[buffalos-adult-chips] Chips For Wed

Adult Adult

Welcome to Buffalosjokes and Thank You for joining us. My
name is Buffalo and I have the watch.

Remember I was telling you about baking a chicken the other
night? Sunday we had chicken breast strips with dressing and
all the fixings and Monday we had chicken sandwiches with
leftovers on the side and I was thinking I hadn't seen a thigh or
drumstick so I went to the refrigerator and grabbed a bag of
dark meat and tried to snap off a drumstick but I couldn't. It was
like the chicken was still alive. I grabbed a knife and cut off a
chunk and it was definitely cooked but just tough. I think the
chicken was born in the Reagan Administration or else men on
horses drove it from Wyoming to Kentucky and then butchered it.
Anyhow we had a large stir fry from it tonight and there is still
enough chicken there to make a great bunch of soup from.

I have told you the story of Booster the Rooster before, a Rhode
Island Red that must have weighed 11 pounds. Booster was
friendly and the king of the coop but after everything stopped
laying it was time to thin the group out and Booster was destined for
a Sunday dinner. It was obvious immediately the Booster was tough
so my mom threw him in the soup pot that doubled as a canning kettle
and a bathtub for small babies. She simmered Booster for a day
and then fried him and he was still tough, but delicious. My mom used
to make chili in that kettle for the eleven of us, as my youngest
wasn't born till after I joined the Navy. It would usually last
through two
meals and all of the tomatoes and chili sauce were homemade from
our garden.

This stuff is really good with some Captain Morgan's added

Mulled Cider

4 cup apple cider (or unfiltered apple juice)
2 tbsp grenadine syrup
4 whole cloves
4 pinch cardamon pods , 4 pods, slightly crushed
1 cinnamon sticks , cut in 2-inch pieces
1 oz fresh lemon peel , cut in 2-inch strips
1 oz grated orange peel , or cut in 2-inch strips

1 In a medium saucepan, combine the apple cider with the grenadine,
cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, lemon and orange zest.
2 Heat the cider until small bubbles appear around the edges of the
liquid. Reduce the heat, keeping the cider warm enough so that steam
rises from the surface. Hold it at this point for 20 minutes.
3 Remove the spices and zest from the pan. Pour the cider into clear
punch cups or mugs and serve.

Enjoy the chips..... buffalo


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Word Chips


"You feel almost as good as my wife."

"You know, your mother is so much better!"

"Mommy, Daddy what are you doing?"

"Oh my God!!! 3.5 seconds, a new record"!!!!!!

"Do you mind? I'm trying to watch TV."

"Darling, don't you think that the ceiling needs painting?"

"Oh Janet!" . And your name is Carol

"Oops I did it again."

"Will you please hurry up there is a really good movie coming on in
one minute."

"Is it hurting? I can't even feel it."

"Is it in yet?"

"Do you think your sister would like to join us?"

"I think we should paint the ceiling ivory"

"Are you sure you're not named 'Speedy Gonzales'."

"Oops, sorry I called you by your brother's name."

"Did you just have salami for lunch?"

Fart, giggling, fart, giggling, fart, giggling.


"Finished! I didn't think you started yet."

Laughing with the explanation: "I just remembered a joke I heard

"But you said you would be through by the time the commercial was


Toon Chips For Those Who Can't Wait

remember to brush

I'm going fishing

why is it


Touch it


Women in Boxing

Trivial Pursuit

Talented Tongue


Trivia Chips

If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days you would have
produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.
(Hardly seems worth it.)

If you farted consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is
produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb.
(Now that's more like it!)

The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body
to squirt blood 30 feet.

A pig's orgasm lasts 30 minutes.
(In my next life, I want to be a pig.)

A cockroach will live nine days without its head before it starves to
death. (Creepy.)
(I'm still not over the pig.)

Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories a hour
(Don't try this at home, maybe at work)

The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to
its body. The female initiates sex by ripping the male's head off.
(Honey, I'm home. What the...?!)

The flea can jump 350 times its body length. It's like a human
jumping the length of a football field.

(30 minutes..lucky pig! Can you imagine?)

The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds.
(What could be so tasty on the bottom of a pond?)

Some lions mate over 50 time s a day.
(I still want to be a pig in my next life..quality over quantity)

Butterflies taste with their feet.

(Something I always wanted to know.)

The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue. (Hmmmmmm.....)

Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-
handed people.

(If you're ambidextrous, do you split the difference?)

Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump.
(Okay, so that would be a good thing)

A cat's urine glows under a black light.

(I wonder who was paid to figure that out?)

An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
( I know some people like that.)

Starfish have no brains

(I know some people like that too.)

Polar bears are left-handed.

(If they switch, they'll live a lot longer)

Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure.

(What about that pig??)

Now that you've smiled at least once, it's your turn to spread these
crazy facts and send this to someone you want to bring a smile to,
maybe even a chuckle.

In other words, send it to everyone !
(and God love that pig!)



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Random Chips

A fraternity brother confronted a junior member, telling him, "A
sorority girl is running around campus telling people you have a
dick." "Yeah?" the junior member replied. "Well, she has a big mouth."

Women think they're so clever because they can fake an orgasm for
sake of a relationship, but men can fake a whole relationship for
sake of an orgasm.

If you don't enjoy masturbation, you have only yourself to blame.

A blonde and a brunette were standing in an elevator. A man with
dandruff walked in. The brunette said, "Somebody needs to give him
some Head & Shoulders." The blonde asked, "How do you give shoulders?"

A man went to the doctor after he twisted his knee playing
golf. "You
need to stop masturbating," the doctor said. When the man asked why,
the doctor replied, "Because I am trying to examine your knee."

Will I be the first to do this to you?" a man whispered when his
to be finally consented to have sex. "What a silly question,"
the girl. "I don't even know what position you want to try yet."

When does a cub become a boy scout?
When he eats his first Brownie.

Why can't Miss Piggy count to 100 out loud?
Because when she says 69 she gets a frog in her throat.

What's the definition of a vagina?
The box a penis comes in.

Stan Kegel


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Beep Chips


There was a little "incident" at your house today while you were gone.
Please allow me to explain:

I was watching T.V. and I heard this beeping going off in the kitchen.
The first thing I thought of was the smoke detector going off so I ran
into the kitchen and checked everything out. By the time I got to the
kitchen, the beeping had stopped and I couldn't smell any smoke.

I went back to watching my movie and I kept hearing a beep every
I knew that the type of smoke detector that you have is the type that
took a few minutes to reset itself. I kept watching my movie , and
10 minutes later I was really getting pissed off that the beeping
continued. I paused the movie, ran out to the kitchen, unhooked the
detector, and went back to the movie.

The beeping continued.

Having a college degree in electronics, I knew that the capacitors
hold a charge after the batteries were removed. About 20 minutes
I was really getting pissed because I could still hear the beeping.
I got so mad, I went out and grabbed a pair of wire cutters and cut
speaker off the smoke detector and left it sitting on the counter.

I sat back down and heard "beep".

Now I was fuming. I listened to that "beep" about three more times,
I finally got a hammer and pounded the ever-loving shit out of your
smoke detector on the counter (while I was pounding I heard "beep").
was really getting me mad.

I sat back down and resumed the movie and sure enough "beep".

I had the wire cutters in my hand and I went out (curious to see what
the hell could still be running it) and cut all the little parts into
pieces, and put half into a little plastic container and left half on
the counter. I took half the parts over to the living room thinking if
it beeps I know it's these, and half the parts I left on the counter
knowing it would be them.

In moments I heard the parts in the kitchen beep. So I took them into
the living room and spread them on the table, staring at them, saying
myself "the part that beeps will get smashed". Not three seconds
the parts I just had, now on the counter in the kitchen, beeped. I was
furious. I thought to myself, (his smoke detector is possessed). I
brought all the parts into the living room and laid them out on the
coffee table. I was staring at them, just waiting for one of them to
beep so I could smash the shit out of it.

All of a sudden, I hear "beep", but it was coming from the kitchen!

I walked out there, all freaked out. I just waited... and waited... it
seemed like hours but was only 30 seconds later, I heard the
"beep" coming from your jacket. I looked in the jacket and it was your
beeper that you had left at home by accident. All I could do was take
hammer and beat the ever-loving shit out of your beeper because I was
the one who paged you.


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Gender Chips

"Are you male or female?"

1. Aside from getting sterilized, your birth control options are: a.
b. almost a dozen

2. When parking your car in a public garage you:
a. toss your keys jauntily to the attendant
b. hand your keys over politely

3. You haven't shaved in 4 days. The resulting
stubble can be construed as:
a. sexy
b. gross

4. At the doctor's, a common request would be:
a. "Cough."
b. "Would you like to scoot down just a little more dear?"

5. As a sporty person, you need athletic support with:
a. one cup
b. two cups

6. When you're feeling insecure, what you say to your
best friend is:
a. nothing
b. "Do I look fat?"

7. You've slept with several hundred people, one term
used to describe you would be:
a. sports legend
b. tramp

8. The age it hits home that junk food will devastate
your body is:
a. 35
b. 14

9. When you hear the words "hand wash," the first
thing that comes to your mind is:
a. your car
b. panty hose

10. It`s the seventh game of the playoffs, bottom of
the ninth, score tied. Bases are loaded with 2 outs.
The man at bat has a .311 average against southpaws,
and the pitcher is a lefty. Your mate turns to you
and says, "Do you want a back rub?" You are:
a. too busy screaming at the TV to even hear the question
b. daydreaming

11. Your idea of basic pump is:
a. an athletic shoe made by Nike
b. a heeled shoe made by Fayva

12. Multiple Orgasms are something you:
a. give
b. get


a = 1 point b = 2 points

0-12 Congratulations, you are a male. This means you
have a greater lean-muscle-to-fat ratio, earn most of
the money, and a select few of your sex can look
forward to being president someday.

13-24 Congratulations, you are a female. This means
you will live longer, have your choice of wearing
either pants or a skirt in polite company and a select
few of your sex can look forward to being president



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Club Chips

Club Patrons

This guy spends all week in the gym and needs little or no reason to
wear his skin tight shirt you can see his heart beating and parade's
around the club like Mr. Universe.

You know her . . . 300 lbs. size 48, buys a size 6 red and yellow
Spandex outfit. To the horror of others, she wears it to the club.

Takes three hours to finish one drink, then tries to fool everyone for
another hour with a glass full of ice water & a straw. Has $3.50 in
pocket and a token.

THE O.G.'s
Stands for "Old Guys". These guys just can't get over the fact that
are TOO OLD to be at the club. Their clubbing days are so far behind
them their kids can legally buy alcohol. They try to be down with the
younger generation by wearing gold fronts and try to speak slang using
phrases like "What's up money!" and "That's fresh!"

She's that girl that's basically doing the two step dance, until her
song comes on and she screams to her girl friends, "OOOH GIRL, THAT'S
SONG!!!" From this point on it's shake what your mamma gave ya and she
will dance with what ever is in front of her,guy, girl, bar, wall,
speakers, etc.

This is the one that buys a new outfit for the club; travels miles
home, at night to the club; pays $15.00 to get in the club; and when
he's finally in the club he just stands against the wall sipping on a
cup of Pepsi fronting like it's rum-n-coke.

Stepped out of the latest rap video, he feels the need to let everyone
in the club know what name brand designer clothing he's wearing, down
his socks because he must have that one pant leg up. It may be pitch
black in the club, but he's got $300 Versace sunglasses on. He's also
the one making a call from the noisy dance floor on his cell phone,
a bottle of MOET (with the label facing outward so everyone can see)in
his other hand...

The female equivalent of Siskel & Ebert, but they don't review movies.
They notice everything from head to toe... Also known for staring
down for long periods of time! Those are fake!" "Assa Grande!!" His
mamma must dress him."

THE 1st AND 15th POSSE
We only see them in the club around these dates...

He's the guy that loves to walk all over the club when it's crowded
squeezing through girls and getting his free feels.

Not the TV host. She has no money, but somehow gets some sucker to buy
her drinks all night---usually BILLBOARD BILLY (see above for

Has been in and out of jail so many times, he has no clue as to what
in or out of style. He shows up in a "Malcolm X" cap, gold fronts, an
"Eight Ball" leather jacket and a silk polka dot shirt....

They look good in the club, but outside.....AHHH DAMN!! And I bought
you, a drink!


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Hiking In China

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Only Trust Him


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Michelle Chips

Shrek, Beyonce' and Denzel Washington were all having lunch

Shrek said, 'I've always thought that I'm the strongest man in
world, but how can I be
Denzel Washington said, 'I'm pretty sure I'm the sexiest man alive
I've never had it
Beyonce' agreed. 'I'm told I'm the most gorgeous of them all,
sometimes I
They all decided that the best way to find out
their beliefs were true was to ask the famed talking 'mirror
the wall to confirm for them whether Shrek was the strongest,
was the most gorgeous and Denzel Washington was the
They agreed to meet again the next day for lunch to discuss

The next day Shrek walked up with a smile. 'Well, it's true.

told me that I am the strongest man in the
Denzel Washington walked in with smile, Yep, it's confirmed, I 'm
sexiest man
But Beyonce was all upset and
'Who in the h*ll is

Yep, that's right,

Change the name and pass along some fun!



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Toon Chips

OVER 150 Halloween toons and pix uploaded for your creeped out fun!





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Limerick Chips

She frowned and called him Mister
Because in sport he kissed her
And so in spite
That very night
This Mister kissed her sister.

To his bride said the lynx-eyed detective
"Can it be that my eyesight's defective?
Has your east tit the least bit
The best of the west tit?
Or is it just a trick of perspective?"

There once was a man from Nantuckett
Who got his foot stuck in a bucket
Though he tried and tried
He could not come unpried
So finally, he up and said "F*** IT."
Yer Hillbilly friend in TN...
PROUD father of an American Soldier


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Parting Chips

Hola Rocio,

We have been trying to teach our employees a few Spanish words each
day for better customer service. Would you please read the
information below to verify that they are being used correctly in the
sentence? Of course, each province of Mexico has a different
dialect, so this may be a little different than you are used to.

Thanks a lot

Me :0)

Spanish word of the Day
For those who don't understand some of the words, here is the
translation. Órale - Alright Ese - Dude Ruca - Girlfriend/Wife
Sancha - Woman on the side Pero - But

Today's Spanish word of the day is "Harassment"

Paco's parole officer asked him to use the word "harassment" in a
sentence. Paco smiles and says....... "Orale ese, my ruca caught me
in bed with my sancha, pero that's o.k. because HAR ASS MENT nothing
to me!"


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Bonus Chip

Back in the Cold War days, Ivan was a diplomat and spy. He was new
to the USA and lived in Washington, D.C. for past six months.
He soon complained to Boris, his aide, that he needed a woman. Boris
dropped off a high-priced hooker at his door the following Saturday
Ivan plied her with some vodka and caviar. As she took her top, he
noticed that her
armpits were shaved. He said, pointing top his own pits,
"Vomen in the old country have wool - they have wool!"
She responded, "It's customary and fashionable to shave our
underarms." They drank more vodka and ate more caviar. She removed
her slacks. He noticed
that her legs are shaved also. He repeated,
"Vomen in the old country have wool - they have wool!"
Once more, she said, "It's customary and fashionable to shave our
legs." After more vodka and caviar, he pulled down her panties and
saw that her
privates were trimmed. He exclaimed again, "Vomen in the old country
have wool - they have wool!" She then asked in loud voice, "Look
buddy, did you want to screw or knit?"


Slim Clip is the amazing new double-sided money clip that holds up to
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Katie's Komfort Kolumn - Written By BJ Cassady

Katie's Komfort Kolumn
Vol 1454

Rudy, Revised...of Course

Rudy: Don't like the Banshee costume.

Diana: I worked hard on it Rudy.

Rudy: Don't like it.

Sandi: Diana, it kinda scares him a bit. He needs something not
quite so scary, yet scary.

Diana: Okay, I will see what I can do.


Diana: Rudy!

Rudy: A-Roo!

Diana: I made several outfits...so try one on at a time and see
what you think.

Rudy tries the first one on...

Sandi: That looks okay to me.

Rudy: Where is the mirror?

Sandi: Over there..

Rudy: A Butterfly? I am not going to be a butterfly.

Diana: Try the next outfit on.

A few minutes later...

Rudy: What's this thing on my back? Oh I am a Turtle.

Sandi: Put on the mask and cape and you are a Teen age Mutant Ninja

Rudy: No.

Diana: Try the next one.

Rudy: This one I like...

Sandi: What is he?

Diana: A pizza delivery boy....pizza and all.

The herd in Guthrie


Adult Adult Adult

Remember 9/11/01

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William Brabant
711 Pine Street Apt.1
Sault Ste Marie Michigan 49783

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Compilation and narrative copyright 2002 by william Brabant
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