[PostmansCorner] The Postman's Corner

I've Learned...
That we should be glad God doesn't give us everything we ask for.
The other day I decided it was time to go over to petsmart.
See, I had a little dilemma. How am I going to go motorcycle
riding this summer, without my buddy, Turk the dog, aka Carlos
the rat? So, off I went. After a little bit of looking around,
I found myself a nice sized travel carrier for dogs. Brought the
thing home, and if I attach a couple of bungie cords, it will sit
perfectly on the back of the luggage rack on the bike. We are good to go.
The pup rides quite nicely on the back of the bike. And it appears
that he actually enjoys it, too. We took a little ride,but it was a
little brief, since it was kindof cold out.
Went over to the park at the river and
then we rode home. Turk spent most of the time barking at
the ducks who swam safely at a distance in the river. He
found the squirrels to be somewhat intriguing also, but they were
not that good of playmates either. Apparently niether ducks nor
squirrels have much time for loud doggies.
I have to admit I do get a couple of stares
while I go down the highway. It is not often you see an old guy
riding a motorcycle wearing an oxygen mask with a dog in a carrier
on the back of his bike:)

Did you know that the postman offers personalized Easter gifts?
You can get personalized bunnys, Bunny baskets, Easter Sun catchers,
Happy Easter door mats, Easter quacking ducks, bunny bibs for baby,
Easter puzzles, and so much more! All proceeds from the promotion and
purchase of these items will be used to further the Postman'S CORNER.
This page has always been free to all who ask for it, and your purchase
and support will support the effort
We do hope you enjoy today's issue!
Martin aka the postman

One of the popular ideas bounced around for an Alternative
Olympics are to have a special selection of Redneck Games, and
they will even have their own ceremonies. They are reported to be
a shoe-in for Alabama, but Tennessee is putting up a valiant
fight. Proposed ideas for the events are as follows:
1. Doves released during opening ceremonies are promptly shot by
the crowd and sold as concession snacks.
2. In an amazing coincidence, every proposed Olympic venue turns
out to be owned by the Governor.
3. Instead of shooting at boring targets, archers take aim at
muskrats and ATF agents.
4. Urine drug test transformed into "Distance Competition."
5. Olympic Village replaced with Olympic Trailer Park.
6. Awards of gold, silver and bronze medals replaced by award of
gold, silver, and bronze teeth.
7. Opening Ceremony is a Skynyrd tape and a trunk full of bottle
8. Hometown favorites falter in gymnastics competitions due to
all them extra toes.
9. Two words: Billy Bob-sledding.
10. Ballroom dancing will be replaced with a ho-down and
participants must be from the same family.
11. The pistol in the hundred yard dash will be loaded with real
bullets, just sos we can git a wurld recurd out of dem runners.
12. Beach volleyball will be replaced with tether ball
13. The equestrian event will be replaced with Pitbull boxing.
Uncle Joey asked his nephew, Ronald, what he wanted to be when he grew up.
"I want to be a garbage man," Ronald replies.
The answer stuns Uncle Joey so he says, "A garbage man! Why?"
"They only work on Tuesdays."
A middle-aged woman seemed sheepish as she
visited her gynecologist.
'Come now,' coaxed the doctor, 'you've been seeing me for years.
There's nothing you can't tell me.'
'This one's kind of strange...'
'Let me be the judge of that,' the doctor replied.
'Well,' she said, 'yesterday I went to the bathroom in the morning and
heard a plink-plink-plink in the toilet and when I looked down, the water was
full of pennies.'
'I see.'
'That afternoon I went to the bathroom again and, plink-plink-plink,
there were nickels in the bowl.'
'That night,' she went on, 'I went again, Plink-plink-plink, and there
were dimes and this morning there were quarters!
You've got to tell me what's wrong with me!' she implored.
'I'm scared out of my wits!'
The gynecologist put a comforting hand on her shoulder.
'There, there, it's nothing to be scared about.'
'You're simply going through the change!
After a relaxing bath Monica Lewinsky was looking at herself, nude in a mirror.
Her frustration over her lack of ability to lose weight, was depressing her.
In an act of desperation, she decided to call on God for help.
Lord....  If you take away my love handles, I'll devote my life to you,' she prayed.
And just like that... her ears fell off.
A man was brought before the judge and charged with Necrophilia. The
judge said to the man, "In the 20 years on the bench, I've never heard
such a disgusting, immoral thing. Just give me one good reason why I
shouldn't lock you up and throw away the key!"
The man replied, "I'll give you THREE good reasons:
first of all, it's none of your damn business...
second of all, she was my wife...
and third of all, I didn't KNOW she was dead, she ALWAYS acted that way
in bed!"
Q: How are martinis like tits?
A: One's not enough, and three's too many.
Q: What should you do if a pretty girl sits down on your hand?
A: Try to get her off!
Q: What do you call a female turtle?
A: A Clitortous.
Q: What do you call two skunks that  are 69ing?
A: Odor eaters.
Q: Why don't they allow a man to marry 2 women in the U. S.?
A: No man deserves that kind of punishment!
FUN PAGES from Lorraine
Poker Superstars II
Snowy the Bear's Adventures
Slicing Fruit With Playing Cards
PAPA Thorn
Signs of Alien                 
"Before" Photo              
Police cadet              
Dig That Crazy Coffin!         
Have a nice day!
Martin aka the postman


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