[buffalos-adult-chips] Chips For 8-31-11


Adult Adult

Welcome to Buffalosjokes and Thank You for joining us. My
name is Buffalo and I have the watch.

Milwaukee Tool, which if you use power tools, you know makes some
of the finest tools on the market has a property tax problem. Seems that
due to a clerical error on their 2010 taxes, they overpaid the taxes on
Jackson Miss. plant by 1.4 million dollars. They brought the problem up
to the board of supervisors and asked that the money be returned. They
were told no because the money had already been marked for the budget
and that if they were given the money back it would cause a shortfall
and a hardship for the county. So far one supervisor has suggested
the possibility of a 1.4 million tax reduction on their 2011 taxes but
all of the board is in agreement on that. If Milwaukee Tool had made
a mistake in their favor for 1.4 million dollars, how long do you think
would take Jackson to send them a bill including penalties and interest
and if it wasn't returned in a set period of time they would find their
property up for tax lien sale. With jobs as hard to come by as they are
right now and states offering 5 to 10 years tax abatements to move
a factory to their area, I would tread lightly and try to negotiate it
so that Milwaukee Tool remains happy. Remember these people have
18 volt drills and Sawzalls so they can get you anywhere heh heh.

I also notice that even though gas prices had slowly dropped about
six cents a gallon over the past month, it took zero time for them to
go back up 12 cents a gallon up here with the threat of Hurricane Irene.
That is kind of strange as the normal supply route for our area is
from refineries in Indiana with the original crude from La. neither of
were affected by the hurricane, I am not surprised though because
Congress,even with threats of tracking down gougers has done absolutely
nothing to enforce it. I saw one reporter complaining that the price of
a cheap plastic flashlight during the storm was 36.00 in NYC. I have had
lot of flashlights in my life and never paid that much for a Mag-lite or
Coleman rechargeable. Shame on all of you people.

Enjoy the chips... buffalo


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Short Chips

Q: How do most men define marriage?
A: An expensive way to get their laundry done for free.

First guy (proudly): "My wife's an angel!"
Second guy: "You're lucky, mine's still alive."

Q: What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs floating in boiling
A: Stu.

Q: What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs holding down a
A: Spike.

Q: What do you call a cat with no arms and no legs?
A: Dog food.

Q: What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs in a forest fire?
A: Bernie.

Q: What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs stuck in a quarry?
A: Rocky.

Q: What do you call a blonde with 90% of her intelligence gone?
A: Divorced.

Q: Where do blondes go to meet their relatives?
A: The vegetable garden.

Q: What do you see when you look into a blonde's eyes?
A: The back of her head.


Toon Chips For Those Who Can't Wait



Grand ma


Abbot Chips

The abbot of a nearby abbey was out in the city running errands
downtown when he saw a woman of questionable character say to a

"Twenty bucks for a blowjob," at which point the passerby and the
woman promptly went down the next alley, where they went out of

The abbot was perplexed, for the very same thing occurred at
another street corner in the city. He was walking down a
sidewalk, when another woman, much the same as the first, stated
to another passerby, "Twenty bucks for a blowjob," at which point
the two rapidly went into a nearby alley, where the abbot
couldn't see what was going on.

Still not knowing what a "blowjob" was, the abbot left the city
as naive as he was upon entering it. Back up the hill, the abbot
was still contemplating what a blowjob was, so he went to see the
mother superior at the adjacent convent.

"Mother superior," he asked, "what's a blowjob?"

"Twenty bucks, same as downtown!"


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Create High quality custom greeting cards from the comfort of your
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Present Chips

After the birth of my son, a woman from the
records department stopped by my hospital
room to get information for his birth certificate.

"Father's date of birth?" she asked.

When I told her, she said, "Do you realize that
his birthday is exactly nine months before your
son's birth?"

"No, I hadn't thought about it," I responded, "but
now that you mention it, I realize that I have a
daughter who turned two a couple of days
before the same date."

After she finished taking down all the data, she
patted my hand and said, "Maybe you should
start buying your husband a tie for his birthday."


Linux For The Rest Of Us! - Hi-Def Video Training Series

Learn Linux from one of the most sought after instructors around. If you
don't know Linux by now, you're missing out! Full video training series,
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buffalo says Linux is a great diagnostic and recovery tool as well as
a good replacement for Windows on older systems and as has only a
fraction of the problems with viruses and hacking that Windows does plus
it is free in most of the versions you will want to use.


Swedish Chips

A guy from America asked the girl from Sweden to dance. While they
were dancing, he gives her a little squeeze, and says, "In America,
we call this a hug".

She replies, "Yaah, in Sveden, we call it a hug too."

A little later, he gives her a peck on the cheek, and says, "In
America, we call this a kiss".

She replies, "Yaah, in Sveden, we call it a kiss too."

Towards the end of the night, and a lot of drinks later, he takes
her out on the campus lawn, and proceeds to have sex with her, and
says, "In America, we call this a grass sandwich".

She says, "Yaaah in Sveden, we call it a grass sandwich too, but we
usually put more meat in it.".


Gluten Free Low Glycemic Cookbook for Diabetics & Allergy Sufferers
In demand by food sensitive people. This Cookbook is gluten-free,
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Cork Chips

"Right lad," said the sergeant in the recruiting office, "what's
your name?"

"McCoy, sergeant."

"And what was your civvy job?"

"I was a cork socker, sergeant."

"A cork socker? What's that?"

"Well, I worked in a winery, see, and my job was to put the pretty
paper over the corks in the wine bottles. A cork socker, they
called me."
"Okay," said the sergeant, "through that door there and see the
medical officer. "Next!" The next bloke fronted up.

"Name?" asked the sergeant. "McCoy, sergeant." "Another McCoy! And
what was your civvy job?"

"I was a coke soaker, sergeant."

"A coke soaker? What's that?"

"Well I worked in the foundry, see, and it was my job to keep the
coke damp so it burned hotter. A coke soaker they called me."

"Okay," said the sergeant, "through that door there and see the
medical officer. "Next!" The next bloke fronted up.

"Name?" asked the sergeant. "McCoy, sergeant." "Not another McCoy!
And what was your civvy job?"

"I was a sock tucker, sergeant."

"A sock tucker? What's that?"

"Well, I worked in a sock factory, and when the socks came off the
production line I had to fold them neatly and tuck them together. A
sock tucker, they called me."

"Okay," said the sergeant, "through that door there and see the
medical officer. "Next!" The next bloke fronted up.

"Name?" asked the sergeant. "McCoy, sergeant."

"Not another one!" the sergeant groaned. "And what the hell are you
A coke soaker, a cork socker or a sock tucker?"

"None of those sweetie," lisped the bloke. "I'm the real McCoy!"


Yeast Free Cooking - $9.99
A Delicious Cookbook full of great cooking tips, easy, yet yummy
recipes and a healthy eating guide to combat Autism, Candida,
Fibromyalgia, Food Allergies, Arthritis, and more! Also includes a
complete guide to a Yeast Free Diet. Lose Weight, too!



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Crossword Puzzle Creator

Men Will Be Boys

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Tech Talk ( Computers and Web-tv)

Byte Chart

Airplane pilot - Best ever

Can You Spot the Hidden Images in These Famous Logos?



Animal World

Funny Cat Pictures via Dianne



Movie Links

Hard at the Beach

Harley Ad

Harsh Laws

Herbal Elements For Men

Hilary Campaign

Get out of my bed cat

GGG music video

Girls scout cookie money

Girl Vs desert Eagle

Global Warming and the Classroom


Short Chips

The inexperienced young Bob was smitten with Sue who was sitting
beside him in his parked car. Looking at her in the light of the
full moon, he gently placed his hand on her knee and said, "Sue....
I think I love you."
With a knowing smile, she put her hand on his and said, "Higher

Clearing his throat, Bob said, "Sue.... I think I love you!" in a
cracked falsetto.

Paula & Steve got married. They went to a Hotel for the wedding

The following morning, Paula's closest friend came over and asked me
how their wedding night went.

Paula told her "I'm just awfully tired, dead tired. All night long
it was up and down, in and out, up and down, in and out."

Her friend, misunderstanding her, was a bit shocked, that she spoke
so crassly.

Steve clarified by adding "Don't ever get a room next to an


Toon Chips

Air Bag

Air Bags

Airline Food

Airport Security

Began with routine pat down

Air Safety


Turning Cupcakes into Cash
Turning Cupcakes into Cash - Everything you need to know to to
turn your hobby of cooking cupcakes into a profitable home business.



Limerick Chips

There was a young harlot of Crete
Whose fucking was far, far too fleet.
So they tied down her ass
With a long ton of brass
To give them a much longer treat.

When the Nazis landed in Crete
The young harlot had to compete
With the many Storm Troopers
Who were using their poopers
For other things than to excrete.

Our subversive young harlot of Crete
Was led to fifth-column deceit.
When the paratroops landed
Her trade she expanded
By at once going down on their meat.

Then here was this harlot of Crete
She decided to be very neat.
She said, "I'm too high class
To ream common ass,
And I'll wash every prick that I eat."

And at last this young harlot of Crete
Was hawking her meat in the street.
Ambling out one fine day
In a casual way
She clapped up the whole British fleet.
<Snagged by>


Meals That Heal Inflammation
A Nutrition Based Practical Guide to Relieving Inflammation Rooted
Disorders such as Arthritis, Asthma, Heart Disease, Ibs, Acne and
other health issues. By Julie Daniluk, Registered Holistic Nutritionist.



Parting Chips

The young lady at the confessional said, "Father, put it in my

"No, child, the vulva is the sacred place whereby you deliver
another child of God," replied the Priest.

"Oh, Father, put it in my mouth then!" begged the young woman.

"No, child, the mouth is the sacred place whereby you eat the sacred
Host," said the Priest "So put it under my armpit!" asked the young

"No, child, the armpit is the sacred place where you carry the Holy
Bible," replied the Priest.

"OK, Father, then just take it out of my ass cause it hurts!"


Kristen Suzannes Easy Raw Recipe eBooks - Vegan

Amazing and delicious Raw vegan recipes for desserts,
entrees, soups, salads, sides, snacks, smoothies, juicing,
holidays, dehydrating, hemp, and tips for adopting the vegan
Raw Food lifestyle. Recipe books include introduction to
Raw food for beginners.



Katie's Komfort Kolumn - Written By BJ Cassady

Katie's Komfort Kolumn
Vol 2099

Tami's Annual Marathon

This year instead of running in a marathon, Tami has
decided to, for the first time, use her new expensive
bike in a race a la Lance Armstrong. She has been in
training for some time so why not. The dogs have
been pestering her every year so what can go wrong
this year with a bike?

Ding dong!

Tami opens her door to find four dogs with racing
gear on, bike helmets and all.

Tami: You guys can't ride bikes. Your anatomy will
not allow it.

Sandi: We have made allowances for that.

Katie: Come outside and see our equipment.

Tami goes outside and sees their rides. They are the kind
of bikes you lay down upon and pedal with your feet.

Rudy: We will have to lay down on our tummies to get
these to work, and use dad's robot gloves so we can use
paws to fingers, but it should work. We have been training
and are doing quite well.

Val: Yeah, we have been following you on your exercise
path for some time. So we are ready.

Tami leans against her house: Why me oh why me.

The herd
To be continued


Adult Adult


Remember 9/11/01

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In accordance with the 2004 Can-Spam act you can contact me at:

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Compilation and narrative copyright 2002 by william Brabant
A bad score is 579. A good idea is checking yours at freecreditscore.com.


Funzines - Clean Cartoons for August 30, 2011

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Funzines - Video Fun for August 30, 2011

When did technology get the better of me?
I thought I was a bit savvy about gadgets, and now
I realize I know nothing about any of the new stuff.
I want to go back to the old days, when people asked
me about stuff and I could pretend like I knew what
I was talking about.  I can't even fake it anymore.
Thank you to the most recent donors:
John in Iraq--you are in my heart and my prayers
I sent you a link to the new Club Funzines web pages.
If you wish to donate visit:
A fun site.....I joined and have gotten some stuff and
have gotten rid of some stuff:
If you joined, please write to me and let me know  how you like it.
For Fun and Games:
Do you buy things online?
Do you know that most things ships for free?
Thank you,

Funzine - Adult Cartoons for August 30, 2011

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

[buffalos-adult-chips] Chips For 8-29-11


Adult Adult

Welcome to Buffalosjokes and Thank You for joining us. My
name is Buffalo and I have the watch.

Took Sandy around to do some shopping today and I sat in
the truck while she was in the stores and observed the traffic
and people. The first thing of note was a faded yellow 1970
Maverick in about the shape one would expect a 40 year old
car to be. It caught my attention because the muffler was
hanging about 3 inches lower than the exhaust pipe. It also
had substantial rust on the fenders, rocker panels, and the
trunk. How these people managed to get past the police
is amazing because they always seem to catch me heh heh,
The second car of interest was a 1985 era Caprice Classic
with a little woman in it who could barely see over the dash
driving. It only took her 4 tries to get into the handicapped
spot she was aiming for. he car was in much better shape
even though it was showing rust along the body seams.
The funniest part was the two kids that came into the parking lot
on mountain bikes, riding without using their hands. They
were flying and the first managed to grab the bars and stop
the bike but the second waited to late and then dropped
his bike and ran into the side of the building. He was unhurt
but so much for trying to look cool.

One last comment on my trip today. I went to Walgreen's
to pick up a couple of scripts today after a trip to the ER last
night with a sinus infection. The pharmacist and Walgreen's
computers had flagged the Zithromax they had prescribed as
having a bad reaction with Coumadin. I asked what the problem
was and they said because it was irritating to the intestines it
could cause intestinal and anal bleeding which would pretty
much ruin your whole day heh heh. There are lots of good
pharmacists out there but it doesn't hurt to have a computer
checking every script against your history before it goes out.
Kudos to Walgreens.

Enjoy the chips... buffalo


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costly repairs and even start your own business. Join thousands
of others who learned new skills, jump started their careers, made
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Married Chips

Murray is a well-educated bachelor who feels ready to marry and
settle down. But he's shy and finds it difficult to meet women. So
he's developed a great love of classical music and spends much of
his spare time going to concerts.

Meanwhile, Murray's parents have been searching for a suitable
shiddach (arranged marriage partner) for him. Then one day, to
their great relief, two potential candidates come onto the scene at
the same time.
After talking to the two young ladies, his father has a word with

"Murray, I think I may have found you a wife. I have been in touch
with two very acceptable, but quite different girls for you to
choose from and both say they are ready to marry. Let me show you
their photos."

The first photo is of a beautiful woman. "Rebecca," says his
father, "informs me that she has a talent for cooking great kosher
food _
her matzo_ball soup is supposed to be superb. She also keeps fit
with aerobics and Israeli dancing. But she left school at 15 and
admits to having no talent whatsoever for music."

He then shows Murray a photo of an ugly woman. She has what looks
like a moustache on her top lip, her neck is as thick as a
wrestler's neck, she has cross_eyes, her nose is crooked and her
lips are almost non_existent.

"Now Sadie," says his father, "might not be great looking but she
comes from a fine, noble family, has a first class degree from
Oxford University and has a wonderful operatic voice. She'll be
famous one day _ she showed me a Poster of a concert she's giving
soon at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden."

Murray studies the two photos. Although Rebecca is gorgeous, his
keen love of music wins him over and he chooses Sadie. Within
weeks, they marry.

On the first morning of their honeymoon, Murray awakes before Sadie.
He takes one look at that face staring up at him from their pillow,
shakes Sadie and cries out, "Sadie, for goodness sake, sing a little


Toon Chips For Those Who Can't Wait

in the old days

bad girl

very tidy


Funeral Chips

A man dies "in the act" after taking Viagra and rigor mortis has set
into his private parts.

The funeral director can't get the coffin lid nailed on and has to
discuss the alternatives with the man's beautiful young widow. "I'm
afraid that the only way to get the lid on is either to pay another
$3,000 for an extra large coffin or to amputate his member."

"Well I have no more money," states the widow, "and it is against my
religion for me to bury my husband in more than one piece."

The funeral director thinks about this and then comes up with a
brain-wave: He'll amputate the member and then stick it up the
deceased's backside, in which case a more expensive coffin is
unnecessary and the husband will still be, in a manner of speaking,
in the one piece. The widow reluctantly agrees.

On the day of the funeral, the deceased is displayed in an open
casket. As the mourners file by, one mourner places flowers on the
coffin and a drop of water from the flowers falls onto the deceased's
face, looking for all the world like a teardrop.

The next mourner to file by is the widow. She looks down at her
lifeless husband, notices the "teardrop" and says to him quietly,
"See, I told you it hurts!"


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Short Chips

A man walked into his office and told his male co-workers his wife
had given him an ultimatum: until he quit smoking, he wasn't going
to get any sex. They asked him, "How long do you think you'll be
able to hold out?" "Until my girlfriend dies or I get arthritis of
the wrist."

The manufacturer of a well-known tonic for people with "tired" blood
received this inadvertently racy testimonial from a little old lady
who lived on a farm in Tennessee: "Before taking your tonic," the
woman wrote, "I was too tired to hoe the fields or pick the cotton.

But after only two bottles of your delicious mixture, I've become
the best cotton-picking hoer in the county!"

Two Italian nuns are riding their rickety old bikes down the back
streets of Rome late one afternoon. As it turns dusk, the
increasing darkness starts making one of the nuns a little nervous.
She leans over to the other and says, "You know, I've never come
this way before." The other nun replies, "It's the cobblestones."

What's the difference between a blonde and a limousine?
Not everybody has been in a limo.

What did the hurricane say to the coconut tree?
Hold on to your nuts, this is going to be a hell of a blow job What
do you call a Roman with hair between his teeth?
A Gladiator.

What's the difference between your paycheck and your dick?
You don't have to beg your wife to blow your paycheck!

What's the definition of macho?
Jogging home from your own vasectomy.

What's the difference between a porcupine and BMW?
A porcupine has the pricks on the outside.

Why does a penis have a hole in the end?
So men can be open minded.


Linux For The Rest Of Us! - Hi-Def Video Training Series

Learn Linux from one of the most sought after instructors around. If you
don't know Linux by now, you're missing out! Full video training series,
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buffalo says Linux is a great diagnostic and recovery tool as well as
a good replacement for Windows on older systems and as has only a
fraction of the problems with viruses and hacking that Windows does plus
it is free in most of the versions you will want to use.


Young Chips

An 8 year old boy walks home from school each day past an 8-year-old
girl's house. One day as he is passing by, carrying a football, he
can't resist taunting the girl. He holds up the football and says,
"See this football? Football is a boys' game, and only boys can have
a football!" The little girl runs into the house and cries to her
Mom, "I want a football!" Being a woman of the 90's, her Mom runs out
and gets her one. The next day the girl is waiting for the little boy
as he rides up on his bike, she holds up the football and sings...
"Nah Na Nah Nah". The little boy angrily points to his bike and says,
"Oh yeah, well this is a boy's bike and only boys get boys' bikes and
you can't have one!" She runs to her Mom and the next day she waits
for him on her new boy's bike. The little boy gets furious and pulls
down his pants, and pointing to his most private of parts says,
"Look, only boys have these and your mom can't buy you one!" The next
day he walks by and says to her, "Well, I guess I showed you!" to
which she promptly pulls up her dress, points to her parts and
proclaims "My Mom tells me that as long as I have one of these I can
have as many of THOSE as I want!"


Gluten Free Low Glycemic Cookbook for Diabetics & Allergy Sufferers
In demand by food sensitive people. This Cookbook is gluten-free,
low-glycemic, allergy-aware with meat, vegetarian and vegan options
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Faux Chips

In the north of England lived a man, poorly educated,
who made a large fortune by selling his design for a
bicycle chain. With this money he set about realizing
his childhood ambition to become a country squire.

He purchased a beautiful estate near the Scottish
border, and proceeded, with the help of some excellent servants, to
in a manner none in his family had ever dreamed of.

Foremost of these servants was his butler, Jeeves, a
well educated man who assisted his master in every way
he could to better himself. The master would often
ask Jeeves for advice on how to handle a social
situation, or to explain a new term.

One day when the master was reading he called Jeeves
in and asked, "Jeeves, what is this fox pass?"

"Sir," replied Jeeves, "that would be 'faux pas'.
I'll give you an example:

"Do you remember recently when Lord and Lady
Plushbottom stayed for the weekend? And do you
remember how on Sunday morning Lord Plushbottom
pricked his finger on a rose?

"And do you further remember how later, at breakfast,
Lady Plushbottom asked her husband 'Is your prick
still throbbing dear?' and you said 'Christ!' and I
dropped the marmalade?

"That, Sir, was a faux pas."


Yeast Free Cooking - $9.99
A Delicious Cookbook full of great cooking tips, easy, yet yummy
recipes and a healthy eating guide to combat Autism, Candida,
Fibromyalgia, Food Allergies, Arthritis, and more! Also includes a
complete guide to a Yeast Free Diet. Lose Weight, too!



LynnLynn's Links

If You haven't joined LynnLynn's mailing List yet, send a blank
e-mail to LynnLynns-links-subscribe@Yahoogroups.com

Subscribers and Friends

Melva/Lots of New Music


Someday I'll Go Home

Carolyn with/ Call On Jesus



Surfin Surfari

"Tsunami in the Sky" Storm Cloud Via Dianne

Shifou Mountain Footpath


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Tech Talk ( Computers and Web-tv)

Tulip Gifs

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Animal World

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Movie Links



Achmed Jingle Bombs

AH L'Amour

Amy G. Kazochee

Bad To The Bone

Max Porta Potty


McElway Basketball

Men Can't Multitask

Men Invented Everything


Short Chips

A teacher asks an redneck girl to use "handsome" in a sentence. She
says, "When I'm suckin' dick and my jaw gets sore I use my handsome


Wire Services Late Night Edition, San Francisco, California --
Police were called to the scene where Mr. Frank, an irrigation canal
repairman was found beaten to death in a back alley. Sam had been
dispatched to repair a leaking barrier which was supposed to be
keeping water out of a lower-than-sea-level apartment complex near
3-Com Candlestick park. Eyewitnesses described how he had
unknowingly entered a women's gay bar and asked the patrons where he
might find the crack in the dike.


The penis-enlarging pills my boyfriend bought online must be
working. At this point, he's a bigger dick than he was a few months


The 16 year old girl is going on her first date, and her mother
warns her not to let the boy put his hands up her dress. The girl
agrees, and the mother is reassured that her daughter will not let
the boy put his hands up her dress. The boy and girl go out, and
after a movie and a nosh they are parked in lover's lane. He makes a
move and tries to put his hands up her dress. She stops him once,
twice and three times. He's all disappointed. Then she tells him
why, "I promised my mother that I wouldn't let you put your hands up
my dress. But, you can put your hands down the back of my dress, and
it's the second hole you come to!"


As the turd said to the arsehole, "I don't ever want to go through
that again!"


A handsome advertising executive attended a party given by a female
colleague and left with an extremely attractive guest. In the office
the next morning, he thanked the hostess and explained that he
really liked her friend. "Oh, she's not really a friend of mine,"
the girl responded. "Just an acquaintance." "Well, in that case,"
the man chuckled, "I'm happy to have made your acquaintance."


Toon Chips



beer goggles

before sex

bitchin head

bite my ass


Turning Cupcakes into Cash
Turning Cupcakes into Cash - Everything you need to know to to
turn your hobby of cooking cupcakes into a profitable home business.



Limerick Chips

A beautiful storm named Irene
Had a chance to sweep Washington clean, But she veered to the Right,
So maybe she might
Sweep Obama right off of his green?!

Irene is beginning to weaken,
A good thing, but my wife is freakin'
If things go just right Then after tonight I'll get just the action I'm


A juggling cat named Pierre
Liked to walk with his tail in the air.
When the girl cats passed by
They said, "My, oh my--
What a nice set of balls you have there!"


Meals That Heal Inflammation
A Nutrition Based Practical Guide to Relieving Inflammation Rooted
Disorders such as Arthritis, Asthma, Heart Disease, Ibs, Acne and
other health issues. By Julie Daniluk, Registered Holistic Nutritionist.



Parting Chips

Ole and Lena are sixty-nining when Ole says,
"Leena did you know there is 117,000 musk-ox in

Lena says, "No, I didn't, Gee, you¹re smart".

Ole says, "And Lena, did you know there are
482,000 grizzly bears living in Alaska?"

Lena says, "No I didn't. Gee, you¹re smart.

Ole says, "and Lena did you know there is over
2,000,000 caribou living in Alaska?"

"No", says Lena, "how did you get so smart?"
Sort of wondering how this conversation came
about in the middle of their sex play.

Ole says, "Remember last winter when we ran out
of toilet paper and we had to use the pages out
of magazines?"

"Yes, I remember", says Lena.

Ole says, "Well you still have page 63 of the
National Geographic stuck to your ass."


Kristen Suzannes Easy Raw Recipe eBooks - Vegan

Amazing and delicious Raw vegan recipes for desserts,
entrees, soups, salads, sides, snacks, smoothies, juicing,
holidays, dehydrating, hemp, and tips for adopting the vegan
Raw Food lifestyle. Recipe books include introduction to
Raw food for beginners.



Katie's Komfort Kolumn - Written By BJ Cassady

Katie's Komfort Kolumn
Vol 2098

Sandi's Routine

When it is time to go to bed, I will say, "Sandi
it is time for beddie-bye."

And off she goes to our bed, note I said our bed.

She will lay in the middle of the king-sized bed
facing me. I am convinced now she wants to see
me when she falls asleep, also she extends a paw
and wants to touch me as she falls asleep.

So the routine goes like this..

With her watching me, I give rub her neck and back
then her chest. After about 60 seconds her eyes will
fade then close. Another 60 seconds she will be snoring
which to me is music to my ears. Oh, during this time
I have to sing to her. She requires it... Silly, I know, but
she is asleep in 2 minutes.

BJ in Guthire, Caldwell


Adult Adult


Remember 9/11/01

Regarding any problems unsubscribing from this mailing list

In accordance with the 2004 Can-Spam act you can contact me at:

William Brabant
711 Pine Street Apt.1
Sault Ste Marie Michigan 49783

Recent Activity:
To Subscribe send a blank email to Buffalos-adult-jokes-subscribe@egroups.com

To unsubscribe send a blank e-mail to Buffalos-adult-jokes-unsubscribe@egroups.com

Compilation and narrative copyright 2002 by william Brabant


[buffalos-adult-chips] Chips For 8-28-11


Adult Adult

Welcome to Buffalosjokes and Thank You for joining us. My
name is Buffalo and I have the watch.

Just a little clarification about one of the things I mentioned in the
haying article last night. The conditioning device I mentioned was
called a tedder and was invented just after the civil war to help
cure the hay by turning it over with out raking it into windrows. It
uses an arrangement of tines shaped like pitchforks on a roller
driven by the ground and the person who saw it said that it made a
chirping sound similar to crickets. Modern conditioners actually
remove the moisture from the hay by running it through rollers
that crimp it. Although it seriously reduces the drying time it also
damages the hay and causes loss of some of the leaves and
food value and naturally dried hay is preferred by the animals.
Wet hay can cause several problems in itself. One as the hay
dries in a bale, if the moisture is too high it generates heat and
can actually cause a fire. Also with some types of feed like sweet
clover heat will create dicumerol which is the chemical anti-coagulant
Coumadin or the rat poison Warfarin comes from.

A comment on the ships that were deployed from Norfolk in advance
of the approach of Hurricane Irene. Although the bumpers that are
used on the piers will prevent the hull from being damaged, the major
damage is done to the pier itself and items like radar masts on the
The USS Ranger CV-61 was moored to the carrier piers at NAS
Cubi Point one time and unable to get underway when the rest of the
ships were ordered out to sea for typhoon evasion. The effects of
the tidal surge against the mooring lines caused over 3 million dollars
worth of damage to the pier and actually ripped the large steel buttons
that the ships are tied to out of the pier. After that incident the Navy
careful to make sure that there was enough propulsion machinery
to get the ships underway when they were being repaired during typhoon

Enjoy the chips ... buffalo

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Job Chips

The manager of ladies' dress shop realized it was time to give one
her sale clerks a ' pep talk '. "Jane, your figures are well below
any of our other salespeople's. In fact, unless you can improve your
sales record soon, I'm afraid you'll have to let you go."

"I'm sorry, Ma'am," said a humbled Jane. "Can you give me any

"Well, there is an old trick I can tell you about. It sounds silly,
but it's worked for me in the past. Get hold of a dictionary and go
through it until you come to a word that had particular power for
you. Memorize it, work it into your sales pitch whenever it seems
appropriate, and you'll be amazed at the results."

Sure enough, Jane's sales figures went way up, and at the end of the
month, the manager called her in again and congratulated her. "Did
you try my little trick?" she asked.

Jane nodded. "It took me a whole weekend to find the right word, but
I did:.... ' Fantastic.' "

"'Fantastic.' What a good word," said the manager encouragingly. "How
have you been using it?"

"Well, my first customer on Monday was a woman who told me her little
girl had just been accepted at the most exclusive prep school in the
city. I said, 'Fantastic.' She went on to tell me how her daughter
always got straight A's and was the most popular girl in her class, I
said 'Fantastic' and she bought $300 worth of clothing. My next
customer said she needed a formal dress for the spring ball at the
country club, which she was in charge of. I said 'Fantastic.' She
went on to tell she had the best figure of anyone on the committee
and her husband makes the most money. I said 'Fantastic' and she not
only bought the designer gown, but hundreds of dollars of other
merchandise. It's been like that all week: the customers keep
boasting, I keep saying 'Fantastic', and they keep buying."

"Excellent work, Jane," complimented her boss. "Just as a point of
interest, what did you used to say to customers before you discovered
your power word?"

Jane shrugged. "I used to say, 'Who gives a shit?'"


Toon Chips For Those Who Can't Wait

a night at McDonalds

12 car pile up

car pooling


Camel Chips

Three golfers had a big golf game with a client in Arizona. They were
running late and as luck would have it their car broke down. They
found a repair garage nearby. The mechanic told them it would take
four hours to fix their car. But he told them" You're in luck. I have
a camel that the three of you can ride over to the golf course. This
camel is smart. He can read stoplights - he'll stop and go just as
the light directs. So the three of them pile on the camel, golf clubs
and all and took off.

An hour later the mechanic saw the three of them standing a couple of
miles down the road and the camel was not in sight.

"What in the world happened and where's my camel?"

"Well, we had stopped at that light and a car pulled up along side of
us. The guy in the car stuck his head out the window and said 'Look
at the three nuts on that camel!!'" When we got off to look, the
beast took off when the light turned green."


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Cigar Chips

A man went to his doctor seeking help for his terrible addiction to
cigars. The doctor was quite familiar with his very compulsive
patient, so recommended an unusual and quite drastic form of
aversion therapy.
"When you go to bed tonight, take one of your cigars, unwrap it, and
stick it completely up your asshole. Then remove it, rewrap it, and
place it back with all the others in such a fasion as you can't tell
which one it is. The aversion is obvious: you won't dare smoke any
of them, not knowing which is the treated cigar." "Thanks doc, I'll
try it." And he did. But three weeks later he came back and saw the
doctor again. "What? My recommendation didn't work? It was
supposed to be effective even in the most addictive of cases, such
as yours is!"
"Well, it kind of worked, doc. At least I was able to transfer my
said the patient. "What in the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"Well, I don't smoke cigars anymore, but now I can't go to sleep at
night unless I have a cigar shoved up my ass..."


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buffalo says Linux is a great diagnostic and recovery tool as well as
a good replacement for Windows on older systems and as has only a
fraction of the problems with viruses and hacking that Windows does plus
it is free in most of the versions you will want to use.


Breast Chips

The minister of a small congregation was about to start his sermon
when he noticed a young woman in the front row, wearing a tight
dress with her boobs almost hanging out. He couldn't concentrate on
his message to the flock, so he dismissed the service and asked to
speak to the woman after everyone else left the church. When they
were alone, the reverend said in his sternest lecturing voice.
"Just what do you mean, coming to church dressed like that?"

"Why reverend." the young thing replied. All of my boyfriends tell
me that
they can hear the angels sing when they put their heads on my

"Hmm. Well let me check," said the man of the cloth, placing his
head between her tits. After several minutes, he raised his head
and said. "I don't hear any angels singing!" "Of course not
reverend." she said. "You're not plugged in yet."


Gluten Free Low Glycemic Cookbook for Diabetics & Allergy Sufferers
In demand by food sensitive people. This Cookbook is gluten-free,
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Pick-up Chips

Pick-up Lines

Didn't anyone tell you that you wanted to sleep with me?!?! I
thought you knew...

Do you know the difference between my penis and a chicken leg? No???
Well, let's go on a picnic and find out!

Do you sleep on your stomach? [any answer] Can I?

Excuse me, but would you like an orally stimulated orgasm?

Excuse me, have I fucked you yet?

Excuse me. Do you want to fuck or should I apologize?

Fancy a fuck?

Forget that! Playing doctor is for kids! Let's play gynecologist.

Fuck me if I am wrong, but haven't we met before?

Fuck me if I am wrong, but you want to screw me, don't you?

Fuck me if I'm wrong, but don't you want to kiss me?

Go up to a girl at a bar or a dance and ask her: do you want a
fuck(wait for a second gauging her reaction)...ing drink?²

Have you ever kissed a rabbit between the ears? (Pull your pockets
inside out....) Would you like to?


Yeast Free Cooking - $9.99
A Delicious Cookbook full of great cooking tips, easy, yet yummy
recipes and a healthy eating guide to combat Autism, Candida,
Fibromyalgia, Food Allergies, Arthritis, and more! Also includes a
complete guide to a Yeast Free Diet. Lose Weight, too!



LynnLynn's Links

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Drill Team For Retired Guys



Short Chips

When the shrew learned her husband had taken a mistress, she
demanded, "Does this mean that you've had enough of me?"
"No, my dear," he coolly replied. "It means that I haven't had
enough of you."

Martin was known among his friends for the punctuality with which he
sent his wife her alimony payment each month. When asked the reason
for his haste, he shivered and explained: "I'm afraid that if I
should ever fall behind in my payments she might decide to repossess

Thomas Gladstone, a stockbroker, received an urgent phone call one
afternoon. "My name is Walters," the caller announced. "About two
weeks ago, my wife got a crazy idea and started walking the street,
asking me to procure customers for her."
"Just a minute," Gladstone protested. "You want Dr. Gladstone the
psychiatrist. His name is right below mine in the phone book. Many
people dial me by mistake."
"No mistake," came the reply. "I want you to invest all the money
we're making."

" My wife is the most suspicious person in the world," complained
the harried husband to a sympathetic friend. "If I come home early,
she thinks I'm after something. And if I come home late, she thinks
I've already had it."


Toon Chips


col sanders


cold as

cold as ice


Turning Cupcakes into Cash
Turning Cupcakes into Cash - Everything you need to know to to
turn your hobby of cooking cupcakes into a profitable home business.



Limerick Chips

The middle aged secretary had never been married and had had enough
of work, as well as the single life. It was no secret that she was
looking to get married.

As she came back from her lunch hour with another bag from the drug
store, a co-worker said, "In the past 3 weeks you've bought enough
birth control pills to last a year, lots of vaginal foam, flavored
douches, several diaphragms and Lord knows how many condoms.
And you don't even have a boyfriend. Whom are you trying to

She smiled slyly and replied, "The Druggist, silly."

Fair Jennifer's hair is beyond compare.
Her eyes are bright, brown, and shiny.
Her lips are divine,
In fact, she'd be fine...
If only her tits weren't so tiny!

There once was a whore named Nellie,
who's clients complained she was smelly.
She was given some soap,
the kind dangling on rope,
but never made it past her belly.

Nellie's next was a tender young buck,
come to call for his very first fuck.
He went down for a nibble,
alas, there was dribble.
She was already full of cum, darn his luck!

Hickory Dickory dock
Some slut was suckin my cock
Her hair got tangled
The bitch was strangled
But at least she swallowed the lot!!!!
<Snagged by>


Meals That Heal Inflammation
A Nutrition Based Practical Guide to Relieving Inflammation Rooted
Disorders such as Arthritis, Asthma, Heart Disease, Ibs, Acne and
other health issues. By Julie Daniluk, Registered Holistic Nutritionist.



Parting Chips

Bambi the blonde celebrated her 40th birthday with a makeover. She
tummy tuck, butt implants, botox, collagen... the works. Ten weeks
and thousands of dollars later, she was a new woman -- literally. Her
personal physician then performed her annual physical, noted the new
"body work." When the exam was finished, he called her in. "Bambi,
your overall health is good, but I want to discuss a problem that
often affects women your age, osteoporosis." Bambi looked puzzled.

"Osteo--what?" "Bone loss. Many women start to experience it in their
40s." Bambi giggled, blushed and said, "Oh, really, Doc. You've seen
me naked. Trust me, with this body and this face, I get new bones
quite often!"


Kristen Suzannes Easy Raw Recipe eBooks - Vegan

Amazing and delicious Raw vegan recipes for desserts,
entrees, soups, salads, sides, snacks, smoothies, juicing,
holidays, dehydrating, hemp, and tips for adopting the vegan
Raw Food lifestyle. Recipe books include introduction to
Raw food for beginners.



Katie's Komfort Kolumn - Written By BJ Cassady
Katie's Komfort Kolumn
Vol 2097

Guthrie and Katie and the Long Goodbye

Katie was running through the woods behind her
home in Guthrie when she unexpectedly got short
of breath.

Sandi: What is the matter Katie?

Katie: I do not know Sandi... It has been happening
of late. I used to be able to run and run but I have not
been able to run as far as I used to.

Sandi lays down in the grass as does Katie.

Sandi: How old are you Katie?

Katie: Let's see... Wow I am ten and half human years old,
that is 73 dog years old.

Sandi: Maybe it is time to start slowing down a bit. You
still are the fastest of the four of us.

Katie: Yeah, but I can't run like I could, can't jump like I could.
Soon Val will run faster than I can.

Sandi: Rudy was faster than me a while back, but he is very slow
now. It is part of life Kate.

Katie: I don't like it.

Sandi: I bet if we asked Dad, he would say he doesn't like getting
older either.

Katie perks up: Really! Then it is okay if we all get older together!
We could have fun.

Sandi: It is not about getting old, it is about living!

The herd


Adult Adult


Remember 9/11/01

Regarding any problems unsubscribing from this mailing list

In accordance with the 2004 Can-Spam act you can contact me at:

William Brabant
711 Pine Street Apt.1
Sault Ste Marie Michigan 49783

Recent Activity:
To Subscribe send a blank email to Buffalos-adult-jokes-subscribe@egroups.com

To unsubscribe send a blank e-mail to Buffalos-adult-jokes-unsubscribe@egroups.com

Compilation and narrative copyright 2002 by william Brabant
A bad score is 598. A bad idea is not checking yours, at freecreditscore.com.


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