[buffalos-adult-chips] Chips For Sun

Adult Adult

Welcome to Buffalosjokes and Thank You for joining us. My
name is Buffalo and I have the watch.

I've had a chance to do a bit of shopping this season and I have
received a lot of Happy Holidays. I can accept that as a greeting
because of corporate reasoning but it does seem strange in this
area. The majority of people that live here that have chosen a
religion are Christian including our largest minority, the Native
American. Pere Marquette started a
Catholic Mission here in 1668, 340 years ago. There are
no Mosques, no Jewish Synagogues, although there may be
a Wicca Group somewhere. I know it seems strange to
walk down a street and see very few African Americans.
Asians, Mexicans, or Arabs, but there are very few other
than the Europeans, Scandinavians, and the British that are crazy
enough to want to live in the Great White North and they came here
as loggers and miners. Still I can understand the corporate desire
not to want to offend anyone and since
most have a holiday this time of the year Happy Holidays is safe. I
have been beating them at their game though by being
the first to offer my greeting of Merry Christmas and with any
question of my beliefs out of the way. I receive the greeting
warmly back.

It is raining outside at 0300, which is bound to make a mess. Then
the snow plow will come through and push it into a berm which will
freeze and stay till summer unless you happen to be awake when they
do it. I guess I have complained less about Mr. Plow Driver the past
few years but that is only because I have fewer places to be on a
schedule and I have four-wheel
drive. There is nothing more depressing than being in a hurry to
get to work, shoveling a path out for your car and as you get in to
back up the snow plow buries your car again. It is reason
enough for violence heh heh.

Enjoy the chips..... buffalo


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Yooper Chips

Twas da night before Christmas in dis Yooper house,
and nuttin' was stirrin', not even our mouse.
The rest of da family was all fast asleep
wit' visions of pasties delivered by jeep.
Da swampers was hung by da chiminey wit care
in hopes dat Saint Nicolas soon would be dere.
And in da far corner it was lovely to see
the Bosch cans and cabbage dat hung from da tree.
Ma home from the mine and me out on parole,
she was snuggled in bed; I was perched on da bowl.
Then alluva sudden da house starts to shudder,
some nut's on da roof and he broke da rain gutter.
He jumps down the chimney and swears cause it's tight
As I hide behind beer cases, way outta sight.
He lands in da fireplace scorching his hair
on a busted up orange crate still burning in nere.
He climbs outta da fireplace and I take a long look,
he's just like they show him in my coloring book.
With vodka-glazed eyes and a stomach like a bubble,
a five-day-old beard and dere's soot on his stubble.
His teeth when he smiles look like Grampa's weed-saw,
and he wore tennis shoes big as grizzly bear's paw.
This old Yooper elf gives me nothing to fear
as he heads for da kitchen for cookies and beer.
He kills off a six pack then belches and smirks,
and reaches into the playdoh sack, ready to work.
Now under da tree he's starting to set
the most beautiful presents us Yoopers can get.
Dere's a new pastymatic and snowblower for mother,
a steel chainsaw and some swampers for brother.
Some mud flaps, CB, and new-used weedwacker,
a helmet and nightshirt dat say "Green Bay Packers".
He close up da sack and he jumps in da coals
and hollering "OUCH!", up the chiminey he rose.
He grunted and groaned as he tossed out his bag
and cracked such a beer fart (ugh) I'm starting to gag.
I must watch him leave so I rushes outside,
I looks up at da roof while in bushes I hide.
And what does I see when I looks through da twigs?
A rusted old car body, pulled by eight pigs!
Santy jumped in and he gave 'em all hell,
"Let's go all yous pigs, don't just sit there and smell!
On Mushy and Mushy and Lempy and Joe
and all a you's others what names I don't know.
Fly over Negaunee and turn to da right,
we make Houghton-Hancock before I get tight."
Then I hear him exclaim with a cynical sneer
"Pull in at dat Bosch sign, I run outta beer!!"


Toon Chips For Those Who Can't Wait

<a href=" http://www.buffalosjokes.com/21222.htm "> Here!</a>

Aussie Shiela
<a href=" http://www.buffalosjokes.com/21220.htm "> Here!</a>

Happy Birthday
<a href=" http://www.buffalosjokes.com/21219.htm "> Here!</a>



loving husband


Nun Chips

It was Friday, and four nuns went to the priest at the local
Catholic church to ask for the weekend off. They argued back and
forth for a few minutes. Finally the priest agreed to let them leave
the convent for the weekend. "However", he said, "as soon as you get
back Monday morning I want you to confess to me what you did over
the weekend." The four nuns agree, and run off.

Monday comes, and the four nuns return. The first nun goes to the
priest and says, "Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned." The priest
asks, "What did you do, Sister?" She replies, "I watched an R-rated
movie." The priest looks up at heaven for a few seconds, then
replies, "You are forgiven. Go and drink the holy water." The first
nun leaves, and the fourth nun begins to chuckle quietly under her

The second nun then goes up to the priest and says, "Forgive me,
Father, for I have sinned." The priest replies, "OK, what happened?"
She says, "I was driving my brother's car down the street in front
of his house, and I hit a neighbors dog and killed it." The priest
looks up to heaven for half a minute, then says, "You are forgiven.
Go and drink the holy water." The second nun goes out. By this time,
the fourth nun is laughing quite audibly.

Then the third nun walks to the priest and says, "Forgive me,
Father, for I have sinned." The priest asks, "Out with it. What did
you do?" She says, "Last night, I ran naked up and down Main
Street." The priest looks up at heaven for a full five minutes
before responding, "God forgives you. Go and drink the holy water."
She leaves.

The fourth nun falls on the floor, laughing so hard tears run down
her cheeks. The priest asks her, "OK. What did you do that was so
darn funny?" The fourth nun replies, "I peed in the holy water..."


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Postal Chips

There was a man who worked for the Post Office whose job was
to process all the mail that had illegible addresses.

One day, a letter came addressed in a shaky handwriting to God with
no actual address. He thought he should open it to see what it was
about. The letter read:

Dear God,

I am an 83 year old widow, living on a very small pension.

Yesterday someone stole my purse. It had $100 in it, which was all
the money I had until my next pension payment. Next Sunday is
Christmas, and I had invited two of my friends over for dinner.
Without that money, I have nothing to buy food with, have no family
to turn to, and you are my only hope.

Can you please help me?



The postal worker was touched. He showed the letter to all the other
workers. Each one dug into his or her wallet and came up with a few

By the time he made the rounds, he had collected $96, which they put
into an envelope and sent to the woman. The rest of the day, all the
workers felt a warm glow thinking of Edna and the dinner she would
be able to share with her friends.

Christmas came and went. A few days later, another letter came from
the same old lady to God. All the workers gathered around while the
letter was opened.

It read:

Dear God,

How can I ever thank you enough for what you did for me? Because of
your gift of love, I was able to fix a glorious dinner for my
friends. We had a very nice day and I told my friends of your
wonderful gift.

By the way, there was $4 missing. I think it might have been those
bastards at the post office.





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Repair Chips


1. Do not call for service until everyone that uses the machine has
had a chance to correct the problem. Whenever possible, all controls
and adjusting screws should be turned.

2. After several days, when the machine malfunction has become a
major emergency, place an urgent call for service. Fridays are best
but anytime after 4 pm is fine.

3. The minute the serviceman arrives, ask what caused the delay.
Make it clear how desperately you need the machine and ask when it
will be back in service.

4. The machine should be practically inaccessible due to boxes of
recycled computer paper and cards. Make certain that the lights are
off in the room where the machine is located and no one is oin the
area that knows how to turn them on. Always have one or two
half-cups of coffee lying about.

5. Hide the service history log. Keep making refrence to the man who
was here for the same problem last week.

6. Alert all personnel that the serviceman has arrived so that each
one can drop by and give their version of what is wrong, and provide
suggestions on how to fix it.

7. Have at least eight graduate engineers drop by to ask highly
technical questions which are in no way related to the immediate

8. Assign someone to supervise the repair. A person who has never
seen the machine before is preferred. And one who can keep up a
steady stream of chatter is a plus.

9. Wait until there are parts and pieces spread out all over the
floor, then ask when the machine will be ready.

10. Wait until the service man is looking at a schematic diagram and
then ask him "what that thingamabob is for." After you have his
attention, ask again when it will be fixed and mention that "time is
money, you know."

11. When the repair is completed, tell him what a swell job he did.
Tell him the job should be swell-- it took long enough.

12. Ask the serviceman what the rates are, and then ask for a
discount because you are such a good customer.

13. After he is gone, call his supervisor and say the machine is
worse now than before. Follow up with a letter and copies to the
home office.

14. Follow these rules faithfully and remember the serviceman's
motto: "DO

15. Computer hardware is like an erect penis: It stays up if you
don't fuck with it.


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Short Chips

A local fisherman is returning from a fishing trip with 6 large size

salmon in his creel. Nosy Parker comes along and asks if the man
fishing. "Yes!" replied the stalwart. Asked what bait he had been
using our hero replied that he had used chewing tobacco. Parker
how one used chewing tobacco as bait, and the fisherman replied, "I
put the tobacco on the hook in the normal way, cast in the normal
and when the fish strikes I haul back on the line to hook it. When
the fish comes up to spit, I hit it on the head with the butt of my

What should you do when your girlfriend tells you she fakes orgasms?

Pretend you don't hear her.

A customer wanted to ask his attractive waitress for a date, but
couldn't get her attention. When he was able to catch her eye, she
quickly looked away. Finally he followed her into the kitchen and
blurted out his invitation. To his amazement, she readily consented.

He said, "Why have you been avoiding me all this time? You wouldn't
even make eye contact."

"Oh," said the waitress, "I thought you wanted more coffee."

Rosey and Nina were sitting together sharing their morning coffee.

Rosey said to Nina, "Living with my husband is like playing

"How so?" asks Nina.

Rosey replies, "Every time I make a move, he jumps me."


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Click to see a cool video, just 1 minute long and you will see what
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Leroy Chips

Leroy's New Bike

Little Leroy came into the kitchen where his mother was making
dinner. His birthday was coming up and he thought this was a good
time to tell his mother what he wanted.

"Mum, I want a bike for my birthday." Little Leroy was a bit of a
troublemaker. He had got into trouble at school and at home.
Leroy's mother asked him if he thought he deserved to get a bike for

his birthday. Little Leroy, of course, thought he did. Leroy's
mother, being a Christian woman, wanted him to reflect on his
behaviour over the last year and write a letter to God and tell him
why he deserved a bike for his birthday. Little Leroy stomped up
the steps to his room and sat down to write God a letter.


Dear God,

I have been a very good boy this year and I would like a bike for my
birthday. I want a red one.

Your friend, Leroy

Leroy knew this wasn't true. He had not been a very good boy this
year, so he tore up the letter and started over again.


Dear God,

This is your friend Leroy. I have been a pretty good boy this year,
and I would like a red bike for my birthday.

Thank you, Leroy

Leroy knew this wasn't true either. He tore up the letter and
started again.


Dear God,

I have been an OK boy this year and I would really like a red bike
for my birthday.


Leroy knew he could not send this letter to God either. Leroy was
very upset. He went downstairs and told his mother he wanted to go
to church. Leroy's mother thought her plan had worked because Leroy
looked very sad.

"Just be home in time for dinner," his Mother said. Leroy walked
down the street to the church and up to the altar. He looked around
to see if anyone was there. He picked up a statue of the Virgin
Mary. He slipped it under his shirt and ran out of the church, down
the street, into his house, and up to his room. He shut the door to
his room and sat down with a piece of paper and a pen. Leroy began
to write his letter to God.





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LynnLynn's Links

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Subscribers and Friends

John w/ The Christmas Song (Alvin & The Chipmunks)

Melva/A Christmas Greeting


Second Time Around


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Christmas Tips

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Tech Talk ( Computers and Web-tv)

Sally w/Holiday Twinkies

Christmas with Emma

Christmas Year 'Round from Charlie the Carmelite


Does your computer seem to be running slower than usual?

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Doggie Zone

Kitty Korner


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Movie Chips

Hand Up


Don't look away when I'm talking to you

Don't Work From home

Don't Be Too Smart

Demo Las Vegas



Dog Cat

Doggie Has Too Much Fun


99 Chips

A man goes to his doctor for his physical and gets sent to the
Urologist as a precaution.

When he gets there, he discovers the urologist is a very pretty
female doctor.

The female doctor says, 'I'm going to check your prostate today, but

this new procedure is a little different from what you are probably
used to. I want you to lie on your right side, bend your knees, then

while I check your prostate, take a deep breath and say, 99.

The guy obeys and says, 99! The doctor says, 'Great. Now turn over
your left side and again, while I repeat the check, take a deep
breath and say, 99.'

Again, the guy says, '99.'

The doctor said, 'Very good. Now then, I want you to lie on your
with your knees raised slightly. I'm going to check your prostate
with this hand, and with the other hand I'm going t o hold on to
penis to keep it out of the way. Now take a deep breath and say,

The guy begins, 'One .. Two ... Three'.


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Guards are also helpful in blocking harmful fumes from the garage
and the
damp chill from the basement.

Additional Ordering Details:



Toon Chips


True sports fans

Alf Trek

Boob Surgery

Taking A Peek

Out of Work Prostitute



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Limerick Chips

An ingenious botanist named Pace,
Grew cunts in pots at his place.
When they ripened, he'd pluck 'em
And eat them or fuck them--
They were simpler to grow than to chase.

I went out to make chicken soup
I boiled up my pot near the coop
And grabbed up a hen
Then quick tossed her in
Job's done in one mighty fowl swoop
(Gary Hallock)

A worried young man from Stamboul,
Discovered red spots on his tool.
Said the doctor, a cynic,
"Get out of my clinic;
Just wipe off the lipstick, you fool."
<snagged by>


The Warrior AK-47 Airsoft Rifle is an awesome toy for the holidays!
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winner! This toy gun shoots fast and accurate at approximately 200
FPS. The Warrior AK-47 Airsoft Spring Sniper Rifle is a full size
rifle and even comes with safety glasses and a starter pack of BBs.

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Parting Chips


Boss, to four of his employees: "I'm really sorry, but I'm going to
have to let one of you go."

Black Employee: "I'm a protected minority."

Female Employee: "And I'm a woman."

Oldest Employee: "Fire me, buster, and I'll hit you with an age
discrimination suit so fast it'll make your head spin."

...To which they all turn to look at the helpless young, white, male
employee, who thinks a moment, then responds: . . . . "I think I
might be gay..."


EZ Combs - Stretchable Double Combs

Create dozens of dazzling hairstyles instantly with your very own
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Simply slide in one end of the EZ Comb.
Stretch the EZ Comb around your hair.
Slide in the other side, and there you have it.

A Perfect Hairstyle in 3 EZ steps.

Create a variety of hairstyles for all types of occaisions,
including Weddings & Formal Events,
the Office, Nights out on the Town, Working Out, and even in your
bed. EZ Combs are soft & comfortable.



Bonus Chip

Santa Claus makes his way down the chimney, and is met by a lovely
young woman in a robe. She says "Santa, how about giving me a
special present. I know you'd like to come into my bedroom." Santa
responds "Ho! Ho! Ho! Gotta go. Gotta go. Gotta deliver all
these toys to the children you know." The lovely young thing peels
off her robe, revealing a skimpy negligee. Santa looks up from his
sack of gifts, and she says "I've got something special for you
Santa. Can't you stay for just a little while? I know you want me.
Let me make this Christmas eve unforgetable." Santa responds "Ho!
Ho! Ho! Gotta go. Gotta go. Gotta deliver all these toys to the
children you know." Not to be denied, she strips off the negligee,
revealing her naughty bits, and they were quite nice naughty bits, I
might add. And she says "Santa, this is your last chance. This
body is your gift." Santa responds "Hey! Hey! Hey! Gotta stay.
Gotta Stay. Can't get up the chimney with my dick this way!"


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Katie's Komfort Kolumn - Written By BJ Cassady
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Katie's Komfort Kolumn Vol 139 The

Sandi: Wow pops look at the white paint outside!

BJ: No, that is just snow. This is the first time you have seen it.

Katie: When are we going to get our Christmas tree Daddy?

BJ: Today, Diana should be here any minute then the six of us can go
get one.

Katie: Yeah!
Ding dong.

Sandi: Come in toots, did you bring your chainsaw?

BJ: Come on everyone. Girls put your sweaters on. It is chilly
outside. Let's go. The snow is gently falling, the ground is
covered with the wet snow. The trees are white and glistening. The
Cassady herd heads towards the woods where we can hear them
chattering and talking with excitement.

Diana: This tree looks perfect. It is about 7 feet tall and shaped
rather nicely.

Sandi: Move over Toots, let me at it. Whirr whirr buzz buzz flop!

BJ: Okay girls I need to hook you up to the sled to pull the tree

Miss Kitty: We can help.

BJ: Sure all four of you can pull it.
Later the tree is in the house, sat on a stand, watered and the
decorations are being put on the tree. Sandi: What is that thing on

Diana bends down to pet Sandi: It is a Christmas Angel.

Sandi: What is a Christmas Angel?

BJ: You will learn more later.

The herd in Guthrie


Adult Adult Adult

Remember 9/11/01

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Compilation and narrative copyright 2002 by william Brabant
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