The Antidote

Can you continue working the way you're working now for the next 10 or 20 years?

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Hi there-

Thanks for signing up to learn more about my brand-new online course RESET, a 4-week program designed to completely transform the way you work. 

I give talks fairly often, and I always ask the audience two questions. First, I ask people to "raise a hand if you work really hard." Invariably, almost all the hands in the room go up. 🙋

Then I ask those same people: "How many of you feel like you could continue working like this for the next 10 or 20 years?" Without fail, almost every hand in the room goes down. 😔

We are working in a way that's unsustainable and unhealthy. 

Rapid changes in technology have pulled us out of touch with our bodies. Rather than tuning into the natural peaks and dips of our energy flow, we push ourselves to perform relentlessly — as if we could trade in our bodies like an old smartphone when they break.

What's worse, these technologies have imprinted us with a new set of habits that privilege short-term rewards over long-term meaning, and responding to other people's urgent requests over pursuing our own creative goals.

RESET is the antidote to this toxic way of working. 

RESET guides you through a systematic recalibration of the way you work with a series of 12 video lessons, "reset rituals," and live Q&As.

The course unfolds over 4 weeks, with each week focusing on how to make a key shift:

Week 1: Reclaim your intention.
You'll learn how to re-engage with your creative goals and build a system for motivation and momentum that guarantees you'll make it all the way to the finish line.

Key ideas: Building celebration into your productivity system, creating "social accountability," embracing the power of "obstacle thinking."

Week 2: Reclaim your energy.
You'll learn how to reconnect with your body and align your workflow with the natural flow of your energy + your attention so that you can produce great work day after day.

Key ideas: Identifying your "golden hours," shifting between "deep attention" and "open attention," tapping into your "downtime brain."

Week 3: Reclaim your boundaries.
You'll learn how to set boundaries around technology, protect your valuable time and attention, and say "no" to requests that are not in line with your goals.

Key ideas: Questioning your "default settings," finding "task alignment" w/ your email, calendar and to-do list, and saying "no" without guilt.

Week 4: Reclaim your ideas.
You'll learn how to create space for inspiration, control your "idea consumption," and make self-expression part of your daily routine.

Key ideas: Balancing your inputs and outputs, leaning into "analog self-expression," and summoning inspiration through "high-contrast conversations."

I've been researching creativity and productivity for over 10 years now while also pushing my own big creative projects out into the world. 

RESET takes everything that I've learned and distills it down into a simple, step-by-step program that puts the power of your workday back in your hands.

Registration opens on Dec 18th. I hope you'll join me. 

Much love,

Hi, I'm Jocelyn, the human behind this email message. I created the RESET course from scratch based on my research and personal experience. I also host Hurry Slowly — a podcast about how you can be more productive, creative, and resilient by slowing down — write books, and give uncommonly useful talks. Sign up for my personal newsletter here.
A cosmic tune-up for your workday.
Copyright © 2018 Jocelyn K. Glei, All rights reserved.

 Mailing address:
Jocelyn K. Glei
140 8th Ave Apt 5R
Brooklyn, NY 11215-1745

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