[buffalos-adult-chips] Chips For 12-7-10


Adult Adult

Welcome to Buffalosjokes and Thank You for joining us. My
name is Buffalo and I have the watch.

I am including Larry Katz's story that he wrote for us five years ago.
After you read it please take a second to ponder the similarities between
this attack and 9-11-01. Even those who were not born yet can imagine the
surprise, horror , camaraderie, anger, and retaliation that parallel both

Tuesday Dec.7th,2004,a day going back 63 years ago will always be the
highlight of my life(Dec.7th,1946 also marked my marriage of now
58 years, also to the same women). What happened on Dec 7th,1941? I was in
the United States Navy, a third class radio operator stationed in Oahu,
Honolulu, pulling duty in Fleet Air Wing
2,Communications.Attached to a squadron on Ford Island (VP21)this was a
Catalina Squadron flying PBY's, however my ability to receive and transmit
CW, (Morse Code) put me in the Communication Office on Temp. Duty. ( I was
able to send and receive code at a fast rate at that time as a third class
radioman at around 33 words per minute)
This gives you all a background of my status. As you know by now, my
birthday was on the 4th of Dec,23 years old.1941 time....Two of my close
shipmates and I decided to go to town that day of December
6th,1941 to celebrate my happy day of Dec 4th).Two days late but what the
heck, we had lots of time. The night of the 6th,we decided to stay in town
as we all had liberty until 4 PM on Dec.7th,1941....The night of the 6th,we
celebrated my happy day at a joint called the Rendezvous in Waikiki
Beach....We could not find a place that night to flake out so we went back
to our locker club ( that is where most of the servicemen on the Island went
to change from our uniforms to Civies ) the name of the locker club was
called "Battleship Max Cohen's Locker Club. Right next to the YMCA, and
across from the famous Black Cat Café, where mostly all service men ate. We
slept on top of the wooden lockers that night. On Sunday Dec,7th,1941 the
three of us got up around 7,went across the street (Hotel Street ) to the
Black Cat Cafe had our breakfast ( like bacon and eggs, grits, hash browns,
toast , coffee, all for twenty-five or thirty five cents, still have their
menu)....After breakfast went out and walked around a little park from the
cafe. About 7:55 AM, heard the loudest booms and a large plate glass window
from one of the buildings surrounding the park fell out and crashed on the
ground. From where we were standing looked what to me seemed north ( was to
my right) looked up in the air towards the Pearl Harbor Navy Yard , saw lots
of smoke and planes in the air and we all thought that it was some kind of a
drill....Just about that time some one passed by and he had a RCA ( funny,
we still remember that) trans oceanic over seas radio, and heard the
announcer repeat over and over again for all military personnel to report
back to their bases immediately. We were told to Commandeer any
transportation on hand and get back to our bases. The locker club was right
across from the park we were in, so we ran across the street up the steps to
our lockers, put on our blouses, white hats, and found a cab and headed back
to Ford Island across the channel from the Navy Yard. While going back to
our base,( don't remember what the avenue or street name was called, but
think it was Kameahmea Blvd.}. I repeat this again, We still did not know
what was going on. We looked ahead of us towards Ford Island, the Navy
Yard, Hickham Field and the rest and saw all the smoke and what ever. We
still did not know what in the hell was going on. The cab driver said
something like a big fight was going on, but to us New Yorkers we knew nada.
Just as we got close to Hickham Field the three of us sitting in the back
seat heard what sounded like the clicking of typewriter keys, not the
typewriters we have today that don't make sounds, but the old fashioned
typewriters that clicked every time you hit a key) I was sitting on the left
side of the cab, Harold was in the middle, and George was on the right side)
I turned towards Harold, looked out the back window of the cab, and saw this
plane coming down the highway with red streaks coming out the wings heading
right for us.
I remarked to Harold "What in the hell is that", and that New Yorker did not
know either, and about that time, the plane slipped to our right, banked to
the left and went down the strip of Hickham Field.
When the plane slipped to the right to make his bank to Hickham, I saw a big
red ball, and also saw this red stripe going down the side of the plane and
heard the cab driver say jap.. The driver then pulled over to his right
close to a ditch, we opened the doors to the cab and ran down the road
towards the Navy Yard which wasn't to far from Hickham's gate. The Marine
Sentries waved us through, ran down to the landings to get some kind of
transportation to get us across the channel to Ford Island which was in the
middle of the harbor but all launches were out picking up survivors off
ships that were hit and being hit .The three of us did not know what to do
as we did not belong there in the Navy Yard.

So Harold and I turned left and ran towards three ships that were in dry
dock. The three ships were the USS. Pennsylvania, a line battleship,
behind two destroyers, the USS Cassin, and the USS Downes.

About that time the Cassin and Downes got hit, Cassin got the brunt of it,
and right across the harbor the USS Shaw got it. The time all this happened
is still a big blur. We two helped anyway we could, pulling bodies,
handling hoses, or what ever.

Just about that time here comes another group of planes heading towards us,
and the two of us Harold and I ran for any type of cover we could find. At
that time don't know what happened to George, as he did not follow Harold
and I. I found an excavation hole ( not a bomb hit hole but some kind of
pit). I jumped into it, started piling big rocks on me, as there was so
much metal flying around, I covered myself as much as I could and waited
until the shooting and yelling stopped. When it did stop, I climbed out of
the pit or hole and looked around for my buddy Harold. Could not find him
anyplace...There was a flat bed train along side the USS Pennsylvania
loading 16" shells .Yes you are right ,my buddy Harold was hiding under the
flat bed with all those 16" shells. When I showed Harold what he was hiding
under, this Harold Donahue, my red headed big old Irishman buddy from
Brooklyn, turned white as a sheet. This is just an aside of what can happen
even when there is a crisis and we can have a laugh. Just about that time,
the USS Nevada was pulling out of the channel trying to get out of the way
of sinking and blocking the channel so other ships could finally make it
out. I and my friend Harold let out a roar with the rest of the sailors and
marines to the Nevada to go,go,go.We were about 300 yards from the ship as
it was hit and pulling out and it made the beach in front of it and it did
not block the Channel. A note. this was during the second attack ,but we
all were too busy doing what ever we could to help. As so many of us were
on liberty the night before and could not reach our General Quarters
station.(mine was in the Comm.Office). So around one or two in the
afternoon was able to find a launch to take us back to Ford Island. When I
put my foot ashore on Ford Island ( again this was in the middle of the
channel where all our battleships were tied up, or should I say what was
left of them). My first impression was to see our squadron hangers and our
PBY's in ruins,VP22's part of the hanger was hit first, this was our sister
squadron as my squadron was VP21,....For some of you, there are lots of
books out showing pictures of our squadron hangers and the ships that I just
described. also when I got back to Ford Island and saw my barracks which
was alongside of Battleship row, and my bunk on the second deck (floor) on
the Lanai, (Porch) facing the USS California sitting on its Keel right
outside, sitting on the waterline from the Navy Yard to Ford Island,( we had
no water from main side for days, but drank water from the pool, after
distilling, lots of Sodas and Beers and what ever water we got from the Main
Side) Do you all know, that even up to now, I honestly don't remember seeing
the Arizona. I have one of my close friends' brother still entombed on it.
I must have visited it while I was there, but that is one thing I cannot
remember. I do remember going to the hospital to see where one of the jap
bombs fell in the middle of the rear court yard and was a dud. Back to the
ending, When I went back to my Communication Office on Ford Island, my
officer in Charge who was a Warrant Officer ( that's an enlisted man who
made an Officer below an Ensign ( hope all these ratings are correct ) ( Oh
yes, please forgive my spelling and grammar) . Anyway he looked at me and
said "Katz where in the hell have you been"....That was and is the first
time I broke down.....My whites were muddy, had blood on it and I must have
looked like hell.....Don't remember my answer but I do remember what he
said. He told me to go topside change into dungarees and take over a
circuit. To those that don't know what a circuit is, it is a station in
front of a transmitter and receiver, whether it was from Washington,
Australia or what ever. I went topside where I had my sack and locker,
changed into dungarees, ( today it is called jeans). came down below, got
on a circuit called NSS.I remained there from Sunday,Dec,7th,1941 till
Tuesday Dec,9th,sleeping on the deck ( floor) for a few hours every chance
we got. You all have to remember, we all thought the japs would invade us
at anytime and they could have, as we were so unprepared.....There is so
much more to tell, but I think I have hit the high lights.

Larry Katz

buffalo says Today is the 69th Anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl

I think it is important that we note the story behind this event and
look at the way we are setting ourselves up for a replay. Over the
past thirty years we have downsized our military and consolidated
bases so that it has become easier for a nuclear surprise attack to
take out big chunks of our defense. At one time you had four bases
on the East Coast that home ported carriers, now you take out Norfolk
and the carriers there and you have put a big hole in our fleet and
our ability to retaliate We mustn't waste what other generations have
given their lives for so we could be free.

Enjoy the chips..... buffalo

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Flying Chips

An award should go to the Westjet gate attendant in Kelowna, British
Columbia for being smart and funny, while making her point, when confronted
with a passenger who probably deserved to fly as cargo.

A crowded flight was canceled after Westjet's 767s had been withdrawn from

A single attendant was re-booking a long line of inconvenienced travelers.
Suddenly an angry passenger pushed his way to the desk. He slapped his
ticket down on the counter and said, "I HAVE to be on this flight and it HAS

The attendant replied, "I'm sorry, sir. I'll be happy to try to help you,
but I've got to help these people first, and I'm sure we'll be able to work
something out."

The passenger was unimpressed. He asked loudly, so that the passengers
behind him could hear, "Do You Have Any Idea Who I Am?"

Without hesitating, the attendant smiled and grabbed her public address
microphone: "May I have your attention please; may I have you attention
please, " she began - her voice heard clearly throughout the terminal. "We
have a passenger here at Gate 14 Who Does Not Know Who He Is. If anyone can
help him find his identity, please come to Gate 14."

With the folks behind him in line laughing hysterically, the man glared at
the attendant, gritted his teeth and said, "F*ck You!"

Without flinching, she smiled and said, "I'm sorry, sir, but you'll have to
get in line for that too."


Toon Chips For Those Who Can't Wait


12 Day Chips

December 14, 2008 My dearest darling John:

Who ever in the whole world would dream of getting a real Partridge
in a Pear Tree? How can I ever express my pleasure. Thank you a
hundred times for thinking of me this way.

My love always, Agnes

December 15, 2008 Dearest John:

Today the postman brought your very sweet gift. Just imagine two
turtle doves. I'm just delighted at your very thoughtful gift. They
are just adorable.

All my love, Agnes

December 16, 2008 Dear John:

Oh! Aren't you the extravagant one. Now I must protest. I don't
deserve such generosity, three French hens. They are just darling
but I must insist, you've been too kind.

All my love, Agnes

December 17, 2008 Dear John:

Today the postman delivered four calling birds. Now really, they are
beautiful, but don't you think enough is enough. You are being too

Affectionately, Agnes

December 18, 2008 Dearest John:

What a surprise. Today the postman delivered five golden rings, one
forevery finger. You're just impossible, but I love it. Frankly,
all those birds squawking were beginning to get on my nerves.

All my love, Agnes

December 19, 2008 Dear John:

When I opened the door today there were actually six geese laying on
my front steps. So you're back to the birds again huh? These geese
are huge. Where will I ever keep them? The neighbors are
complaining and I can't sleep through the racket. Please stop.

Cordially, Agnes

December 20, 2008 John:

What's with you and those freaking birds?? Seven swans a swimming.
What kind of damn joke is this? There's bird poop all over the house
and they never stop the racket. I can't sleep at night and I'm a
nervous wreck. It's not funny. So stop those freaking birds.

Sincerely, Agnes

December 21, 2008 O.K. Buster:

I think I prefer the birds. What the hell am I going to do with 8
maids a milking? It's not enough with all those birds and 8 maids a
milking, but they had to bring their damn cows. There is manure all
over the lawn and I can't move in my own house. Just lay off me,


December 22, 2008 Hey Shithead:

What are you.....some kind of sadist? Now there's nine pipers
playing. And Christ do they play. They've never stopped chasing
those maids since they got here yesterday morning. The cows are
getting upset and they're stepping all over those screeching birds.
What am I going to do? The neighbors have started a petition to
evict me.

You'll get yours !


December 23, 2008 You rotten prick:

Now there's ten ladies dancing. I don't know why I call those sluts
ladies. They've been balling those pipers all night long. Now the
cows can't sleep and they've got diarrhea. My living room is a river
of shit. The Commissioner of Buildings has subpoenaed me to give
cause why the building shouldn't be condemned. I'm calling the
police on you !


December 24, 2008 Listen Fuckhead:

What's with those eleven lords a leaping on those maid and ladies?
Some of those broads will never walk again. Those pipers ran through
the maids and have been committing sodomy with the cows. All twenty-
three of the birds are dead. They've been trampled to death in the
orgy. I hope you're satisfied, you rotten vicious swine.

You're sworn enemy, Agnes

December 25, 2008 Dear Sir:

This is to acknowledge your latest gift of twelve fiddlers fiddling
which you have seen fit to inflict on our client, Miss Agnes
McHolstein. The destruction, of course, was total. All
correspondence should come to our attention. If you should attempt
to reach Miss McHolstein at Happy Dale Sanitarium, the attendants
have been instructed to shoot you on sight.

With this letter please find attached a warrant for your arrest.

Cordially, Law Offices of Badger, Bender and Chole


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Pope Chips

The Pope had become very ill and was taken to many doctors, none of whom
could figure out how to cure him. Finally he was brought to an old
physician, who stated that he could figure it out.

After about an hour's examination he came out and told the cardinals that he
knew what was wrong. He said that the bad news was that it was a rare
disorder of the testicles.

He said that the goods news was that all the Pope had to do to be cured was
to have sex. Well, this was not good news to the cardinals, who argued
about it at length.

Finally they went to the Pope with the doctor and explained the situation.
After some thought, the Pope stated, "I agree but under four conditions."

The cardinals were amazed and there arose quite an uproar. Over all of the
noise there arose a single voice that asked, "And what are the four

The room stilled. There was a long pause. The Pope replied, "First the
girl must be blind, so that she cannot see with whom she is having sex.
Second, she must be deaf, so that she cannot hear with whom she is having
sex. And third, she must be mute so that if somehow she figures out with
who she is having sex, she can tell no one."

After another long pause a voice arose and asked, "And the fourth
condition?" The Pope smiled and replied, "Big tits."


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Short Chips

A man was bragging to his friends about how his sister disguised
herself as a man and was able to join the army.

"But, wait a minute," said one listener, "She'll have to dress with
the boys and shower with them too. Won't she?"

"Sure," replied the man.

"Well, won't they find out?"

The man shrugged, "Sure, but who'll tell?"

After discovering her young daughter playing doctor with the
neighbor's boy, the angry mother grabbed the boy by the ear and
dragged him to his house and confronted his mother.

"It's only natural for young boys and girls to explore their
sexuality by playing doctor at their age," the neighbor said.

"Sexuality?!" the mother yelled. "He took out her appendix!"


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Buffalo Chips

From the Executive Offices of Playgirl, Inc.
Dear Buffalo:
We wish to thank you for your letter and Polaroid
photo which we recently received. We regret, however,
that we will not be able to use your photo as our
"Playgirl's Man of the Month".
When rated by our AAW (Avaricious American Women) on
a scale of 1-10, your body was rated a minus 2 (-2).
The panel is comprised of widowed females ranging in
ages from 50 - 75 years old who have been deprived of
sexual activity for a minimum of five years.
To confirm your below average rating, we submitted your photograph
to a second panel, the HUHA (Horny Undersexed Housewives of
America), whose age range from 25 - 35. However, we could not get
them to contain their laughter long enough to rate you. Please be
assured, that should the tastes of American women deteriorate so
drastically that a body such as yours would be in demand, you will
be notified. Meanwhile, please do not call us, we will call you.

P.S. It pains us to inform you, that had your photo been
used, the staple holding our centerfold together would have
completely obstructed what you refer to as your "love tool of the
21st Century".


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Idiot 6

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Angel Chips

When four of Santa's elves got sick, the trainee
elves did not produce toys as fast as the regular
ones, and Santa began to feel the pre-Christmas
pressure. The pressure on the toymakers was so
great that they were putting Raggedy Andy heads on
the Raggedy Anne bodies, bicycle back wheels on
the front, and wagon tongues on the back. Hula
hoops were somehow coming off the assembly line as
Möbius strips. A half-million of the new lap-tops
were assembled without the hard drive, and so on.

Then Mrs Claus told Santa her mother was coming to
visit, and that news stressed Santa even more.

When he went to harness the reindeer, he found
that three of them were about to give birth and
two others had jumped the fence and were out,
Heaven knows where.

Then when he began to load the sleigh, one of the
floorboards cracked, the toy bag fell to the
ground and all the toys were scattered.

Frustrated, Santa went in the house for a cup of
apple cider and a shot of rum. When he went to the
cupboard, he discovered the elves had drunk all
the cider and hidden the liquor. In his
frustration, he accidentally dropped the cider
jug, and it broke into hundreds of little glass
pieces all over the kitchen floor. He went to get
the broom and found the mice had eaten all the
straw off the end of the broom..

Just then the doorbell rang, and an irritated
Santa marched to the door, yanked it open.There
stood a little angel with a great big Christmas
The angel said very cheerfully, "Merry Christmas,
Santa. We've seen how frustrating things have been
for you lately, and we want you to feel better. I
have a beautiful tree for you. Where would you
like me to put it?"

And so began the tradition of the little angel on
top of the Christmas tree.


Toon Chips

bushy now

big butt


butter penis



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Limerick Chips

There was an old maid from Luck,
Who took into her head she should fuck.
She was about to resign
'Till she hung out a sign:
"Come in, I've decided to suck."

There was a young whore from Kilkenny,
Who charged two fucks for a penny,
For half of that sum,
You could bugger her bum,
An economy practiced by many

There was a young vampire called Mable,
Whose periods were always quite stable,
At every full moon,
She took out a spoon,
And drank herself under the table.
<Snagged by>


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Parting Chips

There was a Chinese father named Cheng who was very close to his
son. They used to go everywhere together including looking
for "birds" (Chinese slang for prostitute). One day, Chung the son
decided to go overseas for study. The father was very supportive,
and before his son left, the father told him, "Chung we cannot look
for chicken together for the next few years. However, if you need to
look for chicken, please go ahead and I will pay for it. But please
state the expense as 'Shooting Bird' so that your mother will not
suspect." So the son left, and after a month, the father received
bill from Chung, the son,......(shooting bird - $300). Subsequently,
and for the next few months, the bill for shooting bird is more than
$700. Well, the father could not tolerate this, so he wrote to his
son. "Chung Son, you have been shooting too expensive bird, try some
cheaper one". A month later, Cheng, the father, received another
bill from his son. On it he had written:
Shooting Bird - $50
Rifle Repair - $2,000


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Katie's Komfort Kolumn - Written By BJ Cassady

Katie's Komfort Kolumn

Vol 1940

The Tree

BJ starts to chop the tree down while everyone stands back.

As the tree is getting close to falling, BJ could not help but notice

Sandi with a tear in her eye.

BJ: What is the matter Sandi.

Sandi: A life.

BJ: Explain please.

Sandi: We are killing this tree so we can celebrate Christmas. Somehow

it doesn't feel right.

BJ: Jesus was born to die for our sins Sandi. Look at it this way, this
tree will

be used to represent Christ - mas. It will decorate our home and when

is done, it will heat our home, it will not be wasted. The tree will be
dressed up

and have an angel on it's top. The tree will be glorified.

Sandi: I guess that makes sense.

Rudy: Does that mean I don't have to haul it back?

BJ: I will haul it Rudy.

Rudy: Then I like the tree.

The herd


Adult Adult


Remember 9/11/01

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Compilation and narrative copyright 2002 by william Brabant


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