[buffalos-adult-chips] Chips For Tues


Adult Adult

Welcome to Buffalosjokes and Thank You for joining us. My
name is Buffalo and I have the watch.

I sent Sandy and Buffy off on missions of great importance this
afternoon, in other words rounding up some meat to fill the freezer
with and lottery tickets while I watched Eva and worked on the
lists. So far Eva has interrupted me to put a dress on one of my
stuffed buffaloes, no idea what's going on there unless it is
supposed to be some kind of insult to my masculinity. Eva was a
bit upset that she didn't get included in this outing but we will
even later when I show her how to make mom and grandma voodoo
dolls out of spare Barbie parts.

Speaking of weird things, weirder than me, anyhow, last night I was
listening to a show on Coast to Coast about giants being spotted
in England and other places that are 8 to 10 feet high. Somehow this
all ties in with the Mayan calendar, end of the world as we know it
scenario. Supposedly these giants are aliens, checking us out as
a food source. Even worse they can only be killed by copper bullets,
large caliber, solid copper bullets. They made it perfectly clear
copper jacketed bullets wouldn't work. I guess I could get a couple
cases made up to add to my arsenal of silver, gold, and Kryptonite
bullets. ( Hey you never know when Superman might lose it and have
to be taken out.) Personally I think it is only a genetic
program from China to grow players for the NBA. So before you
let an 8 footer on the street have both barrels of 10ga. copper
you better check, he may no be there to make burgers out of you,
he might be the next Pistons Center.

If our government really knows the world is coming to an end in
2012, would they do anything differently?


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Weather Chips

A young man is being pursued by a young admiring woman. Eventually,
has no choice but to grant her a private audience.

Relentlessly she asks him for a quickie in the sack though he tried
to refuise her. Finally giving in to her demands for carnal
he says "Ok, but there is one condition: I have a particular fetish
you must perform in order to sleep with me."

"I'll do anything for you" replies the succubus. "Just name it."

So the man says to the woman, "You know ... I really enjoy it when
there's a sort of lightning effect. So you must reach over to that
switch on the wall and flick it on and off every few seconds."

The woman agrees and starts flicking the light switch off with her
arm. She then asks "Now can I fuck you?"

"Not quite yet" replies the man. "Lightning is nice, but it doesn't
really mean much without thunder. So with your right leg, I want you
open and close the cabinet door whenever you flick the light on."

"Ok" says the horny young maid, and she begins to coordinate her
and clacks. "Now can I fuck you?" she asks as she is switching
arm and leg movements.

"Not quite yet" replies the man. "This is all very nice, but there
really be thunder and lightning without wind. I'd like you to reach
behind your head with your right hand and open and shut the

She says "Ok" and begins opening the shutter and closing it with her
right hand. And of course, it's raining and some drops are coming in

So there she is, making lightning with her left hand, creating
with her right leg, and using her right hand to make wind and rain.
Desperate and beyond understanding of his fetish, the young woman
finally begs him "NOW can we fuck? PLEASE?!"

And the young man looks at her shocked and says, "What do you mean
sex'? In this weather?"


Toon Chips For Those Who Can't Wait

the airlines

he misunderstood

I'm allowed


Customs Chips

A guy traveling through Mexico on vacation lost his wallet and all
of his identification. Cutting his trip short, he attempted to make
his way home but was stopped by the U.S. Customs Agent at the

"May I see your identification, please?" asked the agent.

"I'm sorry, but I lost my wallet," replied the guy.

"Sure buddy, I hear that every day. No ID, no entry," said the

"But I can prove I'm an American!" he exclaimed. "I have a picture
of Ronald Reagan tattooed on one side of my butt and George Bush on
the other."

"This I gotta see," replied the agent.

With that, the guy dropped his pants and showed the agent his

"By golly, you're right!" exclaimed the agent. "Have a safe trip
back to Chicago ."

"Thanks!" he said. "But how did you know I was from Chicago?"

The agent replied, "I recognized Obama in the middle."



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Scotch Chips

A guy walks into a bar and rudely demands a shot of 12-yr old

The bartender thinks "this guy doesn't know the difference," so he
a shot of 2-year old scotch.

The patron takes one sip and spits it out. He promptly hollers at
bartender: "I said 12-year old scotch, you bozo!"

Still unimpressed the bartender pours some 6-year old scotch.

The patron takes a sip...same reaction. But the bartender still
believe the patron knows the difference. So he pours a shot of
old scotch.

Again, same reaction from the patron. Finally, the bartender is
convinced. He pours the patron a glass of 12-year-old scotch.

The patron takes a sip and is most satisfied.

All the while this has been going on, a drunk at the end of the bar
been watching. He slides a shot glass down the bar to the patron
says: "Shay mishter, tashte this!"

The patron obliges...he promptly spits it out. "It tastes like
he shoots back at the drunk.

The drunk replies: "It ish. How old am I?"


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Viagra Chips

A man suffering from impotence went to see a specialist.
The doctor gave him a prescription that he was to take faithfully
times a day, and always with food.

Two days later the man was at a formal banquet and
didn't want any of the other guests to spot and possibly identify
pink and purple capsule medication. So he instructed the waiter to
the capsule into his soup, thinking he could eat his soup openly
everyone else, take his medication, and preserve his privacy all at
same time.

However, when the soup was served everyone received
a bowl of it but the man, who began feeling conspicuous
and angry. He confronted the waiter and asked why he
hadn't been served his "special" soup.

"Well, sir, I poured your medication into your bowl as instructed.
then, I have been waiting for the noodles to lie down."


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Random Chips

Q: How many Teamsters does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: Fourteen. You gotta problem with that?

Q: Did you hear about the GM mechanic that had a sex change
A: He ended up changing his name to 'Ms. Goodwench'.

A police officer arrives at an accident scene where apparently three
blondes have leaped to their death from a very tall building.

He suddenly notices that one is still breathing so he approaches her
asks, "Why did you three beautiful girls leap out of that building?"

The blond answers in a very weak voice, "We wanted to try out our
maxi-pads with wings..."

"Inside every older person is a younger person wondering
what the fuck happened!"


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Ugly Chips

You're so ugly, when you walk into the bank
they turn off the cameras.

If ugliness were bricks, you would be the
Great Wall Of China.

You're so ugly, you went to a haunted house
and came out with an application.

If ugliness was a crime, you'd get the
electric chair.

You were so ugly at birth, your parents
named you Shit Happens.

You're so ugly, your mate won't have to
worry about birth control...your face
will do just fine.

You're so ugly, you could model for death

You're so ugly, when you were born they
put tinted windows on your incubator.

You're so ugly, you have to sneak up on
your mirror.

You're so ugly, when you look in the mirror
your reflection turns to stone.

You're so ugly, when you sit in the sand
the cats try to bury you.

You're so ugly, your doctor is a vet.

You're so ugly, when you were born the
doctor took one look at you and slapped
your parents.

You're so ugly, you stuck your head out of
the car window and got arrested for

You're so ugly, your pet name is Scooby-Doo.

Your girl is so ugly, you gave her a hickey
and got a mouthful of fur.

You're so ugly, you have to Trick or Treat
by phone.

You're so ugly, when your mother went into
labour your father went into shock.

You're so ugly, everytime your mother looks
at you she says to herself, "Damn, I should've
just given head."

I know why you look like a horse, because I
saw your mother grazing in the field.

You're so ugly, when we play peek-a-boo
- first I peeked, then I booed.

You're so ugly, you can sink your face in
dough and make monster cookies.

You're so ugly, they call you Taco Bell,
when people see you they run for the border.

You're so ugly, you make onions cry.

You're so ugly, the tide wouldn't bring you in.

You're so ugly, I took you to see the zookeeper
and he said, "Thanks for bringing him back."

You're so ugly, you mother had to get drunk
before she breast fed you.

You're so ugly, you went to a freak show and
got a permanent job.

You're so ugly, the police sketch artists are
afraid to draw you.

You're so ugly, when you get sick they call
the vet.

You're so ugly, you make blind kids cry.

You're so ugly, farmers use your picture as
a scarecrow.

You're so ugly, everytime you go out you get
chased by the dog catcher.

You're so ugly, when you jerk off your hand
tries to fall asleep.

You're so ugly, you can't hail a bus.

You're so ugly, they call you Moses because
every time you step in the lake, the water

You're so ugly, you give Freddy Kruegger

You're so ugly, they let you park in
handicapped spaces.

You're so ugly, when you threw a boomerang
it didn't come back.

You're so ugly, when you went to the zoo
they refused to let you out.

You're so ugly, you can't get a date off
the calendar.

You're so ugly, when your mother went into
labour the doctors went on strike.

You're so ugly, your last name is Link and
your first is Missing.

You're so ugly, people put your picture in
their car window as an anti-theft device.

You're so ugly, that you can turn milk into
yogurt, just by looking at it.

You're so ugly, people create a Jackson
Pollock style painting when they spew on
the floor.


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Short Chips

A fellow in a bar notices a woman, always alone, come in on a fairly
regular basis. After the second week, he made his move. "No thank
she said politely. "This may sound rather odd in this day and age,
but I'm keeping myself pure until I meet the man I love." "That must
be rather difficult." the man replied. "Oh, I don't mind too much."
she said. "But, it has my husband pretty upset."

It was the first day of school, and the teacher was calling the
roll. She came to a strange name. The boy's name was I P.P.
Rainwater. She called it out. When the youngster stood up, the
teacher demanded he tell her his real name, or leave her class.
As he was leaving, he looked over at his younger brother and said,
"Come on Shithead. She won't believe you either."

Theory of Relativity: If you could fly twice the speed of light, you
could land on Mars, get out of your spaceship and watch yourself
Or, cheaper way, install mirrors on your bedroom ceiling.

The businessman spent a good half an hour in the hotel lounge
bragging to the hooker about how big his dick was. Finally she
suggested they retire to his room and check it out, and he willingly
agreed. The guy stripped off his clothes, jumped on top of the
hooker, entered her, and said triumphantly, "Why don't you open your
mouth, baby, so I can see the end of my prick?" "Open my mouth?"
scoffed the hooker. "Why don't you wiggle your ass so I can feel


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Toon Chips

complete asshole

computer joke

computer of yours

condom 2

condom mouth


Annoy Someone

Another Planet

Another Quarter



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Limerick Chips

A bather whose clothing was strewed,
By winds that left her quite nude,
Saw a man come along,
And unless we are wrong,
You expected this line to be lewd.

There was a young lass from Australia
Who painted her ass like a Dahlia
The shape it was fine
And the color devine
But the aroma--well, that was a faihlia

There was a young lady named Kite
Whose speed was much faster than light.
She left home one day
In a relative way
And returned on the previous night.
<Snagged by>


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Parting Chips

A man met a beautiful lady and he decided he wanted to marry her
right away. She protested, "But we don't know anything about each
other." He replied, "That's all right; we'll learn about each other
as we go along."

So she consented, and they were married and went on a honeymoon to a
very nice resort.
One morning, they were lying by the pool when he got up off his
towel, climbed up to the 10 meter board and did a two and a half
tuck gainer, entering the water perfectly, almost without a ripple.
This was followed by a three rotations in jackknife position before
he again straightened out and cut the water like a knife. After a
few more demonstrations, he came back and lay down on his towel.

She said, "That was incredible!"

He said, "I used to be an Olympic diving champion. You see, I told
yo u we'd learn more about ourselves as we went along."

So she got up, jumped in the pool and started doing laps. She was
moving so fast that the froth from her pushing off at one end of the
pool would hardly be gone before she was already touching the other
end of the pool. She did laps in freestyle, breast stroke, even
butterfly! After about thirty laps, completed in mere minutes, she
climbed back out and lay down on her towel, barely breathing hard.

He said, "That was incredible! Were you an Olympic endurance

'No," she said, "I was a hooker in Louisville, Kentucky and I worked
both sides of the Ohio River."


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Bonus Chip

A Veterinarian was feeling ill and went to see a doctor. The doctor
asked him all the usual questions - what were the symptoms, how long
had they been occurring, etc.

Suddenly, he interrupted the doctor. "Hey look, I'm a vet - I don't
need to ask my patients these kind of questions. I can tell what's
wrong just by looking." He smugly added, "Why can't you?"

The doctor nodded, stood back, looked him up and down, quickly wrote
out a prescription, handed it to him and said, "There you are. Of
course, if that doesn't work, we'll have to remove your testicles
and if that doesn't work we'll have you put to sleep."


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Katie's Komfort Kolumn - Written By BJ Cassady

Katie's Komfort Kolumn
Vol 1665


Rudy: Hungry!

Sandi: Yeah, me to.

Katie: We are batch'in it so what's for sup father?

BJ: Ideas?

Katie: PIZZA!

Rudy: Burgers!

Sandi: All the above!

BJ: We cannot get sloppy here.

Rudy: Sloppy joes?

BJ: How about a plan. We can have vegtables tonight with a small
meat dish.

Katie: Gag gag.

BJ: Tomorrow we can have little smokies.

Rudy: A-Roo!

BJ: The next night we can have hot links.

Sandi: Oh boy!

BJ: And then we can have homemade pizza.

Katie crying: Oh yes father.

BJ: Here Katie, let me wipe the tears from your eyes.

Katie: Sniff sniff, I just love pizza.

BJ: It will be a lite pizza, not too much on it, okay?

Katie: Okay.

The herd in Guthrie


Adult Adult Adult

Remember 9/11/01

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Compilation and narrative copyright 2002 by william Brabant
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Re-Matt Nathanson/KT Tunstall

I was so pleased to read your piece on Matt Nathanson, who's such a great artist and so deserving of recognition and praise. My wife and...