[buffalos-adult-chips] Chips For Mon

Adult Adult

Welcome to Buffalosjokes and Thank You for joining us. My
name is Buffalo and I have the watch.

March is such a boring month and up till the time I received this it
looked like St. Patrick"s Day was the only day to go out and party.
Now you have 31 reasons to go out and make a fool of yourself, like
I need a reason.

Bizarre Holidays In March

March 1 is National Pig Day and Peanut Butter Lover's Day

March 2 is Old Stuff Day

March 3 is I Want You To Be Happy Day, Peach Blossom Day and
National Anthem Day

March 4 is Holy Experiment Day

March 5 is Multiple Personalities Day

March 6 is National Frozen Food Day

March 7 is National Crown Roast Of Pork Day

March 8 is Be Nasty Day

March 9 is Panic Day

March 10 is Festival Of Life In The Cracks Day

March 11 is Johnny Appleseed Day and Worship of Tools Day

March 12 is Alfred Hitchcock Day

March 13 is Jewel Day

March 14 is National potato Chip Day

March 15 is Buzzard's Day and Everything You Think Is Wrong Day

March 16 is Everything You Do Is Right Day

March 17 is Submarine Day

March 18 is Supreme Sacrifice Day

March 19 is poultry Day

March 20 is Proposal Day and Festival Of Extraterrestrial Abductions

March 21 is Fragrance Day

March 22 is National Goof-off Day

March 23 is National Organize Your Home Office Day and National Chip
and Dip Day

March 24 is National Chocolate Covered Raisins Day

March 25 is Pecan Day and Waffle Day

March 26 is Make Up Your Own Holiday Day and Spinach Festival Day

March 27 is National "Joe" Day

March 28 is Something On A Stick Day

March 29 is Festival Of Smoke and Mirrors Day

March 30 is I Am In Control Day

March 31 is Bunsen Burner Day and National Clams On The Half Shell

Enjoy the chips... buffalo


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Pool Chips

Steve Davis, the world champion snooker player, got
married and it was the first night of his honeymoon.
His beautiful wife lay spread across the bed wearing
only a scanty silken black nightdress.

Presently Steve came out of the bathroom totally naked
with a long stiff erection and walked slowly to the
foot of the bed. He didn't utter a sound but simply
stood there looking at her and chalking the end of his
erect penis.

This went on for over ten minutes, the only movement
being the slow rhythmic chalking of the tip of his
penis and the movement of his head from side to side
as he stared at her lying on the bed. Eventually, moist
with excitement and shaking with anticipation she tore
off her night dress and slowly spread her legs wide
open waiting for him to take her.

Steve simply raised his eyebrows, cocked his head to
the side and continued to slowly stroke the soft chalk
across the glistening, throbbing penis as he stared
intensely at the pleasures he saw between her outspread
legs. It was too much for her to stand, writhing in an
agony of expectation and frustration she screamed out,
"For God's sake what are you waiting for?"

Steve gently stroked the chalk across his throbbing penis,
blew the loose chalk off its end, smiled and looking even
more closely between her smooth thighs quietly told her,
"I'm trying to decide whether to go for the tight brown or
the easy pink."


Toon Chips For Those Who Can't Wait

<a href=" http://www.buffalosjokes.com/31350.htm "> Here!</a>

<a href=" "> Here!</a>

Things You Dont See
<a href=" http://www.buffalosjokes.com/31348.htm "> Here!</a>

Cute little pink pussy

No penetration

No more safe sex


Phobia Chips

-----+ Bizarre Phobias +------

Dextrophobia- Fear of objects at the right side of the body.

Alektorophobia- Fear of chickens.

Olfactophobia- Fear of smells.

Eurotophobia- Fear of female genitalia.

Politicophobia- Fear or abnormal dislike of politicians.

Anablephobia- Fear of looking up.

Cypridophobia - Fear of prostitutes or venereal disease.

Medomalacuphobia- Fear of losing an erection.

Phronemophobia- Fear of thinking.

Dishabiliophobia- Fear of undressing in front of someone.

Mycophobia- Fear or aversion to mushrooms.

Octophobia - Fear of the figure 8.

Rhytiphobia- Fear of getting wrinkles.

Spacephobia- Fear of outer space.

Urophobia- Fear of urine or urinating.


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Grow tomatoes as big as grapefruits - up to 2 lbs each. These giant
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producing up to 180 lbs of supersized tomatoes.

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Random Chips

Did you hear about the junkie who was found dead in an alley, with
shit in his veins? He'd been shooting craps.

Two well-dressed, matronly women entered the business office and
approached an executive. "Sir," said one, "we are soliciting funds
the welfare and rehabilitation of wayward women. Would you care to
donate?" "Sorry," replied the exec, "but I contribute directly."

Little Sandy was with her father when they stopped by the beauty
to pick-up her Mom. She wasn't quite ready, so they sat down and
waited. Suddenly, Sandy goes over to her mom's stylist and blurts
"My Daddy says you're a fairy. May I see your magic wand?"

She was only a cheerleader's daughter, and she sure made the boys'
root harder.

A guy pulls up in his car next to a young kid and opens the window
says: "If I give you a sweetie will you come in my car?" To which
little girl answers: "If you give me the whole bag I'll come in your


Two male flies are buzzing around, cruising for good looking
One spots a real cutie sitting on a pile of cow shit and dives down

toward her. "Pardon me" he asks, turning on his best charm, "...but
this stool taken?"

What did the teacher do for the girl who was having trouble with Sex
Kept her after class and pounded it into her

What did the hillbilly virgin say to her partner after her first
"Get off dad! You're crushing my Camels!"


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Bra Chips

From the folks who make the Invisible Fence for cats and dogs, now

comes the Invisible Fence Bra for your teenage daughter!

Using advanced electromagnetic technology, the Invisible Fence Bra
creates a safety zone around Daddy's Little Angel.

If a horny young bastard has decided to skip the Church social and
head right to the Devil's Playground, your daughter will be safe and

secure with this bra. Attempting to remove it without keying in the

secret combination results in a "slight correction" to the horny

Voltage levels are set in ten ascending doses including: "Don't Go
There, Boyfriend", "Freddy'll Lose His Fingers", "Rushin' Hands,
Electrocuted Fingers", "Char Your Fingers To The Bone", and, the
ultimate level, "Any Last Words Before We Throw The Switch?"

Ladies, do *you* have a boss that likes to reach over your shoulder

for a pencil on your desk?

The Invisible Fence Bra has an accessory which clips underneath your


When the boss's hand dips into the the "No Fly Zone", the magnetic
field of the bra triggers the mechanical arm of the accessory we
to call: "Balls Through The Wall." Your boss can then apply for a
on "The Sopranos."

Don't delay! Operators are standing by now.


Eco Canteen - Be Healthy and Go Green

Protect Your Family's Health with this stainless steel water bottle.
Studies are coming out at a rapid rate showing the dangers of
ingesting toxins leached from plastic bottles. Why place your
family at risk? Aluminum bottles are also a danger, as they require
a special chemical coating that often peels off into the water you
drink. Get one of the Top Ten Green Products of the century and get
an insulated tote on us.

View Web Version



Navy Chips

The Navy Way

A circus owner runs an ad for a lion tamer and two people show up.
One is a good looking, older retired navy chief in his mid-sixties
and the other is a gorgeous blonde in her mid-twenties.

The circus owner tells them, "I'm not going to sugar coat it. This
is one ferocious lion. He ate my last tamer so you guys better be
good or you're history. Here's your equipment -- chair, whip and a
gun. Who wants to try
out first?"

The girl says, "I'll go first." She walks past the chair, the whip
and the gun and steps right into the lion's cage. The lion starts to
snarl and pant and begins to charge her. About half way there, she
throws open her
coat revealing her beautiful naked body. The lion stops dead in his
tracks, sheepishly crawls up to her and starts licking her; feet and
ankles. He continues to lick and kiss her entire body for several
minutes and then rests his head at her feet.

The circus owner's mouth is on the floor. He says, "I've never seen
a display like that in my life." He then turns to the retired chief
and asks, "Can you top that?"

The tough old chief replies, "No problem, just get that lion out
of the way!"



QuickLawn - Just Sow It and Grow It

Get beautiful green grass all year round. QuickLawn works in the
toughest terrain from sandy soils to high traffic areas. It costs as
little as 1 cent per square foot.

Keep your lawn's color and texture through every season.

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Bond Chips

M sends James Bond on a secret mission to heaven. When M doesn't
hear from
Bond for over a day, he gets worried and calls up heaven.

The Virgin Mary picks up the phone and says "Virgin Mary speaking."

M asks her if Bond has reached there yet. She replies that he

M waits another few hours and calls heaven back again.

"Virgin Mary speaking," comes the response.

"Is James there yet?" asks M. Again the answer is no.

M is really worried by this time but he waits for a few more hours
and then
calls heaven back again.

"Hello, Mary speaking|"


EZ Cracker - Crack, Separate and Strip Eggs

Making eggs has never been cleaner or easier. EZ Cracker separates
egg whites for perfect egg white omelets. Strip shells from hard
boiled eggs in seconds...no mess, no fuss.

Get the Bacon Wave at no charge when you order EZ Cracker today!

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LynnLynn's Links

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e-mail to LynnLynns-links-subscribe@Yahoogroups.com

Subscribers and Friends


Solid Potato Salad - The Ross Sisters (1944) Via Dianne

Small Thoughts

The Power Of Prayer


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Surfin Surfari

Home and Garden TV via Michelle

Bullfrog Power Via Wesley

Newspapers From Around The Planet Via Heather

Great White Shark


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Tech Talk ( Computers and Web-tv)

Puppy Linux

DingBat Lace Tute

Thunder's Graphic Land


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Doggie Zone

Kitty Korner


You probably think I've lost my mind - and maybe I have - but just
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Movie Clips


Schweaty Balls

Scotsman's Song

Scottish Song

Not a morning person

Not Just A Human Problem

Pub Drive

RC Cooler

Rubber band

M Rip It Up

The Flies In Florida Are Tough

Dunk Shot

He Is Alive

Incident Action


Short Chips

A young boy knows about sex and where babies come from because his
mother told him that "the man puts his penis inside the woman and
she gets pregnant." A few days later, after pondering this for some
time, the boy asks in all the innocence and wonder of a child, "Does
the man ever get his penis back??"

The man was in no shape to drive, so he wisely left his car parked
and walked home. As he was walking unsteadily along, he was stopped
by a policeman. "What are you doing out here at 2 A.M.?" asked the
officer. "I'm going to a lecture." "And who is going to give a
lecture at this hour?" the cop asked. "My wife."

A guy walking down the street sees a woman with perfect breasts. He
says to her "Hey miss, would you let me bite your breasts for 100
dollars? "Are you nuts?", she replies. And keeps walking away. He
turns around, runs around the block and gets to the corner before
she does. "Would you let me bite your breasts for 1,000 dollars?" he
asks again. "Listen sir, I'm not that kind of woman. Got it?" So the
guy runs again around the next block and faces her again: "Would let
me bite your breasts just once for 10,000 dollars?" She thinks about
it for a while and "Hmmm 10,000 dollars, eh? Ok, just once, but not
here. Let's go to that dark alley over there" So they went to that
alley and she takes off the blouse to reveal the most perfect
breasts in the world. As soon as he sees them he jumps on them and
starts caressing them, fondling them, kissing them, burying his face
in them... but no biting. In the end the woman gets all annoyed and
asks: "Are you gonna bite them or what?" "Nah", he replies. "Too


Touch-n-Brush - Hands Free Toothpaste Dispenser

Touch-n-Brush uses revolutionary, vacuum force technology to cleanly
squeeze every available drop of toothpaste in the tube. Get the
perfect amount of toothpaste every time without the mess.

Eliminate messy, sticky bathroom sinks forever.

View Web Version



Toon Chips

2 years ago

its two am

golf technique

<a href==" http://www.buffaloschips.com/32163.htm "> Here!</a>

Finger Lickin' Good
<a href==" http://www.buffaloschips.com/32162.htm "> Here!</a>

Game Time
<a href==" http://www.buffaloschips.com/32161.htm "> Here!</a>


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Limerick Chips

This story you might think is odder
I dated the famed farmer's daughter
But couldn't a tractor
For I'd failed to factor
She longed for a man like her fodder.

(Gary Hallock)

Hey look; it's the orifice girls
Wearing naught but a grin and some pearls.
They go about whorin'
So don't put your oar in,
You don't know what's under their curls

A young exhibitionist Kay,
Having tossing all her panties away,
Has invited us lads
(Via newspaper ads)
To a pubic performance today.

Science was a breath of fresh air
Within my whole High School career
The only school class
Where you could smell gas
That wasn't from your classmate's rear.


The Slap Chop is a manual chopper machine that works when you slap
the plunger part. Every slap triggers the 3 blades below to chop and
cut the food. The more you slap the
Slap Chop, the finer the food gets.

Chop up potatoes for home fries, or add mushrooms and green peppers
for a tasty side to
your eggs. Even use the Slap Chop for vegetables like carrots,
celery and radishes for an
instant salad. Nuts and chocolate are chopped easy for toppings on
ice-cream. The Slap Chop
is great for onions and even garlic so your fingers don't smell and
it saves time. The Slap Chop's
base opens up to expose the blades for easy cleaning.

Additional Ordering Details:



Parting Chips

London, February 27 (ANI): Acting legend Clint Eastwood , 79,
apparently believes that political correctness has rendered modern
society humourless, for he accuses younger generations of spending
too much time trying to avoid being offensive.

The Dirty Harry star insists that he should be able to tell harmless
jokes about nationality without fearing that people may brand him "a

"People have lost their sense of humour. In former times we
constantly made jokes about different races. You can only tell them
today with one hand over your mouth or you will be insulted as a
racist," the Daily Express quoted him as saying.

"I find that ridiculous. In those earlier days every friendly
clique had a 'Sam the Jew' or 'Jose the Mexican' - but we didn't
think anything of it or have a racist thought. It was just normal
that we made jokes based on our nationality or ethnicity. That was
never a problem. I don't want to be politically correct.

We're all spending too much time and energy trying to be politically
correct about everything," he added. (ANI)

Larry Faehling, KL7IBV in Wisconsin Wondering about Wisconsin
Weather? Visit http://webpages.charter.net/faehling/weather.htm A
fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well..


The Titan Peeler is the world's best peeler. Made of long lasting,
dishwasher safe Stainless steel it has no equal. Long lasting blades
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Bonus Chip

I became confused when I heard these terms with reference to the

Internal Revenue 'Service'
U.S. Postal 'Service'
Telephone 'Service'
Cable 'Service'
Civil 'Service'
State, City & County Public 'Service'

This is not what I thought 'service' meant.

But today, I overheard two farmers talking, and one of them said he
had hired a bull to come 'service' a few cows. BAM!!! It all
came into focus..Now I understand what all those 'service' agencies
doing to us.

I hope you are now as enlightened as I am.



Big City Slider - Mini Burger Cooker

Just scoop, press and cook your way to the burger sensation that's
sweeping the nation! Enjoy delicious burgers without the time and
mess from other methods. Meal time, snack time, every time is the
right time for sliders! And as a limited time offer, you'll receive
a Quick Prep Slicer at no charge.

Cook the perfect burgers with Big City Slider today!

View Web Version



Katie's Komfort Kolumn - Written By BJ Cassady

Katie's Komfort Kolumn
Vol 1241

A Night in the Pokey

BJ: So what were you guys thinking?

Rudy: I just saw my cuz and said Hi Jack.

Sandi: Yeah, it was totally innocent.

Katie: It was police brutality.

BJ: The policeman even said he warned you about using certain

Katie: Well father really, how can we watch every word we say?

BJ: You do have a point.

Katie: Wait until my far distant relative, the Afgan hound comes
over to visit, Abdul.

BJ: Good grief.

Sandi: How about my brother, Killer. I can see it now at the
airport... Hello Killer.

BJ: I can see life is interesting with you guys. Well alls well
that ends well.

The herd in Guthrie


Adult Adult Adult

Remember 9/11/01

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Sault Ste Marie Michigan 49783

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Compilation and narrative copyright 2002 by william Brabant
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