Weekender: Coors Light boosts morale with new ads, free beer in 'sucky times'



May​ 2,​ 2020 | A roundup of this week's most read stories

Note from the editor

You might notice something different about our newsletter today.

As we've grown, we've gone deeper in our coverage and launched this weekend edition. In last year's Reader Survey, we heard clear feedback from you and your industry peers about the need to better understand what each newsletter provides, and which suits your needs best.

We're excited to unveil our new look and branding for each of our newsletters.
  • Weekender - which arrives every Saturday as a roundup of the week's most read stories
  • Daily Dive - which arrives every weekday in your inbox with the most important news and insights for marketing leaders
We believe these changes make each of our newsletters more clearly distinct and ultimately valuable for you.

If you have any feedback that you'd like to share with us, please email us at marketing.dive.editors@industrydive.com. As always, you can manage your subscriptions for our newsletters based on your preferences.

Davide Savenije
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