[buffalos-adult-chips] Chips For Tues

Adult Adult

Welcome to Buffalosjokes and Thank You for joining us. My
name is Buffalo and I have the watch.

Went to the store yesterday for a few items and got drawn into
an extended shopping trip. When I came out of the store the
lights were on in the Jimmy and getting dim. After giving it a
few minutes to recharge it still didn't want to start so I headed
back into the store to call Buffy and have her bring the Explorer
over to get it started. I got out of the Jimmy and someone asked
if I needed a jump. People are always willing to help up here
but as it was raining and chilly I gave him a ten for helping out.
He said he normally would have refused it but he was low on gas.
Things have a way of working out.

BTW high point of the trip was a bag of sweet black cherries. A
little pricy still at 5.00 a pound but they aren't around very long.

Eva is visiting for a day or two with her mom, so it is nice to have
the family back together.

Enjoy the chips..... buffalo


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Short Chips

I was talking to my dad yesterday. he's getting a little older and
complaining about joint pain. I said. "Is it your hip?" He said
no, "I burned my lip smoking pot."

Q: Why do women have two sets of lips?
A: One set to bitch at you with, and the other to apologize with.
Alternate answer: So they can piss and moan at the same time.

In a dark and hazy room, peering into a crystal ball, the mystic
delivered grave news: "There's no easy way to say this, so I'll just
be blunt - prepare yourself to be a widow. Your husband will die a
violent and horrible death this year." Visibly shaken, the lady
being given the reading stared at the mystic's lined face, then at
the single flickering candle, then down at her hands. She took a
few deep breaths to compose herself. She simply had to know. She
met the fortune teller's gaze, steadied her voice, and asked:
"Will I be acquitted?"

When we moved into our new home, the first one we owned rather than
rented, two of my husband's friends gave him a bottle of champagne.
In the hustle and bustle of getting settled, the gift was tucked
away and temporarily forgotten. Three months later we held a
Christening party for our third child. Champagne flowed in
celebration until, running short, we remembered our housewarming
gift. In front of our guests, I opened the attached card and read
it aloud, 'Squirrel, take good care of this one--it's yours!'


Toon Chips For Those Who Can't Wait

wait outside

what an offer

I can't make love to you because

Birth Of Prostitution

Birth Of Republican Party

Bit Muddy


Bean Chips

One of the matrons of the church was cooking a pot of her famous
beans for the church potluck, and her son, Little Johnny, came
running through the house, BB gun in one hand, and a handful of BB's
in the other. He tripped and the BB's, naturally, went right into
the pot of beans.

Thinking it over, Little Johnny could think of no reason why he
should risk punishment, so he said nothing.

The dinner went well, and, as usual, the beans were one of the
favorite dishes. The next day, the church secretary, Mary, called
Little Johnny's mother and said, "Jane, your beans were delicious as
usual, but what did you put in them this time?"

Jane replied, "Nothing new, why do you ask?"

"Well," said Mary, "this morning I bent over to feed the cat and I
shot the canary!"




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Fart Chips

Two gay guys, called Cyril and Cecil naturally, are in a train
with just one other passenger, a City type reading his New York
"Cecil?" asks Cyril. "Do you mind if I fart?"
Cecil replies, "Of course not, luvvy! Go ahead!"
And with that Cyril emits a "Pffffffffff!" like an emission of
A few minutes later Cecil asks, "Cyril? Do you mind I have a little
"No darling!" says Cecil.
And Cyril duly replies with a "Psssssssss!", a mere whisper in the
The City gent puts down his newspaper and says "I couldn't help
you fellows, but would you mind awfully if I had a fart?"
Cyril and Cecil reply "Don't be shy on our part, ducky!"
And with that the City gent lets out a"HRRRRRMPPPPPHHHHHHFFFFFFFF!",
window-rattling, ear splitting, air fouling, pickled eggs and draft
With that, Cyril turns to Cecil and says, "You can always tell a



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Chief Chips

Welcome to Buffalo-Lite, Humor some mature , some immature for
on the go.


One day a big Indian Chief goes to his local pharmacy. He goes up to
clerk and says, "Last night me fuck squaw, left nut go 'oomph',
nut go 'oomph', dick go 'oomph',condom go BOOM!" Now the clerk was
impressed by this sexual feat so he grabbed some Trojans for
professionals and tells theChief to come back and tell him how they
for him. The next day, the big Chief comes back to the pharmacy,goes
right up to the clerk and gruffly says, "Last night me fuck squaw,
nut go 'oomph', right nut go 'oomph', dick go 'oomph', condom go
The clerk thinks to himself, "Damn, this guy must have somekind of
ejaculation going on." So he goes into theback of the store and gets
prototype condom for the Chief.The description on the box reads,
is a joint effort between Goodyear and Michelin. This condom is
belted and should only be used in extreme circumstances." The clerk
hands the condom to the Chief and tells him about the special
and to report back to him on how well they work for him. The next
the Chief comes back on crutches with a shotgun under his arm. He
up to the clerk. The clerk is thinking, "Oh Shit! The condom must
have worked and he'sreally pissed." The Chief looks at the clerk and
yells, "Last night me fucksquaw!! Left nut go 'oomph', right nut go
'oomph', dick go'oomph, condom go 'oomph, left nut go 'BOOM'!"



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Walrus Chips


Strange things have been done in the Midnight Sun,
and the story books are full---
But the strangest tale concerns the male,
magnificent walrus bull!

I know it's rude, quite common and crude,
Perhaps it is grossly unkind;
But with first glance at least, this bewhiskered beast,
is as ugly in front as behind.

Look once again, take a second look -- then
you'll see he's not ugly or vile --
There's a hint of a grin, in that blubbery chin --
and the eyes have a shy secret smile.

How can this be, this clandestine glee
that exudes from the walrus like music?
He knows, there inside, beneath blubber and hide
lies a splendid contrivance -- the Oosik!

"Oosik" you say -- and quite well you may,
I'll explain if you keep it between us;
In the simplest truth, though rather uncouth
"Oosik" is, in fact, his penis!

Now the size alone of this walrus bone,
would indeed arouse envious thinking --
It is also a fact, documented and backed,
There is never a softening or shrinking!

This, then, is why the smile is so sly,
the walrus is rightfully proud.
Though the climate is frigid, the walrus is rigid,
Pray, why, is not man so endowed?

Added to this, is a smile you might miss ---
Though the bull is entitled to bow --
The one to out-smile our bull by a mile
is the satisfied walrus cow!


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Salesman Chips

The toothbrush salesman with a speech impediment comes in to his
manager's office to give a report on his first week at work.

"Well, how'd you do?" asks the manager.

"Well thir, I thold two toothbrutheth." replied the salesman.

"Two!" shouts the manager. "You're never going to make a living that

"Well thir, I don't know what to do, people juth won't buy my

The manager thinks and says, "Sounds to me like you need a gimmick."

The salesman asks, "Whath's a geemick?"

The manager explains, "A gimmick is something you use to entice,
and motivate your customer about your product or service. A jingle,
slogan, something to make your customer feel a need for your product

The salesman goes, "Hmm, I gueth I'll have to get me a geemick."

The salesman returns at the end of the next week to give his report.
The manager asks, "Well son, how'd you do this week?"

The salesman beams, "Well thir, I thold 185,353 toothbrutheth."

The manager leaps up, "My gosh, what did you do?"

The salesman grins and says, "I took your advith and got me a

The manager excited now, says, "Well out with it son. What's your
gimmick? We need to pass this on to the rest of the staff. We'll

The salesman says, "Well thir, I found me a real bithy thtreet
and I thet up a table and a chair. On the table I put out thum
and dip. People would come up to the corner waiting to croth the
and I would thay, 'Hey, while your waiting, how about thun chipth

They would thay, 'Thure!' Then they would take a chip, get 'em thum
and thtart to eat it.

Then they would say, 'Hey thith tath like thit!'

I would say, 'It ith thit. Want to buy a toothbruth?'


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LynnLynn's Links

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Subscribers and Friends

Melva/Happy Father's Day Son in Law


Brother Bob's Poems Of The Week:

Names Of God


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Surfin Surfari

Toilet - Rebate Via Wesley

Are generic drugs a bad bargain?

What does $1,000,000,000,000.00 (1 trillion dollars) Look like?

Big Bang Cannons Via Wesley


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Tech Talk ( Computers and Web-tv)

3D Anamorphic Street Paintings Via Wesley

Sync , Play & Send to BlackBerry , PSP , iPod , iPhone with

Comparison of e-mail clients -Via Dianne


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Doggie Zone

Kitty Korner


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Movie Clips

Men's Locker room

Magic Finger Find The G Spot

My new Philosophy

My SS Check


It Looked Like A Parking Space

Kind So Flunky

7 Wonders Of The World

ABC Banner

Adidas DM


Zipper Chips

Top 10 Polite Ways To Say Your Zipper Is Down,
from David Letterman

10. The cucumber has left the salad.

9. Quasimodo needs to go back in the tower and
tend to his bells.

8. You need to bring your tray table to the
upright and locked

7. Paging Mr. Johnson... Paging Mr. Johnson..

6. Elvis is leaving the building.

5. The Buick is not all the way in the garage.

4. Our next guest is someone who needs no

3. You've got a security breach at Los

2. Men may be From Mars.....but I can see
something that rhymes with

And the #1 way to tell someone his zipper is

1. You've got your fly set for "Monica" instead
of "Hillary".


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Toon Chips

blame dog

blanket repair


blind 2

blind asshole

blind date


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Limerick Chips

There was a young lady named Flo.
Whose lover had pulled out too slow.
So they tried it all night
'Till he got it just right.
Well, practice makes pregnant, you know.

There was a young nun from Siberia,
Endowed with a virgin interior,
Until an old monk,
Jumped into her bunk,
And now she's the Mother Superior


There was a young man from Cape Horn
Who wished he had never been born,
And he wouldn't have been,
If his father has seen
That the tip of his condom was torn.
<Snagged by>


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Parting Chips

A woman is driving into a small town and slams on the brakes as a
runs across the road in front of her. Just as she regains her wits
gets ready to proceed, a cowboy runs right in front of her and
the coyote by the hind legs and starts screwing it!

"Oh my God!" she exclaims and drives into town to find the local

She sees the local sheriff"s car parked in front of the town bar.
figures," she says as she storms inside.

The first thing she notices is an old, old man with a long white
sitting in the corner jacking-off. She runs up to the sheriff who's
sitting at the bar with his drink.

"What kind of sick town are you running here?! I drive into town
almost run over some cowboy sodomizing an animal, and then I come in
here, and see this old man in the corner jacking-off! Right in

"Well, ma'am," the sheriff slowly replies, "You don't expect him to
catch a coyote at his age, do ya?"


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Bonus Chip

Geoff was feeling particularly horny so he went to a whore on the
and asked, "How much do you charge?" The whore said, "100 bucks for
evening." Geoff said "Well, if I pay you 100 bucks, you will have to
it under my rules." The whore said, "That's fine." So Geoff took her
home and told her that they would close all the blinds and do it in
pitch dark. The whore turned to him and said, "Honey, its your
money, so
whatever you want is fine." They had sex, and Geoff told her to wait
minutes before they were to do it again. Then 10 minutes later, they
it again. After 6 times, he seemed to be getting stronger and
"Geoff, you are the best lover I have ever had," she said. Then the
said, "Lady, my name is Bruce, Geoff is outside selling your ass to
his friends for 50 bucks a pop."


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Katie's Komfort Kolumn - Written By BJ Cassady

Katie's Komfort Kolumn
Vol 1617

The Way of the Wraith

Everyone gathers in the library, Sandi, Rudy, Katie, Kathleen, Rob,
and Paddy.

Paddy: Are you know feeling better Lassie?

Rudy: I thought Lassie was a dog.

Tami: I am feeling better no thanks to you and Lassie is a Scottish
for female Rudy.

Katie: We were concerned when you mentioned a Wraith around the
Castle Paddy.

Paddy: Ei, and tis a sad thing it this. Any unsuspecting soul who
caught outside at night when the Wraith is there... will their soul
is lost
forever. The people who live in this area have stayed away at night
for generations. Still the unsuspecting traveler wanders by and is
torn asunder the next day.

Rob: How utterly terrible. Surely, you have contacted the local

Kathleen: And tell them what, a local Wraith is killing? They
never believe us.

Sandi: How can a Wraith be destroyed?

Paddy: Legend says a Wraith can only be destroyed by the pure in
heart and only by a silver tipped lance. So who among you has a
heart? I have a silver-tipped lance.

Rudy: Sandi is pure in heart.

Sandi: Rudy is pure in heart.

Katie: Sandi is the most pure creature I know.

Tami: Either Rudy or Sandi would do.

Rob: Rudy has a bad hip, Sandi is in better health, so I vote
for Sandi.

Paddy: Sandi it is then. We will strike tonight and end this

To be continued


Adult Adult Adult

Remember 9/11/01

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Compilation and narrative copyright 2002 by william Brabant
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