Today's Coronavirus Mailbag

Thanks for sharing all of these. Coronavirus stories. I am 36 and tested positive today. It's been a mindfuck of a virus. Just when u think ur getting better it rocks u again. One thing I don't think getting enough attention that myself as well as a friend of mine who has the virus experienced is the reaction of others when you think you might have the virus. Most of the comments I received from friends and family were "are you sure it's not anxiety" or "is it possibly just in your head" It makes you second guess yourself and delay getting tested or isolating. I think that's because people are still thinking this is some rare hard to catch virus when the reality is the complete opposite. People's friends and families really need to be more supportive and encouraging to push them to check out their symptoms and react accordingly as opposed to brushing them aside. At the end of the day I trusted my gut and got the test but I think a lot of people need the right support system and encouragement to check themselves out.


My 24 yr old son came home from his Crown Heights apt to test positive and infect me. I'm 65 and as of tonight can't get tested even though I've been symptomatic for 4 days. Not sick enough due to lack of tests and testing backlog. I'm a very healthy 65 and think I'll be ok but Trump will have blood on his hands. He's despicable.

David Zimmerman


Excellent idea... everyone that voted for Trump should go back to work on Monday... Problem solved.

Scott Palazzo


I'm in my forties and the conversation I and everyone I know is the same: how do we convince our parents to take this seriously and not go out for something. Last night my wife managed to convince my mother in law to use instacart to get groceries instead of going to the supermarket. It was a struggle. She is pissed that Instacart racks on to every item and charges a service fee and there's a tip. I said hey, it's better than being hooked up to a ventilator.

Also people need to think long and hard about their true risks. When they say "underlying conditions" do you know what they mean? In Italy 75% was high blood pressure. How many Americans under 70 have high blood pressure? A ton. So I wouldn't be comforted by "underlying conditions" = not me. It could be you, Jack.

Here's a 44 year old dj from New Orleans who just got it and passed away:

This thing will take more from us than we are prepared to give.

Bart Motes


My 88-year old Mom's best friend is a follower of all things Trump, FoxNews, and keeps trying to show up here daily, bring his obviously carrier if not infected ass within 6 feet of my mother, infect every doorknob, Cofee cup, breakfast plate (their morning routine of 20 years) and bathroom handle.

I'm pretty close to just knocking his 85-year old ass out on the back porch the next time he comes here expecting free coffee and breakfast with Mom while he has also taken possession of her car that she pays all expenses on for his service "Driving Miss Daisy".

If you hear about an assault here in Ohio that is "elderly abuse" by a son? It might be me keeping this dumb fuck from contaminating and probably killing my 88-year old Jewish mother who cant say know to her "boyfriend" since dad passed in 1999.

But hey- I'll plead self defense if changed because this motherfucker puts my life at risk every day he continues to turn the knob on moms back door here in "Trump Ohio" (Belmont County bordering WV).



Subject: BETTY WHITE should be the public relations face of COVID-19

And her tagline should be "Stay home so I can stay alive!"

And here's a demonstration for those who are finding they need to ration out
the TP sheets.

Linda Curtin


Italian priest who gave up respirator dies from coronavirus:

Rob Joseph


Trump found a new way to cut Social Security.

He's going to let old people die.

Tom Rooney


While watching Jaws the other day, I was struck at the similarities of the level of denial exhibited by the the character of the film's Mayor of Amity Island, Larry Vaugn, portrayed by actor Murray Hamilton and the rational (and increasingly alarmed newly hired chief of police) Martin Brody, portrayed by Roy Scheider

Imagine the Mayor is Donald Trump and Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases is chief Brody

In one of the first of several scenes portraying the ever increasing danger and impending doom, Brody finds the mangled body of the first victim on the beach

Brody wants to shut the beaches down immediately.

The Mayor, having just been told that the police chief was going to post warnings of a shark attack around the island locates Brody on a local ferry and tries to reason with the police chief that any warnings about a shark can seriously impact the economy of Amity Island.

To quote the Mayor's warning to chief Martin Brody as Brody attempts to warn the islanders about the deadly shark attack that just killed it's first victim...

"Martin, you say barracuda, the people say "What??", you say Shark and we have a panic on our hands on the 4th of July!"

If the police chief had his way, the beaches would all be shut down to prevent any further deaths but because of the town politics, he can only take small baby steps which, after each new attack, proving the failure of this piecemeal approach, only proves that his way was the correct one.

It isn't until the 4th attack in which Brody's son almost dies that Brody loses his patience with the mind boggling ignorance of the Mayor and takes over.

I only wish it was that easy.

Our president is a danger to all of us.

Dear Mr. president, Listen to Anthony Fauci.

Our Great White Shark, known as COVID-19 is now on a feeding frenzy in the US and you are actually considering serving the American people up as a veritable smorgasbord.

WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jay Jay French


As an expat (SF Bay Area) in Canada, it's very interesting watching how the different countries are responding. Canada is taking it mighty seriously. The stories I'm hearing here of how ignorant many in the US are being about this is so disturbing (you-know-who especially!). Thank you Bob for being so adamant. Your links have been both highly educational and suitably sobering. I'll confess, I started out cavalierly thinking - why worry? I'm healthy, and couldn't understand why this particular virus was such a big deal - lots of people die from the flu etc. All the usual uneducated BS. But between my admonishing 29 year old daughter and your newsletters I knew I had to smarten up. I'm well into week two.

I can't believe I'm going to say this out loud but…my biggest hope is that this could possibly mean the most dangerous president the US has ever had could loose his grip on his power by his monumentally perilous mismanagement of this crisis. Shame on him.

To counter the doom and gloom, here is a link to what goes on all over Vancouver BC at 7pm - which is when the shift change happens in the hospitals - when thousands of people come out on their balconies to cheer in support of the health care workers. It was so heartening it made me cry. (I live on an island off of Vancouver where we have no hospital or clinic so I didn't realize it was happening). This island has come halt and all are staying home.

Like Peter Noone, I LOVE my solitude - it works very well for musicians, writers, artists and songwriters, so it's not a hardship but it's damn surreal. It's just math - If we all stay home the spread will end.

Thank you again Bob for being such an important link for so many.

Shari Ulrich
Bowen Island, BC


Ireland is fortunate, although not exclusively so, to have a great nationwide - north and south - network of sports clubs, specifically but not only gaelic athletic association (aka GAA, our national/native sports) but also soccer, rugby and others.
Most of these clubs are very, very local, focal points in the normal, day to day life in their communities, run mostly by volunteers, your neighbours, your friends, even those you may not like particularly. I do not know what is the American equivalent.

Many of these clubs have now taken it upon themselves to, for instance, print up a list of dos and donts and a series of questions re 'do you need anything', 'can we do your shopping/pick up your meds?', 'do you need a phone, ipad, laptop to
communicate with your family/friends?' etc. etc and do a mail drop into all the houses and apartments in their local communities. Thus, there is an immediate and tanglible dissemination of all up to date best practices as well as a diminution in the feelings of isolation and separation or maybe even loneliness being felt within the village or suburb or whatever.

The 'reach' is very real and generates a togetherness and commonality of purpose, exactly what is required in these strange times. Western culture/civilisation is located firmly in the individual and the individual's rights. This does not encourage or even reward us for thinking and acting collectively. We talk about civic responsibility but these past couple of weekends have shown that none of us, as societies, is of gold medal standard on that front.

In the words of thousands of roadies, techs, front of house people 'TESTING TESTING TESTING' is what we all need to happen urgently.

One day at a time, sweet Jesus.

Fachtna O C.


I am a South African in Cape Town – and I'm sticking my nose into your business.

However, America is the leader of the free world – and the US president is the most powerful man in the world.

That's how the story goes.

So, I have a voice too.

Trump is smart – and unsinkable.
He might have been great for America – but now he is not.

And as you say Bob, he has changed tack – purely to win the election.

If I may make an illustration: SA battled Jacob Zuma for 9 years. It has destroyed the country …which is bravely trying to restore life to the carcass.
Zuma also had massive ground support – but as the country crumbles that support – notwithstanding kicking and screaming - are now living the destruction and scorched earth left by Zuma and his now very rich hoodlum cronies.

For South Africa – the pain is excruciating. The loss of a country that worked – and was shedding apartheid. A country that was glorified by the majesty and grace of Nelson Mandela – by the entire world.

We are now a pitiful sight.

It's not going to take Trump 9 years to trash America – and destroy it in the admiring eyes of the world.

It is already the polecat.

Please, don't same the same mistake as us.

Dump Trump Now.

Kind Regards,

Patric van Blerk


Me and many of us here in Australia are just completely DUMBFOUNDED BY TRUMP!!! How is it possible that he continues to get away with constantly lying.

He called his response to COVID-19 a 10/10. Can you believe that??? Of course you can, cos you know how he self-promotes better than most. This came on after the video by Katie Porters sister you shared.
"Reporter FINALLY demands Trump say whether the "buck stops with him"

Glad you're doing what you can to try to get truth out there.

We're in almost full lock-down here in Australia. Lives come first. I hope for your sake things change.

Dale Moore


I hope you're safe. Sorry about your 'leader' in command...
This Corona virus is pretty aggressive, so stay inside.
We're in quarantine here in Belgium and our hospitals can manage the incoming patients...for now.

We hear a lot of talking about vaccins.
I'm afraid that the science behind vaccins is not that 'proven' as some might say.

Keep it safe,
Steve Janssen


Dems: We want to increase SS payments
Reps: No
D's: We want guarantees for sick pay
R's: No
D's: We want to know which corporations get bailout money
R's: No
D's: We'd like to prevent companies from using the money to buy back stock
R's: No
D's: Money for all families?
R's: No
D's: Focus on hospitals and healthcare workers?
R's: No
D's: Some kind of oversight?
R's: No
D's: ...
R's: Ok. The bill is done. Vote for it now.
D's: No
R's: The Democrats have irresponsibly obstructed our attempts to provide relief to the American people!!!

Miguelli Sgueglia


For the Trump sheeple:

Before you get pissed that Democrats block the bill in the Senate, here are some quick facts for you.

1. The checks were going to be determined by 2018 taxes. So if you are in a different situation today than 2018, that wasn't going to be considered. If for some reason you didn't file taxes in 2018, you weren't getting anything.

2. The bill called for one check to be sent. The same amount to everyone. Didn't matter where you live, the cost of living, etc.

3. To be eligible for the one time check of 1200, you had to make 23K(single) 47K (couple) in 2018. If you made less that that, you receive 600. The poorest of our citizens would receive very little.

4. Likewise, if you made 100K or more in 2018 but you are now out of work or making less money, for any reason, you receive nothing.

5. There was a 500 billion cut for large corporations that just received a huge tax cut. There was little to no oversite for this money. These companies could receive this money and give no guarantee that they wouldn't lay off employees. It was a tax payer bail out with no over site that it would benefit tax payers.

6. Mnuchin was to be given total oversite of which corporations received this money and wouldn't get required to name the corporations or how much they received for 6 months.

7. Meanwhile, small business owners would be offered to take a loan from the government to pay their employees. A LOAN while the wealthiest corporations receive a check.

8. No money to help out state governments

9. No additional money for SNAP

10. No funds to help uninsured

There's many more issues but it all boils down to the fact that the bill didn't help those who need it most.

The bill was written last night by Senate Republicans and no Democrats.

There was nothing bipartisan about this bill.

Don Bartenstein


The owner of Hobby Lobby told his employees to come to work, god will protect them...
The governor of Miss..hasn't closed anything down yet, he's soliticing prayers instead ..
Churches are defying the mandates, and gathering in large numbers..
The fox "news" crowd sees this as a hoax, so they're not making many concessions...
Louisiana is seeing a spike in cases that mirrors the trajectory in Italy...
So, just as many, if not more Repugs could die..
This mess is a lose/lose situation for Trump...Shooting someone on 7th avenue is fine..It's not ME! Take away MY shit, NOW you're in trouble...

James Spencer


Ya looks like the USA has pulled the ultimate Trump card this time…

What a MAGA-lomaniac...

Steve F


"Of course we are giving a portion of proceeds to charity and are exploring a equity share concept to make sure that this platform is for creators by creators.

A portion of proceeds. Exploring a (sic) equity share concept. People are already vulnerable. Please don't promote this kind of nonsense to your readers, without specific facts and numbers.

Jesse Stern


Is the US response finally coming down to party lines? Florida talks a big game on social distancing but hasn't done anything to actually enforce it, putting seniors at risk. All the spring breakers are going to cause new outbreaks. According to stats each infected spring breakers will lead to 400 new cases in 30 days.

My parents are in FL (79 and 83 yrs of age, one partially blind). My brother takes care of them and his employer won't let anyone stop coming to work, so they're all exposed. Going to the gas station, 10-15 people working in a small room, etc.

And this from Texas:

They're saying let's be ok if older folks die so that Trump can get reelected via economic recovery.

The US voted him in. The Trump votes are just as accountable for what's to come as Trump himself.

Thanks for your continued opinions and teaching, Bob. Stay safe. We're all at risk of COVID-19, let's hope when we get it there's a treatment.


As you very well know, with our primary source of revenue at a standstill, we're pivoting our business model to one of providing emergency response services to cities, hospitals, and first responders. For over 40 year's Upstaging ( has specialized in high value lighting, transportation and fabrication services for the event production and concert industry for clients such as The Rolling Stones, Beyonce, Paul McCartney and SalesForce.

We've partnered with a local power company to provide temporary generators and/or transformers for any application needed, i.e. "pop-up" care facilities. We're uniquely positioned, in both a resource and a skill capacity, to provide the level of specialization needed to respond quickly to this crisis. We have the capability to provide fabrication, complete mobile medical facility staging (including the aforementioned power distribution & lighting), and transportation, as well as over 150 fully insured, skilled, workers. We have also started to fabricate PPE - such as plastic face shields (prototype shown above) for doctors, nurses & emergency responders.

Additionally, we are happy to brainstorm with any city and/or private entity on additional ways in which we can put our equipment & expertise to work to satisfy their specific needs during this crisis. Needs will deepen and infrastructure will need to expand, quickly. That is exactly where our expertise lies. We are among a rare few companies that can quickly create a "city" in an empty field – think festivals such Coachella and Lollapalooza.

Again, our biggest issue is communicating with the decision makers so that we can build a relationship and develop and produce what is needed and not waste needed time ineffectually directing our resources.

I'm reachable at and by cell at 310-701-9889.

With Gratitude,

Robin Shaw
Upstaging, Inc

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