[PostmansCorner] The Postman's Corner!




No problem can withstand the assault
of sustained thinking
Francois Voltaire



Like most neighborhoods, the one I live in has
its good neighbors, and it has its bad ones, too.
On the one hand, there is Kevin across the street.
He has a small snow blower, and since he knows it
is difficult for me to get out and shovel the sidewalk,
in winter, he always comes over to do mine. But on the
other hand, there are other folks like the people who live
behind us across from the alley. The other day, I was out
taking Turk the dog aka Carlos the rat for his walk.
Carlos finds all kinds of unusual stuff in the back alley.
On one of these recent excursions, a very putrid and
rotten smell filled my nostrils. Investigation proved
it was coming from a rotten pile of apples and left over
Halloween pumkins that these neighbors had dumped over
their fence and left to rot. Why would you take the most
expensive purchase of your life, Like a house, of all things,
and use it to dump trash on? I have to say, that appears
to be one of the more stupid things I have ever seen
in my life. I made a phone call to the nuisance property
city phone number. When I got nothing but a recording
asking to leave a description of the property and the problem,
I thot, good luck with that. Surprisingly, tho
this last weekend, he got out there and cleaned things up and
hauled in new fill dirt, cleaned out the trash, and removed
all the garbage. It was a little inconvenient to me since his
truck and trailer sat in the alley most of the day and blocked
my driveway so I couldn't get my car out. But he did provide
some entertainment for the day as I watched, and now the
place looks a little more spiffy and smells a lot better.
I think Turk is a little disappointed these days. He
can no longer attempt to steal rotten apples on
our morning walks. But its also nice to know that the
wheels of justice .however slowly,
still spin here in our fair city in West Michigan.

We do hope you enjoy today's issue
Martin aka the postman


imagine that

a new watch

don't worry

fantastic idea

stay sober

love hurts

the genie

Why why?

funny GW pick


in the cemetary

that is one hell of a ski run

pants on fire

knitted Ferrari

wrecking ball and a passing car

why big boobs are useful

There was a German, an American, and a Mexican walking
in the woods. Suddenly a heard of buffalo came at them.
They ran and ran until they saw a shack and went in it.
Two days later the buffalo left. The men got out of the
shack only to find layers of crap everywhere! They were
forced to jump in because there was no way out.
The German took a leap and said, "It's not bad, it's
only up to my waist."The American took a leap and said,
"It's not bad, it's only up to my knees."Then the Mexican
took a leap and said, "It's not bad, it's only up to my ankles."
The American asked, " How did you do that. "
The Mexican replied in a muffled voice, "I jumped in head first."

The Wolf Man comes home one day from a long day at the office.
"How was work, dear?" his wife asks.
"Listen! I don't want to talk about work!" he shouts.
"Okay. Would you like to sit down and eat a nice home
cooked meal?" she asks nicely. "Listen!" he shouts again.
"I'm not hungry! I don't wanna eat! All right! Is that all
right with you? Can I come home from work and just do my
own thing without you forcing food own my throat? Huh?"
At this moment, the wolf man started growling, and throwing
things around the apartment in a mad rage. Looking out the
window, his wife sees a full moon and says to herself,
"I guess it's that time of the month."

This British explorer is in the dark jungle, going
where no Western man has gone before. Accompanying
him is his trusted guide, interpreter, cook, and
troubleshooter in one. One day early in the morning,
they arrive at a lake and find a handsome dark young
man engaged in "playful activities" with ten beautiful,
dark, young women, all in the nude. The young man had
the biggest, strongest male unit the Britisher had ever
seen, or even imagined. He was simply awed. He asked
his guide who this man was."He is the prince of the tribe
that lives on the other side of the
lake, Sir," came the reply. "This is his morning ritual."
"Ask him," the awed Brit said to his companion,
"How did his member get to be this size?"
The guide goes to the lake and talks to the man, who
seems to get very agitated by the conversation.
"Well, what did he say?" asked our hero to his
assistant on his return."He said, 'There's nothing wrong
with my penis. Doesn't the white
man's shrink in cold water?'"

Speaking at the Staff Meeting, a very pert and pretty
female engineer named Renee told the male manager of
the Division, "I'd like to get something off my chest."
"What's that, Renee?"
"Your eyes."

My aunt had a beautiful black cat named Felix who
spent his days outside and came indoors at night. One
cool October evening, he disappeared. My aunt searched
for him in vain for several days.The following spring,
however, Felix reappeared, looking healthy and clean.
She figured he'd been out sowing his wild oats.Everything
was back to normal until that autumn, when Felix disappeared
again. The next spring, he returned. Perplexed, my aunt
began asking neighbors for clues. Finally, she rang the
bell of an older couple who lived down the street.
"A black cat? Oh, yes! My husband and I hated to see
him out in the cold, so we bought a cat carrier. We take
him to Florida with us every winter."


Sensitivity Training

Serv 3 Chunk

Sex In The Future

FUN PAGES from Lorraine

table Soccer Skills

BMW Drift

Ambulance Tosses Patient Out


Driving Is Fun

Driving On 2 wheels

Driving School

Have a nice day!
Martin aka the postman



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