[PostmansCorner] The Postman's Corner


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The war department is still sick today. She spent most of the day in bed
yesterday and didn't get up till almost 2 in the afternoon. Even then,
she did little more than lay on the couch for the rest of the day.
I suspect that today will be not much different. I fed her mostly just
applesauce and gingerale for the last day or so. It is said that if you
have the flu, eat only things that are white, applesauce, bread, bannana
etc. At least she kept it down for the most part. Takes a lot for her to
miss work. So she has plenty of sick days to use. Yesterday was a
beautiful day and it was shirtsleeve weather in the afternoon. Too bad
we were not up to going anywhere. Today promises to be as warm. I
should get the motorcycle out this afternoon. Unfortunately, the back
driveway is nothing but mud. Oh well, spring is coming soon. We had
gone to see a chick flick movie last time we were at the cheapseat theater.
And its my turn to pick the movie. We were going to go this weekend,
but her flu changed our plans. I think we are going to see a James
Bond movie that is playing right now. if she ever gets over this nasty bug
she has. The house next door has finally been sold. It has been
foreclosed on twice now in the last 10 years. And it has been sitting
empty since the early part of last summer. The old owner was a young 
single fellow who sold new cars. Apparently he wasn't very good at it. I
think actually the guy was more interested in the "night life" and "life
in the fast lane" than rather than being a homeowner.  
I can tell you the new neighbors have a ambitious project because
it is definetly a fixer upper. They parked a great big huge dumpster
in the back yard and have been busy hauling junk out of there
for the last two weeks. Yesterday, with the warm weather,
they tore down the fence between our property. The former owners
had let it deteriorate badly and they tok a sledge hammer to it. Altho
some of the war department's flowers suffered from the effort, I am very
glad they got rid of it. I hope we will have neighbors that
will actually care about their property for a change. 

We do hope you enjoy today's issue!
Martin aka the postman


the man has no legs or arms - he's giving talk to school kidsvery inspiring.
10 websites that will matter in 2009
After buying her kids a pet hamster, after they promised
they would take care of it, mom, as usual, ended up with
the responsibility.  One evening, exasperated, she asked
them, "How many times do you think that hamster would
have died if I hadn't looked after it?"
After a moment, her five-year-old son replied quizzically,
"Uh, once?"
A bartender was getting ready to close for the night when a
robber with a ski mask burst in and pulls a gun.  He yells
to the bartender, "This is a stick-up!  Put all your dough
in this bag!"  The frightened bartender pleads, "Don't shoot, please! 
I'll do as you say!"  The robber yells, "Shut up and empty the cash register!" 
The bartender says, "Okay, okay!  Just don't shoot, I have a
wife and kids!  I'll do whatever you say!"   The crook takes the money
then puts the gun to the bartender's head and says, "Alright, now give
me a blow job!"  "Anything!" cries the bartender, "Just don't shoot!" 
The bartender starts to blow the crook.  As the crook gets
excited, he drops the gun.  The bartender sees the gun on
the floor, picks it up, hands it back to the crook and yells,
"Hold the gun, damn it!  One of my friends might walk in!"
A fellow was following a truck in heavy traffic. Every block or so, when
they were stopped at a stop light, the driver of the truck would jump out
of the cab with a big stick and bang on the side of the cargo bay. He'd
then jump back into the cab in time to drive away when the signal changed.
The first fellow observed this for several miles, until he could stand it
no longer. The next time the truck driver jumped out with the stick, the
first fellow jumped out and ran up to him. "I'm sorry to bother you," he
said, over the din of the banging, "but I am very curious; could you tell
me what you are doing?" Without breaking rhythm, the truck driver replied,
"Sure, Mac. Ya see, this here's a six-ton truck but I've got eight tons of
canaries aboard, so I've gotta keep two ton of them flying all the time so
I don't break an axle".
Andy came to work one day, limping something awful. One of his
co-workers, Josh, noticed and asked Andy what happened.
Andy replied, "Oh, nothing.  It's just an old hockey injury that
acts up once in a while."
Josh, "Gee, I never knew you played hockey."
Andy, "No I don't. I hurt it last year when I lost $100 on the
Stanley Cup play-offs. I put my foot through the television..."
For three years, the young attorney had been taking his brief
vacations at this country inn. The previous year he'd finally
managed an affair with the innkeeper's daughter.
Looking forward to an exciting few days, he dragged his suitcase
up the stairs of the inn, then stopped short. There sat his lover
with an infant on her lap!
"Helen, why didn't you write when you learned you were pregnant?"
he cried. "I would have rushed up here, we could have gotten
married, and the baby would have my name!"
"Well," she said, "when my folks found out about my condition, we
sat up all night talkin' and talkin' and decided it would be
better to have a bastard in the family than a lawyer."
PAPA Thorn
Busy chef                   
Only three more                    
Have a nice day
Martin aka the postman


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