Funzine - Adult Cartoons May 31, 2011 A

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[buffalos-adult-chips] Chips For 5-30-11


Adult Adult

Welcome to Buffalosjokes and Thank You for joining us. My
name is Buffalo and I have the watch.

I have been relaxing this weekend watching old war movies on
the Turner Movie Channel and AMC. I am very fortunate to come
from a family that sent it's sons and daughters to war but had all
of them return in pretty much the same condition that they left in.
Even during the Vietnam War, I never had to attend the funeral
of a friend or classmate like many of you had to do and in my
9 years in the Navy although I lost a few friends from accidents
and had my own share of close calls, I never lost a shipmate
from an act of war and I guess the movies put me in the proper
frame of mind to celebrate the holiday. This list that was sent to
me also helps to put things in perspective. If you ae not a student
of history, you may be surprised by these figures. We have
never been a spectator in any fight for freedom and so many have
paid the ultimate price

Revolutionary War (1775-1783) Served: No data ?Deaths: 4,435 ?Wounded

War of 1812 (1812-1815) Served: 286,730 ?Battle Deaths: 2,260 ?Wounded:

Mexican War (1846-1848) Served: 78,718 ?Battle Deaths: 1,733 ?Other
Deaths: 11,550 ?Wounded: 4,152

Civil War (1861-1865) Served: 2,213,363 ?Battle Deaths: 140,414 ?Other
Deaths: 224,097 ?Wounded: 281,881

Spanish-American War (1895-1902) Served: 306,760 ?Battle Deaths: 385
?Other Deaths: 2,061 ?Wounded: 1,662

World War I (1917-1918) Served: 4,734,991 ?Battle Deaths: 53,402 ?Other
Deaths: 63,114 ?Wounded: 204,002

World War II (1941-1946) Served: 16,112,566 ?Battle Deaths: 291,557
?Other Deaths: 113,842 ?Wounded: 671,846

Korean War (1950-1953) Served: 5,720,000 ?Battle Deaths: 33,651 ?Other
Deaths: 3,262 ?Wounded: 103,284

Vietnam War (1964-1973) Served: 8,744,000 ?Battle Deaths: 47,378 ?Other
Deaths: 10,799 ?Wounded: 153,303

Gulf War (1991) Served: 24,100 ?Deaths: 162

Afghanistan War (2002-present) Deaths: 2,449 (as of May 20, 2011)

Iraq War (2003-present) Deaths: 4,771 (as of May 20, 2011) ?Wounded in
action: 29,978

Have a great holiday and if you drink. please stay off the roads....

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Fishing Chips

Fishing vs Fucking...

- No matter how much whiskey you've had, you can still Fish.

- You don't have to hide your Fishing magazines.

- It is perfectly acceptable to pay a professional to Fish with
you once in a while.

- The Ten Commandments don't say anything against Fishing.

- If your partner takes pictures or videotapes of you Fishing,
you don't have to worry about them showing up on the Internet
if you become famous.

- Your Fishing partner doesn't get upset about people you fished
with long ago.

- It's perfectly respectable to Fish with a total stranger.

- When you see a really good Fishing person, you don't have to feel
guilty about imagining the two of you Fishing together.

- If your regular Fishing partner isn't available, he/she won't
object if you Fish with someone else.

- Nobody will ever tell you that you will go blind if you Fish by

- When dealing with a Fishing pro, you never have to wonder if they
are really an undercover cop.

- You don't have to go to a sleazy shop in a seedy neighborhood to
buy Fishing stuff.

- You can have a Fishing calendar on your wall at the office, tell
Fishing jokes, and invite coworkers to Fish with you without
getting sued for Fishing harassment.

- There are no Fishing-transmitted diseases.

- If you want to watch Fishing on television, you don't have to
subscribe to the Playboy channel.

- Nobody expects you to Fish with the same partner for the rest of
your life.

- Nobody expects you to give up Fishing if your partner loses
interest in it.

- You don't have to be a newlywed to plan a vacation primarily to
enjoy your favorite activity.

- Your Fishing partner will never say, "Not again? We just Fished
last week! Is Fishing all you ever think about?"


Toon Chips For Those Who Can't Wait


Short Chips

The first guy said, "You know, I'm really lucky. When my wife makes
love, she's like an acrobat. She can get into the most incredible
positions." The second guy said, "I'm lucky, too. My wife is like a
world-class pianist when we have sex. She's got the most talented hands
you can imagine." No one spoke for a moment. Then the first guy said to
the third guy, "George how's you wife in bed?" George took a sip of his
beer, then replied, "I guess you could say that my wife makes love like
a chess player." "A chess player?" "Yeah. Every twenty minutes, she

If you cross a donkey with an onion, most of the time you simply get an
onion with long ears, but every once in a while you get a piece of ass
that brings tears to your eyes.

Two Italians, Luigi and Antonio, met on the street. "Hey, Antonio," said
Luigi. "Where you been for the past two weeks? No one seen you around."
"Donna talka to me, Luigi," replied Antonio. "I been inna da jail."
"Jail!" exclaimed Luigi. "What for you been in jail?" "Wella, Luigi,"
Antonio said, "I was lying onna da beach, and the cops come, arresta me
and throw me inna jail." "But dey donna throw you in jail just for lying
onna da beach!" Luigi countered. "Yeah, but dissa beach was ascreamin'
and akickin' and ayellin'."

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Water Chips


Southeast Treatment Plant, this is Dave...

"Is this the water department?"

Yes Ma'am, for most of this area...

"Good. I have some very technical questions to ask you about the

I'll try and help...

"Why are my nipples getting so hard?"

You're not really serious...

"I AM SO!! My nipples... they're hard and they have this white
coating on them!"

Uhhhh, huh... hard, uhhh, nipples with white, uhh... stuff...

"Not only that, they're getting warped!"

I see...

"They used to be soft, pink and round!"

I'm sure they were...

"Now they really look disgusting!"

I'm sure they do...

"So I want to know what you're going to do about this!"

I really don't think I can help you. Have you discussed this with
your personal physician?

"Yes I have! He said I should call you because he thought it was
from the water!"

I see... uhhhh, just why and how does he think the water is causing

"He said cleaning them in boiling water sometimes does that"

Sounds painful... can't you just sponge them off?


Now I understand...

"Are you going to buy me new ones?"

Why would we do that?

"Because your water ruined these. My baby won't suck them anymore.
He's been sick and I think it's from the white stuff... he used to
really suck..."

May I ask how old your baby is?

"He's six, going on seven"

Six... and he refuses the bottle? Maybe he's getting a little old
for the bottle...


I wasn't. How long have you been using these nipples?

"Since he was born"

Hmmmmm. My guess is the white film is from the calcium carbonate in
the water... kind of like bathtub ring of the nipple... and they
are hard and warped because of being boiled and bitten for six

"So! You are refusing to pay!

Well, that's not for me to decide. I was only trying to suggest
they might just be plain worn out.


There is really nothing more I can do for you...


Well, why don't you just run down to our main office. There you can
file an insurance claim...

"What good would that do? Will they give me the money?"

They will investigate and make a judgement whether to settle or

"Well, you sure haven't been any help! How do I get them to pay
more attention than you have?"

Just show them your nipples!!


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Short Chips

An old man and a young woman are stuck in an elevator and the
building is on fire. The young woman asks: "Sir I am interested
what would you do if you thought you only had twenty minutes to
live?" "Well, I think I would screw anything that moved. Why what
would you do?" "Well, under the circumstances, I think I would
remain perfectly still."


Dad, was away for a week. Yesterday I sent a fax to my wife I'd be
home that night, and when I got into my room I found my wife in
another man's arms. Why, Dad? Tell me why!" Dad kept silent for a
few minutes, then coolly said, "Maybe, Son, she didn't get the fax"


That outfit you are wearing is very becoming on you. But if you
wore me I'd be cumming on you too.


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Ed Chips

The Best of Ed Rendell, the governor of Pennsylvania.

On why he would never consider being a U.S. senator: "It's an
incredibly easy job. They don't do shit."

On his address to the Democratic National Convention in the 1980s:
"Thirty seconds into my speech, it dawned on me that I could have
reading the best parts of Lady Chatterley's Lover and it wouldn't
mattered. ... No one was listening."

On his job description as mayor: "A good portion of my job is spent
my knees, sucking people off to keep them happy."

On his refusal to deny a quote attributed to him in a Philadelphia
magazine in which he said that the publication "sucks the big wong":

"Anybody who knows me knows that it has the ring of truth, so I'm
cooked. If I had said, 'Your magazine eats shit,' I could have
denied it."

On caving in to people's demands as governor: "If I was a woman, I'd
be pregnant all the time."

To union leaders threatening a massive strike during a pivotal
contract negotiation: "I don't want to be a shit, and I don't want
to be anti-labor, but I can't grow hair, and I can't grow money."

After eight murders one weekend summer night, as he passed an
impoverished stretch of Philadelphia and concluded there was only
hope of reduced violence: "What we need in this town is on every
fucking weekend between now and September for it to rain."


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Melva/Freedom is Not Free

Melva/Tribute to A Fellow Marine

Rick w/ We're Coming Home Tomorrow

Memorial Day


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Movie Links



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Romantic Dinner

Amnesty Bills

Beer Fridge

Best Video

Big Screen TV

Bike Meets Post


Black Diamond Cheese


Romantic Chips

Signs That You're Not Romantic

You ask the waiter for a seat near the kitchen so it minimizes
the time it takes for your food to arrive.

She doesn't like the "I'm The Property of Jason" t-shirt you
got her for your anniversary.

You take your date out for dinner that consists of a coupon
for free nachos and half price on drinks.

Her candlelight dinners really irritate you 'cause it's so hard
to read the sports-page while eating.

You apologize with a dozen dandelions.

After a romantic dinner, you offer to do the dishes by letting
the dog lick the plates.

You consider pig Latin the "language of love".

Some say it with flowers, you say it with spark-plugs.

When your boyfriend got down on one knee and proposed, you
said, "Shhh!... talk to me during the commercial."

"I thought cubic zirconium looked prettier than real diamonds."


Toon Chips

How to

In Heaven


Today's Winner

Fuck The Farmers

Death By Viagra


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Limerick Chips

There once was a husky young Viking
Whose sexual prowess was striking.
Every time he got hot
He would scour the twat
Of some girl that might be to his liking.


There once was a fellow named Ben,
Who was roused by the sheep in the pen,
Though he knew it's forbidden,
He was parasite-ridden,
For trying it every now and then.

There once was a chick named Nicole
Who loved to ingest a stiff pole
It was always well-known
She'd stuff steel, wood or bone
Or maybe a tuba in that hole.
<Snagged by>


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Parting Chips

1. Mated With A Clown; 1884

2. Our Lady of the Potatoes; 1995

3. The Joy of the Upright Man; 1619

4. My Invisible Friend Explains the Bible; 1971

5. Follow Your Broken Nose; 1950

6. The Great Pantyhose Crafts Book; 1982

7. Pernicious Pork; or, Astounding Revelations of the Evil
Effects of Eating Swine Flesh; 1903

8. Thirty-six Reasons for Believing in Everlasting Punishment;

9. 1587. A Year of No Importance; n.p.

10. Life and Laughter 'midst the Cannibals; 1926


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Katie's Komfort Kolumn - Written By BJ Cassady

Katie's Komfort Kolumn
Vol 2043


BJ: Can I watch?

Sandi: Val is the next batter. You might want to wear

Sandi hands over a football helmet, shoulder pads, and
knee pads.

BJ: But I am just watching.

Sandi: There are no guarentees here Daddy.

Katie tosses the soccer ball to Val who swings and hits it
at Rudy who fields it and and tosses it to Sandi, Val has
made it to sixth base and is standing there.

BJ: Good hit Val!

Katie: It is reverse play!

BJ: What does that mean?

Sandi: It means only a base that has a hidden marker is safe
and sixth base is not safe.

Val dashes off for seventh base as everyone chases her...

BJ: Oh this is one crazy game.

To be continued


Adult Adult


Remember 9/11/01

Regarding any problems unsubscribing from this mailing list

In accordance with the 2004 Can-Spam act you can contact me at:

William Brabant
711 Pine Street Apt.1
Sault Ste Marie Michigan 49783

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Compilation and narrative copyright 2002 by william Brabant


Funzines - Clean Cartoons May 30, 2011 C

Big push for Donations, please!
Hey, you Florida Smokers, I want to talk to just you now.
We found this thing.....24.50 a carton, and 19.99 a carton
for house blend.  Go in and try the blends and pick out your
favorite.  My son has been doing this for weeks now, and
I tried it today.....they smoke longer and do not have all
the additives that regular smokes have.  In Daytona, Gainesville,
Orange City and Sanford.  Call 386-252-5790 for location nearest
to you....when you go in, please give them this number "214" and
I will get a buck off my next carton.
A fun site.....I joined and have gotten some stuff and
have gotten rid of some stuff:
Give everyone a Chuckle
Do you know that most things ships for free?
To unsubscribe, send an email to:
Without the ()
Frank, TI, Muffin, Michael, and Lionel, thank you, for your donations.
Anyone who donates a bit, will receive a link to "Club Funzines", comedy
pages.  They get changed weekly, and are filled with NEW jokes,
cartoons, pics, etc.
You can use PayPal or if it would be easier for you,
I could send you my snail mail addy.
 Anything sure would help!
Thank you, Your Editor

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