Funzines - Some Changes are coming.......


You guys are the best members any group owner could ever love.  And I love you, but as some of you know, life is sometimes toooooooo crazy.

I have decided to ease up a least I think it will ease up, but anyway....

I have made two new groups.

Adult Fun
and just

Adult Fun will have all the goodies:
Adult Cartoons
Adult Jokes
Erotic Art
Hot Babes
Adult Power Point Shows
Real Men
Adult Videos

Fun will have the G-Rated goodies:
Clean Cartoons
Power Point Shows

Please join by using the links below:



I will be closing down the other groups soon, but you can unsubscribe so you do not keep getting my reminders anytime.


I will probably be sending out two or three issues per day.


I would love to get your comments, letting me know how you like the new format.


Love ya all,


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