March 9 - Volkswagen taps 'Billions' star for excess-focused ads | SXSW canceled on coronavirus fears


Marketing Dive's Top News

Daily edition | March​ 9,​ 2020



With over 20 daily publications, Industry Dive, the company behind Marketing Dive, provides in-depth reporting and insights into the news and trends that impact the most competitive industries. To expand this effort, we are excited to announce a new publication dedicated to the trucking industry.

Publishing today, Transport Dive will cover everything that trucking and fleet management leaders need to know. As with all of our brands, you will benefit from the expanding collaborative journalism that allows us to drill deep into your relevant industry while also sharing cross-vertical insights.

Know anyone who works in the space? Please share the news and refer them to Transport Dive.

As always, thank you for reading and supporting our publications and for helping us grow our journalism to serve more industries.

Sean Griffey
Industry Dive
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