[buffalos-adult-chips] Chips For Fri

Adult Adult

Welcome to Buffalosjokes and Thank You for joining us. My
name is Buffalo and I have the watch.

Since many of us are putting up a Christmas tree right
now or considering dragging the artificial one from
the back room where we stuffed it ornaments and all
after last Christmas, I dug out my annual tree story.

Living in San Diego one of the most expensive articles at Christmas
time was the tree. Paying 65.00 for a Blue Spruce that back here in
Michigan sold for 20 dollars or even better grew in the field behind
the house was quite a shock. I never could fathom buying an
artificial tree back then and a Douglas Fir was the same as our
Balsams and just didn't seem full enough. A tree lot out there was a
complete operation. You bought your tree and for an extra cost they
would install a stand or a stand with a plastic pan and if you
wanted spray your tree with various frostings in many colors. Green
is just fine for my tree but I usually got the stand and pan
installed. One year I selected the tree with the help of the wife
and daughter who wouldn't take the first tree I pointed out until
they looked at every tree on the lot and then would come back and
grab the tree I had picked. I brought the tree to the checkout and
asked for the pan and stand to be installed. Step one they cut into
fresh trunk to let the tree drink easier and the guy grabs an
electric chain saw. Tearing into the tree there is a lot of movement
but no chips flying ,. After a minute he stops , chooses another
spot on the trunk and starts sawing again , still no chips. He stops
the saw and looks at the chain and says" George, you put the chain
on backwards again". In about thirty seconds with another saw the
trunk was severed , then a stand was nailed on and I was out of
there , my wallet about 75.00 lighter. Well that's my best Christmas
tree story , hope you enjoy the chips and, oh no " George all the
chips are backwards". I never should have hired him heh heh.

BTW Nancy put up enough new movie clips to last us about a week
so enjoy.



Please visit our Sponsor

#1 Toy for 2008 - Great for Ages 6-200!

Catch the cool new Program-a-Bot Robot - while they last!

Your Robot will do what you want!
Program your Bot to do nearly anything!
Built in Dance and Soccer features
Detects Obstacles
Communicates with other Robots!
Great gift for anyone on your list!

This is the brand new Program-A-Bot Electric Robot Toy from
Silverlit. With over 30 programmable actions in one, this fun robot
will give you hours of enjoyment. Built in dance and soccer features
let you show him off, and learn what can be done. With awesome sound
effects and light patterns in his eyes while walking, everyone is
going to get a kick out of this fun little guy. And he's all yours,
just pick a name and customize his actions. He has an infrared (IR)
sensor on his body so that he can avoid bumping into things in his
way. Why not buy more than one because the Program-A-Bot can
communicate with other robots! Being from Silverlit, you can be
assured that this is the highest quality product out there. Just
drop in some AA batteries and start playing immediately!

Click to see a cool video, just 1 minute long and you will see what
we mean:



Short Chips

Two pals from the army meet in the street:
-HI! We haven't seen each other so long, what's up?
-I got married, you know.
-That's great, we've got to celebrate that somehow. Come to my place
tonight so we'll have a small orgy.
-Well, how many people are gonna be there?
-If you come with your wife - three.

-HI! We haven't seen each other a long time, what's up?
-I got married.
-So? How is it? Better?
-Better? - I don't think so, but more often - for sure.

Two lovers play seek & hide.
-If you find me, I'm yours...
-What if I don't find you?
-I'm in the closet.

Little Johnny has just been toilet trained and decides to use the
toilet like his daddy. He pushes up the seat and balances his little
penis on the rim. Just then the toilet seat slams down, and little
Johnny lets out a scream.

His mother comes running to find Johnny hopping round the room
clutching his genitals and howling.

He looks up at her with his little tear stained face and sniffles,
"K-k-k-k-kiss {sniff} it better."

Little Johnny's mother shouts, "Don't start your father's shit with


Toon Chips For Those Who Can't Wait

I Will Marry You!
<a href=" http://www.buffalosjokes.com/21044.htm "> Here!</a>

<a href=" http://www.buffalosjokes.com/21042.htm "> Here!</a>

<a href=" http://www.buffalosjokes.com/21043.htm "> Here!</a>

self employed at the beach

Rudolph gets upset

trouser giveaway


Gorilla Chips

A guy went to the zoo to look at the animals. He bought some popcorn
was walking around and saw all the birds, giraffes, elephants and so
He came to gorilla cage, in it was this big gorilla. The guy was
standing watching the gorilla and noticed that the gorilla was
every move the guy made. The guy would reach into his popcorn bag
eat some popcorn and the gorilla would copy that movement. The guy
reach up and tug on his ear, again the gorilla would copy it. This
going on for some time. At one point the guy pulled his lower eyelid
down with his index finger. At that instant the gorilla grabbed the
bars, bent them, jumped through and grabbed the guy and beat the
out of him. As the guy was being wheeled out to the ambulance, the
zookeeper asked "what did you do to make the gorilla go crazy like
the guy told him what had happened, how the gorilla was copying
move he made and showed him some of what the gorilla was
copying. "What
move did you make just before the gorilla attacked you?" the
asked. He pulled his lower eyelid down with his index finger. "Oh"
the zookeeper "thats gorilla for FUCK YOU".

Well, several weeks go by and finally the guy gets out of the
He goes back to the zoo to get back at that gorilla. He buys some
popcorn and goes straight to the gorilla's cage. As he comes up to
gorilla they acknowledge each other, the gorilla remembers. The guy
starts eating his popcorn and the gorilla copies his movements. The
starts tugging his ear, the gorilla follows that movement. This goes
for several minutes. The guy pulls out a pocketknife, folds out one
the blades and runs the blade along his neck ( without cutting
of course) He then hands the pocketknife to the gorilla. The gorilla
reaches up to his eye and pulls the lower eyelid down with his index


Catch the cool new RC Ferrari Enzo Car - while they last!

You won't won't believe how much fun a stunt RC car can be - don't
just drive any RC car, you deserve the best!
The $1 Million Dollar Enzo Ferrari can be yours, with amazing
detail, and control!
Cool red and black remote control, with Ferrari design, is yours as
well as a very cool box that will put the other gifts to shame!
For anyone on your list - who wouldn't love driving this cool car!
Just pop it out of the box, pop in the included batteries to the
remote control, and your off and driving the $1 Million dollar
Ferrari Enzo!
The Ferrari Enzo RC car is easy to drive, and fun to master! Working
headlights, tail lights, and more!



Navy Chips

Jim was just out of Navy boot camp, and was on his first
ship. About two hours out of port, he began to get a bit
ill from the motion of the ship. He approached an ensign,
also just out of training and on his first cruise. He
saluted and said, "Excuse me sir, I am feeling seasick,
and I wondered if I may have permission to go downstairs
to the dispensary."

The ensign returned his salute and replied, "Sailor, you
are in the Navy now. You don't go downstairs, you go below!
There is no dispensary on this ship, there is sickbay. Not
only that, that is not the floor, it is a deck, that is not
the ceiling, it is the overhead, that is not a pillar, it is
a stanchion, that is not a water fountain, it is a scuttle-
butt. If I ever hear you using civilian words instead of
Naval jargon, I till throw you out of that little round
window over there."



PASTA N MORE - The Amazing New 5-in-1 Pasta Cooker!

Cook, Drain and Serve All In One!

Pasta N More is made of certified materials, fits in any microwave,
its dishwasher safe and makes dinner for 1 or a family of 9. The
unique design swirls the water and not the pasta quickly cooking it
to a perfect al dente texture! Youll receive the air-tight storage
lid to keep left-overs fresh and perfect for saving, storing or
reheating meals in an instant.

Offer includes!
* Pasta Pot
* 2 Handles
* Strainer Lid
* Steam Rack
* Storage Lid
* Cookbook




Random Chips

There once was a male prostitute so popular that he had to hire a
secretary and a public relations director. Thereafter, whenever a
woman called him, his staff rose to the occasion.

Never play strip poker with a nudist, they have nothing to lose.

It's not that the man did not know how to juggle, he just didn't
the balls to do it.

"I'm such a good lover because I practice a lot on my own. (Woody

I'm living with a girl but we're not married. Its kinda like leasing

with an option to buy.

The masochist couldn't answer the phone because he was tied up.

He: "How many beers does it take to make you dizzy?"
She: "About four or five, and don't call me dizzy."

What's the difference between sin and shame?
It is a sin to put it in, but it's a shame to pull it out.

What should you do if a elephant comes in your window?
Learn to swim.

What do you call boobs on a girl scout?
Brownie points

Why do women prefer old gynecologists?
They have shaky hands!

Why is it impossible for a woman to find a man who is caring,
sensitive, and also good-looking?
All those men already have boyfriends.

Stan Kegel


Keep Warm Air In & Winter Air Out

Twin Draft Guards? minimizes energy loss from doors and
windows saving you money on your energy bills.

Twin Draft Guards? work just as well on the interior doors of your
as they do outdoors, blocking drafts and keeping allergens, such as
pollen and even insects from traveling freely around your home. Twin
Guards are also helpful in blocking harmful fumes from the garage
and the
damp chill from the basement.

Additional Ordering Details:



Q and A Chips


When his son refused to get a job, his father insisted he join the

At the induction physical, the doctor directed the reluctant naked
recruit to read the eye chart across the room.

"What chart?" the young man asked.

"The one on the wall!" The doctor said."What wall?
Sensing he had a deadbeat on his hands, the doctor asked his
beautiful nurse to walk in naked.

"What do you see now?"


"Well, you may not see anything," the doctor said, "but
your 'indicator' is pointing toward Paris Island !

Welcome to the Marine Corps, son



PROCaulk is the only hassle-free way to apply silicone with no mess
and a perfect finish every time or Your Money Back. Designed to
apply and seal silicone, acrylic, caulk, and other compounds,
ProCaulk is quick and easy to use, saving you time, money, and

* Perfect for large sealing tasks
* Perfect for small sealing tasks and grouting
* Perfect for hard-to-reach places
* Also comes with silicone remover tool




Frog Chips

A beautiful, well endowed, young blonde went to her local pet store
in search of an exotic pet. As she looked about the store, she
noticed a box full of big green frogs. The sign says: "Oral Sex"
frogs! Only $20 each! - Money back guarantee!! (Comes with complete

The girl excitedly glanced around to see if anybody was watching her
and then whispered softly to the man behind the counter, "I'll take

The man packaged the frog and said, "Just follow the instructions
very carefully." The girl nodded, grabbed the box and was quickly on
her way home.

As soon as she closed the door to her apartment, the girl took out
the instructions and read them thoroughly, doing exactly what it
said to do. 1.. Take a shower, and clean yourself "down there"
thoroughly 2.. Splash on some mild, sweet smelling perfume on your
body. 3.. Slip into a very sexy teddy. 4.. Crawl into bed, spread
your legs and put the frog "down there".

She quickly showered and jumped into bed. she put the frog between
her legs and trembling with anticipation, she waited. To her
surprise, and annoyance, nothing happened. The girl was totally
frustrated and quite angry at this point. She re-read the
instructions and noticed at the bottom of the paper it said, "If you
experience any problems or have questions, please call the pet

So the girl called the pet store. The man said, "I had some
complaints earlier today. I'll be right over". Within five minutes,
the man is ringing her doorbell. The girl welcomed him in and said,
"See, I've done everything according to the instructions and the
damn thing just sits there". The man looked very concerned. He
picked up the frog, stared directly into its eyes and sternly said:

"OK you green idiot. Listen closely to me! I'm only going to show
you how to do this one more time!!!"


The Warrior AK-47 Airsoft Rifle is an awesome toy for the holidays!
Your kids and loved ones will have hours of fun and competition.
With plastic BB's, its fun and safe to see who has the best shot! It
comes complete with scope, laser sight, adjustable bipod and
detachable sport stock. The laser sight makes this a sure fire
winner! This toy gun shoots fast and accurate at approximately 200
FPS. The Warrior AK-47 Airsoft Spring Sniper Rifle is a full size
rifle and even comes with safety glasses and a starter pack of BBs.

Click here to hear more or buy now:


LynnLynn's Links

If You haven't joined LynnLynn's mailing List yet, send a blank
e-mail to LynnLynns-links-subscribe@Yahoogroups.com

Subscribers and Friends

John w/ Silent Night

Melva/Most Wonderful Time


Salvation Mountain!


Feel what it's like to be famous.

Get the Guitar Hero World Tour(R) Band Kit, FREE (with completion of
program requirements).



Surfin Surfari

OLD TIME GEMS Photo Gallery

Christmas Songs

Ugly Christmas Lights

Snowman Name


We are giving away DATING SITE memberships TODAY! But not to a
regular dating site full of people that don't know what they want.
Our singles know EXACTLY what they want!

If you are over 18 years of age, then we want to give you a -FREE-
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of this dating community want to meet up with new people for one
intimate and fun encounters! You have to check it out!

Now, we only have 197 memberships to give away. So if you DO NOT
want to date beautiful singles in your city for intimate encounters
then do not accept this membership that we want to give you for no

If you DO want to have a LOT of fun with singles that are awesome to
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Press here to join for NO COST:



Tech Talk ( Computers and Web-tv) Via Sally

Christmas Webcams

Jen's Computer 101

Basic Windows


Does your computer seem to be running slower than usual?

Did you know that many people who are married or in a serious
relationship secretly download software applications that allow them
to monitor and see everything that their spouse or lover does on the

Do you think that someone has done this to you? You can remove these
programs from your PC or laptop with a program called Spyware Nuker.
This program also removes any spyware or adware located on your PC
or laptop.

Right now you can scan your PC or laptop for no cost to see if there
are any "spying" programs on them.

Press Here to Begin Scan (YOU WILL NOT BE CHARGED FOR THIS):



Animal World

Doggie Zone

Kitty Korner


You probably think I've lost my mind - and maybe I have - but just
visit this site right now and in 5 minutes you''ll have this awesome
$497 Internet business training kit as my gift to you. No kidding!

Why am I giving this away?

I finally got so sick and tired of watching fakers and bigmouths
sell wrong information about how to make a fortune online... that
I've to decided give away my awesome Internet Business Training
System so I can help people finally get the truth!

See... I've made a fortune online and I've helped over 100,000
customers to unlock the secrets to getting started online - the
right way.

Press here to Grab it quick - right now - before I change my mind...



We wanted to let you know right away that you have been invited to
win a seat and play in our upcoming World Series of Poker*.

There is no cost involved for you to play: You DO NOT need to
deposit any money or give a credit card number to play...BUT YOU CAN

Don't miss this chance!

Press here to Start Playing Today!



Movie Chips

Copon The Move

Crazy White Man

Crime Scene Technology

Cubs Game

Cucumber Sandwich

Dad Blanket


Close a Bag without using a baggie tie

Dean Martin & John Wayne

Dean martin & George Gobel


Bush Chips

Thank you, President George W. Bush!

Dear President Bush:
Thank you for all you have done to protect me from terrorism.
It has been seven years since I was attacked and some of my
friends were killed. I am truly grateful for the way you have
handled one of the most profound crises my country has ever
faced. As commander-in-chief, I could not have felt more secure
with anyone other than you at the helm. Thank you for being a
man of integrity and an inspirational leader. May God bless you.

I've identified, as groups, some of the signatures that were
seen on the site. Unfortunately, there must not be a lot of
space available, because these are all gone from the site now,
presumably so many others may add their own sentiments:

Shy and Unidentified:
- Anon E. Muss
- Jess Kiddin

Log Cabin Republicans:
- Homer Sekchal
- Hugh Janus
- Ollie Taboner
- Heywood Jablome
- Jack Mehoff

Abusers and Self-Abusers:
- Markie D. Sod
- Claude Gerbals
- Jack Mahawgoff
- Wilma Fingerdew
- Amanda Livering-Payne
- Anita Spankin
- Phil McHunt
- Mona Lotzenkumme
- Katya Cherkinov
- Jack Soffolot
- Willie Fistersnatch

Biology Professors:
- Anita Gofradump
- Ivana Tinkle
- R. U. Shittingme
- Ollie Tabooger
- Mrs. Ivana E. Tabooger

Boasters and Braggarts:
- Natalie Drest
- Dixie Normous
- Mike Litoris
- Emerson Bigguns
- Mike Hunt
- Harry O'Toole
- I. Sawyer Balzac
- Mike Oxbig
- Wilma Dikfit

The Sick and Infirm:
- Red Ruffansore
- Ann L. Wortz

Wishers and Wellwishers:
- May I. Fondalette
- Oliver Klozoff
- Hugh Succock
- Olga Fokyerzeph
- Fuch U. Mann
- Hugh Schtink
- I. Haychur Gutz

Foreign Friends:
- Juan Tootreego
- Houz bin Farteen
- Clarence DeClowne
- Carma Esa Bicha
- Takeshi Tonyu
- Ahmed bin D'hohver
- Karma Hurtz
- Di Soon
- King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud,
Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques

Corporate and Charitable Organizations:
- American Pretzel Council
- Dallas Whites Only HOA
- Oil Tycoon Billionaires of America

....and those who know George "Dubya" Bush best:
- Oliver Wright Sargonne
- Ima Boozer
- Shirley Eugest
- Xavier Onassis


EZ Combs - Stretchable Double Combs

Create dozens of dazzling hairstyles instantly with your very own
set of EZ Combs. What are they? EZ Combs are what they say they are
-- EZ.

Simply slide in one end of the EZ Comb.
Stretch the EZ Comb around your hair.
Slide in the other side, and there you have it.

A Perfect Hairstyle in 3 EZ steps.

Create a variety of hairstyles for all types of occaisions,
including Weddings & Formal Events,
the Office, Nights out on the Town, Working Out, and even in your
bed. EZ Combs are soft & comfortable.



Toon Chips


True sports fans

Alf Trek

Pimp Towels
<a href=" http://buffalosjokes.com/21041.htm "> Here!</a>

Viagra Presents
<a href=" http://buffalosjokes.com/21040.htm "> Here!</a>

Wonderful Evening
<a href=" http://buffalosjokes.com/21037.htm "> Here!</a>


The Mini RC Wall Climber is an utterly astonishing, gravity defying,
wall climbing RC car! Amaze your friends and family as you drive to
the wall, and then up the wall! Once on the wall, you can turn in
all directions just like you do on the floor! This remote controlled
RC Mini Wall Climber does just what its name implies, it really does
climb up walls! You can drive on windows, doors, walls and just
about anything flat! Thanks to industrial fans and the advanced Air
Venturi-like system, this zero gravity mini rc wall climber pulls
air in under itself - magically holding to the wall while you
drive! Drive it straight at the wall, and when it gets there it
starts to tilt upwards and at 45 degrees. Then the Mini RC Wall
Climber's Traction Technology kicks in, literally sucking the car to
the wall. Once on the wall you can drive on the wall - as easy and
fast as being on the floor. This Mini RC Wall Climber really defies



Limerick Chips

I ran into a lady one night
Whose pussy said Gimme a bite
If I had my pick
I'd give it a lick
or maybe a nibble so light

There Was A Young Lady Of Mass.
Rather Lacking, We All Thought, In Class.
She Would Stroll Boston Common,
And Whenever She Saw Men,
She'd Whimper, ''Please, Sir, Make A Pass.''

There was a young girl from Balmoral
Whose habits were highly immoral.
For the price of a dime
She took three at a time,
One fore, one aft, and one oral


Watch the weazel dance! Hilarious!

Best stocking stuffer for 2008, You're guaranteed to be a hit!

Check out the video and get your now!



Parting Chips

A woman recently lost her husband. She had him cremated and brought
his ashes home. Picking up the urn that he was in, she poured him
out on the counter.

She started talking to him, and tracing her fingers in the ashes,
she said, "You know that fur coat you promised me Irving?" She
answered by saying, "I bought it with the insurance money!"

She then said, "Irving, remember that new car you promised me?" She
answered again saying, "Well, I bought it with the insurance money!"

Still tracing her finger in the ashes, she said, "Irving remember
that blow job I promised you? Here it comes..."


Best of 2008!

The latest and skatest craze!

Simply strap on, Push and glide!

See them flash at night when you move, no batteries required!

You're guaranteed to be a hit!

Kids love them! They can race, switch, turn and zig zag!

Not available in stores!

Check out the video and get your now!



Bonus Chip

At school one day the teacher heard cat noises coming from the
and she discovered Little Johnny with a cat under his shirt. She
"Why have you got your cat at school?"

Little Johnny started crying. "I'm trying to save his life. I woke
this morning to hear the mailman tell my Mommy, 'I'm gonna eat your
pussy today!'"


Voted Best of 2008!

Turn anything into a flashlight and never be left in the dark again!

The world's thinnest flashlight that fits anywhere!

Perfect for cell phones (since you always carry it around)
But also great on Ipods, Cameras, Wallets, Closets and anywhere you
need light!

The catlite is the perfect flashlight, ready when you need it and
right at your fingertips

You'll wonder how you ever lived without your Catlite!

Not available in stores!



Katie's Komfort Kolumn - Written By BJ Cassady

Katie's Komfort Kolumn
Vol 1491

The Christmas Lights Pt 2

Finally, the family arrives at the first display of lights.

Katie: Oh my goodness! I have never seen such a sight.

Sandi: Daddy, I am glad you gave us our contacts where we can see

Rudy: These lights, what is the purpose?

Diana: There was a star about 2,000 years ago that guided the wise
men to
where Jesus was born. These lights are the modern symbol of such.

Katie: They are so beautiful.

Sandi: I have no words.

BJ: Just enjoy.

Rudy: Look a manger scene...like the one we experienced when we
went back
in time a few years ago.

Sandi: Over there a house with just a cross...why?

BJ: Because it is a symbol like everything else we see. A symbol
of Love,

Katie: I understand.

Rudy: A-Rooo!

Sandi: I remember.

Diana: Time to head back home..

The family with thoughts of remembrance in their head drift back...

The herd in Guthrie


Adult Adult Adult

Remember 9/11/01

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In accordance with the 2004 Can-Spam act you can contact me at:

William Brabant
711 Pine Street Apt.1
Sault Ste Marie Michigan 49783

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Compilation and narrative copyright 2002 by william Brabant
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