[PostmansCorner] THE POSTMAN'S CORNER!




get your own
disinfectant spray



"The love that lasts the longest is
the love that is never returned."
 William Somerset Maugham


After 20 plus years of living in this old ghetto
house, the postman clan is finally getting a new kitchen.
(if you are a long time reader, you may remember way back
in the day, when I remodled the bathroom? only took me 2 and
a half years lol.)
When we first bought the place in '87, we did our best. The
place had nothing but an old laundry wash tub style sink with
not a single cupboard in the kitchen and ratty old carpet
on the floor. We went down at the time and, being short
on $$$ , we bought some old used cupboards from a salvage
yard. Functional, but after all these years we had 4
different cupboards that did not match. We did paint them
and put matching knobs and hinges on. So they didn't look so bad. And
then we put new tile on the floor. That was about 15 years ago now.
Finally, just the other day we bought matching counter tops. I remember
all those years eating breakfast and grimacing every time when I looked
at one set of cupboards with a yellow formica top, and another set with a
green color formica top. The new laminate counters really look nice.
We have folks coming in to paint the walls next week. We will put in some
new wains coating. Then we might just get some new cabinet doors.
And since the tile has been down there on the floor for 15 plus years now,
we might just put some new tile on the floor to make it
bright and shiny. Might have been just as easy to buy all brand new
cupboards. But what is done is done. Back in the day,
I might have tried to do all this kitchen remodel stuff myself.
And maybe take a couple years to get it all done. But you know what? Based on
how long it took me to remodel the bathroom, it would probably take me
at least 10 years to do the kitchen. :) The war department says I am really
good at procrastination. Well, at least that is SOMETHING I excell at :)
Had a lot of experience over the years doin it, too !!!
its kindof nice in your old age to finally have the pleasure of someone
doing all this stuff for you. I have to wonder about these folks who live
in their home for 20 years plus, fixing it up, and then finally, you get it
all done. Then they sell the place and move to Florida? I do not care for the
snow, but after living here all this time, I think I want to live here for a
while longer to enjoy it after getting it all done the way you want it. Well, of
course there is one advantage of selling, if you buy a smaller place, then
the kids can't move back in with you:)

We do hope you enjoy today's issue!
Martin aka the postman



it worked!

sick dog

income tax

stupid criminals

a peeping tom?

women soldiers

the fox...


I want the recipe



not a hand rail

the kidnapped wife

regular size condoms


Three turtles, Joe, Steve, and Poncho, decide to go on a picnic. So, Joe
packs the picnic basket with cookies, bottled sodas, and sandwiches. The
trouble is, the picnic site is, 10 miles away, so the turtles take 10
whole days to get there. By the time they do arrive, everyone's whipped.
Joe takes the stuff out of the basket, one by one. He takes
out the sodas and says, "Alright, Steve, gimme the bottle opener."
"I didn't bring the bottle opener," Steve says. 'I thought
you packed it."
Joe gets worried. He turns to Poncho. "Poncho, do you have
the bottle opener?"
Naturally, Poncho doesn't have it, so the turtles are stuck
ten miles away from home without soda. Joe & Steve beg
Poncho to turn back home and retrieve it, but Poncho flatly refuses,
knowing that they'll eat everything by the time he gets back.
Somehow, after about two hours, the turtles manage to
convince Poncho to go, swearing on their great-grand
turtles' graves that they won't touch the food. So, Poncho sets off
down the road, slow and steadily.
Twenty days pass, but no Poncho. Joe and Steve are hungry
and puzzled, but a promise is a promise. Another day passes
and still no Poncho, but a promise is a promise. After three more days
pass without Poncho in sight, Steve starts getting restless.
"I NEED FOOD!" he says with a hint of dementia in his voice.
"NO!" Joe retorts. "We promised."
Five more days pass and the two are near starvation. Near death, the two
turtles weakly lift the lid to get a sandwich. As they open their mouths
to eat, Poncho pops out behind a rock, and says, "Just for that, I'm not

Rodney called up his mother from his college and
asked her for some money, because he ran out of
it. His Mother said, "Sure, sweetie. Mom will
send you some money. You also left your calculus
book here when you visited 2 weeks ago. Do you
want me to send that up too?"
"Uhh, oh yeah, o.k." Responded Rodney.
So Rodney's mom wrapped the book along with the
checks up in a package, kissed Rodney's Dad goodbye,
and went to the post office to mail the money and
the book.
When she gets back, Rodney's Father asked, "Well
how much did you give the boy this time?
Rodney's mother answered, "Oh, I wrote 2 checks,
one for $20, and the other for $1000"
"That's $1020!" yelled his father, "Are you crazy?"
"Don't worry hon," Rodney's mom said, as she kissed
Rodney's dad on the on top of his bald head, "I
taped the $20 check to the cover of his book, but I
put the $1000 one somewhere between the pages in
chapter 19!"

A woman was waiting in the check-out line at a shopping center. Her
arms were laden with a mop and broom and other cleaning supplies.
By her actions and deep sighs, it was obvious she was in an extreme
hurry and was not happy about the slowness of the line.
When the cashier called for a price check on a box of soap, the woman
remarked indignantly, "Well, I'll be lucky to get out of here and home
before Christmas!"
"Don't worry, ma'am," replied the clerk. "With that wind kicking up out
there and that brand new broom you have there, you'll be home in no


Define The Internet Now

Agent Smith Dogs

Who Are These Beings?

Virtual Voodoo Doll

Real Friendship Kids

Have a nice day
Martin aka the postman



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