The proper function of man is to live, not to
exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to
prolong them. I shall use my time.
~Jack London
Find joy in doing nothing and you can find it in everything.
Experience happiness without a
reason and you can create happiness for any
reason. Realize that happiness is not the result
of good things, but is indeed the cause of good
things. There is nothing you need in order to
be happy other than the choice to be.
Imagine living this day filled with joy, happiness
and positive purpose. Imagine it, then take one
more step and actually do it.
Let go of any concern you may have for what
does or does not come your way. Focus instead
on the good and valuable things that you can give, create,
inspire and choose to experience.
Don't allow the world to pull you down with its negativity.
Choose to transform the world around
you with your own positive outlook.
Real joy is always a choice you can make. Live
with joy, let happiness flow out from you, and
life becomes more radiant with each passing
We do hope you enjoy today's issue!
Martin aka the postman
good sports
one day in the park
Star trek
I miss the old days
I'll send u an email
is it alive?
why you should not tow a woman's car
Bud light
John Pinette
do you swear to tell the truth
Pick-up Lines To Use On Your Spouse - or NOT
"Roll over, willya?"
"If I said you had a beautiful body, would you shut
the hell up for once and let me watch the game?"
"Hey, whaddaya say we throw caution to the wind and go
back to our place?"
"Don't mind me, I'll be done in a moment. Just keep
scrubbing the floor."
"Hey, cutie -- buy me dinner and I'll lift the
restraining order for the night."
"Hurry up, dammit, while they're still asleep!"
The Old Professor had just finished explaining
an important research project to his class. He
emphasized that this paper was an absolute requirement
for passing his class, and there would be only two
acceptable excuses for being late. Those were a
medically certifiable illness, or a death in the
student's immediate family.Pauly in the back of the
classroom waved his hand and spoke up, "But what
about extreme sexual exhaustion, professor?"
As you would expect, the class exploded in laughter.
When the class finally settled down, the professor
gave a long, appraising look. "Well," he responded,
"I guess you'll just have to write with your other hand."
Rabbi Stern rides his bike down the road, when a truck
careens around the corner, out of control, and
broadsides the Rabbi.Father Flannery watches this event
unfold, and as he runs toward the Rabbi, he notices that
Rabbi Stern first touches his forehead, then his
stomach, then each shoulder. As Father Flannery
reaches the Rabbi, he kneels and makes the sign of
the cross himself."Rabbi, I notice that you crossed
yourself after getting up from the accident. It's a
miracle, must be! Have you seen the light? Do you
believe, man?""Aw, heck no!" replied Rabbi Stern,
"I was just checking.""Checking? Checking for what?"
Rabbi Stern begins the ritual again, and follows each
movement with: "Spectacles... Testicles... Wallet... Watch
An elderly man married a girl in her early twenties.
The wedding went fine and they left on their honeymoon.
The elderly gentleman didn't get right with the program
after they went to bed that night. The young wife felt
that he was probably tired and let him sleep for a
while. A couple of hours later she was really horny,
so she decided that this had gone on long enough,
but wanted not to appear over anxious and let him be
the one in charge. She woke the old fellow up.
"What's the matter," he asked.
She purred, "This side of the bed is to hard, I want
to lay on your side."
The old fart scratched his head, got up and walked
around the bed. He then got in on her side and went
to sleep.A few minutes later she was starting to really
want to consummate things. She was just so hot, so
she awoke him again."What now?" he asked.
She said, "You know I think I was wrong, maybe that
side is more comfortable let me lie on that side."
Again he got up walked around, got in, and went to sleep.
By this time, she was really ready to make hard,
passionate, sex.She really didn't care at this point how
it would appear to him. She awoke him again and said,
"No, I was wrong your side is more comfortable. Instead
of getting up, why don't you just crawl over me and I
will scoot across the bed?"
He started over and she stopped him right on top and held him.
"Now, do you know what I really want?", she asked, holding
him tightly while squirming a bit underneath his old body.
He replied, "Yeah! You want the whole damned bed! Well,
you aren't going to get it!"
Once, there was a man who was so upset by his past
deeds that he decided to visit a church and confess
all of his sins. When he arrived at the church, he
walked to the confession area and spoke to the priest.
"Father, I am sinful."
"Yes son, just tell me what have you done,
the Lord will forgive you."
"Father, I have a steady relationship with my girlfriend,
it's been 3 years and nothing serious ever happened
between us. Yesterday, I visited her house, nobody
was at home except for her sister. We were alone and
I slept with her.
"That's bad my boy, fortunately you realize your mistake."
"Father, last week I went to her office to look for
her, but nobody was around except for one of her
colleagues, so I slept with her too."
"That's not very good of you."
Father, last month, I went to her uncle's house to
look for her, nobody was around except for her auntie,
and I slept with her too."
"Father?......... Father?"
Suddenly this guy realized that there was no response
from the Father, he walked over and discovered that
the Priest was not there. So he began searching
for him. "Father? Where are you?"
He searched high and low, and finally he found him
hiding under the table behind the piano.
"Father, why are you hiding here?"
"Sorry son, suddenly I remembered there is nobody
around here except me."
cheating bitch;sl.htm
Fat Pole Dancer
Fedex Video Conference
Have a nice day
Martin aka the postman
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