welcome to:

Hello Postman fans!
So, what happened? The other day we
were doing the Halloween thing, right?
Its fall, and before we know it, ??? The
S word!!!! OMG. what is the world coming
to? Where did fall go? Not ready for this!


We do hope you enjoy today's issue!
Martin aka the postman



daylight savings time

full o crap

fixed that annoying noise

nothin on you

nobody elses business

the longest password

cat revenge

casual dress day


silly me

those are mine

carry my books

a career in politics


a country traffic cop

Moses is sitting in the Egyptian ghetto

a ransom

the door bell rang

on the subway

tax collectors


how in love they seemed

an office appointment

divorce proceedings

lactose intolerant

the old rabbi

neither the Packers nor the Vikings made the post season playoffs

a second opinion

a fighter jet and the b 52

I want to go from Chicago to Hippopotamus


Funniest Grass Cutting Fails

Try Not To Laugh or Grin While Watching Funny Fail

Funny Bud Light Commercial Compilation!

One Of The Funniest Comedy Sketches Of All Time

Eagles too fast, Catching Baby Crocodile

Coke Machine Barman

Working Girls of Italy Part 1

Octopus leaps out of water, grabs crab

Top 30 Clever Marketing Ideas

5 Female Convicts FREAK-OUTS After Given A Life Sentence

Rowan Atkinson Live - Star of Mr.Bean - Funny invisible drum

the f word

cardiologist dies

a safety meeting

when they take off their makeup

my aim is improving

the fountain

the first screw


 There was an athlete who wanted to accept a scholarship to a well-
known college. To be awarded it, however, he had to pass a physical, 
since it was an athletic scholarship.
When Tim found out about the scholarship, he called his friends 
all to come over to his house to help him celebrate. They got plastered, 
and several of the friends had "donated" marijuana. 
The next morning, realizing that he would be asked to provide a urine 
sample, he knew the marijuana would show up in it. He had a brainstorm!! 
Calling his girlfriend on the phone, he said, "Hey, Patti -- I need 
a favor. Can you give me a small jar of urine? I'll need it for the 
physical tomorrow, and we kinda let things go here." 
Patti agreed, and within an hour, she came over, carrying a s
mall mayo jar of yellow liquid. Tim thanked her, and he proceeded 
to take the "sample" to the college physical with him the next day. 
When the doctor asked him for a sample, he went into the restroom, 
and poured the urine Patti had given him into the vial. 
All was fine -- he thought!! 
Two days later, the athletic director at the college called Tim, and 
said, "I'm afraid we have to withdraw the scholarship offer." 
"WHY?" asked Tim. 
"We just cannot," said the A.D., "have a pregnant man on our football team!" 

Two guys were walking in the woods one day, and they all of a 
sudden came across a bear. The bear noticed them, and started
growling and generally getting really mean.
The bear started to chase one of the guys, who, as it turns out, was 
from Czechoslovakia. The bear soon caught up with him, and ate 
him alive. The other guy turned around and ran for his life.
A little while later, the second guy found a park ranger station and
told his story. The ranger took his gun, and they both went out in 
search of the bear, in order to destroy it.
Soon, they came across two bears, one male, and one female. 
The ranger turned to the other guy and said: "Quick... tell me 
which bear ate your friend!" The ranger levelled his gun and got ready to shoot.
"I'm not really sure," said the other guy, "they both look 
similar.""QUICK! Make up your mind!" said the ranger."O.K.,"
said the other, "it was the male."
The ranger promptly aimed and shot the female bear. The male 
ran off. Using his knife, the ranger cut open the belly of the 
female and found the body of the other man.
"But why didn't you shoot the male when I thought it was the 
male who ate my friend?" the other man asked.
"Well," said the ranger..."I never trust anyone who says 
that the Czech's in the male!"


Posted by: "Martin a.k.a. the postman" <martin7957@yahoo.com>
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