[PostmansCorner] The Postman's Corner!




Peace on earth will come to stay,
When we live Christmas every day.
Helen Steiner Rice


There are things you can control and things you
cannot control.If you focus too heavily on those
things you cannot control,it can lead to an
overwhelming amount of frustration and anxiety.
Choose instead to focus your thoughts and efforts
on those things upon which you can have a positive
influence. There are plenty of those things,
and by giving your energy to them you can quickly
and significantly improve the quality of your life.
Stop worrying so much about what others are doing
wrong. Instead, put your time and effort into
discovering what you can do right, what you can do well,
and in using your unique abilities to create excellence.
Whenever you feel yourself getting anxious or frustrated
by something that's beyond your control,
stop and take a fresh look around.
There's something you can do, right then and there,
that will make a positive difference in the world.
The more you make use of the positive power that you have,
the stronger that power will grow.
There is always something you can do,
and it always beats complaining or worrying about
those things you cannot do. Do what you can, when you can,
where you are, with what you have.
You'll find that it can make an enormous difference.

We do hope you enjoy today's issue!
Martin aka the postman


don't worry

air sickness

what I said

an I pod

I thought you said

for christmas this year

your husband

my letter

dancing school

princess and the pee


stupid funny videos


funniest movie clips of all time

sneezing dog

drunk prank


healeth...healeth our dear sister's tonsilitis

Paul and I were talking one day when Paul says, "I went
to see the doctor the other day for that pain in my back."
"So what happened?" I asked.
"Well, he ran a bunch of tests, gave me some pills
and sent me home. Told me to stay in bed for a week. He
also told me to sit down whenever I had to pee. Can you
imagine that? A grown man having to sit to pee?"
"Why would he want you to sit to pee?" I asked.
"Well", said Paul, "With my bad back, he doesn't want
me picking up anything too big."

A married man walks up to Santa Claus and tells him
that all he Wants for Christmas is for his wife to be
interested in sex. Santa Then proceeds to give him a
bottle of pills. He tells him to give Them a try and
then let him know how they work. So he takes the pills
home and puts one pill in her Christmas Dinner. That
night, they make love for an hour. The next day, he's
So thrilled! "Oh, my God. I can't believe how well
that worked," he Thinks to himself. That night he puts
two pills in her food and that night they make Love for
two hours. The next day, he's even more thrilled, so he
Dumps all the pills in her food. Two weeks go by without
a word from this man, so Santa decides to Give him a
call. A little boy answers the phone. Santa says, "Little
Boy, is your dad home?" "No, he's...who's this?"
the little boy asks. "I'm a friend of your Dad's' and I
gave him some pills to help him out a couple of weeks
Ago. Maybe you know how it's going?" "That was you?!" the
little boy says. "Let me tell you something --
Dad's lying on the ground holding his groin, the
UPS man won't Deliver Christmas presents to our house,
and Mom's stalking the Produce man at the grocery store!'

Two women are hiking in the woods.
After an hour or so, they come to a stream.
Unable to cross, they decide to walk along the stream
and look for a narrower place.
Fortunately they come to an old bridge spanning the stream.
Deciding the bridge is safe, the two women proceed to cross.
Halfway across, one woman stops and says to the other,
"You know, I've always wanted to be like the guys, and pee
off a bridge." The other woman looks around and says, "Well,
I don't see anyone around, now's your chance!"
The first woman drops her hiking shorts and backs over to
the side of the bridge. As she begins to urinate, she looks over her
shoulder."Holy shit!" she exclaims, "I just pissed in a canoe!"
Alarmed, the second woman hurries over and peeks at the stream.
"Calm down," she says. "That wasn't a canoe you pissed in,
it was just your reflection."

For a holiday, an Irishman decided to go to Switzerland
to fulfill a lifelong dream and climb the Matterhorn.
He hired a guide and just as they neared the top,
the men were caught in a snow slide.
Three hours later, a Saint Bernard plowed through to them,
a keg of brandy tied under his chin.
"Hooray!" shouted the guide. "Here comes man's best friend!"
"Yeah," said the Irishman.
"An' look at the size of the dog that's bringin' it !"

Sue came running in tears to her hubby.
"You sure gave me some terrible financial advice!" she cried.
"I did? What did I tell you?" he asked.
"You told me to put my money in that big bank,
and now that big bank is in trouble."
"What are you talking about? That's one of the
largest banks in the world,"
he said. "Surely there must be some mistake."
"I don't think so," she sniffed.
"They just returned one of my checks with a note saying,
'Insufficient Funds'....."


Streaker Goal

Surprise During Meal

Surprise Her Mechanics


Which Christmas Elf Are You?

Christmas Character Name Generator

Warlords Heroes

FUN PAGES from Lorraine

Boxhead Zombie Wars

Dog Fight 2

Grinch Name Generator

Have a nice day
Martin aka the postman




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