[PostmansCorner] The Postman's Corner

welcome to:
(where "over the top" is considered a compliment!
The political left has always maintained that they
support the troops without supporting the war.
Since that is such good logic, I figure I can support the
president without supporting his policies.


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Last night's dinner was excellent. I convinced the war department
to make one of my favorites- chicken cordon blue. I developed a taste
for it way back in my college years. I was a short order cook at a
HO Jos (Howard Johnson's restaurant). They had it on the menu and
I discovered it was quite good if done right. If you have never tried it,
you need to. I'm not talking about that yucky  frozen breaded crap
you buy from the grocery. You take chicken breasts, cook em up
in a baste of olive oil, drawn butter, and white cooking wine. Add a
litte mix of sauteed mushrooms and onions. Then you top the chicken
off with a little ham and cheese. While she was doing that, I mixed up
a batch of coleslaw and threw some french fries in the oven. Since
cordon blue is a little bit of work, she doesn't make it often, but when
she does, I love it. Doesn't take much to make this dumb old country
redneck happy. Around here, you have to look long and hard to find a
restaurant that actually serves it. Unfortunate. Same thing with
veal parmagian. I have an excellent appreciation for it as HoJos
served it on the menu as well. Too bad restaurants  can't offer some
of the finer things in life. Nowadays, most restaurants it seems like they
fill you up with junk like dinner rolls and a ton of salad and then you are
already full by the time they bring you a substandard entre.
Tonite we are doing another HoJo specialty, spaghetti. Now that is
not necessarily remarkable, even if you can find it on the menu at
your fav. diner. But usually they just take noodles and pour a meat
sauce you can buy from a can off your local grocery store shelf. We
make a meatless sauce, and then we get some good old fashioned
Italian sausage and cook it up. Serve the sausage on the side, and
you got a great tasting dish.  Yep, its the simple pleasures that keep a
simple man happy.
We do hope you enjoy today's issue!
Martin aka the postman
not that I mind
Michael Phelps gets a new endorsement

peanuts news slip

Global manufacturing outsourced-Harley Davidson
16 uses for ordinary household products
funny moments in unprofessional sports

Shortly after class, a student approaches his economics professor and says,
"I don't understand this stimulus bill. Can you explain it to me?"
The professor replied, "I don't have time right now, but if you come over to my
house on Saturday and help me with my weekend project, I'll be glad to explain
it to you." The student agreed. At the agreed-upon time, the student showed
up at the professor's house. The professor stated that the weekend project involved his backyard pool. They both went out back to the pool, and the professor handed the student a bucket. Demonstrating with his own bucket,
the professor said, "First, go over to the deep end, and fill your bucket
with as much water as you can." The student did as he was instructed.
The professor then continued, "Follow me over to the shallow end, and
then dump all the water from your bucket into it.." The student was
naturally confused, but did as he was told. The professor then explained
they were going to do this many more times, and began walking back to the
deep end of the pool. The confused student asked, "Excuse me, but why are
we doing this?" The professor matter-of-factly stated that he was trying to
make the shallow end much deeper. The student didn't think the economics professor was serious, but figured that he would find out the real story
soon enough. However, after the 8th or 9th trip between the shallow end
and the deep end, the student began to become worried that his
economics professor had kinda' lost it. The student finally blurted out,
"All we're doing is wasting valuable time and effort on an unproductive
pursuit. Even worse, when this process is all over (and there's absolutely
no way to know when that might be), everything will be exactly the
same as before, so all we'll really have accomplished is the complete
waste of both our time and our efforts which, if otherwise directed,
might have had a chance of yielding a productive result!" The professor
put down his bucket and replied with a smile, "Congratulations.
You now understand the stimulus bill."

A teenager was always asking his father if he could borrow the family car. 
Pushed to the limit, the father asked his son why he thought "The Almighty"
had given him two feet.   Without hesitation, the son replied, "That's easy,
one for the brake and one for the accelator
A man goes to his psychiatrist complaining about marriage
problems. The shrink asks him, "Do you talk to your wife during sex?"
"Sure," says the guy, "I've got a cell phone!"
A mouse was setting in a bar having a drink when a
beautiful female giraffe came in and sat down at the
end of the bar. The mouse looked over at her and ordered
her a drink. Soon he had moved down beside her and
ordered her another drink. After a third round, the
bartender looked up and they were leaving the bar together.
The next day the mouse limped into the bar, barely
crawled up on the barstool and sat there gasping for
air. His whiskers were bent and broken, tail was crooked
and patches of hair were falling out.
The bartender took one look and said, "How did it go last night?"
The mouse said, "Man, that was the best sex I ever had."
The bartender asked, "Why do you look so bad?"
The mouse replied, "Hey between the kissing and the
screwing I must have run 10 miles!"
Angus Broon of Glasgow comes to the little lady of the house
exclaiming, "Maggie, cud ya be sewin on a wee button that's come
off of me fly? I can't button me pants."
"Oh Angus, I've got me hands in the dishpan, go up the stairs and
see if Mrs. MacDonald could be helpin ya with it."
About 5 minutes later, there's a terrible crash, a bang, a bit of
yelling and the sound of a body falling down the stairs.
Walking back in the door with a blackened eye and a bloody nose
comes Angus. The little lady looks at him and says, "My god, what
happened to ya? Did you ask her like I told you?"
"Aye," says Angus. "I asked her to sew on the wee button, an she
did, everything was goin' fine but when she bent doon to bite off
the wee thread, *Mr* MacDonald walked in."
The other day my neighbor, who is blonde, came running up to me
in the driveway jumping for joy! I didn't know why she was jumping
so excitedly but I thought, 'what the heck', and I starting jumping up 
and down along with her. She said, 'I have some really great  news!'
I said, 'Great. Tell me  why you're so happy.' She stopped jumping
and breathing heavily from all the jumping up and down, told me that
she was pregnant. I knew she'd been trying  for a while so I told her,
'That's great I couldn't be happier  for you!' Then she said, 'There's more'  
I asked, What do you mean there's more.   
She said, 'Well, we are not having just one baby. We are going to  have
TWINS!'   Amazed at how she could know so soon after getting  pregnant,
I asked her how she knew. She  said....  Well, that was the easy part.
I went to Sam's Club and they actually had a home
pregnancy kit in a TWIN-pack. Both tests came out  positive!
FUN PAGES from Lorraine
Brickshooter Egypt
Why Didn't I Swallow
PAPA Thorn
New fork                 
Steelers Cheerleader               
Have a nice day!
Martin aka the postman



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