[PostmansCorner] The Postman's Corner


Remember that not getting what you
want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.

Touch-n-Brush - Hands Free Toothpaste Dispenser
Touch-n-Brush uses revolutionary, vacuum force technology to cleanly squeeze
every available drop of toothpaste in the tube. Get the perfect amount of
toothpaste every time without the mess.
Eliminate messy, sticky bathroom sinks forever
In need of a new washer and dryer? You're in luck! Get a LG Washer and
Dryer Combo for FREE
Get 2 BOXES of Your Choice FREE*!
Get the magical cookies that keep you coming back for more. Enjoy the
luscious taste of creamy fudge paired with your choice of caramel,
mint or peanut butter. Get 2 FREE* Boxes of your favorite
KEEBLER FUDGE SHOPPE cookies fresh from the magic oven
delivered directly to your door!
ECLIPSE: Unleash An Icy Cool Burst of FLAVOR, FREE*.
Try ECLIPSE Chewing Gum in one of 3 chilling flavors and experience
an artic freshness like never before! If you love the BOLD breath-freshening
power of ECLIPSE you'll love that you can get 12 FREE*
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Good morning postman fans
Today is "fat tuesday" Also known in the United Kingdom and Australia
as Shrove Tuesday. If you have never heard of this holiday,
don't feel bad as it is new to me also.
For many Christians it is a day to eat eggs and pancakes, traditionally taboo
during Lent. Personally, I think it is just a extra day to pig out for most who
celebrate it. It also marks the start of Mardi Gras. So if you are down in the big
easy today, enjoy your pancakes an eggs!
Shrove Tuesday is a term used in Ireland, the United Kingdom,[1]
and Australia[2] for the day preceding the first day of the Christian holiday
season of Lent. The word shrove is the past tense of the English verb shrive,
which means to obtain absolution for one's sins by way of Confession and
doing penance. Thus Shrove Tuesday gets its name from the shriving
that English Christians were expected to do prior to receiving absolution immediately before Lent begins. Shrove Tuesday is the last day of
"shrovetide", the English equivalent to the Carnival tradition that
developed separately in countries of Latin Europe. The term
"Shrove Tuesday" is no longer widely known in the United States
outside of Liturgical Traditions, such as the Lutheran, Episcopal,
and Roman Catholic Churches. [3][4] because of the increase
in many immigrant populations and traditions since the 19th century.
"Mardi Gras" is much more widely-used.The festival is widely associated
with the eating of foods such as pancakes, originally because these
used up ingredients such as fat and eggs,
the consumption of which was traditionally restricted during Lent.

If you have not celebrated fat Tuesday before, you may want to head over to
International house of pancakes today, as they are serving free pancakes and sausage to all who make a donation to the children's miracle network.
A project I plan to implement later this morning as soon as I finish this page.
From 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., IHOP, also known as the International House of
Pancakes, will serve short stacks in exchange for a donation to the
Children's Miracle Network. Like the paczki fried dough enjoyed by
the Polish on Fat Tuesday, the English herald the beginning of fasting
during Lent by eating pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, according
to the chain.
We do hope you enjoy today's issue!
Cordilly aka the postman
crooks get a taste of their own medicine

A lady and a gentleman were arguing on every subject they discussed. 
Said the lady, "Sir, we cannot agree on a single thing."  You are wrong,
Madam," he said. "If you should go into a room in which there were
two beds, one with a woman in it and the other with a man in it, 
with whom would you sleep?"  "Why, with the lady, of course." 
"You see: so would I."
How to tell if your neighbor is a suspected taliban member

1. He refines heroin for a living, but he has a moral objection to
2. He owns a $3,000 machine gun and $5,000 rocket launcher, but he
can't afford shoes.
3. He  has more wives than teeth..
4. He wipes his butt with his bare hand, but considers bacon
5. He thinks vests come in two styles: bullet-proof and suicide..
6. He can't think of anyone he hasn't declared Jihad against.
7. He considers television dangerous, but routinely carries explosives
in his clothing.
8. He  is amazed to discover that cell phones have uses other than
setting off roadside bombs.
9. He has nothing against women and thinks that every man should own at
least one.
10. He has always had a crush on your goat.
A doctor told Mrs. Stone to give her husband one pill a day and one
drink of whiskey to improve his stamina. A month later, when Mrs.
Stone came in for another visit, the doctor asked, "How are we doing
with the pill and the whiskey?"
Mrs. Stone answered, "Well, he's a little behind with the pills, but
he's about six months ahead with the whiskey."
Little Johnny did not go to school one day. The next day when the
teacher asked him why, he said "Our cow was on heat, so I had to take
her to the Bull." "How disgusting". said the teacher. "I am sure your
father could have done that." "No ma'm, he couldn't have", said Little Johnny.
"For a cow, it has to be a Bull."
Paul and The Old Professor are at the bar and talking over a drink.
T.O.P. complained, "My walking stick hurt me badly last night."
"That's impossible." replies Paul. "How can a walking stick hurt you?"
"My wife hit me over the head with it when I came home late...and a
bit drunk, too!"
A hunter got lost in the woods. After wandering around in the forest
for three days, exhausted and starving, he finally spotted a forest
ranger coming towards him.
"Oh, thank goodness you found me!" said the relieved hunter. "I've
been lost for three days!"
"You think that's bad," replied the ranger... "I've been lost for two weeks!"

PAPA Thorn

Have a nice day
Martin aka the postman


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