Cardi B

She's not afraid to play Trump's game.

Unlike the Democrats. They've been so busy playing it up the middle, afraid to have an edge, that they're at risk of losing.

Not that you can say that, because the groupthink posse will come and excoriate you.

You probably don't have a profile. But if you do, you're subjected to hate 24/7. Who are these nobodies filled with all this vitriol, who take time out of their day to reply to someone they do not know? I've never e-mailed someone who wrote a blog or a newsletter, never posted a comment on the "New York Times" or the "Washington Post" or any other site. Because I'd be one in a zillion, it would have no effect.

But in today's world everybody believes they're important and they're entitled to have an opinion. And what they hate most is when you color outside the lines, when you break the rules, because they can't. They've compromised their entire lives, kissing ass. Or maybe they tried to fly solo and couldn't make it, because they were afraid to put in the hard work, suffer the slings and arrows as they got better at their skill.

Groupthink. On one side, you've got Trump. You're either with him or against him. Part of Fox Nation or a libtard. On the other, you've got an educated elite telling those with less schooling and/or less economic success that they know better and they should be followed, you need to sign on and shut up, as for your individual problems...get to the back of the line, and the people there never get in the door, no action is ever taken, because they don't have any money.

But Cardi B has money. And a platform. But unlike the entertainment wankers afraid of alienating one potential customer or some corporation who might sponsor her, she's telling her truth, right away. She's not contemplating, she's not triangulating, she's experienced in the ways of the internet, unlike Biden and Harris and the DNC. Come on, does this year's campaign look much different from 2016's? You have a candidate few are passionate about saying what their minions expect and the only people excited are those hoping to coast on the coattails of the candidate if she or he gets elected.

The truth hurts.

DeAnna Lorraine decided to reach out and bite. Cardi B was sitting at home, basking in her fame, and this nobody who got trounced by Nancy Pelosi took a swing at her, and Cardi B swung back with the truth and now it's all over Fox News.

Yup, according to the DNC insiders, according to the intelligentsia of the left, if the Democrats just stayed home until election day, didn't protest, just crossed their fingers and hoped for change, the odds of success would be better. You see, according to their theory, protests are driving people to vote for Trump. YES, THE ONES ALREADY COMMITTED TO HIM!

Meanwhile, Biden says he won't defund the police and his statement is so quiet the right's lie that he plans to dominates. He could have said yes, we need drastic change, we're gonna do what they did in New Jersey, because sometimes you've got to start over, but that's too dangerous for the consiglieres, don't make waves, don't push any edges, just sit on your hands until November.

Meanwhile, Trump runs circles around Biden with a zillion falsehoods and a ton of outrageousness.

DeAnna Lorraine messed with the wrong woman. Lorraine has 382,300 followers on Twitter and Cardi B has 13.7 MILLION! In other words, whatever Cardi B has to say reaches many more people than anything Lorraine has to say...anything Joe Biden has to say, he's only got 8.9 million Twitter followers, and if you read Joe's feed you come to believe either it's ghostwritten or Biden is the most boring man in America. Twitter is for edge, you don't pull your punches on Twitter, you go for the JUGULAR!

So, DeAnna Lorraine tweets:

"America needs far more women like Melania Trump and far less like Cardi B."

Hmm... Melania gets a pass. She's a foreigner in a party that hates immigrants. She wears a military outfit and unscripted, she's got nothing to say, she's eye candy and that's it. Furthermore, she puts up with her husband cheating on her again and again and again.

But you can't say any of this. She's off limits. Whereas it's open season on every Democrat.

But Cardi B tweeted back...

"Didn't she used to sell that Wap?"

CRUDE! Maybe you see it that way, but didn't our president say to GRAB 'EM BY THE PUSSY? Why does he get a pass and Cardi B does not?

But the Democrats can't employ this language, they're afraid of being denigrated, afraid of fighting back, for fear of alienating one potential switch voter when the latest research says there are almost none of these around. That's right, very few minds are not made up. On the left it's all about bringing out the vote. But, the Democrats believe they can convert metal fans with the words of Katy Perry.

Everybody uses this language. Our president uses this language, but the Democrats can't?

Then Cardi B tweeted a censored, topless picture of Melania and said "This pic giving me " yea you fuckin wit some wet ass pussy " vibes...just sayin."


It was a drop the mic moment. Lorraine wanted to keep the war going but Cardi B had better things to do.

Come on, do you think Trump married Melania for her MIND?

No, you can't say that either. There's a double standard. Republicans are off limits but on the left it's open season. They're literally fighting with assault rifles on the right, and they're debating whether to use water pistols on the left. And you wonder why the left is not in touch with America, it's so busy triangulating as to be unbelievable, it buries the issues of the average American and if you cross a line the PC police will shut you down. Things are out of whack, but once again you can't question the wisdom of the DNC which keeps getting it wrong. They made progress DESPITE themselves, with AOC and others picking up the reins. You see the people want change, and they want stars, and AOC is a bigger star than anybody on the hit parade. Talk about enduring slings and arrows, she never backs down, doesn't worry about picking her moment, she just GOES FOR IT! Then again, she's in her twenties and the boomers don't want to give up control of their Democratic Party, to the point where they've nominated a milquetoast even older than Trump!

Cardi B was for Bernie. But she's still on the case, she'll compromise for Biden, meanwhile the Biden bros can't stop pissing on everybody who supported Sanders. Maybe they should look to see how Bernie made such inroads, how he resonated with the youth. And as far as the youth not voting, that may be true, but when Cardi B is on the case, she excites young potential voters more than any phone bank.

A rock star is someone not beholden to the system. Someone who does it their way. Someone who is a leader, not a follower. Someone who trusts their instincts. SOMEONE WHO SPEAKS TRUTH TO POWER!

Now this is the America we want to go back to. Someone who strips to make ends meet, lifts herself up (via the internet) and ends up rich and on the national stage trading barbs about the first lady. This is the upward mobility we hope for. But what are the opportunities if your skin isn't white? You can try and play the white man's game but they do their best to keep you down to the point your best avenues are entertainment and athletics. So, don't criticize Cardi B for where she came from, how she made it, and unlike Melania SHE WAS BORN HERE!

It's easy to take a stand at the end, when everybody else has already weighed in. It's quite another to push back and defend your turf when you're at the top of your game, when you're number one on the chart, when all eyes are on you, when you're not "off-cycle."

And then you have entertainers taking general stands, stuff that might come from the right place but doesn't stick because it's so bland.

Cardi B is all over Fox News, they believe she crossed a line. But WELCOME TO THE CLUB! No one on the left cares and the whole story will be plowed under by new news soon, like the pardoning of Roger Stone, which is monumental as opposed to this molehill.

Cardi knows the game, because she's playing it ever damn day. Today you go to the people yourself, you don't have your PR person call up some news outlet to print a story or have you on a TV channel that few watch. Trump redefined the game and the Democrats believe it's beneath them. There are those unwritten rules, like in baseball, where you must take the pitch on a 3-O count. Are you following this kerfuffle? Once again, the oldsters are aghast, whereas the youngsters know no one plays it that way no more.

When the revolution comes, and it could happen as soon as November, victory will not be had in the courts but the street. Yup, I don't care how rich you are, it'll be about manpower. Take your pick, if either Biden or Trump wins there are gonna be some very unhappy campers. And who are those on the left gonna listen to? Probably Cardi B and LeBron James. People who've been talking the talk and walking the walk from day one.

Here's looking at you kid.

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