[PostmansCorner] The Postman's Corner


If I cannot appreciate what I have at the moment, how can I value what the
future has in store?

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WE do hope you enjoy today's issue!
Martin aka the postman



exact counts
Nadine and Jill meet for lunch and Nadine is very, very noticeably upset. 
"What's wrong Nadine," asks Jill.  "My doctor just called me and tells me
I am pregnant. I can't be pregnant! I've never been married, I don't have
any boy friends, I've never even been near a man except... Oh... That damn
lifeguard told me it was a new form of artificial respiration
Barry took a girl out on her first date.  When they pulled off into a
secluded area around midnight, the girl said, "My mother told me to
say no to everything."  "Well," Barry said, "do you mind if I
put my arm around you?" "No," the girl replied.  "Do you mind if I
put my other hand on your leg?" "N-n-no," the girl replied. 
"You know," Barrysaid, "We're going to have a lotta fun if
you're on the level about this.
Fidel dies and goes to heaven. When he gets there, St. Peter tells
him that he is not on the list and that no way, no how,
does he belong in heaven. Fidel must go to hell.
So Fidel goes to hell where Satan gives him a hearty welcome and
tells him to make himself at home. Then Fidel notices that he left
his luggage in heaven and tells Satan, who says, "No problem, I'll
send a couple of little devils to get your stuff."
When the little devils get to heaven they find the gates are locked.
St. Peter is having lunch - and they start debating what to do.
Finally one comes up with the idea that they
should go over the wall and get the luggage.
As they are climbing the wall, two little angels see them, and one
angel says to the other,"My God! Fidel has been in hell no more  
than ten minutes and we're already getting refugees!"
Little Brian dials `0' and tells the operator, "Operwaiter,
get me twee-twee twee, six-wun-fwour-twee."
"Son, I'm extremely busy," the operator answers.
"Operwaiter," Little Brian insists, 'get me twee-twee-twee, six-wun-fwour twee."
"Son, I haven't the time for games," the operator replies.
"You like games?" Little Brian asks.
"Well yes," the operator admits.
"Do you pway Monopowy?" little Brian inquires.
"Yes," the operator answers.
"Do you pway Scwabble" Little Brian asks.
"I do," the operator says.
"Do you pway Dictaphone?"  Little Brian asks.
"Why no," the operator states. "How do you play Dictaphone?"
"You dictaphone up your a$$," Little Brian says, "and then you get
me twee twee-twee, six-wun-fwour-twee."
12 Reasons Masturbation Is Better Than Real Sex
1.  Your hand always lets you finish first.
2.  It's free.
3.  Same reason my Chevy is better than a Ferrari: It's all I can get.
4.  You call the position.
5.  "Premature ejaculation"?  hehehe
6.  No weird looks when you pull out the peanut butter.
7.  You'll never have two women, but you'll always have two HANDS!
8.  Your girlfriend is just a piece of skin that you have sex with.
9.  Gives a single man good reason to wash his socks.
10.  Easier to join their "Mile High Club."
11.  You get to scream out your own name.
12.  Peeing is considered foreplay.
Mr. Gregg had the boys over for poker but, as fate would have it, his
wife had to work late that night, and he had to keep an eye on their
eleven-year- old-son, Bruce. Bruce was a curious lad, and all night
long he did nothing but float around the table, reading each man's
hand and muttering the contents to himself... loud enough for everyone
to hear. Each time, Mr. Gregg would usher his son to another room, but
despite frequent entreaties and even more frequent threats Bruce
always returned to the den. Finally, one of the players got so fed up
that he took Bruce by the elbow and led him away. When he returned,
the game resumed; five minutes passed, then ten, then a half-hour, and
not once did young Bruce show his face. Amazed, Mr. Gregg asked,
"Hell, Spike, what did you do, kill the kid?" "Naaa," he replied. "I
just taught him how to jerk off."
Papa Thorn
Tree twat                  
True Americn Gothic               

thats all folks 
Have a nice day
Martin aka the postman

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