[buffalos-adult-chips] Chips For Sun

Adult Adult

Welcome to Buffalosjokes and Thank You for joining us. My
name is Buffalo and I have the watch.

Today is Flag Day in the United States and the President is required
to issue a proclamation. This is the 2009 proclamation:

- - - - - - -

In the midst of a war for our Nation's independence, on June 14,
1777, the Second Continental Congress adopted a flag as a symbol of
our fledgling Union. The Congress resolved that the flag be
"thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be
thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new
constellation." For generations to come, this pattern would serve as
a compass bearing toward equality and justice for all.

Our flag's journey has been long. It has seen our Nation through war
and peace, triumph and tragedy. It flew above the walls of Fort
Sumter, South Carolina, at the outset of the Civil War. It stood on
Mount Suribachi on the island of Iwo Jima during World War II.
During the Civil Rights Movement, determined protesters on the
streets of Selma, Alabama, proudly displayed its colors. Following
the attacks of September 11, 2001, Old Glory flew over the
southwestern wall of the Pentagon and the rubble of the World Trade
Center. Today, the men and women of the United States Armed Forces
bear our flag as they serve bravely around the world.

The flag is still more than a historical symbol: it is part of our
culture. In our schools children pledge allegiance to our flag and
recite the ideals upon which our Nation was founded. Families sit on
their front porches under a billowing Stars and Stripes. And each
day as the flag is raised above military installations and
government buildings, we are reminded of the great sacrifices that
have been made in defense of our Nation.

The Stars and Stripes tells our Nation's story and embodies its
highest ideals. Its display reminds us of America's promise and
guides us toward a brighter tomorrow.

To commemorate the adoption of our flag, the Congress, by joint
resolution approved August 3, 1949, as amended (63 Stat. 492),
designated June 14 of each year as "Flag Day" and requested the
President to issue an annual proclamation calling for a national
observance and for the display of the flag of the United States on
all Federal Government buildings. In a second joint resolution
approved June 9, 1966, as amended (80 Stat. 194), the Congress
requested the President to issue annually a proclamation designating
the week during which June 14 falls as "National Flag Week" and
called upon all citizens of the United States to display the flag
during that week.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, do hereby proclaim June 14, 2009, as Flag Day and the week
beginning June 14, 2009, as National Flag Week. I direct the
appropriate officials to display the flag of the United States on
all Federal Government buildings during the week, and I urge all
Americans to observe Flag Day and National Flag Week by flying the
Stars and Stripes at their homes and other suitable places. I also
call upon the people of the United States to observe with pride and
all due ceremony those days from Flag Day through Independence Day,
set aside by the Congress (89 Stat. 211) as a time to honor America,
celebrate our heritage in public gatherings and activities, and
recite publicly the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United
States of America.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this eleventh day of
June, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the
Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and


buffalo says President Obama also issued the following proclamation.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of
America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution
and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2009 as
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month. I call upon the
people of the United States to turn back discrimination and
prejudice everywhere it exists.

I think that it was great that we have three weeks to honor the flag
but it
does seem a little unequal that he lets people celebrate being gay
a whole month.

Enjoy the chips ..... buffalo


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Mountain Chips


10. "Not-That-There's-Anything-Wrong-With-That Mountain"

9. "Wyatt Slurp"

8. "For A Few Dollars More We Can Make It A Threesome"

7. "Long Ranger"

6. "Go West Young Man..Now South...a Little More South..OH GOD YES

5. "Bunanza"

4. "The Good, The Bad, and the Fabulous"

3. "Broke My Back Mounting Him"

2. "Fun With Dick In James"

1. "Oklahomo"


Toon Chips For Those Who Can't Wait

men are like animals

in the audience



Dumb Chips

He was so dumb he broke into a church and stole ten thousand
dollars.... in pledges.

He was so dumb he couldn't count his dick twice and get the
same number.

If dumbass were a commodity, he would have the market cornered.

He was so dumb, his family tree was a shrub.

He was so dumb he thought a foul ball is what the players
scratch when they're sitting in the dugout.

He was so dumb that he scotch-taped chickens to his body
before going outside, because he'd heard that you stay warmer
if you're dressed in layers.

I don't want to say that he's a "dim bulb," but you know how
Thomas Edison had to make hundreds of failed bulbs before
he made one that worked? He is NOT the one that worked.


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Newlywed Chips

A fellow on his wedding night in the hotel says to his new wife. "My
God! I never realized you had such huge droopy breasts." The wife
has a
major dummy spit and throws him out of the room. While he is sitting
the hall another fellow comes out down the hall. "What happened?"
the first man.

"Well" replies the other "I first saw my new wife naked tonight, and
I said was "Hells bells! I didn't realize you had such a big fat
arse..." Then she threw me out.

Just then a third fellow comes storming out into the hall with a
like thunder. "Hey" says the second fellow, "did you put your foot
in it
as well?"

"No" says the third fellow, "But, shit! I bloody well could have!"


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Farming Chips

Old Seth goes to the doctor to see about erection problems. "I'll be
ridin' the tractor on the south 20," Seth said, "and the warm sun
the tractor vibratin' gets it up! But by the time I can get back to
house and maw gets ready, it's down--and I can't get it back up. Can
give me somethin' to help keep it up?"

The doc says no, he can't. Age carries its price. But--perhaps some
signal could be arranged and maw would be prepared as paw arrived at
house? Maybe maw could even meet him halfway?

"A great idea!" says Seth. "There's a little grove about halfway to
house from where I'm plowin'. Me and maw used to have sex there when
were younger! It'd be a great spot. I'll carry my shotgun and when
all up and hard, I'll fire it and she'll get there same time as I
Thanks doc!"

Time passes. The doctor meets Seth at the bank one morning and asks
he's doing. Seth says he's okay. The doc asks how Seth's wife is,
Seth says, "Poor maw, she's dead!"

"Sorry to hear that," says the doc. "How did she die?"

"Just run herself to death durin' the quail season," said Seth


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johnny Chips

Little Johnny and Suzy have nothing to do one day while in the house
playing. All of a sudden, Johnny gets this great idea. "Let's take
turns sliding down the banister rail!" he suggests. "Oh no,"
answers Suzy, "That is way too scary." "No, it is not," says Johnny,
"it will be fun!" He proceeds to the top of the stairs. The
banister rail is long and very smooth with a beautiful big marble
ball at its base. Johnny climbs on and down he goes, squealing with
excitement as he goes. He jumps off just before he gets to the
marble ball at the bottom. "That was great," he says. "Come on,
you try now." Suzy still is not quite sure that this is such a good
idea. "No," she says, "It looks too scary." "No, it is not," said
Johnny, and away he goes again to the top of the stairs. He climbs
on and down he goes again, having just as much fun as he did the
first time. He jumps off just before the marble ball at the bottom.
"You gotta try this, it is the best!" urges Johnny. Well, little
Suzy is not one to stay scared for very long and this really does
look like fun, so she agrees. To the top of the stairs she goes.
She straddles the banister rail, and slowly lets go with her hands.
Down she goes, a lot faster than she expected. WHAM! Right into
the marble ball at the bottom. Little Suzy starts to cry and almost
falls off the banister rail. When Johnny sees her so upset, crying
ever harder and holding her groin where she collided with the marble
ball, he gets a little scared that maybe she has really hurt
herself. "Maybe you had better let me see," suggests Little Johnny.
So Suzy lifts her little dress and pulls down her panties. Little
Johnny's face goes pale white. "OH, NO!" he shouts. "This is
horrible! You knocked it right off!"


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Engineer Chips

Three engineers got on a crowded lunchtime
bus. They somehow worked their way to the
middle of the bus where they found three
girls willing to exchange their seats for
a place on the guys' laps.

After they got settled and had ridden that
way for a while, the first girl suddenly
asked the gentleman under her whether he
might be an electrical engineer.

Surprised, he replied, "Yes, I am! How did
you know?"

"Easy," she said. "I'm getting shocked by
your soldering iron."

Just a few minutes later, the second girl
asked her guy, "Are you a mechanical engineer?"

He said, "Why, yes, ma'am. How did you know

"Simple," she said, "Your piston is scraping
my cylinder."

Shortly thereafter, the third girl turned to
her fellow and asked, "Are you a civil engineer?"

"I certainly am," he answered. "How could you
have known that?"

"Well," she said, "I figured it out as soon as
your dam burst and flooded my village."


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Subscribers and Friends

I Am Your Flag Via Patricia

Brother Bob's Poems Of The Week:

An Apology To World War Two Veterans

Humor In Politics 2


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Movie Clips

The Chronicles Of The Oba Messiah

Then God Made Woman

The Potato Heads

The Wood Spider

Thirsty Monkey

Fedex Castaway


German Engineering

God Bless The USA

Grimper Rocher


Rooster Chips

A farmer has about 500 hens, but no rooster, and he wants chicks.
So, he
goes down the road to the next farmer and asks if he has a rooster
he would sell..

The other farmer says, "Yep, I've got this great rooster, named
He'll service every chicken you got, no problem."

Well, Ralph the rooster costs $3,000, a lot of money, but the farmer
decides he'd be worth it. So, he buys Ralph.

The farmer takes Ralph home and sets him down in the barnyard, but
he gave the rooster a pep talk. "I want you to pace yourself now.
got a lot of chickens to service here, and you cost me a lot of
Consequently, I'll need you to do a good job. So, take your time and
have some fun," the farmer said, with a chuckle.

Ralph seems to understand, so the farmer points toward the hen house
Ralph takes off like a shot. WHAM! Ralph nails every hen in the hen
house - three or four times, and the farmer is really shocked.

After that, the farmer hears a commotion in the duck pen and, sure
enough, Ralph is in there. Later, the farmer sees Ralph after a
of geese down by the lake. Once again - WHAM! He gets all the geese.
sunset he sees Ralph out in the fields chasing quail and pheasants.

The farmer is distraught and worried that his expensive rooster
even last 24 hours. Sure enough, the farmer goes to bed and wakes up
next morning to find Ralph on his back out in the middle of the
mouth open, tongue hanging out and both feet sticking straight up in
air. Buzzards are circling overhead.

The farmer, saddened by the loss of such a colorful and expensive
animal, shakes his head and says, "Oh, Ralph, I told you to pace
yourself. I tried to get you to slow down, now look what you've done

Ralph opens one eye, nods toward the buzzards circling in the sky
says, "Shhhh! They're getting closer."




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Toon Chips

blowjob dog

blowjob means

blue balls

blue bird

blue cross

blurry finger


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Limerick Chips

Young Alice is known for her poise
During quiet foreplay with the boys.
But then when she has 'em
At the brink of orgasm,
You can't hear yourself think for the noise.

One day as I fished on the sea
A mermaid came visiting me
Though just right on top
T'other end was a flop
With no parts to show she was a she.

There was a young lady named May,
Took a stroll in the park by the bay.
She met a young man,
Who screwed her and ran.
Now she goes to the park everyday.

A pretty young lady named Vogel
Once sat herself down on a molehill.
A curious mole
Nosed into her hole --
Ms. Vogel's ok, but the mole's ill.


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Parting Chips

A group of Americans was touring Ireland. One of the women in the
was a real curmudgeon, constantly complaining. The bus seats are
uncomfortable the food is terrible, it's too hot, it's too cold and
accommodations are awful.

The group arrived at the site of the famous Blarney Stone. "Good
will be following you all your days, if you kiss the Blarney Stone,"
guide said. "Unfortunately, it's being cleaned today and so no one
be able to kiss it. Perhaps we can come back tomorrow."

"We can't be here tomorrow," the nasty woman shouted. "We have some
other boring tour to go on. So I guess we can't kiss the stupid

"Well now," the guide said, "it is said that if you kiss someone who
kissed the stone, you'll have the same good fortune."

"And I suppose you've kissed the stone," the woman scoffed.

"No, ma'am," the frustrated guide said, "but I've sat on it."


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Bonus Chip

So," jealous Judy asked the detective she had hired, "did you trail
my boyfriend?"

"Yes ma'am. I did. I followed him to a bar, then to a restaurant and

then to a house."

A big smile crossed Judy's face, "Aha!! Then I've got him!" she
gloating." Is there any doubt what he was doing?"

"No ma'am." replied the sleuth, "It's pretty clear that he was
following you and taking pictures of you undressing. By the way,
pictures of you are all over the Internet."


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Katie's Komfort Kolumn - Written By BJ Cassady

Katie's Komfort Kolumn
Vol 1622

The Morning Routine

BJ gets his shower, gets dressed. He goes to the door to get Rudy.
Rudy is laying down by the front door.

BJ: Come on in Rudy.

Rudy: Don't want to.

BJ: First you don't want to go out, now you don't want to come in
what's the deal?

Rudy: I am tired.

BJ: Good grief.

BJ goes outside and grabs Rudy by the collar and drags him inside.
Rudy promptly goes downstairs to BJ's bed.

BJ: Monsters I have created Monsters.

Meanwhile Sandi is upstairs cooking eggs and hashbrowns in the

BJ goes outside to look for Katie who is standing behind the cars.

BJ: Come inside Katie.

Katie: Not without a car ride. You know the rules, you signed the

To be continued


Adult Adult Adult

Remember 9/11/01

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Compilation and narrative copyright 2002 by william Brabant
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