[PostmansCorner] The Postman's Corner


Greatness is not found in possessions, power,
position or prestige.It is discovered in goodness, humility, service & character.

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I trust everyone had a great Christmas? We certainly did here at the
domicile of the postman. Good food was had by all. And I especially
enjoyed the fact that my wife and kids were all gathered round safely
in the living room, not just for Christmas, but also Christmas eve, as
everyone had those days off. I got a lot of neat stuff, the most important
being a new leather motorcycle vest from the war department. Its pretty
cool and daughter said it makes me look "like a hunk"...hummph. How
"hunky" can a olde pharte look? Oh well. I'm composing this issue
munching on leftover Christmas cookies that me and the war department
made. We passed out a lot to all the neighbors, but some how
managed to have a lot left over. Go figger. Altho oldest daughter has
returned to her busy schedule and her apartment, she shows no signs of
retrieving Turk the dog, aka Carlos the rat. Meaning that I am still dog
sitting. Based on her vague responses when I ask her about it, I suspect
that this arrangement may end up to be rather long term. But, Turk seems
not to be flustered or concerned by it as long as his dog dish
has food and water, and he is rewarded occasionally with a cookie.
Many of you have asked, so, here is a pic of oldest daughter with the mutt.
It is raining fiercely here in West Michigan today. That is good, as it will help
in melting all this snow we have. However, it is also bad, because it is causing
havoc with the Internet this morning. I consider myself lucky to get this issue
done. Somedays, you may as well just stay in bed.

We do hope you enjoy today's issue!
Martin aka the postman


the AA12, the shotgun of the future
not too long ago and not forgotten
concentration test for men

The Ladies At Lunch Mary:  I wish I'd known more about midlife
before Igot here! Jill:  What do you mean? Mary:  Well, I lost my
sex drive years ago.  I had no idea it could be menopause!  I thought
it was justbecause I was married!

An elderly couple was sitting on the out porch when the husband turned
to his wife and, "Muffin, I feel like making love tonight"  The wife
replied, "Ok Ernest, I will let you, but be gentle this time." "But I am
always gentle with you, dearest,"  "That's not true, she replied,
"the last time you woke me up TWICE!"
Dear Postman,
I hope you can help me here.  The other day, I set off for work
leaving my husband in the house watching the TV as usual.  I hadn't
driven more than a mile down the road when the engine conked out
and the car shuddered to a halt.  I walked back home to get my
husband's help.  When I got home I couldn't believe my eyes.  He
was in our bedroom with the neighbors' daughter.  I'm 32, my husband
is 34, and the neighbors' daughter is 22.  We have been married for
ten years. When I confronted him, he broke down and admitted that
they had been having an affair for the past six months.  I told him to
stop or I'd leave him.  He was let go from his job six months ago and
he says he has been feeling increasingly depressed and worthless.  I
love him very much, but ever since I gave him the ultimatum he
has become increasingly distant.  He won't go to ounseling and
I'm afraid I can't get through to him anymore.
Can you please help?
Dear Sheila:
A car stalling after being driven a short distance can be caused by
a variety of faults with the engine.  Start by checking that there is no
debris in the fuel line.  If it's clear, check the vacuum pipes and hoses
on the intake manifold and also check all grounding wires.  If none of
these approaches solves the problem, it could be that the fuel pump
itself is faulty, causing low delivery pressure to the injectors. Mainly
have your air filters cleaned or replaced.
I hope this helps with your problem.

A Noteworthy Burglary

A guy enters a bar and he finds a friend of his. So he sits down with
his friend and tells him, "Friend, I got a problem." The friend asks him,
"What's the problem?" He says, "Well, I went on my honeymoon and
I was excited because I would make love to her for the first time."
And the friend asks, "So what is the problem?"
"Let me finish," says the friend. "When the time came, my wife took
out her orthopaedic leg, and put it in the closet. Then she took out her
arm, a nd put it in the closet. Then she took out her eye, and finally took
off her hair and put them both in the closet." "Wow," says his friend,
"and what seems to be the problem?" "Well," says the guy, "I didn't
know if I should make love to her on the bed or the closet." 

The little boy came into the bathroom while his mother was taking
a shower. He asked, "Mommy what's that between your legs?"
She told him that was her squirrel. Later that day he was in the bathroom
again while grandma was taking a shower and he asked, "Grandma
what's that between your legs?"
She replied, "That's my squirrel."
The little boy said, "Mommy has one too, but hers is not as
grey as yours." Grandma replied, "Well, your mommy's squirrel hasn't
cracked as many nuts as mine has!" 
Bubba, a farm boy fresh off the tater wagon,and not accustomed to bein'
with the ladies,met a sexy babe at the"Dead Steer Country & Western Bar"
She told him she wanted to take him home and ride him like a cowgirl
on a bucking bull. She wasn't very good, though;he was able to
throw her offin less than 8 seconds,
each and every time!


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