands that Buy the
politicans , that put our people at risk.. Sometimes it would be
better if we as American's didn't kick the sleeping dog, and stayed
on our own shores..Just my thoughts..



My loving bride turned me on to your list several months ago, and
she sends me the ones that she thinks I will like. When I received
the one regarding 9-11, I knew that I had to answer that one. Like
those who remember exactly where they were that November 1963
morning, I will never forget where I was, how I heard, and my
feelings that terrible September morning. I had recently started a
new job, and was in Fresno, CA with a client. Just after the 2nd
plain hit, I received a call from my wife, asking me if I knew what
was going on. She had just turned on the TV to see that terrible
scene. I immediately turned on the TV, and watched with horror what
was transpiring in New York. My first reaction was horror, quickly
followed by anger, and just as quickly followed by prayer. Prayer
for those who had been on those planes, and prayer for America. Then
came the Pentagon, and finally the plane into the field in

The succeding days are somewhat a blurr, but I do have several
memories. The most strident of which being the day of prayer. I
listened to the service in Washington that day, and then that
evening, here in Sacramento, we had our own. There were several
people who spoke, and there were thousands who watched and prayed.
We were about 5,000 strong, and of one accord. When a commercial jet
flew overhead, one of the first ones out of Sacramento, a large
cheer went out. You could hear all over the park, chants of
USA!USA!USA!. It's a sound I will never forget, and a sight I will
always remember.

God Bless America,


Remembering 9/11
September 11th, 2001 started just like any other day for me. My
husband and I are retired, so I was in my usual spot at the computer
with my coffee and he was reading the newspaper. Most mornings Bob
has the television on and is watching the sports stations by nine
a.m. For some reason he did not turn on the television that morning
until nearly noon. After the t.v. was on he called to me and I could
not believe what was unfolding before my eyes. We both watched,
transfixed, stunned and in a state of shock and disbelief. Words
cannot describe the horror of seeing the replays of the planes
hitting the towers, the pentagon and the plane that went down in Pa.
I still find it so difficult to understand that there are people in
this world who would intentionally kill thousands of innocent
people. I cannot comprehend anyone hurting an innocent animal, let
alone a single human being. My heart goes out to all the victims and
their families. May we all say an extra prayer for each and everyone
of them and always remember 9/11/2001. Roseanne Savage


hi buffalo,
i have been making a page now for almost a year on 9-11 and since
you asked for personal accounts here you go.


enjoy..and you got a great e-zine and great people in the herd!!
sunny-lower half of michigan


Dear Buffalo,

My story is no different from many other Americans, but I would like
to say, I have never felt more scared and alone on that day. I saw
grown men crying and of course I saw anger that I have never seen
before. As an American I was under the impression that this could
not happen to us. We were above the violence and hatered that other
countries have indured. I was very wrong! As horrible and horrific
as this attack was on our nation, it did prove to bring all of our
counrtymen and women closer. My heart goes out to all the victims
and their families and it also goes out to all of our nation. No
matter how you may feel about our President, we should be proud of
him and the way he has handled this terrible act of violence. God
Bless America. Thank you Buffalo for giving me a chance to express
my feelings. I love receiving your jokes and the scuddlebutt every
day. Keep up the great work.



I remember exactly where I was, I was at work, at Publix, managing
the seafood department. My first reaction was similar to the one I
had when someone told that JFK had been assassinated. I didn't
believe it. It couldn't be true. But then my wife confirmed the
first hit on the world trade center and then a bit later phoned to
advise me of the second plane. Later I heard about the plane hitting
the pentagon and then the final tragic death of the people on the
fourth plane, but at least there were heros on that plane that saved
many lifes. The saying "let's roll" will live with us forever. One
of our sheriff's deputies who lost her wife, a stewardess, lives
right here in Naples, which brings the tragedy even closer.

The Islam religion preaches peace and love as so do all other other
religions. This was not an attack of war, this was an attack on
totally innocent people by lunatics. We did not invade their
country, we did not fire the first shot, we did not impose our will
on their people, we did not impose our form of government on them,
we did not tell them how to vote, we did not tell them how to live
their daily lives. But we will have the last say in this matter. GOD

Bud Mundy



I read Buffalo chips everyday and enjoy the things you
write about military life.I also enjoy the things from
other ppl, stories about their lives etc...In my life
I've held many jobs, mainly Emergency Medical
Services. I've seen many devastating things during the
12 years I was with the ambulance service, but never
worked a disaster like 9-11. I had left the ambulance
service in June before the 9-11 disaster hit and I was
driving a truck...Yes, I was a female truck driver,
and loved it...I happened to be home when it happened,
heard it on my alarm clock...I was heartbroken at
first...then just plain mad!

How dare they! Come into my country and attack!! I was
born American, and will die American, and they have
the nerve to come over here and start this??
They could not have chosen a better way to unify this
country in a heart beat, than to attack defenseless
people! We have always stood for the underdog, and in
this case it was us. As I drove down the highways in
the days following the attack, I saw suspicion, anger,
fear....compassion, caring, warmth from strangers....In areas of our
great country, known for their snobbery and arrogance, I was met
with gentleness and courtesy. People were talking to each
other..concerned for each other, and still are. Ben Ladin and his
cronies thought they were striking a blow against us...Wrong!!! They
only made us mad, and want to stick together...This is a great
country of ours....want to find out how great??? Just try something
against the people and you find out just how much Americans stick
together...I have two sons in the military...Marine Corp, and
Army..and yes they could be killed in the fighting...what better way
to die, than fighting for freedom and the rights that we
have...Better than on the streets and for no reason...I love my
country, and if it comes down to it...I'd fight for it....May
Freedom always be our right. Sorry this is so long, but you asked
for our thoughts, and these are mine...I mourned for the fallen in
the Trade Center...I still do..and for their families....They are in
my heart always.... God Bless

Karen Harris


I am from Australia, and 1st knew of the tragedy, when chatting on
ICQ,the other side seemed alarmed that there was a disaster in New
York,soon after that she went of and it was known what the tragedy
was,tragedy is the wrong word,there is not a word in the English
lingo,to express a feeling so great. It saddens me to think the do
gooders and bleeding hearts of this world are letting sadam do as he
wants,I wonder if they think he is a saint or when he has a bomb
full of a deadly drug,or worse,go of in Paris,New York or London,,we
set traps to catch pests,ie:-RATS,is sadam an angel. alister PS,my
thots are with those who have lost and pray it never happens
again,tho,sadly many forget to quick. Alister Penman


My Reflections of 9/11:

STUNNED!! As I watched the towers collapse I thought, "All those
people!!! They couldn't possibly survive." I cried for them. My sons
are phone techs & they sometimes work in NYC,so I called their
office to see if either of them were sent to the city. Thank you God
! They were not. I then spent the next few days eerily glued to the
TV crying whenever I saw the towers collapsing over & over. I wanted
revenge! I wanted our country to bomb the sh*t out of any country
involved. How dare someone even think they could come here & cause
all this devastation. Attack America? Are they kidding me? My
thoughts mellowed when I heard of the first GI casualty. We were
losing more Americans to these obsessed evil fanatics. As kids, my
friends & I were able to walk around our town without the fear of
being snatched off the street by a bad guy or fear someone will want
to blow us up. Well, now we Americans have to look over our
shoulders & we must watch each others backs. Every generation talks
about their good old days. But, you know what? 9/10 is now the good
old days for all American generations. GOD BLESS AMERICA barbjare nj


Buffalo :
I am not sure that you really want what you will get with this
subject and I am afraid that you will be swamped so I am going to
try to keep my note as small as I can , On November 11 I had the
same feeling that I had on December 7 1941 as I sat and listened to
the radio while the President told what had happened and the tears
ran down my face and I could not believe that such a thing could
happen I was aware that there was a war in Europe but that didn't
make any sense to me but now I knew that my country had been slapped
in the face and it hurt . I knew that my world had changed and I was
no longer a child . This is the same feeling that came to me on 9/11
except I was not a child and not as many tears came ; But I still
had the feeling that my world was changed and maybe not for the
better as it was going to close our freedoms that I and other had
fought so had for and expected to live in for the rest of our time .
Well that is pretty much what I thought and I have tried to explain
to my Grandchildren how things will never be the same . Well that is
all . this is about a short as I can get it and it don't begin to
tell the whole story .



After the initial shock, all I could think of every day since was
America will never forget what those murderous bastards did to us.
Every rotten one of them is going to pay heavily no matter how long
it takes. The president swore to get Osama Bin Laden and his gang
and bring them to justice. This has not yet happened. But it will!
He could deprive us of a fair trial by dying of "natural" causes,
but I hope not! There would be nothing better than to see every one
of them in the dock. They would then find out the difference between
our judicial system and theirs.

And the same goes for Saddam Hussein whose "Elite Guard" we had in a
vise-like grip during the "Gulf War" and then let them escape
because our "friends" in the Middle East "advised" the president
that it would be inadvisable to topple that rattlesnake just then.
If not then, when? If not us, who?

I have nothing against the peaceful populations there or anywhere
else. They may come to our land and enjoy the rights and freedoms
guaranteed by our Constitution. But if they persist in following
blood-thirsty leaders, then they will feel the full fury of our

I could go on. But I've said enough to make the point. Patrick Henry
had it right. So, let's not equivocate. Let's make our position
clear to the entire world. And if no one wants to join us, then
we'll go it alone.

Alfred Goldis


Since I am approximately the same age as Buffalo (50) - I spent my
morning of Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001 playing golf on Ladies Day down
here in Florida. We teed off at around 8:15 and made the turn around
10 or a little bit after. Remember this is Florida and it is still
HOT down here in September...........I went into the dining
room/lounge for some reason (I very rarely do that until after the
round) - the wait staff, to a person, stood there with their view
FIXED on the four TV's located around the lounge. One of the cart
guys filled me in on what was happening - THEN I SAW THE PICTURE OF
punched in the stomach by a 400 pound linebacker............I
struggled back outside to resume play with my 4-some.........could
not speak. When we reached the #1 teebox, I mentioned something
about 2 planes hitting the World Trade Towers, etc. - Since I was
the only one who had seen the actual film of the destruction no one
could fathom what I was trying to convey. They now know.

Jane Welch


My name is Ernie White, I live in St. Louis, Mo.
I was at work on 911 when I heard about it on the
radio. At first I thought it was just one bad
accident. Then I here of aircarft number 2
hitting the WTC then It hit me. This is NO
Acident. Later we here about the other 2 one in
PA., The other in Washington, D.C.
I did not know anyone of the people that lossed
their lives. It still hurt me to think of all
them people who were killed for no good reason.
I like to put the blaim on Clinton for he did not
do anything early on the first time. He could
have but he did nothing...

thanks for the web site you have .that morning my wife and i were at
exercise when the first tower was hit, we were spell bound that it
could happen in this country, we were also verry angry . it is a
good thing George W. was in charge because if i was in charge that
whole country would be glass now.., i enjoy every thing you have
onyour web site . i was in the navy in ww2 and was in the south
pacific untill it was over. keep up the good woork Tommy M. in
central Tx.


September 11, 2001 we awoke to a beautiful Nebraska day. We were
happy to be heading home after a three week vacation. My cousin
prepared breakfast and we were making our plans for the long trip
home to California that included a trip to Washington State, when
another cousin came rushing into the house and said "you had better
turn on the TV, right now!" Of course we were shocked, devastated
and overwhelmed as we all watched in horror at the unfolding events.

I am sure that like everybody else, we thought about how it would
affect us. How would we manage to go home? What would the highways
be like? Would there be road blocks? Would the militia be out in
full force? Would there even be enough fuel for our trip. Would we
be forced to attempt to go straight home or could we make the trip
to Washington to visit our family as planned.

As it happened, trucks were our only other road companions. Gas was
plentiful, and at one gas station in Wyoming they had run out of
regular and were selling ethyl at the regular prices! Never did we
see "price gouging of gas". Every motel we stayed at had a TV in the
lobby with current events. Everybody that we talked to from clerks
to gas station attendants and from waitresses (and waiters) to other
customers and even truckers were friendlier than ever. A bonding had
occurred among Americans. God Bless America!



To tell the truth,I was home watching TV and got up for a cup of
java, .When I retuned,I thought someone had changed the channel ,as
I KNEW it HAD to be a movie .It wasn't untill the third showing that
I understood.Another point I'd like to make is:911 is our emergency
numer which was as usefull as a newspsper on a rainy day! Pamela


Hey Buff,
Actually a very good idea..this could be cathartic for a lot of
people. I was awakened by the phone call of a friend who had been
watching TV when the newsbreak cut in. He got on the phone to me and
told me to turn on CNN but didn't say why. My first image was one of
the towers apparently on fire until the commentary disabused me of
the notion by talking about the plane hitting the tower. It was very
hard to comprehend. As I watched the second plane come in and hit
the second tower the scene became utterly surreal...twice could not
be accidental. Who would do something so monstrous? Then I got the
news about the Pentagon and the plane that went down in
Pennsylvania. The last one worried me because on of my best friends
lives near Harrisburg and the news didn't say precisely where the
plane came down. I was in shock a good deal of that day. I thought
of all the people killed. It was all very unreal. Then in the
aftermath when it was discovered who had performed these acts, I
thought that the individuals behind it should face a swift and
sudden retribution...but in court...our way, not theirs. I didn't
blame any nations' people as a whole. that is like saying we are
responsible for what Gacy, Bundy, et al, did. I wrote defending
Islam. Practiced by the faithful it is a true religion...zealots can
twist it to their own way of thought, and lead the gullible and
disenfranchised to acts that are against the religion. People seem
to forget the crusades, the Inquisition, Jim Jones (professed
Christian), The European Red Brigades. It is time to memorialize
those fallen in an untimely and horrific manner. It is a time to
remember that, trite as it sounds, good will triumph. But in my
opiniion the best memorial for the dead would be to stand up for
individual rights and freedoms they believed in and stop the
governments from behaving in a manner very reminiscent of Nazi
Germany in the 1930's. "Morality is always the product of terror;
its chains and strait-waistcoats are fashioned by those who dare not
trust others, because they dare not trust themselves, to walk in
liberty." --- Aldous Huxley Think about it da Mojoman Remember 9-11


9-11 was a surreal thing that I woke up to, seeing the Twin Towers
on fire and knowing people had lost their lives. But the next
hardest thing was going into work that day and watching my friends
having to deal with this directly. See, I work in a call center for
Verizon Wireless, and our largest tower was on top of the World
Trade Centers. This year, I am taking calls for that customer base.
It will be a very solemn day as we all remember those that perished.
We all need to remember that not just the WTC was attacked, but the
Pentegon and the plane in Pennsylvania as well. It affected me as a
human being that loves people. I will never forget that day. God
Bless the U.S.A. Sherri from Kansas


Dear Buffalo,
Thank you for your wonderful list and also for this opportunity. I
do not know who should recieve the credit for the quote, but it is
the most thought provoking one that sticks. "In the begining, there
was God, now all we have is religion." My wish for humanity is that
we all return to God and turn away from the one thing that has
caused a lot of the prolblems, religion.

Diane Moffat


That day my husband was watching a movie and I was working on the
computer. The phone rang with a call from one of my sisters, telling
me to turn on the news. When I did, I was so stunned. I stared and
cried in disbelieve. I prayed and cried some more. I attended a
community candlelight service. There were alot of people there. The
local fire department came out in force. The night was very moving.
Singing, crying, praying, speeches, etc......

Linda Seay



9/11...9/11...9/11... I live in Japan and rang the doorbell to a
friend`s house. We were to meet that evening to discuss the
translations for court documents for my horrid divorce. His wife
came to the door franticly telling me that a jet had just crashed
into one of the WTCs! I walked into the living room and saw the news
and knew I hadn`t misunderstood her English. My first thought?
That`s not an accident. And then I watched live as a second jet
paralleled the first one. I completely forgot about why I was there
and all that was weighing on my mind.

I had only one thing on my mind. I wasn`t thinking, "Why?" or "Who?"
As with everybody I hope, I don`t agree with everything the US
government says or does, but there are many who, for right or for
wrong, vehemently do disagree and so in this day and age, something
on the scale of 9/11 was bound to happen. For quite a while now, the
writing has been on the wall has been clearly legible.
Unfortunately, there are just too many woefully
internationally-politically illiterate US citizens. But what did go
through my mind, as I hope it does every time anyone witnesses,
hears or reads of unnecessary loss of life in the unfortunately
violent struggles of our world, is sorrow; deep sorrow for the
individuals who perished. The same sorrow I feel whenever the
innocent anywhere become unwilling participants, in the flash of a
bomb or the piercing of a bullet.

Later, as information unfolded and it became apparent that some
individuals of Middle-eastern descent were behind this, I quickly
felt a separate sorrow for anybody in the US who would now be
automatically associated with the perpetrators, simply because they
are of visibly Middle-eastern descent. We`ve seen it happen before,
the WTC basement bombing being just one example. How disgustingly

People of the world. Raise your flag. Raise your voice. But don`t
raise your hand, except to greet, help, console or comfort another.



I am not sure i can put all my feelings in a few paragraphs but will
try. Since i am a Jersy girl,( well was once, lol ) having lived
right across the river from NYC,, and realize how lucky i am being
able to look at the skyline every night,, all the lights, knowing
that there were 6 million stories going on every day over there,
similar to the intro to an old tv show, think it was called the
naked city, well, to look over at the skyline now, it truly is the
naked city without the trade center buildings standing there, so
proud,, watching over nyc, and surrounding areas. I can remember
when it was being built, watching it go up,, and listening to people
mumble about it, how it didn't look real, never saw anything like
it, and while i was at work on September 11,, looking out a window
from work, watching the first tower going down,, and standing there
saying to myself, this isn't real, i had never seen anything like
that in my life. Ironic that the same words were muttered only this
time is shock, horror, and disbelief. I find it still to be unreal a
year later. There are so many thoughts running through my head as i
try to write this, was working at a hospital in nj then, literally
right across the river from nyc,,just getting into work, to hear
someone rushing in saying a plane hit the WTC,, at first, like
everyone else, i thought, omg,, how the hell did that happen, the TV
was on in the dr's lounge, many of the physicians were watching
this, when the second plane hit, and the realization that this was
not an accident. I should explain that this particular area of the
country is a virtual melting pot, United Nations, whatever you wish
to call it, there are people from so many countries that would take
too long and too much space to list. Regardless of where anyone was
from that day,,, the only thought that everyone kept repeating over
and over again, was just disbelief,, even though we could see it
happening, not only on tv but from the windows of the hospital, you
still just could not believe it was really happening. At this time,
the organized chaos began, getting set up for the overflow of
victims that the NY hospitals wouldn't be able to handle. When the
tunnel opened up to allow emergency vehicles to leave nyc, we did
see some patients, many were treated as they got off the trains, to
see these people who had actually been there, and survived,, you
could smell the smoke on them, covered in dust, it wasn't till later
we realized we actually did see the lucky ones, they survived. As
the day went on, hearing of the plane crashing at the Pentagon, and
possibly there were as many as 6 planes that could be involved, the
report of the plane crashing in Pa., just kept hearing all these
different things at this time the phone system was down where we
were, people were making long distance calls to people to have them
call relatives in the same city we were in to let them know we were
ok,, or sending emails, not sure if they were going through. I
looked out the window once, and that was as the first tower
collapsed, that was the first and last time that day i looked out
the window toward the trade center. There were 3 firemen at the ER,
whether they were patients or transported patients, i am not sure
but you could not get back into nyc since they virtually sealed the
city, i remember looking at them, as they were looking in the
direction of nyc, and you could feel their frustration since they
were now stuck in nj, but i am sure there were 3 very happy and
grateful families when they heard from them. As the day wore on,,
and reality was setting in, realizing there were many lives lost, i
can remember saying to a co-worker that as bad as today was, it will
be worse tomorrow,, and the day after that,,, Coming home that night
much later than usual, as we got to a certain part of the city all
you could see now was smoke, where the trade center once stood, the
tears came,, after talking to families who were calling any and all
hospitals looking for their loved ones hoping that they had
survived. Getting patient lists from the Red Cross, looking over the
names, hoping to see if i recognized any names of people i knew who
worked there. I can remember just coming home and watching the
reports on tv, and just feeling so helpless like i should be doing
something instead of just sitting there, wound up spending most of
the night watching the reports, crying, unable to sleep, knowing i
needed to, but didn't want to stop watching the reports hoping they
would come on and say they had found more survivors. The next day,
first thing i did as i left for work was put the flag out, where it
has been since,, reality was now setting in, you would be hard
pressed to find anyone in this part of the country who didn't know
or was related to someone who lost their life that day. Every day
for some time it seemed like i heard about someone else who didn't
survive. Ironically i had a vacation scheduled for a week after this
happened , which required flying,, something my children were very
much against me doing but i had made plans, and i was going.
Honestly needed the time away at that point, I do have to admit
though as time as gone on, i find it very difficult to see or watch
anything about the WTC, because we know now just how many innocent
lives were lost for a reason i would venture to say not many know
exactly why, and wonder if we ever will know.

Sorry for the length of this, please feel free to edit as needed.


My better half woke me abruptly, "Come look a plane flew into the
World Trade Center in New York." Sleepy eyed I came into the front
room to see the tragedy, and saw instead the second plane hit the
second tower. I could not believe I was awake, I was sure I was
dreaming.....but no it was real.

Our life changed that day because we were no longer invincible, we
were just like all the other countries....the oceans became streams
for hatred to step across and take our freedom away. Our country
that gives so much away had finally given our freedom away, or so it
seemed. But then we began to remember who we were and why we were
and sanity returned. No one can take away our freedom, too many have
already paid the price..........we will defend our way of life. Come
on, try us! Love and God Bless. Ger and Mar.


the following is some of what i used for solace and comfort. i tried
to give proper credit by citing sources.

to think about...
"What A Difference A Day Makes..."
On Monday we e-mailed jokes. On Tuesday we did not.
On Monday we thought that we were secure. On Tuesday we learned
better. On Monday we were talking about heroes as being athletes. On
Tuesday we relearned who our heroes are. On Monday we were irritated
that our rebate checks had not arrived. On Tuesday we gave money
away to people we had never met. On Monday there were people
fighting against praying in schools. On Tuesday you would have been
hard pressed to find a school where someone was not praying. On
Monday people argued with their kids about picking up their room. On
Tuesday the same people could not get home fast enough to hug their
kids. On Monday people were upset that they had to wait 6 minutes in
a fast food drive through line. On Tuesday people didn't care about
waiting up to 6 hours to give blood for the dying. On Monday we
waved our flags signifying our cultural diversity. On Tuesday we
waved only the American flag. On Monday there were people trying to
separate each other by race, sex, color and creed. On Tuesday they
were all holding hands. On Monday we men or women, white or black or
any other color, old or young, rich or poor, straight or gay,
Christian, Jews, Muslim, Hindu or of other religions. On Tuesday we
were Americans. On Monday politicians argued about budget surpluses.
On Tuesday grief stricken they sang off key "God Bless America." On
Monday the President was going to Florida to read to children. On
Tuesday he returned to Washington to protect our children. On Monday
we had families. On Tuesday we had many orphans. On Monday people
went to work as usual. On Tuesday they died. On Monday people were
fighting the 10 Commandments on government property. On Tuesday the
same people all said 'God help us all'. It is sadly ironic how it
takes horrific events to place things into perspective, but it has.
The lessons learned this week, the things we have taken for granted,
the things that have been forgotten or overlooked, hopefully will
never be forgotten again.


The enormity of what happened to our nation a year ago today somehow
seems beyond the ability of human minds to grasp. From early this
morning until late tonight Americans have been able to see report
after report and listen to the heart's cry of the loved ones of the
victims. As they hold in their hands the pictures of their fathers,
brothers, sons, husbands, wives
-- we
hear the cry of their hearts telling us that the wounds inflicted
there, though we must go on, will never heal.

There have been other wounds too, some other wounds that only sights
like those of today can somehow bring into focus for us.

We lost 3,000 innocent people a year ago today.
In another time and another place ..........

The Jews lost 6 MILLION.

Maybe the tears we have seen on television today --just maybe they
can help us understand the enormity of the pain absorbed by the
Jewish people who also lost sons, daughters, sisters, fathers,
brothers ..........




I find it hard to read emails and type them today, because of the
constant tears in my eyes on this day of remembered sorrows.


We are a strong nation and maybe we need a reminder again a year
later that we need to pull together. We did work together after the
original attacks, and many went back to their religion. But now
church attendance has fallen to previous figures, and blood drives
are begging for donors. We have the best country in the world, -
sure there are things that need to be changed, but at least we are
free to discuss them, and vote, and try to change things for the




Dear Buffalo Just finished pondering over your very vivid picture of
9-11 in your mail of September 11, 2002 2:38 AM I can see the pride
Americans have towards their country. I have always viewed you as
being more patriotic than most countries I know.

I can feel a sense of sorrow for this thousands of people who lost
loved ones, and am still touched by the visible reminder of the
destruction and sorrow that day (and ever since) on the news
reports. It is a shame that so many had to suffer in order that we
might learn some of the many lessons given in these horrible events
. . We should never make light of nor forget the fact that there
were many innocent lives lost, not only in the USA, but also in
other areas of the world (including Afghanistan and Iraq). And for

I do believe, however, that we can so easily overlook something very
vital here.

Do we realize that no matter who we are nor how powerful we are, we
are not immune to tragedy? We are after all only human? And even
the "most powerful nation on earth" can be hurt, can be attacked,
can even be killed.

And what do we do now? Are we again going to rebuild those "towers
of strength" which according to some Americans quoted on CNN,
represented power, and strength, and unity "to the world around us"
. . .. .?

Are we again going to show off to the world that we are invincible
after all?

The world knows that the USA is a nation which stands for justice;
this nation prides itself to being united in preserving justice; and
peace; and good will; and loving fellowship; to all people, no
matter what their beliefs, race, or status in life?

But why do we then need to re-build "the towers" . . . . ? The
world knows what the ?US stands for, and we do not need to as one
man was quoted on CNN the day before the 11th to suggest, re-build
those physical signs of strength. Would those who lost loved ones
really want that? I hope I never have to face such a question.

However, why is such a physical tower of strength so important? That
can be destroyed, as was so horribly displayed last year. Why not
build up spiritual towers of strength?

Your president asked for defiance. Why not love and justice? Gets
the same result, and does much more good than defiance.

Physical towers can be destroyed, defiance only begs for

Those towers in our heart can not even be reached, let alone
destroyed by mortals.

And besides, this is an important question for the citizens of all
countries; Do we rely on a show of strength? Or do we have real
strength, which man can never destroy, nor even take away.

B. Vos, Ontario Canada



You say you will never forget where you were when
you heard the news On September 11, 2001.
Neither will I.

I was on the 110th floor in a smoke filled room
with a man who called his wife to say 'Good-Bye.' I
held his fingers steady as he dialed. I gave him the
peace to say, 'Honey, I am not going to make it, but it
is OK..I am ready to go.'

I was with his wife when he called as she fed
breakfast to their children. I held her up as she
tried to understand his words and as she realized
he wasn't coming home that night.

I was in the stairwell of the 23rd floor when a
woman cried out to Me for help. 'I have been
knocking on the door of your heart for 50 years!' I said.
'Of course I will show you the way home - only
believe in Me now.'

I was at the base of the building with the Priest
ministering to the injured and devastated souls.
I took him home to tend to his Flock in Heaven. He
heard my voice and answered.

I was on all four of those planes, in every seat,
with every prayer. I was with the crew as they
were overtaken. I was in the very hearts of the
believers there, comforting and assuring them that their
faith has saved them.

I was in Texas , Virginia , California , Michigan , Afghanistan ...
I was standing next to you when you heard the terrible news.
Did you sense Me?

I want you to know that I saw every face. I knew
every name - though not all know Me. Some met Me
for the first time on the 86th floor.

Some sought Me with their last breath.
Some couldn't hear Me calling to them through the
smoke and flames; 'Come to Me.. this way... take
my hand.' Some chose, for the final time, to ignore Me.
But, I was there.

I did not place you in the Tower that day. You
may not know why, but I do. However, if you were
there in that explosive moment in time, would you have
reached for Me?

Sept. 11, 2001, was not the end of the journey
for you. But someday your journey will end. And I
will be there for you as well. Seek Me now while I may
be found. Then, at any moment, you know you are
'ready to go.'

I will be in the stairwell of your final moments.

During the next 60 seconds, stop whatever you are
doing, and take this opportunity. (Literally it
is only 1 minute.) All you have to do is the

Stop and think and appreciate God's power
in your life, for doing what you know is pleasing to
Him. If you are not ashamed to do this, follow the
instructions. Jesus said, 'If you are ashamed of Me, I will be
ashamed of you before My Father'

If you are not ashamed, copy and send this message...only
if you believe 'Yes, I love my God. He is my
fountain of Life and My Savior. He Keeps me going day and
night. Without Him, I am no one. But with Him, I can do
everything. Christ is my strength.'

I am sorry but I am not breaking this one....Let us pray

Carol Barton



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