welcome to:


So, the elections is done. I gotta say I am glad,
between the robo calls and the tv attack ads,
I was getting pretty tired of it. I've never been
real fond of politics. Neither was pappy. Funny thing.
he usta say that politicians and tv evangelists were about
the same. They both have a plan to save the world. And they
both want your money to do it. Just that each of em have a
different idea on how to go about it. Pappy did like to point
out though, that politicians and tv evangelists were similar
to a rabbid dog. Cuz you couldn't trust any of em. But 
the rabid dog is probably a little more trustworthy, since 
he doesn't care about your money.

We do hope you enjoy today's issue!
Martin aka the postman



its beginning to look a lot like...

I may be blind

use the tazer

the rubber breaks


I've been watching you

dinner time

pull me over

is this some sort of joke

I look mean

must be broke

a vase

pregnancy test

sex toys

how long will you wear that



jump school

a scavenger hunt

Instead of studying for the last exam

a large seminar was held for ministers in training

Do something nice for Dad

There were two men shipwrecked

What was your sin, my son

Once upon a time there was a Prince

I'd like to get a loan

the Yugo and the Rolls Royce

What happened asked the doctor

I'm Fearless Jose the bullfighter

they were now passing over the Grand Canyon

Daryle Singletary - I Let Her Lie

my pet fawn

Charlie chaplin barber sceneFunniest by Charlie Ch

Skokomish River salmon cross the road

Longtime officer loses job in sting operation

Harpo playing bubbles

John Pinette all-you-can-eat buffets

top 10 911 calls

Clever and Witty Animals! 

does anybody have a recipe

my middle finger

my imaginary friend


important to have a dog

becoming a parent


probably not true

we were wolves

2 old drunks

too drunk to drive

miss all three

a cold winter

trust me

where is this place?

On a certain Saturday, the Catholic priest came down with the flu and he 
called and asked the Protestant pastor to substitute for him at Mass on the
following Sunday. The pastor told the priest that he would like to help, but 
he knew nothing of the Catholic faith or the rituals of the Mass. The Priest 
responded that there were several alter boys and priests in training who 
would help him through the rough spots, but he really needed the pastor, 
because a rousing sermon was the thing his congregation needed the most. 
Somewhat reluctantly, the pastor agreed.

The priest then asked him to do the confession after the Mass. At this, the 
pastor drew the line and said that confession was the one thing he would 
not do, first, because it was in conflict with his own faith and, second, he 
was certain that he could not keep all of the various penances straight. 
The priest responded that he too sometimes had difficulty remembering 
all of the various punishments, but he had written them all down in a 
small book, which he had hidden under the seat. If a person said: 
"Forgive me Father, I have sinned. I have done "this", "that" and 
"the other thing", he simply had to look them up and give the person 
his or her punishment. Still feeling somewhat uneasy about it, the pastor finally agreed.

On the next day, the mass went surprisingly well. The helpers helped 
him at all of the right times and the congregation responded to his 
sermon very well. He had chosen "The 10 Commandments" because it 
always goes over well. With slightly sweating palms, he finished the Mass 
and slowly made his way into the confessional booth.

The first person, a young woman, said: "Forgive me Father, I have sinned. 
I have done "A", "B" and "C"" and, sure enough, he found all of the 
sins and their individual punishments clearly written out in the priest's 
neat handwriting. It went the same way for each and every person 
that followed and he found that he rather enjoyed listening in to all of 
these people's private lives. Up to the last person, that is.

An older man came into the booth, sat down and began: "Forgive me 
Father, I have sinned. I know that I should not have done it but I have 
had anal intercourse once again." The pastor looked up "anal 
intercourse" in the book. It wasn't there! He fervently tried "sodomy", 
"butt fucking", "rectal sex" and everything else he could think of but
none of them were in the book! He excused himself and ran into the 
priest's small office and called him on the telephone.

When the priest answered, he said: "Quick, tell me, what do you give
for "anal sex" The priest thought about it and responded, slowly: 
"Well, it all depends. Sometimes a candy bar. Sometimes an 
ice cream come. But usually not money."


Posted by: "Martin a.k.a. the postman" <martin7957@yahoo.com>
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