[PostmansCorner] The Postman's Corner


Blow, blow, thou winter wind
Thou art not so unkind, As man's ingratitude.
William Shakespeare

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I am limping along here. My Internet is working at the moment only poorly
and intermittently. My phones work not at all. So the postman is fuming
until Wednesday when they promised to send someone out to look into it, when
they get around to it. Sheeshe. Seems like the world comes to an end without
all this fancy technology. Altho it is kindof pleasantly quiet with no
telephone ringing every time I want to lay down to take a nap. Hopefully,
this connection will last long enuff to get this issue mailed out. Nothing
much happening the last couple of days, altho Turk the pooch gave us quite
a scare. I have taught him that the computer office is "off limits" and he
pretty much obeys without need of a closed door or a doggie gate. However,
one night our backs were turned and he happened to sneak in. I take a myriad
of pills and such, and occasionally I might drop one on the flooor without
realizing it. Altho I do my best to pick them up if I do, its easy to miss one.
Well, of course fate struck, and the war department comes running in all upset
because Turk found a mysterious capsule laying on the floor. She managed to
get it away from him but not before the pooch had downed half of it.
OF course we are just panicking, not knowing what it was. And then the thought
occured to me that everything I take is in tablet form, not capsule. What the
heck, what was this mysterious thing? Was it gonna kill him? After calming
down a bit, the war department took a sniff, and discovered what it really
was. We had been munching on "Good and plentys" the other night. Those are
little bitty bites of licorice that do actually resemble pill capsules a little
bit. Turk had found a white one, rather than one of the pink
ones. The vet said he would probably be ok as we discovered the truth just about
the time that I had dialed his emergency number. The worst that could happen
is that he might get a case of the "shits" if he ate enough of them, said the vet.
I informed the doc that Turk the mutt was already a little
shit anyway so a little more of it probably would be ok:) 

By the way, a lot of you folks wrote in to tell me how much you enjoyed the
Christmas holiday screensavers. Obviously they were a big hit.!!! Now that
Christmas is over, here is something really cool to make your computer really
warm and cozy! A 3d animated fireplace screensaver, trust me, I downloaded it
yesterday and its awesome! Be sure to get it!...
Cozy up to the warm fireside on your desktop. With animated graphics,
this free screensaver will make you wish for a good book and a cup of hot chocolate.
Glowing 3D fire
Inviting and cozy scene
No purchase or registration required
We do hope you enjoy today's issue!
Martin aka the postman


the blame
how not to become a crothety old man
how nature shows get you in trouble
dolphine stampede

Dear Santa,
You must be surprised that I'm writing to you today, the 26th of
December. Well, I would very much like to clear up certain things
that have occurred since the beginning of the month, when, filled
with illusion, I wrote you my letter. I asked for a bicycle, an
electric train set, a pair of roller blades, and a football uniform.
I destroyed my brain studying the whole year. Not only was I the
first in my class, but I had the best grades in the whole school.
I'm not going to lie to you, there was no one in my entire
neighborhood that behaved better than me, with my parents, my
brothers, my friends, and with my neighbors. I would go on errands,
and even help the elderly cross the street. There was virtually
nothing within reach that I would not do for humanity.
What balls do you have leaving me a f**king yo-yo, a stupid whistle
and a pair of socks. What the f**k were you thinking, you fat son of
a bitch, that you've taken me for a sucker the whole f**king year to
come out with some shit like this under the tree. As if you hadn't
f**ked me enough, you gave that little faggot across the street so
many toys that he can't even walk into his house.
Please don't let me see you trying to fit your big fat ass down my
chimney next year. I'll f**k you up. I'll throw rocks at those
stupid reindeer and scare them away so you'll have to walk back to
the f**king North Pole, just like what I have to do now since you
didn't get me that f**king bike. F**K YOU SANTA. Next year you'll
find out how bad I can be, you FAT-SON-OF-A-BITCH.
Little Johnny
Q. What's another name for pickled bread?
A. Dill-dough.
Q. What's the difference between light and hard?
A. You can sleep with a light on.
Q:  Why are Monica Lewinsky's cheeks so puffy?
A:  She's withholding evidence!
Things To Say To A Man With A Huge Penis:
"Am I dreaming?"
"Can I keep you?"
Get down on your knees, look heavenward and say,
"Thank you God"
And the most vital thing to say to a man with a
huge penis, "I DO!"
There were once two cowboys, one from California and
the other from Wyoming, riding the range when
suddenly they came upon a poor sheep with its head
stuck in a fence.
Well, the temptation was too much for the Wyoming
cowboy and he quickly leapt from his horse and had
his way with the sheep.
Upon completing his dirty deed, he stepped back and
asked his buddy from California if he wanted some.
"You bet!" was his enthusiastic reply and he jumped
down from his horse and stuck his head through the fence.
Three pregnant women are sitting chatting and knitting sweaters
for their expected kids.
The first one says "I hope that I have a baby boy, because I'm
knitting a blue sweater."
The second says " Well I hope that I have a girl because I'm
knitting a pink sweater."
The third woman says "I hope my kid is a spastic, because I've
fucked up the arms."
Two buddies are fishing, but they haven't caught anything all day.
Then, another fisherman walks by with a huge load of fish.
They ask him, "Excuse me, but where did you get all those fish?"
The other fisherman replies, "If you just go down the stream until
the water isn't salty, there are a ton of hungry fish."
They thank him and go on their way. 15 minutes later, one fisherman
says to the other, "Fill the bucket up with water and see if the
water is salty."
He dips the bucket in the stream and drinks some. "Nope. Still salty."
30 minutes later, he asks him to check again. "Nope, still salty."
One our later they check again. "Nope. Still salty."
"This isn't good," the fisherman finally says. "We have been walking
for almost two hours and the water is still salty."
"I know," says the other. "And the bucket is almost empty."

Love that chair_
good suction

Election is Officially an Election
Lobster Thief Gets Pinched

Fruit bowl                 
Kicked in                

Have a nice day!
Martin aka the postman

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