The 2018 Kleon Holiday Gift Guide

In this week's newsletter: my annual gift guide and other links...

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A newsletter from the desk of Austin Kleon
gift guide

Hey y'all,

Here's a list of 10 things I thought were worth sharing this week: 

  1. You know what Friday it is. I am not above it, so I updated The Kleon Holiday Gift Guide for 2018. (Here's an archive of my old gift guides, and if you have young ones, I love this gift guide for kids.) 
  2. Unlike the NYTimes and others, I don't make my favorite reads of the year list until the year is over, but here are some 2018 contenders: Eleanor Davis, You & A Road & A Bike; Denis Johnson, The Largesse of the Sea Maiden; Duncan Hannah, 20th Century Boy; Eve Babitz's Eve's Hollywood, David Sedaris, Calypso; Patricia Lockwood, Priestdaddy; Agnes Martin, Paintings, Drawings, Remembrances; Heidi Julavits, The Folded Clock; Chris Ware, Monograph; and Luke Pearson's Hilda books.
  3. I didn't see a lot of movies this year, but, like everyone else, I adored Won't You Be My Neighbor? And probably unlike everyone else, I watched Phantom Thread no less than four times.
  4. I'm hopelessly behind with music, too, but new releases I loved: Parquet Courts' Wide Awake!, Mary Lattimore's Hundreds of Days, Chilly Gonzales's Solo Piano III, Numero Group's Basement Beehive comp, and the remix of The Beatles' White Album.
  5. Thoughts on close listening and my teenage adventures mapping music
  6. Louis Armstrong's collages and pasting images in your diary so you always have something to write about.
  7. Eye candy: Alexander Girard's boxes.
  8. Ear candy: The Beatles vs. Wu-Tang Clan.
  9. For your streaming pleasure: the film distributor A24 has put its films on Kanopy. (Check to see if you have access through your local library!)
  10. RIP Cleveland journalist Nikki Delamotte. Here are some links to her stories. I'm reading her book, 100 Things To Do in Cleveland Before You Die, which, though it's a straightforward guidebook, is infused with her wonderful taste and voice.
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Austin Kleon

Austin Kleon is the author of Steal Like An Artist and other books.

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