[PostmansCorner] The Postman's Corner



The difference between gossip and news depends
on whether you heard it or told it.

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Did you happen to catch the headline news for Yahoo today?
WASHINGTON - Days after it got a federal bailout, American
International Group Inc. spent $440,000 on a posh California
retreat for its executives, complete with spa treatments, banquets
and golf outings, according to lawmakers investigating the
company's meltdown. AIG sent its executives to the coastal
St. Regis resort south of Los Angeles even as the company
tapped into an $85 billion loan from the government it needed
to stave off bankruptcy. The resort tab included $23,380 worth
of spa treatments for AIG employees, according to invoices 
the resort turned over to the House Oversight and Government
Reform Committee.
This is what our fed intervention with
700 billion dollars worth of taxpayers money is buying us. isn't
that wonderful to know? In other news, there was an article that
talked about how counselors are seeing a lot more people
because of depression over economic woes and hardships.
Now, here is an interesting thot, Altho the 700 billion bux of the
bailout bill, er sorry, rescue bill, does not help any homeowners
who are getting foreclosed on, I wonder: Will depression over
the economy give us a better reason for
filing for Social Security disability?

On a happier note, the CABIN CUDDLER is back! Its a
wonderful  blanket wrap, the postman clan has discovered.
While we don't really travel that much, we use them around
the house. I ordered 4..its a good bargain for a twenty. And if you 
get 2 or more you can get a third for free. !!!!  Its also
why I am mentioning it at this point...its a good deal right now.
You really cannot go wrong with it for the price...turn down
the furnace this winter and save some money!
Recommended by Martin aka the postman
Cabin cuddler
Buy 3...get a fourth for FREE
Thanks giving sale
The cabin cuddler is a lightweight
travel blanket with a foot pocket and shoulder
wrap that keeps you warm in cold airplane cabins, car trips
or just curled up at home
We do hope you enjoy today's issue!
Martin aka the postman



a lucky man
impalin Palin...now playing at a theatre near you!
bottom of the nineth


mmm, nice-power point display
nobody cares-power point display

going deeper

"Hello! Mr. Michaels?"
"How are you today?"
"OK so far..."
"My name is Debbie from Pointless Industries, and I'm calling
to offer you a fabulous new offer that we are offering...."
"Who is this really?"
"My name is Debbie from---"
"How did you get this number?"
"Well.. you are on our list of preferred---"
<urgent whisper> "Listen to me, and listen good! You tell Hugo
and his goons I lived up to my end of the deal! 
I cut up the bodies like he said, I ditched the car like
he said, now I'm out of it, understand? You tell him he
bothers me or my family again and I take
everything I know to the Man, and don't pretend
you don't know what I'm talking about!"
<hang up>
There were three women who's husband's had all died on the
same day, and the same hospital. All three of the wife's
met each other, and starting talking about what they were
going to do with their husband. All three of them said
that their husbands were going to be cremated.
The third wife asks the first where she's going to put
her husbands ashes. The first replys "I'm going to go
skydiving one last time, and then dump all of his ashes
all over the place. That was the one thing that reminds
me the most of him, so I'll do it." The first asks the second
where she's going to put her husbands ashes. The second tells
them "Well, there's this one lake where we used to always go
and fish there for many hours at a time. Yes, I think that
would be the best place for him."
Then the second wife asks the third the same question as the other
two. The third answers "What I'm going to do is this: I'm going
to make a great big bowl of chili, with everything in it that he
and I used to always eat, put the best and most expensive of
everything though this time. And I'm going to put his ashes in it,
and then eat it, so that he can tear my ass up one more time
before he is totally out of my life."
Dave walks into a bar and sees John sitting at the end of
the bar counter with a great big smile on his face.
Dave says, "John, what are you so happy for?"
"Well Dave, I gotta tell ya... Yesterday I was out waxing my
boat, just waxin' my boat, and a redhead came up to me...
tits out to here, Dave. Tits out to here!
She says, 'Can I have a ride in your boat?' I said 'Sure you
can have a ride in my boat.' So I took her way out, Dave. I
turned off the key and I said 'It's either screw or swim!'
She couldn't swim, Dave. She couldn't swim!"
After a couple of days Dave walks again into that bar and
sees John sitting at the end of the bar counter with a bigger
smile on his face. Dave says, "What are you happy about today John?"
"Well Dave... I gotta tell ya... Yesterday I was out waxing my
boat, just waxin' my boat and a BEAUTIFUL blond came up to me...
tits out to here, Dave. Tits out to here!
She said 'Can I have a ride in your boat?' I told her 'Sure
you can have a ride in my boat.' So I took her way out, Dave.
Way out much further than the last one. I turned off the key
and I said, 'It's either screw or swim!'
She couldn't swim, Dave! She couldn't swim!"
A couple days pass and Dave walks into a bar and sees John
down there crying over a beer.
Dave says, "John, what are you so sad for?"
"Well Dave, I gotta tell ya.... Yesterday I was out waxing my
boat, just waxing my boat, and the most desirable brunette came
up to me... tits WAY out to here, Dave. Tits WAY out to here.
She says, 'Can I have a ride in your boat?'
So I said, 'Sure you can have a ride in my boat.' So I took
her way out, Dave, way WAY out... much further than the last two.
I turned off the key, and looked at her tits and said "It's either
screw or swim!" She pulled down her pants and..... She had a dick,
Dave! She had this great BIG dick! ... and I can't swim Dave! I can't swim!"

Your momma is so fat she gets stuck in her dreams!
Your momma is so poor that when she wrote a check the whole bank bounced!
Your momma is so fat she went to the beach and sold shade!
Your mommas lips are so big that she needs a kick stand to hold them up!
Your momma is so ugly she has to sneak up on a cup of water!
Your mommas so fat that when I tried to drive around her I ran out of gas!
Your mommas throat is so tough she could gargle peanut butter!
Your momma is so fat when she broke her leg gravy poured out!
Your momma is so fat when she jumped in the air she got stuck!
Your momma is so fat she uses a VCR as a beeper!
Two Newfies are in a mental hospital and their psychiatrist
tells them to go clean their room. A little while later the
psychiatrist enters their room and sees one of them suspended from the ceiling.
"What are you doing up there?" he asks in surprise.
"I'm a light bulb," answers the Newf.
"Get down from there and come with me right now!" exclaims the doctor.
As he's going down the hall, the doctor sees that both of the Newfies
are following him.
"Why are you here?" the doctor asks the second Newf.
"You don't think I'm going to clean the room in the dark???"

FUN PAGES from Lorraine
Microsoft Merger With McDonalds
If Dad Raised the Kids

Have a nice day!

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