[PostmansCorner] The Postman's Corner


Women are like Blenders You need one,
but you're not quite sure why

This holiday season treat your family and friends to the delicious
taste of honey baked ham as well as other groceries and goodies
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A free scan is now available to detect harmful errors that can slow
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It's time to get a FREE GPS Navigation now! You only need to fill out a yes/no
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The financial world was rocked to the core when
Bernie Madoff, a former chairman of the NASDAQ stock market, was
arrested and charged with running a multi-billion dollar hedge fund
swindle in New York Mr Madoff is alleged to have operated the scheme
through his hedge fund business, which was separate from his
better-known market-making business, Bernard L. Madoff Investment
Securities (BMIS). Mr Madoff told senior employees of his firm on
Wednesday that "it's all just one big lie" and that he was "finished",
according to a criminal complaint filed on Thursday night by the
US Attorney's office and the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI).
He allegedly went on to say that the business was "a giant Ponzi
scheme" – a reference to Charles Ponzi, one of the greatest
swindlers in US history – and estimated that the scheme had lost
investors $50billion over many years – which would make the hedge
fund one of the biggest frauds in history.

If you are not clear on what a ponzi scheme is, its a fraudulant
investment scam where those who invest are promised high returns for it.
But in reality, there is no real investment fund, and previous investors are
paid by recruiting new investors. Eventually, the scheme collapses under
its own weight. And while the scheme Madoff ran was supposedly the
largest in history, I am not so sure. Isn't that what our own
social security program does? It pays those who invested before
with the investment of current contributors. Yep. Sounds like a ponzi
scheme to me. And the Government says they are illegal, except for the
one it runs itself. The absolute largest ponzi scheme is the one the
government runs. Go figger

Did you know that the postmans ink cartridge store is open? You can
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because the postman,s store offers 3 for the price of two! You have to buy them some
where so why not support the POSTMAN'S CORNER when you do it? All
proceeds will used to continue this joke page

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We do hope you enjoy today's issue!
Martin aka the postman!

watch your hands


after the wedding


men are hard to please


Two Jewish sisters-in-law meet at their weekly session at the beauty shop.
Sadie says to Golda, "Such news I got for you, Golda! My Irving is finally
getting married. He tells me he is engaged to this wonderful Jewish girl,
but he thinks the poor darling may have some strange illness called herpes."  
After offering congratulations, Golda says to Sadie, "So, Sadie, do you have
any idea what is this herpes, and can our Irving catch it?"   
Sadie answers, "God forbid! But his Papa and I are just so happy to hear
about his engagement. You know how we've all worried about him. Its past
time he's settled with a nice girl. As far as the herpes goes, who knows?"   
"Well," Golda says, "I have a very fine medical dictionary.  I'll just
run home right now and look it up and call you."  
So, Golda goes home, looks it up, and calls Sadie excitedly,
"Sadie! Sadie! Thank goodness, I found it.Not to worry!
It says herpes is a disease affecting the gentiles."
A dentist, after completing work on a patient, came to him begging...
Dentist: Could you help me? Could you give out a few of your loudest,
most painful screams?
Patient: Why? Doctor, it wasn't all that bad this time.
Dentist: There are so many people in the waiting room right now, and I
don't want to miss the four o'clock ball game.
When Diane found out she was pregnant, she told the good
news to anyone who would listen. Diane's 4-year-old son
overheard some of his mother's private conversations.
One day when Diane and her 4-year-old were shopping, a
woman asked the little boy if he was excited about the
new baby.
"Yes!" the 4-year-old said, "and I know what we're going
to name it, too."
"Really?" asked the lady.
"Yes." said the little boy, "If it's a girl we're going
to call her Christina, and if it's another boy we're
going to call it quits!"
A father was entertaining a boy his daughter had brought home from 
college. "I realize it's only a formality," the young man said, "but I 
want to ask for your daughter's hand." "And where did you get the idea 
that this is just a formality?" the father asked. The boyfriend 
replied, "From our Lamaze instructor."
A blonde, bosomy cheerleader confessed to her priest that she often 
had sex with her boyfriend in the front seat of his car. "Now, my 
daughter," consoled the priest, "I'm sure if you think about it, 
you'll know you've been doing something wrong." "Yeah, I guess you are 
right," replied the cheerleader. "Maybe it would be more comfortable 
in the backseat."
Man and his wife were having sex. Fifteen minutes, 30 minutes and 
then 45 minutes passed. Sweat was pouring off both of them when the 
wife finally looked up and said, "What's the matter, honey? Can't you 
think of anyone else either?"
Two men went into a bar. After a few drinks, one said to the other, 
"Since you went off college I've been screwing your mother's brains 
out!" The second one responded, "I think you've had enough to drink, 

bathroom time monitored
A guy is sitting in a bar, absolutely drooling at a
pretty young thing in her short, pink mini-dress. Using
the time-honored icebreaker, he sends her a drink.
"How lucky am I," he thinks, as she gets up to come sit
next to him. They strike up a wonderful conversation.
Finally the girl turns to him and says, "Look, you seem
like a really nice guy, so I have to tell you that I'm
a working girl. I get two hundred dollars for what you
think you'll ply out of me with liquor."
He replies, "I have no problem with the money but, since
you were so straight-forward I must tell you that when I
come, I go nuts. I bite, scratch, kick, punch, pull hair,
break furniture, and just plain destroy the place."
"Oh my God! How long does that last?" she asked.
"Just until I get my two hundred bucks back," he replied.
A Japanese tourist hailed a taxi in downtown Chicago and
asked to be taken out to O'Hare Airport. On the way, a
car zoomed by and the tourist responded, "Ohhh!!!
TOYOTA!!! Made in Japan!!! Very fast!!!"
Not too long after, another car flew by the taxi. "Ohh!!!
NISSAN!!! Made in Japan!!! Very fast!!!"
Yet another zipped by, "Ohh!!! Mitsubishi!!! Made in
Japan!!! Very fast!!!"
The taxi driver, complete 100% American, was starting to
get a little miffed that the Japanese-made cars were
passing his Chevy, when yet another car passed the taxi
right as they were turning into the airport.
"Ohh!!! Honda!!! Made in Japan!!! Very fast!!!"
The taxi driver stopped the car, pointed to the meter,
and said, "That'll be $150."
"150 dorrar? But was such short ride ... why so much?"
"Taxi Meter. Made in Japan. Very fast."
Buffalo Bill
FUN PAGES from Lorraine
Dumb Bomb Threat
Close The Facebook On This Case

Have a nice day
Martin aka the postman

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