[PostmansCorner] The Postman's Corner!




The reward of a thing well-done is to have done it!
 ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


The United nations has chosen to form a new comittee. It is
being called the "Women's rights panel"
The United Nations has appointed Iran to sit on the Women's
Rights panel.  Also serving on the panel will be: 
Ben Roethlisberger,
Chris Brown,
Phil Spector,
Robert Blake,
and chairman, O.J. Simpson.
the goal will be to further and promote of course,
the rights of women.

Recommended by Martin aka the postman
Do you like recipes? you should subscribe To Ross' Recipes.
After all, who doesn't like good stuff to cook, right?
Ross' Recipes
want recipes?
Sent weekly on Friday afternoons.
Sent 4 PM Central (US) time.
send a blank email to:

We do hope you enjoy today's issue!
Martin aka the postman


divorce cake

arab valentine



a sneeze

a father son talk

sorry we're late


the stork


lets go to the movies

perfectly male

Bill Cosby- Dentists

Mr. Bean goes to the swimming pool

police prank


Super Bowl 2010 Commercial



old America


did you know

My neighbor found out that her dog could hardly hear,
so she took it to the veterinarian. The vet found that
the problem was hair in the dog's ears. He cleaned
both ears, and the dog could hear fine. The vet
then proceeded to tell the lady that if she wanted to
keep this from recurring, she should go to the drug
store and get some "Nair" hair remover and rub it
in the dog's ears once a month. The lady went to the drug
store and bought some "Nair" hair remover. 
At the register, the druggist told her, "If you're
going to use this under your
arms, don't use deodorant for a few days."
The lady said, "I'm not using it under my arms."
The druggist said, "If you're using it on your legs,
don't shave for a couple of days."
The lady replied, "I'm not using it on my legs either.
If you must know, I'm using it on my schnauzer."
The druggist said, "Stay off bicycles for about a week."

Little Johnny's 2nd-grade teacher was quizzing them on
the alphabet.
"Johnny," she says, "what comes after 'O'?"
Johnny says, "God, I'm coming!!"

In his commencement speech at Kalamazoo Central High
School, President Obama told the graduating seniors,
"Don't make excuses." He said it's better to just
blame someone else. 
- Bill Mihalic

Judy:   "Can you believe it that on my way to work this
morning a man showed me the lining of his raincoat?"
Betty:  "Are you sure he only wanted you to see his raincoat?"
Judy:   "Oh, yes! He wasn't wearing anything else."

A guy walks into a bar with his pet monkey. He orders a
drink and while he's drinking, the monkey jumps all
around the place. The monkey grabs some olives off the
bar and eats them. Then he grabs some sliced limes and
eats them. He then jumps onto the pool table and grabs
one of the billiard balls. To everyone's amazement, he
sticks it in his mouth, and somehow swallows it whole.
The bartender screams at the guy, "Did you see what
your monkey just did?""No, what?"
"He just ate the cue ball off my pool table... whole!"
"Yeah, that doesn't surprise me," replied the guy, "he
eats everything in sight. Sorry! I'll pay for the cue
ball and stuff."The guy finishes his drink, pays his bill,
pays for the stuff the monkey ate, and leaves.
Two weeks later the guy is in the bar again, and has his
monkey with him. He orders a drink and the monkey starts
running around the bar again.
While the man is finishing his drink, the monkey finds
a maraschino cherry on the bar. He grabs it, sticks it
up his butt, pulls it out, and eats it.
Then the monkey finds a peanut, and again sticks it up
his butt, pulls it out, and eats it. The bartender is
disgusted. "Did you see what your monkey did now?"
"No, what?" replied the man.
"Well, he stuck a maraschino cherry and a peanut up his
butt, pulled them out, and ate them!" said the bartender.
"Yeah, that doesn't surprise me," replied the guy. "He
still eats everything in sight, but ever since he had to
pass that cue ball, he measures everything first."

Jill meets Nadine for lunch.. "You're looking very tired
today, Nadine.    Did you have a late night?"
"Yes," replies Nadine, "but it was all very strange. While
doing some gardening yesterday, I found a lamp, so I rubbed
it and out popped a genie. He gave me a choice of two wishes."
"Wow," says Jill, "so what were the choices he gave you, Nadine?"
"He said he could either give me an excellent, sharp, 100%
memory or else he could give my boyfriend a bigger penis."
"So tell me already, Nadine, what did you choose?"
"I can't remember," replies Nadine.



col sanders




Madagascar Penguins

Very Big Boned

Have a nice day
MArtin aka the postman




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[buffalos-adult-chips] Chips For 6-30


Adult Adult

Welcome to Buffalosjokes and Thank You for joining us. My
name is Buffalo and I have the watch.

We have reached the end of another month here. I take it
that everyone is enjoying themselves and summer because
my mailbox has been pretty quiet for the past month. We
have plenty of jokes but it makes the Scuttlebutt pretty

We were talking about ads awhile back and I was watching
an ad from one of the yellow pages companies where they
claim that some people in the community deserve shields by
their name because they are heroes for doing their jobs well.
That is a great idea but then they go to the commercial which
shows a sports field at night dark and the hero appears
wearing a costume and cape and climbs to the top of one
of the lighting towers and works for a second and all the
lights come on. That is great for an ad but in truth no one would
wire a baseball field in series like a bunch of Christmas tree
and HID lighting ( High Intensity Discharge) that you would use for
a sports field does not start immediately when you flip the switch
on, it starts with a flicker that increases to full light during a 5
period I guess it looked good on a storyboard and they figured
no one notice.

I don't know what Geico 's ad budget is but they have set the mark
for the largest number of good ads and different ways of presenting
them. But it's a rough world out there in insurance advertising
and there have been a whole string of excellent Flo ads that
promise cheaper insurance than the Gecko can give you. Their
name your own price ad was popular so a competitor runs an ad
that shows a big branch falling on your car and tells you if
you had a name your own price policy, you would be responsible
for the repairs. I get my insurance from the "people doing the
things " company. I may pay enough extra to buy Flo a fancy nametag
but my company has accident forgiveness, which you need when
you have a Kamikaze daughter. They took care of it when Buffy
ran the old Jimmy into a van and didn't raise my premiums. I bet
Flo and the Gecko would have cancelled my policy.

Enjoy the chips... buffalo


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Cigar Chips

A man went to his doctor seeking help for his terrible addiction to
cigars. The doctor was quite familiar with his very compulsive
patient, so recommended an unusual and quite drastic form of
aversion therapy.
"When you go to bed tonight, take one of your cigars, unwrap it, and
stick it completely up your asshole. Then remove it, rewrap it, and
place it back with all the others in such a fasion as you can't tell
which one it is. The aversion is obvious: you won't dare smoke any
of them, not knowing which is the treated cigar." "Thanks doc, I'll
try it." And he did. But three weeks later he came back and saw the
doctor again. "What? My recommendation didn't work? It was
supposed to be effective even in the most addictive of cases, such
as yours is!"
"Well, it kind of worked, doc. At least I was able to transfer my
said the patient. "What in the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"Well, I don't smoke cigars anymore, but now I can't go to sleep at
night unless I have a cigar shoved up my ass..."


Toon Chips For Those Who Can't Wait

its stuck

low fat



Blonde Chips

New prefix
If blondes and bimbos were the same thing, the prefix 'bim' could be
used to create new words that describe them:

Bimbabble - noises coming from a group of blondes
Bimbaffled - constant mental state of blondes
Bimbait - short skirts, sheer blouses, string bikinis or other
clothing worn by blondes in an attempt to attract the attention of
Bimbar - a bar where blondes hang out wearing bimbait
Bimbag - a blonde's purse
Bimbrushes - essential equipment in a bimbag
Bimbastic surgeon - specialist in breast enhancements for blondes
Bimbeeper - special instrument used as a homing device for lost
Bimbellow - sound emanating from a blonde after she finally got the
most recent blonde joke she heard
Bimbillion? - a blonde giving an estimate of anything
Bimblaze - the result of a blonde trying to cook
Bimblues - a blonde's state of mind after her latest boyfriend
ditched her
Bimboette - a young blonde
Bimbonese - language spoken by blondes, largely unintelligible to
anyone else
Bimbonique behavior - airhead behavior, unique to blondes
Bimboozle - to fool a blonde
Bimbore - a blonde who uses "like" more than 10 times in a sentence
Bimbozo - another name for a blonde
Bimboron - a blonde even less intelligent than most other blondes
Bimbrownie - a well-tanned blonde
Bimbrunette - a blonde who dyes her hair brunette, usually to appear
smarter than she actually is
Bimburden - blonde carrying too many bags at the mall



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Breast Chips

The minister of a small congregation was about to start his sermon
when he noticed a young woman in the front row, wearing a tight
dress with her boobs almost hanging out. He couldn't concentrate on
his message to the flock, so he dismissed the service and asked to
speak to the woman after everyone else left the church. When they
were alone, the reverend said in his sternest lecturing voice.
"Just what do you mean, coming to church dressed like that?"

"Why reverend." the young thing replied. All of my boyfriends tell
me that
they can hear the angels sing when they put their heads on my

"Hmm. Well let me check," said the man of the cloth, placing his
head between her tits. After several minutes, he raised his head
and said. "I don't hear any angels singing!" "Of course not
reverend." she said. "You're not plugged in yet."


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Pick-up Chips

Pick-up Lines

Didn't anyone tell you that you wanted to sleep with me?!?! I
thought you knew...

Do you know the difference between my penis and a chicken leg? No???
Well, let's go on a picnic and find out!

Do you sleep on your stomach? [any answer] Can I?

Excuse me, but would you like an orally stimulated orgasm?

Excuse me, have I fucked you yet?

Excuse me. Do you want to fuck or should I apologize?

Fancy a fuck?

Forget that! Playing doctor is for kids! Let's play gynecologist.

Fuck me if I am wrong, but haven't we met before?

Fuck me if I am wrong, but you want to screw me, don't you?

Fuck me if I'm wrong, but don't you want to kiss me?

Go up to a girl at a bar or a dance and ask her: do you want a
fuck(wait for a second gauging her reaction)...ing drink?²

Have you ever kissed a rabbit between the ears? (Pull your pockets
inside out....) Would you like to?


If your sick and tired of the heat!!
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Random Chips

When the shrew learned her husband had taken a mistress, she
demanded, "Does this mean that you've had enough of me?"
"No, my dear," he coolly replied. "It means that I haven't had
enough of you."

Martin was known among his friends for the punctuality with which he
sent his wife her alimony payment each month. When asked the reason
for his haste, he shivered and explained: "I'm afraid that if I
should ever fall behind in my payments she might decide to repossess

Thomas Gladstone, a stockbroker, received an urgent phone call one
afternoon. "My name is Walters," the caller announced. "About two
weeks ago, my wife got a crazy idea and started walking the street,
asking me to procure customers for her."
"Just a minute," Gladstone protested. "You want Dr. Gladstone the
psychiatrist. His name is right below mine in the phone book. Many
people dial me by mistake."
"No mistake," came the reply. "I want you to invest all the money
we're making."

" My wife is the most suspicious person in the world," complained
the harried husband to a sympathetic friend. "If I come home early,
she thinks I'm after something. And if I come home late, she thinks
I've already had it."


Fantastic Fish Ponds

You'll Have The Fish Pond You've Always Dreamed of Or You Get to
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LynnLynn's Links

If You haven't joined LynnLynn's mailing List yet, send a blank
e-mail to LynnLynns-links-subscribe@Yahoogroups.com

Subscribers and Friends

Melva/A Poets Heart

Ken's Poetry

Carolyn with/ I Saw The Light ~Vestal~

Last Day


Now It's Your Turn To SCOOP UP some cash.

Wireless companies have accidentally stumbled and "opened up" an
impressive income opportunity to grab during the worst economy we've
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Surfin Surfari

The Original Farmer's Almanac Via Dianne

Home Remedies

Good Reads - Quotes

Daily With Our Troops 3


Okay, everyone is telling me that I'm an insane millionaire who must
have gone absolutely crazy for doing this today and tomorrow,
especially on Thankgiving of all days, but I don't care anymore
because I think it's just the right thing to do.

Okay, let me catch my breathe while I type this because you're not
going to believe this...First off, thank you so much for taking a
minute to read this, my name is Justin Blake, and I'm a millionaire
that was dared to do something insane tonight and tomorrow morning,
and if you're interested in knowing what it is then read below, but
you'll need to hurry because you may only have a few minutes to take
advantage of this:

As part of an insane marketing test, I'm giving away my Online
Business Kit, but I'm only giving it away this today and tomorrow
morning.....so you need to get your copy today if you want one.

Press here to get your copy:



Tech Talk ( Computers and Web-tv)

Startup CPL (Startup Control Panel)

Big Buttons

July 4th Animations


Listen, you will have no one but yourself to blame if you don't go
on an intimate date this weekend with a beautiful single woman or

Why will we blame you? Because we are giving away memberships to our
ADULTS ONLY dating community this week....and you can get one right
now for no cost...but we will not be giving them away forever.

PRESS HERE to meet single women or men this week for an intimate



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Movie Links

Crazy White Man

Crime Scene Technology

Cubs Game

Cucumber Sandwich

Dancing With A Man

Dog In Pool


Don't Smoke here

Drill Team For Retired Guys



Santa Chips

Dear Santa,

I don't know if you can do this, but for Christmas, I'd like for my
mommy and daddy to get back together. Please see what you can do.



Dear Teddy,

Look, your dad's banging the babysitter like a screen door in a
hurricane. Do you think he's gonna give that up to come back to your
frigid mom, who rides his ass constantly? It's time to give up that
dream. Let me get you some nice Lego's instead.



Toon Chips


col sanders


cold as

cold as ice


BareLifts - The Invisible Solution To A Naturally Perky Look

BareLifts are completely strapless and will help lift your chest
while ensuring a naturally perky look in virtually ANY outfit.
BareLifts lets you lift and realign your chest in any outfit, with a
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these invisible chest lifters.

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Poetry Chips

I'm glad I'm a man, you better believe.
I don't live off of yogurt, diet coke, or cottage cheese
I don't bi/tch to my girlfriends about the size of my breasts
I can get where I want to - north, south, east or west
I don't get wasted after only 2 beers
and when I do drink I don't end up in tears.
I won't spend hours deciding what to wear,
I spend 5 minutes max fixing my hair
and I don't go around checking my reflection
in everything shiny from every direction.
I don't whine in public and make us leave early
and when you ask why get all bitter and surly.
I'm glad I'm a man, I'm so glad I could sing
I don't have to sit around waiting for that ring.
I don't gossip about friends or stab them in the back
I don't carry our differences into the sack.
I'll never go psycho and threaten to kill you
or think every guy out there's trying to steal you.
I'm rational, reasonable, and logical too
I know what the time is and I know what to do.
And I honestly think it's a privilege for me
to have these two balls and stand when I pee
I live to watch sports and play all sorts of ball
It's more fun than dealing with women after all
I won't cry if you figure out it's not going to work
I won't remain bitter and call you a jerk.
Feel free to use me for immediate pleasure
I won't assume it's permanent by any measure.
Yes, I'm glad I'm a man, a man you see
I'm glad I'm not capable of child delivery
I don't get all bi/tchy every 28 days
I'm glad that my gender gets me a much bigger raise
I'm a man by chance and I'm thankful it's true
I'm so glad I'm a man and not a woman like you!



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Parting Chips

The middle aged secretary had never been married and had had enough
of work, as well as the single life. It was no secret that she was
looking to get married.

As she came back from her lunch hour with another bag from the drug
store, a co-worker said, "In the past 3 weeks you've bought enough
birth control pills to last a year, lots of vaginal foam, flavored
douches, several diaphragms and Lord knows how many condoms.
And you don't even have a boyfriend. Whom are you trying to

She smiled slyly and replied, "The Druggist, silly."


Orgreenic Kitchenware

Get healthy with natural ceramic non-stick cookware. It's super
non-stick surface is a patented natural ceramic material that
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Katie's Komfort Kolumn - Written By BJ Cassady

Katie's Komfort Kolumn
Vol 1827

The Dogs First Trip to Caldwell

Diana: Everyone in my car!

Rudy: Where are we going?

BJ: You and all of us are going to our new home in Kansas.

Rudy: Am I coming back?

Diana: For visits only.

Rudy: A-rooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Diana: It's okay Rudy. Think about it. You will only have two
steps to climb
in Kansas.

Rudy: That part sounds okay.

Sandi: What is the bad part?

BJ: You will be staying with me Sandi.

Sandi: That is great news...oh ... Rudy and I will be seperated.

BJ: This is only for a short time. I am seperated from Diana and
it is difficult.

Sandi: And you need someone to comfort you... I can do that.

Katie: Me? What is my role?

Diana: You stay with father.

Katie: Kool!

Val: Me?

BJ: You and Rudy hang together.

Val: Yahoo!

Rudy: Groan...

The herd in Guthrie


Adult Adult Adult

Remember 9/11/01

Regarding any problems unsubscribing this mailing list

In accordance with the 2004 Can-Spam act you can contact me at:

William Brabant
711 Pine Street Apt.1
Sault Ste Marie Michigan 49783

Recent Activity:
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Compilation and narrative copyright 2002 by william Brabant


[PostmansCorner] The Postman's Corner!



The safest way to double your money is to fold
it over once and put it in your pocket. 
~Kin Hubbard


Bulletin... you heard it here first!

British Petroleum announced today that they will
no longer hire Cajuns to help in the cleanup.
Thiobodeaux, Boudreaux and Fontenot were told to clean
as many brown pelicans as they could....
So far, Thibodeaux has cleaned and gutted over 56
birds while Boudreaux made the roux and
Fontenot cooked the rice.


Yesterday was a difficult day. Some days, living with
emphasyma is easy and you hardly notice it. Other days,
it can be a real challenge. I don't know, I do not
think it was the weather. Some folks who suffer from
the affliction say its the humidity that makes things
worse. But yesterday was on the cool side. Anyways, to
make a long story short, later in the evening after supper,
the war department finally started checking out my
oxygen making machine. I use bottles of oxy when outside
the house, but inside is different. I have a machine
that makes it and I have a fifty foot hose that attaches
me to the machine. That allows me to manouver around the
house. She discovered finally that the filter on the
machine was real bad plugged with dirt. Washed it out,
and guess what? Difference of night and day.!!! Wow it
felt so much better. Funny thing, its a good thing to
We do hope you enjoy today's issue!
Martin aka the postman




seeing eye dog

historic note

he will be ok


raises and promotions

bad timing

its stuck

low fat



Never Annoy Your Sister

Why Seniors Break Their Hips

scary on the beach

the dog and the chicken

I let my son see my pay slip....

Gilligan's Island


winter wonderland

welcome to bro's place


oh, thats no good

Two ship captains were sitting at the bar one night
getting good and lit when one turned to the other and
said, "You know what gets me, though, is these damn
sailors! Oh sure, they're fine for the first few weeks,
but on those three-month trips at sea they start
getting pretty hard up. With all the whacking off
going on, it's a wonder any work is getting done, and
it's making a mess all over the ship. I don't know what to do!"
The other captain smiles knowingly at his companion.
"Oldest trick in the book. You take the crew and divide
them into two teams, then you buy about 50 barrels and
put them on the ship. You tell the crew that the team
that fills the most barrels wins a bag of gold."
"Well that's a great way to keep the ship clean, but then
I'm out a bag of gold every trip!"
"Not so," replied the other captain. "After you get back
to port, take all the barrels together and sell them
to the wax factory to make into candles. You make a tidy
profit every time."The captain pondered this and the next
day, he took his friend's advice and divided the crew,
bought a bunch of barrels, and set off to sea. Before long,
the crew took to the new system and began filling barrel after barrel.
When they finally reached port, the captain sold the
barrels for a huge profit. 'This is great,' thought the
captain, 'before long, I'll be able to buy a new boat!'
This went on, voyage after voyage. Then one day, the ship
happened back to that very first port. Coming down the
gangplank, the captain was surprised to see the cops
waiting for him. As they slapped the cuffs on him, the
captain cried out "What's the meaning of this?!"
"You sick bastard," replied the cop. "Remember all those
barrels you sold to the candle factory last time you passed through town?"
"Sure," said the captain. "What about 'em?!"
"Well, they made them into candles, sold them to the convent,
and now all the nuns are pregnant!"

An Irish farmer named Seamus had an accident with a lorry ,
and was sueing the lorry company,
In court their hot-shot solicitor was questioning Seamus..
'Now didn't you say to the Police at the scene of the accident, 'I'm fine?'      .
'Well, I'll tell you what happened. I had just loaded my
favorite cow, Bessie, into the...'
'I didn't ask for any details','Just answer the question.
Did you not tell the police officer, at the scene of the
accident,   'I'm fine!'?'
'Well, I had just got Bessie into the sidecar and I was
driving down the road....'
The solicitor interrupted again and said,
'Your Honour, I am trying to establish the fact that, at
the scene of the accident, this man told the police on the
scene that he was fine. Now several weeks after the accident,
he is trying to sue my client. I believe he is a fraud.
Please tell him to simply answer the question.'
By this time, the Judge was fairly interested in Seamus's
answer and said to the solicitor:
'I'd like to hear what he has to say about his favourite cow, Bessie'.
Seamus thanked the Judge and proceeded.
'Well as I was saying, I had just loaded Bessie, my favourite
cow, into the sidecar and was driving her down the road when
this huge lorry and trailer came through a stop sign and hit
me right in the side. I was thrown into one ditch and Bessie
was thrown into the other. I was hurt very bad like, and
didn't want to move. However, I could hear old Bessie moaning
and groaning. I knew she was in terrible pain just by her groans.
Shortly after the accident, a policeman on a motorbike turned up.
He could hear Bessie moaning and groaning so he went over to her.
After he looked at her, and saw her condition, he took out his
gun and shot her between the eyes.
Then the policeman came charging across the road, gun still in
hand, looked me up and down, and said,
How badly are you hurt?'
'Now what the &*#% would you have said'?

If it is true that girls are inclined to marry men like their fathers,
it is understandable why mothers cry at weddings.
What's the best way to get into a sleeping bag?
Wake her up first!

Grandma and Grandpa were sitting in their porch rockers watching
the beautiful sunset and reminiscing about "the good old days".
Grandma turned to Grandpa and said, "Honey, do you remember
when we first started dating and you used to just casually
reach over and take my hand?" Grandpa looked over at her, smiled
and obligingly took her aged hand in his. With a wry little smile,
Grandma pressed a little farther, "Honey, do you remember how after
we were engaged, you'd sometimes lean over and suddenly kiss me
on the cheek?" Grandpa leaned slowly toward Grandma and gave her
a lingering kiss on her wrinkled cheek.
Growing bolder still, Grandma said, "Honey, do you remember how,
after we were first married, you'd kind of nibble on my ear?"
Grandpa slowly got up from his rocker and headed into the house.
Alarmed, Grandma said, "Honey, where are you going?"
Grandpa replied, "To get my teeth!"

Things to do When Your Internet Goes Down ...

1. Dial 911 immediately.

2. Open the curtains to see if anything has changed over
the past 2 years.

3. You mean there's something else to do?

4. Threaten your ISP with an impeachment vote.

5. Work.

6. Re-introduce yourself to your immediate family.

7. Get that kidney transplant you've been putting off.

8. Sleep (and dream about surfing the Internet)!

A notable gynecologist once said: "The best engine in the
world is the vagina." "It can be started with one finger."
"It is self-lubricating." "It takes any size piston, and it
changes its own oil every four weeks." "It is only a pity that
the management system is so fucking temperamental."


Depression Medication

Hand Up



Tetris Game

M&M Empire

Depressed Moon

Have a nice day
Martin aka the postman



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[buffalos-adult-chips] Chips For 6-29


Adult Adult

Welcome to Buffalosjokes and Thank You for joining us. My
name is Buffalo and I have the watch.

Over the weekend I started to receive coupons online for free
Pepsi products and free Doritos with a value of 5.00. If you
think that free Pepsi and Doritos is too good to believe, you
are absolutely right. I'll save you the trouble of going to Snopes,
I think that they start most of the hoaxes themselves anywhere
just so people will see their ads and pop-ups. I went to the
Frito-Lay website and they have a page on this hoax.

They have of course sent fliers to all of their distributors and
store so if you try to use the coupons in the store they are
either going to laugh at you or call the police because if they
accept the coupons they get stuck for the cost of the chips and

About twenty years ago Pepsi was running a contest with numbers
on the inside of the cap and you had to collect the numbers till
added up to 21 and you won a hundred bucks. Only problem was
Pepsi had run another number campaign the month before and
there was lots of bottles out there with numbers that would easily
add up to 21 and one store cashed 9 winners over a weekend
only to find out on Monday that none of them qualified. I know some
of the people were contacted by the police but others ended up
with their money and the store paid the bill.

Be careful out there


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Fight Chips

A man and a woman were asleep like two innocent babies.

Suddenly, at 3 o'clock in the morning, a loud noise came from

The woman, bewildered, jumped up from the bed and yelled at the man
'Holy Crap?.

That must be my husband!' So the man jumped out of the bed; scared
and naked jumped out the window. He smashed himself on the ground,
ran through a thorn bush and to his car as fast as he could go.

A few minutes later he returned and went up to the bedroom and
screamed at the woman, 'I AM your husband!' The woman yelled back,
'Yeah, then why were you running?' And then the fight started.....


I tried to talk my wife into buying a case of Miller Light for

Instead, she bought a jar of cold cream for $7.95.

I told her the beer would make her look better at night than the
cold cream.

And then the fight started....


A woman was standing nude, looking in the bedroom mirror.

She was not happy with what she saw and said to her husband, 'I feel
horrible; I look old, fat and ugly.

I really need you to pay me a compliment.' The husband replies,
'Your eyesight's damn near perfect.' And then the fight started.....


I took my wife to a restaurant. The waiter, for some reason, took
my order first.

"I'll have the strip steak, medium rare, please."

He said, "Aren't you worried about the mad cow?""

Nah, she can order for herself."

And then the fight started...


Toon Chips For Those Who Can't Wait


my love for you


Bridge Between Sweden Denmark

Bridge Outdoor

Bringing Civilization To Its Knees


Bull Chips

The city slicker was spending some time with his country cousins.
The first morning the farmer said," We need some help today. I'd
sure appreciate it if you could take the bull to pasture three to
breed with the cow there." The city slicker agreed. Six hours
later, he staggered back to the farmhouse, his clothing all torn and

The farmer took a look, then asked, "The bull give you a problem?"

"Hell, no. the bull was eager and raring to go." "

Then why did it take you all day?"

"Because," the city slicker replied, "The cow fought me for hours
before she'd roll over on her back."


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Short Chips

Bernie and Esther were not the most religious Jews and in fact they
really only went to Temple once a year. As they were leaving the
Temple, the Rabbi said, "Bernie, it sure would be nice to see you
and Esther here more than once a year!"

"I know," replied Bernie, "but at least we keep the Ten

"That's great," the Rabbi said. "I'm glad to hear that you keep the

"Yep," Bernie said proudly, "Esther keeps six of them and I keep the
other four."

A new pastor was visiting in the homes of his parishioners. At one
house it seemed obvious that someone was at home, but no answer came
to his repeated knocks at the door. Therefore, he took out a card
and wrote "Revelation 3:20" on the back of it and stuck it in the

When the offering was processed the following Sunday, he found that
his card had been returned. Added to it was this cryptic message,
3:10." Reaching for his Bible to check out the citation, he broke up
in gales of laughter. Revelation 3:20 begins "Behold, I stand at
the door and knock." Genesis 3:10 reads, "I heard your voice in the
garden and I was afraid for I was naked."


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Short Chips

The lovers passionately embraced while lying on her bed. Their
bodies fused together as they gyrated and panted. Then, suddenly
the woman cocked her ear. "Quick, my husband is coming through the
front door."
"Hide in the bathroom", she cried. The lover ran into the bathroom
as she hid his clothes under the bed. Just as she turned back, her
husband came through the bedroom door.

"What are you doing lying naked on the bed?" he asked.

"Darling, I heard you coming up the drive way and got ready to
receive you" she replied with a wink and a smile. "Great" he said,
"I'll just run into the bathroom and I'll be with you in two

She panicked. Before she could stop him, he was in the bathroom.
He found a man clapping his hands together in mid air. Dumfounded,
he asked, "Who the devil are you?"

"I'm from the exterminator company. Your wife called me in to get
rid of these pesky moths" the lover replied. The husband yelled,
"but you've got no clothes on!!!"

The lover looked down at his body, jumped backwards in surprise and
said, "Those little bastards."


If your sick and tired of the heat!!
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Snow Chips

A lady goes on a vacation to the Caribbean wishing her husband had
been able to join her. Upon arriving, she meets a black man, and
after a night of passionate love making she asks him, "What is your
"I can't tell you" the black man says.

Every night they meet and every night she asks him again what his
name is and he always responds the same, he can not tell her. On
her last night there she asks again, "Can you please tell me your

"I can't because you will make fun of me" the black man says.

"There is no reason for me to laugh at you," the lady says.

"Fine, my name is Snow" the black man replies.

The lady bursts into laughter, and the black man gets mad and says,
"I knew you would make fun of it" the black man says.

The lady replied, "It's my husband that won't believe me when I tell
him that I had 10 inches of Snow everyday in the Caribbean.


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LynnLynn's Links

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Subscribers and Friends

Melva/A Prayer for Healing

Carol w/Portrait of Middle Age

Rick w/ American Tribute, July 4th

Love Test


Now It's Your Turn To SCOOP UP some cash.

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Surfin Surfari

Fake Pepsi and Dorrito Coupons

Unusual Puzzle Via Dianne

Things I Want

NCR millona16 Via Wesley


Okay, everyone is telling me that I'm an insane millionaire who must
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Okay, let me catch my breathe while I type this because you're not
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minute to read this, my name is Justin Blake, and I'm a millionaire
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and if you're interested in knowing what it is then read below, but
you'll need to hurry because you may only have a few minutes to take
advantage of this:

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Tech Talk ( Computers and Web-tv)

Burn an ISO Image

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Easy web authoring


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Movie Links

Depression Medication

Hand Up


Don't look away when I'm talking to you

Don't Work From home

Egg Trick


El Rey Del Martillo

En weg zijn re rimpels



Fight Chips

My wife and I were watching Who Wants To Be A Millionaire while we
were in bed.

I turned to her and said, "Do you want to make love?" "No," she

I then said, "Is that your final answer?" She didn't even look at me
this time, simply saying "Yes."

So I said, "Then I'd like to phone a friend."

And that's when the fight started....


I asked my wife, "Where do you want to go for our anniversary?"

It warmed my heart to see her face melt in sweet appreciation.

"Somewhere I haven't been in a long time!" she said.

So I suggested, "How about the kitchen?"

And that's when the fight started....


Saturday morning I got up early, quietly dressed, made my lunch,
grabbed the dog, and slipped quietly into the garage.

I hooked up the boat up to the truck, and proceeded to back out into
a torrential downpour.

The wind was blowing 50 mph, so I pulled back into the garage,
turned on the radio, and discovered th at the weather would be bad
all day.

I went back into the house, quietly undressed, and slipped back into

I cuddled up to my wife's back, now with a different anticipation,
and whispered, 'The weather out there is terrible.' My loving wife
of 10 years replied, 'Can you believe my stupid husband is out
fishing in that?' And then the fight started ...


Toon Chips

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Red Chips

Little Red Riding Hood is minding her own business and walking
through the forest. All of a sudden, the Big Bad Wolf jumps in
front of her and screams, "Little Red Riding Hood, I AM GOING TO EAT

Little Red Riding Hood jumps back in fright and yells, "OH NO!!!
EAT ME WHOLE????!!!"

"Nah", says the wolf, "I thought I'd spit that part out."


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Parting Chips

One of the girls just walked into my office and began looking at the
pictures of my children.

"These are all of them when they were young," she said. "Why don't
you get some recent pictures of them?"

"Because," I said, "I use these pictures to remind me of when they
were little and sweet. That way, when I go home I don't kill the
little bastards."

Orgreenic Kitchenware

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Get a nine inch frying pan for just $19.99.

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Katie's Komfort Kolumn - Written By BJ Cassady


Adult Adult Adult

Remember 9/11/01

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In accordance with the 2004 Can-Spam act you can contact me at:

William Brabant
711 Pine Street Apt.1
Sault Ste Marie Michigan 49783

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Compilation and narrative copyright 2002 by william Brabant

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March 25 - Inside H&M’s digital relaunch | JCPenney taps VaynerMedia for social-first marketing

JCPenney embraces social-first marketing with VaynerMedia hire; How TikTok’s new search ad format helps Eventbrite inspi...