Funzines - Clean Cartoons for July 3, 2012



The time has come.

I have been doing ezines since 1999, and I think it is time to pack it in.

I want to thank my dear friends and readers!  It has been a blast!

I am going to try an experiment.  Instead of closing down the groups at

Yahoogroups, I will be turning “all” of them into member posting groups.

Please, post only if you can keep away from religion, politics and porn!

Also, only post on subject:  Adult cartoons=adult cartoons, Video Fun=videos, etc.

I will be approving all posts.  If you find you are getting too many emails per day,

write to me and let me know.  After falling and having a “mini” stroke, it is just too

hard to keep up.

I will miss doing them, as they have become a part of my life, but time to move on.


With Love and Hugs,



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