Funzines - Clean Cartoons November 21, 2010 C


You will not believe it, but I got stopped by
the cops....I very rarely drive and I made a big
boo-boo.  I scooted around one of those trees planted
in the middle of the road and almost ran into a
police car.  2 tickets and a warning!
Going to cost me about $200.00 I don't have.
Every time I see the light at the end of tunnel,
someone (me, usually) shuts off the light!
I really could use some content.....share the goodies!
Babes, Men, Wavs, Erotic Art, Cartoons etc.
Thank you, bunches!
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We could really use some help.  Please, if you enjoy my ezines, think
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Thank you, Your Editor
Maxine7-19-10p147RUmarilynmonroestatuesiblingsUSB (Train_Of_Thought)

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