[buffalos-adult-chips] Chips For Mon

Adult Adult

Welcome to Buffalosjokes and Thank You for joining us. My
name is Buffalo and I have the watch.

I was saddened by the loss of one fisherman on the ice in
Lake Erie on Saturday but glad to hear the Coast Guard
was able to help rescue the other 135. These people did
lose snowmobiles and fishing equipment that could cost
them over 10,000 dollars making for an expensive day
on the ice. Lake Erie is a strange lake compared to the
other Great Lakes, more shallow and much easily affected
by changes in wind and temperature. People are going to
ice fish and if you have fishing in your blood you want to
be the first person on the ice and the last one off.

Not highly recommended as it comes under the heading of
extreme sports is driving your snowmobile across open
water. If you don't hit the water too slowly or try to accelerate
too quickly and don't try sharp turns an ordinary snowmobile
will cross even a wide expanse of open water. Here is a clip
shot on Lake Superior
Keep in mind that the Border Patrol, Coast Guard, and police
do not appreciate operation of snowmobiles on open water
and can arrest you under the heading of unsafe operation. It
was used by smugglers bringing aliens and drugs across from
Canada till the cops got as crazy as the smugglers and chased
them down. Yes police forces up here do have very fast snowmobiles
and they will just chase you till you run out of gas or they get mad

and shoot you.

I am getting a late start this morning as Eva had my computer
most of the weekend as her and a friend played at Barbie. COM
and she didn't go home till after the Pro Bowl last night and I said
to heck with sorting mail and went to bed. Slept like a rock till
0530 too heh heh .

Have a great week....; buffalo


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Repair Chips

A husband is at home watching a football game when his wife
interrupts, "Honey, could you fix the light in the hallway? It's
flickering for weeks now."

He looks at her and says angrily, "Fix the light? Now? Does it look

like I have a G. E. logo printed on my forehead? I don't think so."

"Well then, could you fix the fridge door? It won't close right."

To which he replied, "Fix the fridge door? Does it look like I have

Westinghouse written on my forehead? I don't think so."

"Fine," she says, "Then could you at least fix the steps to the
door? They're about to break."

"I'm not a damn carpenter and I don't want to fix the steps," he
"Does it look like I have Ace Hardware written on my forehead? I
think so. I've had enough of you. I'm going to the bar!!!"

So he goes to the bar and drinks for a couple hours.

He starts to feel guilty about how he treated his wife, and decides
go home and help out.

As he walks into the house, he notices the steps are already fixed.
he enters the house, he sees the hall light is working. As he goes
get a beer, he notices the fridge door is fixed.

"Honey, how'd this all get fixed?"

She said, "Well, when you left, I sat outside and cried.

Just then a nice young man asked me what was wrong, and I told him.
offered to do all the repairs, and all I had to do was either give
a blow job and fuck him, or bake him a cake."

He said, "So, what kind of cake did you bake him?"

She replied, "Hellooooooo! Do you see Betty Crocker written on my

Stan Kegel


Toon Chips For Those Who Can't Wait

take it from me honey

what would you like

the buck

<a href=" http://www.buffalosjokes.com/410013.htm "> Here!</a>

<a href=" http://www.buffalosjokes.com/410012.htm "> Here!</a>

Bitching And Moaning
<a href=" http://www.buffalosjokes.com/410011.htm "> Here!</a>


Fart Chips

The Farter Chart .... Types Of Farters

VAIN : One who loves the smell of his own fart

AMBITIOUS : Always ready for a fart

LAZY : Just fizzle

AMIABLE : Likes o smell others' farts

PROUD : Thinks his farts are exceptionally pleasant

SHY : Blushes when he farts silently

IRREVERENT : Farts in church

SMART ALEC : Farts when ladies are present

CLEVER : Farts and coughs at the same time

SCIENTIFIC : Bottles his farts for later sniffing

STINGY : Belches to save his ass hole

TIMID : Jumps when he farts

CONCEITED : Thinks he can fart the loudest

UNFORTUNATE : Tries to fart but shits himself

FOOLISH : Suppresses a fart for hours

BEWILDERED : Can't tell his own fart from others

NERVOUS : Stops in the middle of a fart

MISERABLE : Can't fart at all

CONFUSED : Face is so much like an ass, fart can't tell which way to

GROUCH : Grumbles when ladies fart

SNEAKY : Farts and blames it on the dog

DISAPPOINTED : Fart doesn't smell

CHILDISH : Farts and then giggles

FRESH GUY : Jumps in front of you and then farts

BIG BULLY : Farts louder than others

DUMB : Enjoys others' farts, thinks they are his own

CUTE : Smells your farts and then tells you what you were eating

WISE GUY : Farts and asks who shit

DAMNED MEAN : Farts and then pulls the covers over his wife's head

MUSICAL : Tenor or bass, clear as a bell, smells like shit and
like hell

ATHLETIC : Jumps in the air, farts 3 times, and kicks his heels 3

SLOB : Farts and stains his underwear

IMPUDENT : Farts out loud and then laughs

ENVIRONMENTALIST : Farts regularly but is concerned about the

HONEST : Admits he farted but offers a good medical reason

DISHONEST : Farts and then blames the dog

THRIFTY : One who always has farts in reserve

ANTI-SOCIAL : Excuses himself and farts in private

STRATEGIC : Conceals his fart by loud laughter

INTELLECTUAL : Analyzes the smell of his neighbors' fart

WIMPY : Farts at the slightest exertion

SADIST : Farts in bed, then fluffs the covers

SENSITIVE : Farts and then starts crying

AQUATIC : Farts in bath, then breaks bubbles with toes

MASOCHIST : Farts in the bath tub and tries to bite the bubbles

Stan Kegel


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Pelosi Chips

Years ago when I sometimes used unsavory language, I often used the
expression "Bull Sh**." As I grew up a bit and discovered it was
not necessary to use such crude language, that expression became

Q. What did I really mean when I used those expressions?
A. I meant that something was ridiculous, or idiotic or a half
truth or just stupid. It covered any number or negative formats.
The dictionary defines it as: nonsense; especially : foolish
insolent talk...

I have decided that I no longer will use either of those
expressions in the future. When I have a need to express such
feelings, I will use the word "Pelosi."

Let me use it in a sentence. "That's just a bunch of Pelosi."
I encourage you to do the same. It is such a good word. It
really packs a lot of punch. We are no longer being vulgar. But it
clearly expresses our feelings. If enough of us use it, perhaps the
word could be entered into the dictionary. What an excellent legacy
for the Speaker of the House!



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Short Chips

This morning someone called saying they were conducting a survey
Television, and I agreed to answer their questions. At some point
asked, "Could you tell me what you think of sex on the television?"

Quite truthfully, I replied, " I prefer the older models. I think it

has become extremely uncomfortable, especially when you got one of
newer models, that are much wider than deep." She muttered "Pervert"

and hung up. What did I say?

Two car salesmen were sitting at the bar. Bachelor: One complained
the other, "Boy, business sucks. If I don't sell more cars this
I'm going to lose my fuckin' arse." Too late he noticed a beautiful

blonde sitting two stools away. Immediately, he apologized for his
language. "That's okay," the blonde replied, "If I don't sell more
arse this month, I'm going to lose my fuckin' car."

The local Parent Teachers Association is running a lottery. "Third
prize-a 32-inch color television-goes to Mrs. Carson!" "Second
cookbook-goes to Mr. Jennings!" "Wait a minute!" grouse's Joe
to his wife. "How come Myrtle Carson gets a big color television as

third prize and I get a lousy cookbook for second?" "That's because

the cookbook is written by the president of the PTA, and she's even

signed it," explains Mrs. Jennings. "Big deal!" whispers Joe. "F*ck

the president of the PTA! "But that's first prize."


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Oral Chips

A man was approached by a co-worker at lunch who invited him out
for a few beers after work. The man said that his wife would
never go for it, that she did not allow him to go drinking with
the guys after work.

The co-worker suggested a way to overcome that problem:

"When you get home tonight, sneak into the house, slide down
under the sheets, gently pull down your wife's panties, and give
her oral sex. Women love it, and believe me, she'll never mention
that you were out late with the boys."

So the man agreed to try it, and went out and enjoyed himself.

Late that night, he sneaked into the house, slid down under the
sheets, gently slid down his wife's panties, and gave her oral

She moaned and groaned with pleasure, but after a little while,
he realized he had to take a leak, so he got out of bed and
walked down the hall to the bathroom.

When he opened the door and went in, he was very surprised to
see his wife sitting on the john.

"How did you get in here?" he asked.

"Shhhhh!!!" she replied, "you'll wake-up my mother!"


TITAN Peeler - The World's Best Peeler!

The Titan Peeler is the world's best peeler. Made of long lasting,
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Random Chips

Better get a good laugh at bikinis they're wearing these days,
the way things are going in a little while there won't be anything
laugh at!

"I'd sure like to get married, but I'm having trouble finding a
husband." "I am married. And I'm having the same trouble."

A Hollywood starlet, who had been married three years without having
child, complained to her mother: "The big mistake I made was
a director instead of a producer!"

What do you call a used tampon floating in a river?
A blood vessel.

Why do women prefer old gynecologists?
They have shaky hands!

What's the difference between sin and shame?
It is a sin to put it in, but it's a shame to pull it out.

How many men does it take to screw in a light bulb?
One ... Men will screw anything.


Micro Force is the world's smallest fully waterproof and
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battery shaver.
With the Micro Force shaver being smaller than a credit card,
it makes it the perfect shaver for traveling or every day use.

Additional Ordering Details:



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Movie Chips

Naughty Song From The Bible Belt

Never Trust A Women

New Zealand Anti Drinking Ad

Oh Shit

Only Want Sex

uh 60 IN mOSUL


My family Reunion

National Anthem Cactus

Negotiating a Real Piece of Work


Short Chips

Your continual unfaithfulness proves you are an absolute rotter,"
stormed the outraged wife who had just caught her husband for the
seventh time in a sportive romp with another woman. "Quite the
contrary," came the cool reply. "It merely proves that I'm too good
be true."

But it really was an interesting evening, Mabel. And, oh yeah. I
to tell you something else. This guy was tattooed all over. And with

movie stars all over him. On his right shoulder he had Tom Cruise,
on his left shoulder was Johnnie Depp. And on his chest he had
Clooney. And then he took me to his apartment and he showed me the
Shnozzola, Jimmy Durante..."

The Secretary came in late for work the third day in a row. The Boss

called her into his office and said, "Now look Sharon, I know we had
wild fling for a while, but that's over. I expect you to conduct
yourself like any other employee around here. Who told you could
and go as you please around here ?" Sharon simply smiled, lit up a
cigarette, and while exhaling said, "My lawyer."


The One Touch Cordless Knife is the portable, lightweight
kitchen tool that slices, dices and chops your favorite foods
in seconds. Just one touch and the high powered motor
moves the blades at 2,000 strokes per minute, so it slices
through the toughest meats, fruits or vegetables. The
Cordless Knife also glides gently through delicate foods
such as breads or desserts.

Additional Ordering Details:



Toon Chips
Well balanced...but hairy leg

Here to Stay

Collectable seat

<a href=" http://www.buffalosjokes.com/31304.htm "> Here!</a>

Suicide Kit
<a href=" http://www.buffalosjokes.com/31303.htm "> Here!</a>

I'll Be Home Soon
<a href=" http://www.buffalosjokes.com/31302.htm "> Here!</a>


Big City Slider - Mini Burger Cooker

Just scoop, press and cook your way to the burger sensation that's
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a Quick Prep Slicer at no charge.

Cook the perfect burgers with Big City Slider today!

View Web Version



Limerick Chips

There was an old Scotsman of Fife
Who had left, in the course of his life,
Scores of well-rounded ends
Of the wives of his friends
And likewise of friends of his wife.


An arrogant wench from Salt Lake
Liked to tease all the boys on the make.
She was finally the prize
Of a man twice her size
And all she recalls is the ache.



Shoes Under - Space Saving Shoe Organizer

Shoes Under stores twelve pairs of shoes under your bed, saving you
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and bugs out. Just slide and store - it's that easy!

Order now and we'll DOUBLE your order!

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Parting Chips

The Teacher asked, "All right children, who can tell me what a
chicken gives?"

Mary answered, "A chicken gives eggs!"

The Teacher then asked, "Now who can tell me what a goat gives?"

And Paul answered, "A goat gives goat milk!"

And finally the Teacher asked, "Well now, who can tell me what the
cow gives?"

And Little Johnny replied, "Homework and lessons.!"


Cook, Drain and Serve All In One!

Pasta N More is made of certified materials, fits in any microwave,
its dishwasher safe and makes dinner for 1 or a family of 9. The
unique design swirls the water and not the pasta quickly cooking it
to a perfect al dente texture! Youll receive the air-tight storage
lid to keep left-overs fresh and perfect for saving, storing or
reheating meals in an instant.

Offer includes!
* Pasta Pot
* 2 Handles
* Strainer Lid
* Steam Rack
* Storage Lid
* Cookbook




Bonus Chip

Politically Correct Language

She is not "hot to trot" - She is sexually focused.

She has not "been around" - She is a previously enjoyed companion.

She is not a two-bit whore - She is not "easy" -

She is sexually extroverted. She is a low cost provider.

He is not a "cradle robber" - He simply prefers generational
differential relationships.

He is not a bad dancer - He is overly Caucasian.


Keep Warm Air In & Winter Air Out

Twin Draft Guards? minimizes energy loss from doors and
windows saving you money on your energy bills.

Twin Draft Guards? work just as well on the interior doors of your
as they do outdoors, blocking drafts and keeping allergens, such as
pollen and even insects from traveling freely around your home. Twin
Guards are also helpful in blocking harmful fumes from the garage
and the
damp chill from the basement.

Additional Ordering Details:



Katie's Komfort Kolumn - Written By BJ Cassady

Katie's Komfort Kolumn
Vol 1519

The Fact of the Matter Is...

Katie: What do you have Rudy?

Rudy: A kite... I made it myself Katherine... I am going to fly it.

Katie: Looks rather crude. . made of newspaper, a thin piece of
wood and
a piece of cloth for a tail.

Rudy: I read a book about it and it should work. You should try to
on Katherine.

Katie eyebrows go up and down and she goes: Hmmm! I will indeed. I
think the Oriental type is my style. What about Sandi, will she
build one?

Rudy: She is building a box kite.

Katie: A box..kite..? That sounds odd.

Katie runs into her doghouse, into her library and logs onto her
She looks up kite making: Hmm! I can go into the laboratory and
a real fancy one. Zoom!!!

Several hours later...

Sandi and Rudy are flying their kites in the front yard when Katie
emerges from her doghouse with goggles on, wearing her superkatie
outfit and carrying a rather large kite.

Rudy: I can see you are into the kite business Katherine. Show us

Katie: Let me get a running start...

Off she goes and the kite which by some odd coincidence looks a lot
Katie.. starts to fly high and higher into the sky.

Sandi in her calm voice: Nice kite sis. .. however, there is one

Katie: Quiet, I want to see how high it can go.

Sandi: I think you might want to listen to me before it is too...

Katie: Shh... my kite is higher than your kites now..something is
wrong..it is not responding to me...it is flying away.

Sandi: That is what I was trying to say Katie. You line needed to
stronger. Nice kite but without the matching line...

Rudy: It is a pretty kite....looks just like you Katie..floating
away over the
trees...fading away...almost gone...

Katie: Waaah!

The Herd in Guthrie


Adult Adult Adult

Remember 9/11/01

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711 Pine Street Apt.1
Sault Ste Marie Michigan 49783

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Compilation and narrative copyright 2002 by william Brabant
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