[buffalos-adult-chips] Chips For 10-28-10


Adult Adult

Welcome to Buffalosjokes and Thank You for joining us. My
name is Buffalo and I have the watch.

From the Archives

Buff your bit about mail boxes made me think about a job I had in Spokane. I
worked for Caterpillar as a mechanic. Cat had a new attachment for #12 motor
graders. Glen Layton and I had to install the first one up in St. Maries Id.
We worked about a week putting cables pulleys and hydraulic cyls. It was
called a snow wing. The object was to throw the snow up on the side of the
road. When we got it ready to go Glen said Ill drive it you follow in the

It worked like a dream but every once in a while I saw a big lump fly up in
the air I got Glen to stop we went back down the road. We found we had wiped
out about 3 miles of mail boxes. We thought it was time to turn it over to
the county. I have never seen one of them since and that was in the 50s. ol

buffalo says We use wing plows in town where nothing can be built in the
right of way. The extra distance allows them to do half of the street in a
pass and push the snow farther back on the curb. It's always nice to go out
in the morning and have snow pushed all the way under your vehicle.

The first type of mechanical snow removal equipment was the Sno-go. It was
your snow blower super-sized and mounted on a dump truck. They were slow but
you could take a large amount of snow and put it where you wanted it. Still
used at airports. Next was the large Blade on the front of a dump truck and
angled to push snow towards the curb but left you with a snow bank right at
the edge of the road. It was good at moving up to three feet of snow. When
you hit deep powder it is an automatic white-out and the driver is luck if
he can see his road markers. For removing light amounts of snow quickly, a
dump truck with a belly mount plow is used. Because the weight of the truck
is on it the blade does a good job of scraping and the driver can see where
he is going. On the bad side the blade takes pressure from the front wheels
making it harder to brake and steer.

Snow removal is difficult and dangerous. Give plows a wide berth.

If you haven't tried the M&M's with the pretzel inside yet they are pretty

Enjoy the chips... buffalo

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Maid Chips

The very snobbish wife was discussing the subject of Christmas
presents with her maid.

"Now what about the butler?" the rich woman said.

"A set of wine glasses?" the maid suggested.

The woman frowned icily. "He doesn't really need that. A butler
never entertains. He'll get a tie."

The maid grimaced, but said only, "What about a dress for Jenny, the
serving girl?"

The woman frowned again. "She doesn't really need a new dress.
She'll only get in trouble. We'll get her another apron."

The conversation continued in the same vein, and the maid was
chafing At her employer's arrogance when they reached her husband.

"I assume you want to get him something he really needs, madam?" the
maid replied.

"Of course," the woman replied.

"Then what about three more inches?" said the maid.


Toon Chips For Those Who Can't Wait

is she under, doc?

gee Mindy

the new Walmart uniform


Accident Chips

I went to the pub with my grandfather and bought a couple of pints of beer.
My grandfather looked at his beer for a second and then, "SLURP", he drank
it down in one.

"Are you alright grandad?" I asked. "Yep" he said. So, I went to the bar and
bought another two pints.

Again, he looked at it for a second and then, "SLURP", down it all went
again in one go.

"Come on grandad. Tell me why you're drinking like that."

"It's ever since the accident," he said.

"What accident's that?" I asked.

"I was in here last night and some bastard spilled my beer."



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Golf Chips

It was one of those warm afternoons, so typical of summer, and everyone was
wearing their club-approved walking shorts and short sleeve golf shirts.
Suddenly, a commotion ensued on the 10th tee. At least a dozen club golfers
had left the practice tee to watch a well-endowed blonde as she was about to
tee off. Not being used to such a commotion, the course Marshall steered his
golf cart over towards the tee, and it quickly became apparent what was
causing this unorthodox gathering of club members: The voluptuous blonde, in
her brief, yet acceptable attire, had her right breast fully exposed. The
Marshall quickly headed over to the tee, and stated to the blonde in no
uncertain terms, "Pardon me miss, but you can't tee off in that attire."
"What's wrong with my attire, sir?", she replied. "Well, it's your blouse,"
he stammered, apparently embarrassed. "What's wrong with my blouse?" she
replied seriously. "Well, it's not exactly your blouse, you're not wearing a
bra, and your blouse is open, and your right breast is exposed," he
stammered. The blonde looked down at her blouse, obviously shocked, and
quickly glanced over towards her empty golf cart. "Oh my God, I left my baby
on the 9th Green."

Stan Kegel


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File Chips

A guy goes into a hardware store. He flags down an employee and asks him
for a file.

The employee points to a file at the right side of the cabinet, "You want
that bastard?"

"No," says the customer.

The employee points to a file at the left side of the cabinet, "You want
that bastard?"

"No," says the customer.

"Well, what do you want?"

The customer points to a file in the middle. "I want that son-of-a-
bitch right there."


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Cop Chips

Top 10 signs that you are married to a cop....

10. When an argument starts.....he calls for backup.
9. Refers to the bedroom as "The Pokey."
8. Calls passing gas the "silent alarm."
7. Has a secret desire to see you in a Kevlar nightie.
6. Lots of references to the "old night stick."
5. Never hear him say "Oh man.....not donuts again!"
4. Refers to his winkie as the "Breathalyzer"
3. Stops you during lovemaking to ask if you know
how fast you were going.
2. Handcuffs don't turn him on anymore.

and the number one sign you are married to a cop......

1. Yes, that *is* a gun in his pocket!!!!!



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Melva/Angels Whisperings


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Movie Links

Voting Ad

Argument Settled

Been Married To long

Beer Diet


Bowling Bloopers

Boy & Labrador

Brass Pole

Bud Light Wheel



Short Chips

My daughter Lili was five when she received a foam CD holder with plastic
sleeves for all her music CDs. I explained to her that CDs are sensitive to
light and heat, so she should not leave the holder in the sun.

During our home addition, the electrician was working in the backyard and
Lili had gone to play in the sandbox, leaving her new CD holder on the patio
table. My wife saw it and told Lili she was going to put it in the house.

Lili stood up in the sandbox and said, "Mommy, make sure you put it where
the sun doesn't shine!"

The electrician took a break.

Bill: "I met the foxiest lady today but she was tied up for the evening."

Doug: "That's too bad."

Bill: "She gave me her phone number though."

Doug: "It sounds to me like you've got it made."

Bill: "I'm not too sure. She has a 900 number!"


Toon Chips

Just Once


It Fits


Marriage Penalty

Coffee Break


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Limerick Chips

There once was a slimmer named Steen
Who grew so phenomenally lean
And flat, and compressed,
That his back touched his chest,
So that sideways he couldn't be seen.
There was a young lady named Melanie,
Who was asked by a man, "Do you sell any?"
She replied, "No, siree.
I give it for free.
To sell it, dear sir, is a felony.
I wooed a buxom young nude in Bermuda,
I was lewd, but my God! She was lewder.
She said it was crude
To be wooed in the nude --
I pursued her, subdued her, and screwed her!

Yer Hillbilly friend in TN...


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Parting Chips

There was this couple that had been married for 20 years. Every time they
made love the husband always insisted on shutting off the light. Well, after
20 years the wife felt this was ridiculous. She figured she would break him
out of this crazy habit. So one night, while they were in the middle of a
wild, screaming, romantic session, she turned on the lights. She looked
down, and saw her husband was holding a battery-operated pleasure device, a
vibrator, soft, wonderful and larger than a real one. She went completely
ballistic. "You impotent bastard," she screamed at him, "How could you be
lying to me all of these years? You better explain yourself!" The husband
looks her straight in the eyes and says calmly, "I'll explain the toy, you
explain the kids."

Stan Kegel


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Katie's Komfort Kolumn - Written By BJ Cassady

Katie's Komfort Kolumn Vol 1908 Is That Your Final Answer?

As Diana starts to pull away for Caldwell.Sandi barks at her.

Diana stops. Sandi whines. Diana: What is it girl?

BJ: I think this is not about me, you, Kansas, or Oklahoma.

Diana: I do not understand.

BJ: Open the car door.

Diana opens the door, Sandi leaps in and soon is snuggled up against Rudy.

Sandi: Remember when Rudy lived in the wild? He gave up his freedom because
of me. We are mates he and I. I thought I wanted and I do want to be with
daddy, but I need Rudy. I hope you understand Daddy.

BJ: Of course I do Sandi. I believe you realize the pain Diana and I have
every week when we separate. It is the knowledge that we will be together in
a few days that keep us going, plus the fact that retirement is soon.

Sandi: I understand.

The herd <!--.style1 {font-size:x-small}-->


Adult Adult


Remember 9/11/01

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In accordance with the 2004 Can-Spam act you can contact me at:

William Brabant
711 Pine Street Apt.1
Sault Ste Marie Michigan 49783


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Compilation and narrative copyright 2002 by william Brabant


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