
He's a DINO. As in "Democrat In Name Only."

This doesn't happen in the Republican party. Go against the tribe and not only are you ostracized, YOU'RE PRIMARIED!

The Democrats have to put the fear of God into Joe Manchin. Because this guy is holding up the entire Democratic agenda, which is putting the Democratic party in jeopardy in toto. Yes, "supposed Democrat" Joe Manchin is single-handedly disillusioning the youth and turning the country towards Republicans. Meanwhile, he sits self-satisfied on his boat believing he's the grand pooh-bah, everybody kowtowing to him.

Screw that.

So he's going to turn Republican. That's the threat? No problem! Go that way Joe. Append yourself to the party of Trump. And we'll run a Democrat against you in West Virginia and you'll be forced to defend your biased positions. Pro old energy when you're invested in it. How's that gonna look when someone runs to the left of it and hammers it all day long on television and online, where the young voters live. The young voters are not getting rich off oil and coal, it's the oldsters. Running a candidate to the left of Manchin will motivate them to vote. And if enough of them do, there's no way Manchin can win, NO WAY!

Joe needs to be scared. Made to quake in his boots.

Enough with Schumer talking nice. What you do with a guy like this is freeze him out. Remove all access. Treat him as a pariah. It's like nobody in government has ever won in business, never mind in sports. When someone believes they're bigger than the game, when they're holding up the works, you make that person PAY!

Instead, "supposed Democrat" Manchin is a hero to the right. While being paid fealty by the left.

Sure, the guy is in the middle of his term. But he's got to be told he's being primaried, period. The Democrats hew to conventional wisdom, about a theoretical center, akin to the "silent majority" of Nixon's era. That's B.S. Wanna know how you win? Run further to the left, energize people! Stop telling me about the non-vocal centrists who you're so convinced exist and are the majority voting pool.

This isn't the strategy the Republicans employed to dominance. They took the whole party to the right. And if you go against them... Hell, they primaried Liz Cheney, who despite her participation in the January 6th committee was as loyal a Republican soldier as existed. Let's see, to get her to change lanes, stand up for the truth, was Donald Trump trying to overthrow the government. What is making Manchin go against the Democratic party, there is no equivalent reasoning.

Live in the past at your peril. Haven't we seen this demonstrated for the last twenty five years, with tech?

And then there's electric cars. Now all automobile companies, ALL have said they're going totally electric. Meanwhile, Tesla, with first mover advantage, not only dominates the sphere, but is far ahead technologically and is more valuable than the next eight car companies combined.

But old Joe is defending the fossil fuel industry in his state. Resisting green energy initiatives. This guy needs to be dragged around behind a smoke spewing automobile in a parade. This guy needs to be exposed to his choices. Yes, pollution kills. How come all the kids know this and this ancient creep does not? Oh, he knows it, he's just voting with his pocket book, and trying to keep his job. Which is what old folks do, put themselves first. And this dude is so compromised he's not even compromising!

Let's look at the cost of Manchin's obstinance.

Health care? Kablooey. National health care is so popular that the Republicans can't bring it down, now that the public has it, it loves it. But as far as expanding it, Joe's got his finger in the dike, protecting...exactly who?

Climate... There's a mustard shortage in France, because the seeds from Canada died because of heat in Alberta, and unfavorable growing conditions in the home country. Evidence of global warming right there. (

Taxes? This prick is against raising them for the wealthiest and the corporations. This is something EVERYBODY in America wants other than the rich themselves. This is incredibly popular amongst not only Gen-Z, but the Millennials, now in their thirties, who've seen their futures hobbled by these riggers of the financial system. Talk about something popular, that will get you votes. But NO! Joe is siding with the rich!

But where is a Democratic voter in West Virginia supposed to go? It's either Joe or a Republican. But if someone ran to the left of Joe...

Oh, the seat could be lost!

Boohoo. How could that be worse than what we've got now? If you're not willing to risk, you cannot win.

Incremental change my ass. If we don't give the rank and file hope, they're going to disengage from the system, many of them already have. I'm running on fumes, things have been going the wrong way for years. I'd like to sit down with Biden and Schumer, the first thing I'd tell them is GROW A PAIR!

What do you do with bullies? Which is essentially what Manchin is? YOU STAND UP TO THEM! You don't appease them, try to reason with them, it never works, as they ask for more and more and deliver less and less.

I'd like to look at the news and see a victory for a change, instead of endless losses and wimpy Democrats saying their hands are tied.

Let's see... Inflation and gas prices. Irrelevant of the truth, Biden owns them, it's his fault, the Republicans have hammered this and most people are too uneducated to know, never mind understand, the truth.

Guns? How come the Republicans win this endlessly. Hell, propose a Constitutional amendment, who cares if it passes or not, it will demonstrate to the public, which overwhelmingly supports gun control, that they are heard, that something is being tried.

Income inequality? Come on, I feel it. No matter how hard I work, I cannot make the kind of money these Wall Street titans have. Or even the execs following in the footsteps of Jack Welch, overpaid to ruin corporations. Where's my incentive?

As for those of you licking the boots of the rich, eating the crumbs, believe me, as soon as the winds start blowing in a different direction, as soon as the "benefactors"'s needs change, you'll be starving, the crumbs will no longer fall. You're a slave, you just won't admit it. Yes, you flew on the private jet, but you couldn't pick your seat, you had to kiss the ass of the owner... Or you were on their yacht. You're a patsy. Speak English to these people, see how they react. Behind every great fortune there is a crime. And I'm sure Joe Manchin has committed a few too. How about we look into his finances, his history, to the point where he has to resign. Who's going to stand up for this mealy-mouthed jerk. He'll complain, it's unfair! Too bad! This goes two ways, you mess with us, we mess with you.

How come I know all this and nobody in D.C. does.

This is what happens when you strive for consensus. These proposals date back to the beginning of Biden's presidency. He should have rammed them through. All this hogwash about Obama spending political capital getting the Affordable Care Act passed at the expense of other initiatives is just that. The Affordable Care Act is his signature piece of legislation, and it helped get him elected to a second term. Biden, if you plan to try to get re-elected, what are you gonna run on? That you're better than the person on the right? DON'T COUNT ON IT!

And if you follow polls, Trump is fading in the hearts of Republicans every damn day. So I don't want to hear we must believe in Biden because he beats Trump. Hell, everyone expected Jeb Bush to be the nominee in 2016, but it was Trump. And the January 6th committee may not reach diehard election results deniers, but it's making inroads every damn day.

I'm not gonna beg Manchin to see the light. I'm gonna offer him a deal he can't refuse. Either you toe the party line or it's war. It's all of us against the single you. Everybody's got baggage, and everybody can be nailed by it. You're gonna look bad Joe Manchin. And you're gonna be squealing like Lindsey Graham once we start putting the pressure on you. Do you want all that? Do you want to sacrifice the entire country to appease your donor base, a limited number of rich people?

I don't think so.

This is much easier than it looks.

It's just that Schumer and Biden have never been in a street fight, they've never watched "The Godfather," they've got no idea what is truly going on out there. They can't handle the truth.

Be afraid Joe Manchin, be very afraid. You're going to be toppled from your perch. By time we're done with you you're going to be crying "uncle," begging us to keep your job.

It's all here Democrats. GO FOR IT!

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